HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-10-01, Page 6Page 6 - Wingham Advance -Tin -4:s, Thursday, Oct, 1, 1964 TELL IT T.. _ WITH FOR SALE NINE -PIECE fumed oak dining room set for sale. Phone 357- 2063. 30b 200 -GALLON oil tank for sale. Phone 392-6878, Teeswater. Florence Henry, 24-1* DRE SED GEESE for Thanks- giving for sale. John Brewer, phone Brussels 371J17. 1* TWIN CARRIAGE, metal bed, dresser, clothes •dryer, electric range for sale, Anton Jace- wicz, 86 John St, ib 2 FURNACETTES for sale, coal or wood. Phone Wroxeter 816 Rlll, Mrs. Howard Ryan, R. R, 1, Bluevale. 1* 2 -PCE. BATHROOM SET for sale, 325.00. Phone 357-3482. 1-8b 18 CORDS HARDWOOD for sale, J. C. McBurney, 357- 3078. 1* CEDAR POSTS for sale. Roy Wormington, phone 357-3617 1-8b STRAW STACK for sale, About 20 tons. Clean. Reasonably priced. John Dunn, phone Clifford 307R13. 1* GIRL'S Little Nugget green winter coat for sale, size 10. Green wool dress, size 8. Both excellent condition. Phone 357-3880. ib MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 614", 85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 14rrb FOR SALE—Good eating ducks. 5 miles north Gorrie, left, first house left. Edwin Yoder, Clif- ford, Ont. 17-24-1-8* 3 -PIECE girl's winter coat set, red velvet with white fur trim, size 2; 3 -piece girl's winter coat set, blue with grey fur trim, size 4. Both dry clean- ed. Phone 357-1663. 1* CAPONS for sale. Oven ready, government inspected. Fresh for Thanksgiving, Place order. Oscar Schefter, 357-1997., Wingham, 24-1-8b MILDMAY CIDER MILL will make cider every day except Saturday. Apple butter by ap- pointment. For sale—Cider, apple butter, used whiskey barrels. Phone 367-4471. 24-1-8b FOR SALE—Chesterfield; large wardrobe, two drawers with mirr-or; single wardrobe with mirror, practically new; large buffet; 2 double beds, springs and mattresses, one metal and one wood; small tables. 343 Frances Street, lb SLABS, WOOD SALE Quantity of dry soft maple and elm piled in cord lots at $2.50 per cord, cash and carry. HEMLOCK LUMBER Quantity of rough 1" and 2" dry. CRAIG SAWMILL Auburn — Phone 526-7220 17-24-1b FALL SUIT SALE --- It's sale time at ARMITAGES in Wingham with their Anni- versary Bond made to meas- ure suit sale -- where during this sale you are given extra pants FREE—made from the same cloth as the suit, Why don't you he one of the hun- dreds who have taken advan- tage of the Free Pant Sales. For $58.00 you can have a suit made to your individual measurements and made any style you wish - - with extra pants FREE this suit nor - manly sells at 376.00 with ex- tra pants -hut during the sale just 358.00. You can take de- livery of suit in October, Nov- ember er December, but your order must he in before Oc- tober 12th which is last day of sale. Extra trousers are yours k'REE at ARMITAGES in Wingham. S24rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BLACK I-EI:('HERON MARE', for sale, quiet and reliable, single or double. Brod 1'ala- nunn, l'hone 357-3018, Bel - grave, lb AYRSHIRE for sale, to fresh,•n early October. second salt, Apply Ian Woolcnx, R. R. 2. Wingham, phone Wrnxc ter 541W1. 1t> 26 K ('cU'NKS for sale. Apply to Clarence Ritchie, phone 357-219x. 1' CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:30 23rrb TAXI SERVICE LEE'S TAX 24 - HOUR SERVICE Long or short trips DIAL 357-1521 We carry taxi insurance REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN GORRIE -- 10 room brie house, hydro, three piece bat and furnace; also small barn Suitable for large family o nursing home, Mrs, Olive May 17-24-1 50 -ACRE FARM for sale, 2': miles from Wingham on high way. Insul brick house wit., sun porch. Also new furnace built-in cupboards and bath room, Barn with straw shed and cement stables, water or pressure, garage. Anyone in• terested contact 357-1237. 11: ECONOMY HOME IN BLUEVALE 3500.00 down buys this 3 bed• room, insul brick home, modern kitchen, new bathroom, electric hot water heater, 2 space heat, ers, lovely living room and din• ing room, partial basement partly insulated, large 160'x160 lot, taxes $48.00 yearly, Ful'. price 33,900.00. Present mortgage 32,300.00, repayable monthly ai $35.00 per month. Balance car be arranged, Phone or write: GEO. Re JOIINSTO Real Estate Broker BOX 249, VEST LORNE, ONT, Phone 164 or for information or appointment: Phone Wingham 357-2715 1-8b PROPERTIES FOR SALE Attractive rug brick ranch style home, large living room ,vith picture window, fully mo- lern, nearly new. excellent lo- 2ation, close to schools and busi- ltess section. Priced reasonable -nortgage available. 7 -room solid brick house, two Sleeks to main street, good lot, garage. A good buy for a family -tome, immediate possession. 2 bedroom cottage, nice living room built in cupboards in kit - then, bathroom. An ideal home for a retired couple at a low price of 34,500.00, 5 -room cottage, living room, new cupboards in kitchen, 2 'edrooms, 4 piece bath. oil fur - lace, This home can be purch- sed with a low down payment tad balance on monthly pay - 'nen ts. Many more homes to choose 'rom. Contact: WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial Wingham 357-2174 1b ELLIOTT REAL, ESTATE AGENCY GORDON B. ELLIOTT, Broker Phone 523-4481, BLYTH, Ont. TED ELLIOTT. Salesman Ph. 357-1590, WINGHAM, Ont. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS No. 1---3 bedroom, brick veneer, white sand and lime brick (new). 1st floor -- kitchen, kitchen area, living room, dining room, two piece bath, garage. Recreation room, laundry room, loads of extras in beautiful home, with con_ struction by N. Rintoul & Sons. C.M.H.C. mort- gage ea 6' c Mr. Save all the building problems and also the sales tax increases. No. 2 Four bedroom, brick veneer and frame, near schools and hospital, very low priced, an ideal fam- ily home. No. 3 1'_ storey frame instil sided, throe bedroom home, low taxes (380 00), three blocks from school, with low down payment, immediate possession. No. 4- Duplex, brick veneer, in- come home. Now rented and will produce lfl nn your investment. 24-1b POULTRY FOR SALE 150 LEGHORN Fisher 103 pul- lets for sale, 5's months old. Charlie Mathers, phone Brus- sels 371.15. 1* - FIVE EFI'NDREI) 103 Fisher pullets for sale, ready to lay. These are excellent pullets. Phone R. Hill. 392-6414, Tees - water, lb HAIR DRESSING b ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham -- Dial 357-2981. rrb FOR RENT FOR RENT —Bed -sitting room with kitchen privileges, on John Street, Phone 357-3520. 1b GROUND FLOOR heated apart- " ment for rent, 3 rooms, bath k and laundry room. Apply Box h 55, Advance -Times. lb r 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent, 3 pee. bath, utilities in - eluded, good location. Reas- onable. Phone 357-1557. 1* • 6 -ROOM HOUSE for rent, with t two bathrooms. Phone 357i , 1236. 1b • 3 -ROOM upper apartment and 4 -room lower apartment for L • rent. Phone 357-2151. 1b ' 2 BEDROOMS for rent with bathroom and kitchen, separ- ate entrance. Phone 357-1335. lb L LOWERED RENTS for winter months. Furnished or unfurn- • ished apts. One reduced to $50, • includes heat, electricity and water. One at $30, unheated. Telephone 357-1236. ib i 3 -ROOM APARTMENT for rent, one bedroom, electrically heat- ed, all conveniences, furnished or unfurnished. Available Oct. 1. Phone 357-2084. 1* SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE for rent, in town, good location, 4 bedrooms, dining room, living room, bathroom, kitchen and basement, oil heating. Long term tenant desired, no tem- porary tenant accepted. Rent very reasonable for right peo- ' ple. Phone 357-2575. 1-8* MALE HELP WANTED UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY WITH LEADING COMPANY ' IN AGRICULTURAL FIELD Farm background necessary. Age 25-45. You must have car. No over -night travelling nec- essary. To cover rural areas of Huron County calling on farmers. This is pleasant work with ex- cellent future for advancement ' and opportunity to earn good income in the fertilizer field. Do nut reply unless you have recent farm background. Write to: P. J. Harrington, Vice President, Box 84, London, Ontario, 24 -lb • HELP WANTED Male and Female ROY CRAMM at Pinkerton, Ont., wants to hire a married man for work on farm and in ' seed cleaning plant, and his wife to clerk in general store. Man must be capable and understand operating all farm machinery and feeding beef cattle. Good house available, ' equipped with hydro, new oil furnace, new bathroom, etc. ' This is a year round job for : satisfactory man and wife. 1 Good wages paid plus holiday pay, Apply to Roy Cramm, Pinkerton, Ont., phone Car- gill: Store 366-2494; house : 366-2478, 17-24-1-8h FEMALE HELP WANTED .HELP WANTED --Female. Ap- ply T.G.A. ib EXPERIENCED clerk or gen- eral office work, Apply Post - office Box 310, Wingham. lb RELIABLE WOMAN required for general housework. All modern conveniences. Refer- ences required. Phone Wrox- eter 201.1. lb , AVON START AT ONCE --- Earn big money supplying Avon Christ- mas gifts. We train you to represent Avon. Write Mrs. Shirley Latham, 2410 3rd Ave. W„ Owen Sound, or call Col- lect FR 6-4643. 10-01b WANTED ROOMERS WANTED. Phone ' 357-2652, Mrs Harold Con- ' gram. 24-1b ' 357 - 3114 is the number to call for RESERVATIONS or TAKE- OUT SERVICE Banquet seating to 120 Danny's Restaurant TENDERS WANTED TOWN OF WINGHAM TENDER FOR SANITARY SEWERS Sealed tenders addressed to the Town Clerk, Mr. William Renwick, will be received by him until 5:00 p.m, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1964 for the construction of the fol- lowing sanitary sewers: 525 lin. ft, of 10" dia. pipe, 884 lin. ft. of 8" dia. pipe, 646 lin. ft. of 5" dia. private sewer connections, 6 precast concrete manholes, Plans, specifications and ten- der forms may be obtained from the Clerk and from the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, B, M. ROSS, P,Eng., Consulting Engineer, 41 West Street, Goderich, Ont. lb TENDERS WANTED MORRIS TOWNSHIP Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon Oc- tober 5, 1964, for three trucks to plough snow anywhere in the Township of Morris .as directed by the Road Superintendent. Tenders to state year, make model and .horsepower of the truck, type of plough and length of wing and price per hour. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Helen D. Martin, Clerk, Morris Township, Belgrave, Ont. 24-1b TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Sealed tenders will be receiv- d by the undersigned up to 12 ,'clock noon on Saturday, ()c- aber 3rd, 1964, for snowplowing n the Township of Howick for he winter of 1964-65. Description of equipment to )e stated and tenders to be sub- nitted on Township tender orms obtained from the under- igned, Lowest or any tender not ecessarily accepted. Anson Galbraith, Road Superintendent, Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. 24-1b IN MEMORIAM SUTTON—In memory of Sam- uel Sutton, who passed away October 3, 1957, also his bro- thers and sisters, Richard, William, George, Charles, Elizabeth and Henrietta, Their memory is a keepsake With which we will never part Though God has them in His keeping We still have them in our hearts, —Ever remembered by his niece, Edith Agnew, and neph- ews, of London. lb When Offering Your Property For Sale 'ou should expect and receive ompetent advice and planned advertising. [� SELLING RATE FOR OUSES IN WINGHAM IS 3%. hese services are available When you call and list with WILLIAM S. REED al Estate & Business Broker Dial 357-2174, WINGHAM DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT ARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Vingham Dial 357-3106 ead Animal Lic. No. 262-0-63 MARLATT'S EAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses )ver 500 lbs. More for sick and lisabled Cows and Horses nc- or(ling to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE (,';ALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT russels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 95163B BIRTHS McKAGUE . -, In St., Joseph's Hospital, Estevan, Sask., on Monday, September 14, 1964, to Rev. and Mrs. Peter D. McKague, a son, Alan Ken- neth, a brother for Jeffrey Peter, MORRISON---Tn Wingham and District Hospital, on Wednes- day, September 23, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, William J, Mor- rison, Brussels, a son. RAYNARD --- In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday, September 25, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Raynard, R. R. 1, Lucknow, a son. STANLEY — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, September 26, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs. George Stanley, Luck - now, a daughter. BRYDGES — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, September 26, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Brydges, Wing - ham, a daughter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER, OF THE ESTATE OF VERNA HARRIS, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spin- ster, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the late Verna Harris, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T, GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executrices of the said Es- tate, on or before the 10th day of Octobe:, A.D. 1964, and that after such date the Executrices will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 10th day of September, A.D. 1964. Alice Newton and Estella Kermath, Executrices of the Estate of Verna Harris, By their Solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, Box 119, WINGHAM, Ontario. 17 -24 -ib CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for cards, letters, and visits while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London.—Mrs, Alvin Moffat. 1* THANK YOU To all who took advantage of the mass chest x-ray survey and the tuberculin testing program, Our special thanks to the many volunteers who assisted in or- ganizing the survey, delivered the cards and worked in the clinics. You will be pleased to know that the Christmas Seal contributions helped pay these costs.—Huron County T. B. As- sociation, Box 100, Seaforth, Ontario, Donald I. Stewart, President. lb AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Royal T Dance Hall, Wingham SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd 1 p,m. sharp We will sell several lots of private household effects. No. 1 lot belonging to Mrs. Herbert Campbell: Chesterfield and 2 chairs with walnut frame (Fry & Black- hall); dining room suite, exten- sion table, buffet and six chairs, leather seats, (solid oak); cabin- et radio; small antique chair; number of tables; refrigerator; Reach electric stove (like new); Inglis washing machine; kitchen table, six chairs; 2 large Wilton rugs; 3 Wilton hall runners; 1 antique glass topped kitchen cupboard: 1 antique bureau; 1 vouch; 2 serving machines; power lawn mower; assorted dishes; pans; sealers; tools, and many other articles. No. '2 lot—Mr, George R. Scots: 1 platform rocker, green up- holstery; 1 swivel living room chair; living roost walnut cor- ner cupboard; antique setter with needlepoint 2 piece back; living room extension table, seats 10-12; table lamp; chair. No. 3 lot—Mrs. .Tohn Burchill: 2 coal or wood heaters; Cole- man oil stove with fan; writing desk; 4 rockers; kitchen chairs; extension table; child's table ('LASING NOTICE Dr, W. A. Crawford's office will be closed from October 5 to 19, inclusive, 1b BLL'EVALE INTERMEDIATE Softball team are sponsoring a dance in the Bluevale Com- munity Hall, Friday, Oct 9, Tif- fin's orchestra, Lunch booth. lb TEA AND BAKE SALE In the 'Council Chambers, Fri- day, October 23, at 3 p.m., spon- sored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion. lb C. W. L. HARVEST TEA, Home produce and bake sale, Wednesday, October 7, 3-5 p,m, Council Chambers. Everyone welcome. 1b ATTEND THE International Plowing Match. Bus going October 8th and 9th. Tickets to be picked up by Oct, 5th, See Downie's or phone 357-1554. lb AT HOME TO FRIENDS Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Michie will be at home to their friends on 'Wednesday, October 7, from 2-5 and 8-10 in honour of their 50th wedding anniversary, No gifts please. 1* ODDFELLOWS' FOWL BINGO Will be held in the new Odd - fellows Hall on Josephine St. Bingo starts at 9 p.m. 16 regular games for chickens, 4 specials for turkey, Admission 31.00, ex- tra cards 25c each or 5 for $1.00. lb PRENATAL CLASSES A series of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, October 7, 1964, at 2 p.m., in the Therapy Room, downstairs in the Wing - ham and District Hospital. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date or write to the Health Unit, Go- derich. 24-1b A RECEPTION VVill be held for Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 'Walker (Shirley Met- calfe) in Mildmay Community Hall, Saturday, October 3rd. Ladies please bring lunch. Ev- erybody welcome. 1b BINGO Will be sponsored by Branch 180 Royal Canadian Legion on the first and third Wednesdays of every month starting Wed- nesday, October 7th, at 8 p.m., in the Wingham Town Hall, Prizes 12 games at 310.00 4 share the wealth, one 350 jackpot, Ad- mission $1.00, extra cards 25c or 5 for 31.00, Phone 357-2126 for transportation. 17 -24 -ib ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Harry Jackson, of Wingham, are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Dianne Beverly, to Mr, Garth Wayne Walden, son of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Walden, R, R, 3, Blyth. The wedding will take place on Saturday, October 17, 1964, at 3,30 p,m., in the Wingham United Church. 1* ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, of Bluevale, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Patricia Joan, to Mr. Lawrence Augustus Hunt, son of Mr, and Mrs, Freeman Hunt, Belle Island, Newfoundland, The marriage will take place 11:30 a.m., Saturday, October 10th. in Sacred Heart Church, Wing - ham, 1'` ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Harry Adams, of Goderich, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Marie Margaret, to Douglas John Skinn, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Skinn, of Wing - ham. The marriage will take place at Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, Saturday, October 24, 1964, at 11 a.m, lb and chair; high chair; child's crib; arm chair; bedroom suite; 2 chest drawers; commode; bed, spring, mattress 2 wash stands; 2 toilet sets; spool antique bed; Daisy churn and butter bowl., clock; gas lantern; household scales; fog light for car; antique tea pot and cream pitcher; quantity of dishes, etc. No. 4 lot: Large dining room table; automatic combination washer - drier (Easy), Terms --Cash, 3% tax in effect. Clerk—Roy Porter, Auctioneer — Jack Alexander, phone 357-3631, lb Property for Sale Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS WINGHAM OFFICE — 187 JOSEPHINE ST., DIAL 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER We have a sincere purchaser who is retiring from the farm And would like to purchase a good bungalow type home con- sisting of two or three bedrooms. Property to be located not far from the main street of Wingham. This would be a cash deal, so if you have been thinking of selling your home don't miss this golden opportunity. SENSATIONAL HOME BUY—Attractive rug brick 3 bed- room ranch style bungalow, with attached garage, located close to shopping facilities and is landscaped with beautiful lawns and trees. The new deluxe quality built home will appeal to the inner wants of the careful home buyer, with its bright up-to- date kitchen, elaborate over sized living room, fine four .piece bath and three family sized bedrooms. The full basement is airy and bright and lends itself. well for a recreation room with its attractive fireplace. This home is insulated to hydro specifications and is completely heated by electricity. There are many more costly extras too numerous to mention. So don't miss seeing it at your earliest convenience. Terms can be arranged. BUILDINGLOTS FOR SALE—not too far from Wingham's stain street. Access to water and sewers. Owner has instructed us to submit all offers as he is anxious to sell, $8,900 ---full price for a bright 1'2 storey red brick home lo- cated on Charles Street. Home consists of modern conven- iences such as built in cupboards, four piece bath, oil furnace, etc, Terms can be arranged, 310,900-- full price for this 200 acre rich farm in Bruce County. 1'2 storey brick home with hydro and water on tap, Bank "L" shaped barn 40'x56' and 36'x40'. 18 ties, water bowls, hydro and litter carrier. A modest down payment and easy terms can be arranged, $12,500 for 100 acres of level stone free land. 8 rooms, 1'2 storey brick home, all with modern conveniences that slake pre- sent day living so enjoyable. Bank Karn 40'x60' with water, hydro, and cattle ties. Garage 12'x18', This farm is situated only a few short miles from \\Wingham. Low down payment and terns can he arranged, WE ARE IN GREAT DEMAND FOR FARM LISTINGS for 100 acres to 300 acres. So if you h -ave been thinking of selling, please call us at your earliest convenience. Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE,' FLESHERTON, OVEN SOUND, HANOVER, BRAMPTON, GUELPH, PORT ELGIN, WINGHAM, CHESLEY MEMBERS OF THE Grey Bruce Real Estate Board - Orangeville Real Estate Board Brampton R.E.B. - Owen Sound R.E.B. - Guelph R.E.B. Ontario Association of R.E.B - Canadian Association of R.E.E. MULTI LISTING SYSTEM ASK ONE OF 01.14 AGENTS HOW TO GET MAXIMUM COVERAGE BY LISTING YOUR PROPERTY AS A MULTIPLE LISTING TIIRoi'GfI PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD. "We Sell Rural Ontario" s 4 a a 0 •