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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-10-08, Page 12
Page 4 - Win hani Advance -Tithes, Thursday, Oct. 8, 1964 GO! GO! GO! MUSTANGS — The WDHS football team is burning up the sod these days practising for the fall sea- son. The first game with Clinton last Thursday saw the visitors win by a 6-5 count.—Yearbook Photo. MUSTANG HALFBACK Bob Lunn is tackled in a practice session as the high school team warms up for the current fall season.—Yearbook Photo. IT WAS A BANG-UP CAMPAIGN at the high school last week as candidates electioneered for seats on the students' council. Glen Madill assists candidate Jim Na - smith put up posters over the lockers.—Yearbook Photo. FIFTEEN YEARS from now you will be fifteen years older ... will you be wealthier and wiser or just wiser? JUST CALL OR WRITE THOS, BRUIN DISTRIC'T MANAGER BOX 394 WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-3661 rt-111nvesto rr. j �3Sf ill Cs� U©®'t® f o r CANADA. LIMITID Mustangs Lose Season's Opener Wingham Mustangs played their first game of the football season with Clinton. Despite the fact that the Mustangs ran over top of Clinton, they lost 6-5. Murray Procter opened the scoring in the first quarter with a 20 yard field goal. A safety in the second and third quarters gave Wingham their other two points. Doug Campbell, Bob Lunn. and John Watson all carried the ball to within a few inches of the goal line without success. It was carried over about five times but in each case was call- ed back because of penalties. Today (Thursday) the Mus- tangs will play Exeter. We have high hopes that they will be victorious. John Watson as- sures me they can be if they try. 0--0--0 A female spectator to Wayne Farrier: "Do you know anything about football?" Wayne Farrier: "Most eve- rything. But I am never able to discover who is this fellow "Rah" they're always cheering. And another thing I can't un- derstand is why half the boys playing win the game." getiffinVit activities lst WINGHAM SCOUTS This week the meeting will be held in Wingham District High School at 7:30. Sixteen Cubs will be coming into Scouts and this ceremony is called the "Leaping Up of Cubs". All Cub and Scout parents are in- vited to come. The duty patrol will be the Stag Patrol. There will be a paper drive headed by the Scouts at the end of this month. Please save your papers. These drives have been very successful. The last time the Scouts earned over $200. Also, "Boy Scout Apple Day' is coming up on October 17. 0--0--0 "B" PACK CUBS The "B" Pack Cubs met at the Scout House last Thursday evening with 35 Cubs and four leaders present. The opening Grand Ilowl was taken by Mrs. Monty Bennett and led by the Green Six. Inspection followed, taken by ACM Sinnamon and ACM Miller with the Brown and Blue Sixes tied for top points. Again the boys were all complimented on their excellent uniforms. Tcnderpad instruction was given by Akela, Mrs. Robert Ahara, 'with New Chums Roger Tiffin, Terry Harcourt, Randy Elliott and Bob Seli passing the Law, Promise, Salute and Grand I fowl. Each boy now has only one more requirement be- fore this group may be invested as full fledged Cubs. ACM Miller took the group finishing 2nd Star Knots and ACM Sinnamon instructed the rest of the Cubs in 2nd Star semaphore. John Schipper, yellow Sixer was picked to lead the Grand Howl in competition at the an- nual Field Day in Walkerton; Sixer Bill Hilbert and Seconder Steven Lloyd to carry the Queen's colors and "B" Pack colors in the parade. ACM Bennett will be in charge of the pack at field day. CANDIDATE SPEECHES highlighted the campaign for elec- tion to students' council on Monday at the WDHS. Dar- ryl Gibson is pictured giving his speech as supporters hold up his slogan. form. Other candidates are on the plat- -Yearbook Photo. LI'L PEDRO — By de la Torre SCI -100L OF MAGIC r. • Everyone has somnethinr!, to save Joi:.. Canada Savings Bonds / now on sale! EASY TO BUY You can buy Canada Savings Bonds for cash or on instalments—at work'on the Payroll Savings Plan—or at banks, authorized investment dealers, stockbrokers, trust or loan companies. They come in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000 up to a limit of $10,000 per person. (� 64.5 SIMPLE TO CASH You can cash Canada Savings Bonds at any time at any bank at their full face value plus earned interest. When ready money is required all you have to do is complete the redemption form on the Bond and present it to your Bank. You will receive your money immediately. They are instant cashl GOOD TO KEEP You get interest on 1964 Canada Savings Bonds on Nov. 1st each year -41/2% for each of the first two years; 5% for each of the next five years and 5'A% for each of the remaining three years—giving an average return when held to maturity in ten years of 5.00%a year. They're worth keepingl J