HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-10-01, Page 7r10 99i 1 ,w,.Y.•r®,w►,rsor,Grua...,.o„tri,w.,,.....iw..u.w„sw.n.wrw.,r I4 1 Jack Alexander 1 AUCTIONEER114 and Appraiser We handle Town and . i 1 Farm Sales j Phone 357-3631 - Wingham rFM.. 0 .1111.0.111.0 4111111.1.011.410. 1.11110.011011.1111.0 OM 0 411.0.100 4.1k0.1.•41 4•1111.4111.1411.141111111.111110111.11.10.0 11.1 Maitland Valley Conservation Authority TENDERS Tenders for the construction of new Outlet Works for the Lower Pond (P.U.C. Dam) in Wingham, On- tario, will be received by: The Secretary -Treasurer, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, 139 Inkerman Street West, P. O. Box No. 760, LISTOWEL, Ontario. ry until 12:00 o'clock, noon, Friday, October 9, 1964. Plans, specifications and contract documents may be Iobtained from the office of the Consulting Engineers. In part, the work comprises the supply and instal- ,c 1lation of corrugated metal culverts, reinforced con- crete headframe and rip rap tailrace, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Crysler, Davis & Jorgensen, Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 5803 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. Business and Professional Directory AMBULANCE Service CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE Day - Night 357-1430 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO O PTOMETR1 STS Phone 118 HARRISTON - ONTARIO BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE &STARKE Chartered Accountants Trwitee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 2nd Floor, PUC Building Cor. Josephine & John Stet. WINGHAM, Dial 357-1561 A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater - Ontario Tel. 392 6879, Teeawater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment P. D. Hemingway, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Professional Office Building LISTOWEL, ONTARIO For Appointment: Phone 1650, Listowel Pearson, Edwards &CO. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy. 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 357-2891 Gaviller, McIntosh & Ward Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy', ('.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitor, Etc. Wingham - Dial 357-3630 J. H, CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HE THE RI NG TON, Q.C. J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Offico--Meyer Blk., Wingham DIAL 357-1990 PHAIR AND ACHESON BOX 663 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS KINCARDINE PHONE 55 Wingham Advance -Times, 'Thursday, Oct. 1, 1964 - Page 7 15, SIX AIRCRAFT ARE NOW kept at the local airstrip own- ed by W. B. Cruikshank which account for increa,ing air traffic over Wingham. From the left the planes are: Russ Farrier's Aeronca Champ; a Piper Cub Coupe, Wingham Flying Club; another Aeronca Champ, owned by Herb Litt, of Teeswater; a Cessna 172, owned by W. B. Cruikshank and Dr. Stewart Leedham; a Cessna 140, owned by Jack Brooks, of Wingham, and a Cessna Sky- lark, owned by Mac Smith, of Listowel. —Advance -Times Photo. Moyer Premier Breeder At Black and White Show Though rain threatened all day. and there were some light showers, a large ringside sat to watch the Black and White show staged at Teeswater Fair by Bruce County Holstein breeders. There was an in- crease both in exhibitors and animals over last year's show as sixteen breeders paraded 73 head before Judge Arnold Wea- ver, Belmont. Peter Moyer, of Mildmay, was named Premier Breeder, while the Premier Exhibitor honor went to James T. Need- ham, Ripley. The Senior and Grand Champion female was Spring Mark Beulah, first prize dry four-year-old shown by Peter Moyer. Beulah is a large, very MISCELLANEOUS ONE SADDLE MARE, well broken to saddle and cart, to put out to feed for winter. Filly colt for sale. Phone 357- 3708. lb JENKINS GARDEN SERVICE Garden tilling, Dial 357-2683. 1-8b PAINT NG and DECORATING CHARLES RLN'rOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham, Ont. l6rrb NOTICE Custom work—Back hoe trench- ing, water pipes, ditches, etc. Jonathan Wagler, Gorrie, Ont. Phone Fordwich 57R22. S17 -022b FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sand- ed and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Ph. 357-2750, Norman Rintoul & Sons. 16rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. 015" NOTICE If you are thinking of financing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first, Reub- en Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357-1679. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY WIngham, R.R. 5, Dial 957-9799 9III®I I lan i Iat i I11I l Lal l l■I I Iai iial l ial l llal i iai I Iall ia11l®I l Lal l Lal I ll10111al l Lal l Lal l iaitai I I1I I lol 1 1®III®I I I®I I IBI I IBI I Ial l llI I I10111!$ NEWSPARKLE... New look for your car! .WINGHAM BODY SHOP NORTH STREET PH. 357-1102 s UIIiiiIIalllalllallllllllallllllllalIiNIIIahl NlIl.lllalll®IllalIlalhaIII®IIIahIISIII111Ilelll®II ISII111iIiNiIIaIIIaIIIaiiI!•IIImin.II! From scratches to smash-ups, anything that goes wrong with the body of your car, we make right fast. Drive in soon . . , let us re- store showroom gleam and glow. straight cow with a good rump. A persistent winner, she was Reserve Grand Champion at this show last year. At the close of this year's performance Beulah presented her owner with a handsome male calf. The Junior and Reserve Jun- ior Champion females stood first and second in the senior yearling heifer class. The Jun- ior Champion, in first place for Ken Gowanlock, Port Elgin, was Gowanlock Citation Dona. Dora was Reserve Junior Champion at this show last year and was the top 4-11 calf in Bruce County. In second position and Reserve Junior Champion for Peter Moyer was Moyerdale Dijax Nellie, a strong, deep heifer with a sharp shoulder line. There were no senior bulls shown. Both the Grand and Re- serve Grand Champions were found in the senior bull calf class. The winning calf, Jun- ior Champion for James T. Needham, was named Grand Champion. He was Mandeen Inka Supreme Robert, a very stylish, well balanced bull with great depth of heart. The Re- serve Junior and Reserve Grand was Gowanlock Dekol R., a smooth calf who typed in well with the Champion. llis ex- hibitor was Ken Gowanlock. Rosafe Phoebe Supreme, shown by James T. Needham, took the award for highest to- tal production, with 137, 758 lbs. milk. In the group classes Need- ham showed the first prize sen- ior get -of -sire, a group by Ma- ple Lea Skokie, and took the award for the winning progeny of dam with progeny from Ormsby Governess Pansy. Ken- neth Gowanlock had the win- ning junior get by Rosafe Cita- tion R, and the first prize dam and daughter pair. Peter Moyer had the top junior herd. HURON COUNTY S[IOW At the !futon County Black and White Show held in Sea - forth there were 85 head shown by 16 exhibitors. There were no senior bulls shown, the Grand Champion- ship award going to the Junior Champion, l3anella Count Jin- gle., who placed first in the junior yearling hull class for George Hayden, Gorrie, and Allan Wylie, of Clifford. The Reserve Senior and Re- serve Grand Championship watt to the first prize aged cow in milk, shown by Edward P. Bell, Myth. She was Snid- ers Fond Reflection, who was Grand Champion at this show last year. The second place senior yearling heifer was George 1 layden's lianella Dude. Dawn In the group classes, George I layden showed the winning senior get -of -sire, a group by \la)ers Majesty Duke. Ile al- so had the first prize senior herd, dairy herd, and dam and daughter pair. Ross llarshall showed the first prize junior get -of -sire, a group by Rosafe Centurion, and also had the top junior herd. Other first prize winners were: Edward F. 13c11, first dry agcd cow, first three-year-old Wroxeter Personals Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart, Patti and Susan, visited Sunday with Mrs. H. W. Hart of Preston and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hart of Galt. Mrs. Eliot Cranch of Ro- chester, N.Y., visited a few days with Miss Gertrude Bush, Mrs. W. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson. Sunday visitors with Misses Elsie and Marion Gipson were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gibson of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jackson, Stoney Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy of Gorrie and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig attended anniversary ser- vices at McIntosh Church on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush were Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Weir, Calvin an- Karen of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green, Lynda and Janis of Goderich. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wep- pier of Chesley were Sunday vi- sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mat- thews and Mr. Harold Matthews of Preston, accompanied by in milk, first dry two-year-old; John McAllister, Centralia, first dry four-year-old; Elston Spearin, Brussels, first dry three-year-old; AllisterBroad- foot, Brucefield, first two- year-old in milk; Ross Mar- shall, first junior yearling heif- er; Fred Vodden & Sons, of Clinton, first senior heifer calf; George Hayden first junior heifer calf, Mr. Henry Sage, Listowel, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Ross Toman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gib- son and Susan of Gormley visit- ed Saturday with Misses Elsie and Marion Gipson. LARGE CONGREGATION AT McINTOSH CHURCH LAKELET-The McIntosh United Church anniversary ser- vices which were held on Sun- day were well attended inspire of inclement weather. The speaker at the morning service was Rev. Douglas Ste- ven, new minister of the charge. The evening service was conducted by Rev. Harold Piller' of Pine River. Special music by the choir added greatly to the services. from CRAWFORD MOTORS 1962 1962 1961 1957 1957 1954 FORD FAIRLANE 4 -Door, 8, Automatic PLYMOUTH 4 -Door AUSTIN SPRITE Value for the sports enthusiast CHEVROLET 4 -Door, V8 DODGE 4 -Door, V8 MERCURY 1/2 -Ton Express MOTORS Your Dodge , Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer WINGHAM PHONE 357-3862 EARLY AMERICAN COMPLIMENTS ANY HOME — ALWAYS IN STYLE 10 -PIECE SET *Davenport *Chair *2 Toss Cushions *2 Step Tables *Coffee Table *2 Table Lamps *Floor Tri -Lite Terms: $32.00 down. $3.47 week SPECIAL COMPLETE 29790 This popular styling is covered in a beautiful print designed to en- hance Colonial furniture. Excellent craftsmanship, combined with finest materials makes this grouping a must for every home with a heart. 410 FURNITURE JOSEPHINE ST., WINGHAM PHONE 357-1170