HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-09-24, Page 10MINER Page 2 - Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 SCHOOL FAI The 44th annual Belgrave School Fair was held last Wed- nesday beginning with a color- ful parade of school children led by the Belgrave Pipe Band. Perfect weather conditions helped to draw a large crowd, The fair was officially open- ed by W. T. Cruickshank, owner of CKNX Radio and TV. in Wingham. Entries were down in com- parison to other years especial- ly in the livestock and the bak- ing classes, The school work classes were up and the quality of the work was excellent. Judges were, fruit and veg- etables, Lloyd Mainprize of Petrolia; home economics, Mrs. Ian McAllister of Seaforth; flowers, Mrs. Cliff Epps of Clinton; school work, J. 11. Kinkead and J. Coulter of God- erich; ponies, John L. Currie, R. R. Wingham, poultry, Irvin Bowes of Blyth; pets, George Procter, R. R. 5, Brussels. The Huron County 4-11 Sheep Club also held its Achievement Day and Norman McCully of R.R. 2, St. Marys was the judge. GRAIN --OPEN From Home Farm Medium or Late Oats: Arn- old Pease, Morris 1; Susan Scott, Morris 4; Murray James, Morris 3; Mary Ellen Walsh, Belgrave; Michael Walsh, Bel - grave; Ronald Campbell, Mor- ris 7. Early Oats: Brenda Johnston, Belgrave. Barley: Joyce Taylor, E. W. 9; Calvin James, Morris 3; Janet Haines, Morris 7; Brenda Johnston; Mary Ellen Walsh; Michael Walsh. Winter Wheat: Muriel Tay- lor, E.W. 13, Michael Walsh; Brian Walden, U. S. S. 6 ; Ja- net Gaunt, Morris 7; Mary El- len Walsh. Sheaf of Oats: Susan Smith, Morris 4; Joyce Taylor; Billy Fear, Belgrave; Brenda John- ston; Mary Ellen Walsh; Mi- chael Walsh. Sheaf of Barley: Brenda Johnston; Joyce Taylor; Mi- chael Walsh; Mary Ellen Walsh.. Bale of Hay: Jack de Groot, E.W. 6; Ramona Hanna, E.W. 6; Raymond Hanna, E. W.6; Ken Hopper, Morris 7; Wayne Hopper, Morris 7; Muriel Tay- lor. Husking Corn: Bill Garniss, Morris 7; Evelyn Bieman, E. W. '1; Jacob Mucelwyck, Brus- sels R. R. 4; Wayne Hopper, Morris 7; Muriel Taylor; Ken- ny Young, Morris 12, Silage Corn: Glen McLen- nan, Morris 8; Mary Grasby, Morris 5; Muriel Taylor; Glen Nixon, Belgrave; Harvey Black, E.W. 13; Bryon Black, E.W. 13. Sweet Corn: Barbara Snell, E, W. 6; George Snell, E.W. 6; Rosemarie Kelly, Morris10; Brenda Johnston; Dorothy Kel- ly, Morris 10; Calvin Nixon, Belgrave. Hybrid Field Corn; Sandra Procter, Morris 5; Mary Gras - by, Morris 5; Marjorie Proc- ter, Morris 5; Donnie Carter. E. W. 10; Maxine Procter, Morris 5; Bill Garniss. JUNIOR GRADES ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Seed Supplied by Fair Mangels: Ken Empey, E. W. 16. Turnips: Jean Caldwell, E. W. 10; Darlene Coultes, E.W. 9; Wayne Caldwell, E. W.10; Trudy Shoeman, Morris 1; Marie Empey, E.W. 16; Gor- don Passchier, Belgrave. Beets: Ronnie Snowden, E. W. 7; Cathy Bone, Morris 6; Calvin James; Sharon Cook, E. W. 6; Susan McCall, Morris 12; Lorna Mason. E.W. 7. Cabbage: Ross Casemore, Morris 7. Carrots: Don Edgar, Morris 7; Murray Craig, E.W. 7; Ronald Campbell; Joe Ecken- swiller, E. W. 7; John Mitchell, Belgrave; Brian Warwick, Mor- ris 8. Cucumber: Velma Fear, Belgrave; Nelson Nicholson, Morris 4; Calvin McLennan, Morris 8; Rose Marie White, Belgrave; Louis Sanders, Mor- ris 5; Alice Beecroft, E.W. 7. Onions: Janet Haines; Lor- na Caldwell, E. W.10; Clara Wasson, Morris 12; Karen Gal- braith, E.W. 9. Parsnips: Murray Black, E. W. 13; Nancy Anderson, Bel - grave; Raymond Nicholson, Morris 5; Brenda Johnston. Squash: Bradley Campbell, Belgrave; Ruth Ellen Currie, E.W. 9; Bert Sanders, Morris 5 Connie Nethery, Belgrave; Ja- nice Anderson, Belgrave. Don't be halt -protected ti If your insurance program doesn't adequately cover you against major possibilities of loss, you may wake up one day to find yourself in serious financial trouble. It's wiser to let us check your insurance needs now—for your home, car, family or business. We'll give you a prompt, frank appraisal of your situation without cost or obligation. W. B. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage Agents for—Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 5 JOHN ST. W. WINGHAM PH. 357.2636 DRAWS LARGE CROWD I FIRST WINNERS—For the first time in the history of the Belgrave School Fair sheep were exhibited by members of the Huron County 4-H Club. Winners were Hughie Todd, of R. R. 2, Lucknow, with his South - down entry, Don Watson, of R. R. 4, Clin- ton, won second place with a Leister Cross. There were 17 entries judged by Norman McCully, well known sheep breeder, of St. Marys.—A-T Photo. Muskmelon: Raymond Han- na; Ray McNichol, Morris 1. Watermelon: Beverley Casemore, Morris 7; Grant Vincent, Belgrave; Barbara Muclwyck, Morris 5; Ray Ro- binson, E. W. 7; Jamie Nes- bit, Morris 1; Dianne Cook, E. W. 13. Mangels: Ruth Ellen Currie; Karen Currie, E.W. 9; Louis Sanders; Murray Black; Joan Black, E. W. 13; Sandra Cur- rie, E. W. 9. Early Potatoes: Ruth Ellen Currie; Lorne Scott, E.W. 13; Glen Nixon, Sandra Currie; Mark Lockhart, U.S.S. 16; Barbara Snell. Late Potatoes: Doreen An- derson, Belgrave; Nancy An- derson; Ken Empey; Joyce Nethery, Belgrave; Michael Walsh; Sandra Currie. Turnips: Trudy Shoeman; Gary Caldwell, E.W. 10: Jean Caldwell; Wayne Rammalon, Morris 12; Keith White, Mor- ris 3; Raymond Rammalon, Morris 12. Largest Pumpkin: Muriel Taylor; Randy White, Morris 3; Colleen White, Morris 3; Barbara Snell; Jane Caldwell, E. W. 10; George Snell. • White Beans: Ronald Camp- bell; Doreen Anderson; Ray- mond Nicholson; Brian War- wick. ar- wisk. Colored Beans; Nancy An- derson; Brian Warwick; Keith White; Glenn Whitehead, Morris 7; Michael Walsh. Collection of Vegetables: Nancy Anderson; Doreen An- derson; Brenda Johnston; Janet Gaunt; Don Edgar, Morris 7; Kevin Pletch, Belgrave. FLOWERS Asters: Bradley Campbell; Cathy Bone; Lorna Caldwell; Franklyn Wilson, Morris 1; Ronald Campbell; Glen Walk- er, E.W. 9. Cosmos: Wayne Caldwell; Ross Casemore; John Congram, WIN THIS 1/4 INCH ELECTRIC DRILL FREE TICKET with every dollar or more purchase. Get in on the FUN. FALL IS FAST APPROACHING! Hard summer driving leaves your car in poor condition to face the tough winter driving just around the corner. PLAY IT SAFE — Give your car a complete check -over NOW. PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY. ert Armstrong Garage "WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN" NEW STUDEBAKERS AND QUALITY USED CARS JOSEPHINE STREET, WINGHAM PHONE 357-1460 E.W. 9; Beth Bryant, Morris 12; Lloyd Carter, E.W. 10; Kathy Dunbar, E.W. 13. African Marigolds: Brian Warwick; Joyce Nethery; Alice Beecroft; Mary Anne Wheeler, Belgrave. French Marigolds: Jean Caldwell; Murray Wightman, E. W. 6: Bill Sellers, Morris8; Ricky White, Morris 3; Duncan Anderson, Belgrave; Karen Galbraith. Larkspur: Christine Hartliel, Belgrave; Janet Haines. Snapdragons: David Staple- ton, E.W. 9; Carol Gross, E. W. 16; Don Edgar; Beverley Casemore; Ray Robinson; Ron- nie Snowden. Petunias: Trudy Shoeman. Phlox: Marjorie Procter. Zinnias: Mark Lockhart; Barbara Empey; Dale Patter- son, E.W. 16: Susan McCall; Gilbert Nethery, E.W. 16. Cornflowers: Janice Ander- son; Nancy Anderson; Ray- mond Hanna; Murray Black; Darlene Coultes; Leslie Brewe; Morris 8. Stocks:. Velma Fear. Gladioli: Danny Lamont, Belgrave; Catherine McClin- chey, E.W. 16; Murray Irwin, E.W. 7; Margaret Arbuckle. E. W. 9; Gail Mayberry,, Bel - grave; Brenda Johnston. Dahlia: Gail Mayberry: Glen Walker; Janet Haines; Wayne Caldwell; BarbaraSta- pleton, E. W. 9; Murray Irwin. Bouquet of Roses: Ray Ro- binson: Brian Warwick; Don- ald Scott, Belgrave; Barbara Mucelwyck. Dining Table Arrangement: Ray Robinson; Barbara Staple- ton; Don Edgar; Michael Walsh; Murray James; Carol Ann Wheeler, Belgrave. Living Room Arrangement: Don Edgar; David Stapleton; Barry McDonald, Morris 12; Donald Carter; Barbara Staple- ton; Janet Haines. Corsage: Kevin Pletch, Bel - grave; Cindy Thornton, Morris 10; Don Edgar; Darlene Coul- tes; Brian Warwick; Michael Walsh. FRUIT Northern Spy Apples: Brad- ley Campbell; Sandra Smith, Morris 3; Robert Nesbitt, Mor- ris 1; Joyce Smith, Morris 3; Murray Black; Lorna Mason. Snow Apples: Robert Nes- bitt; Brenda Johnston; Lorna Mason; Barbara Cook, Belgrave Norma Smith, Morris 3; Calvin James. McIntosh Reds: Lorna Mason; Bradley Campbell; Murray Wightman; Glen Wightman, E. W. 6; Marion de Groot, E. W. 6; Cameron Cook, Belgrave. Apples, any other: Robert Nesbitt, Lorne Scott. Pears; George Snell; Gail Mayberry; Murray Craig, E.W. 10; Brenda Johnston; Wendy llesselwood, Morris 12; Greg Cook, E.W. 13. Crabapples: Murray Wight - man; Greg Cook; Debbie Cook, E. W. 13; Doreen Ander• son; Alice Beecroft; Glen Wightman. Assorted Fruits: Dwight La - mond, Belgrave; Donelda La - mond, Belgrave; Dale Lamont, Belgrave; Danny Lamont; Cal- vin Nixon; Glen Nixon. POULTRY Pair of Pullets: Muriel Tay- lor; Velma Fear; Carol Ann Walker; Donna Walker, Bel - grave; Lorne Scott; Allen Walker, Belgrave. Pullets under 5 mos.: Bill Sellers: Market Cockerels: Mark Lockhart: Joyce Nethery; Joan Currie, E.W. 9; Connie Neth- ery,; Lorne Scott. Heavy Breed Pullets: Ronnie Snowden; Ray Robinson, Mark Lockhart. Heavy Pullets under 5 mos.: Evelyn Bieman; Ray Robinson; Janice Dunbar, E.W. 13; Ca- meron Cook; Glen Walker; David Dunbar, E.W. 13. Young Ducks: Bob Gray, E. W. 9; Carol Gross; Duanne Currie, E.W. 9; Glen Walker. Muscovy Ducks: Muriel Taylor; Calvin James; Carol Gross; Murray James; Lorne Scott; David Stapleton. Brown Hen Eggs: Murray Wightman; Brenda Johnston; Glen Wightman; Joan Currie; Ronnie Snowden; Billy Cook, E.W. 13. White Hen Eggs; Bill Seller Gail Barbour, Morris 8; Cathy Barbour, Morris 8; Murray Ir- win; Barbara Snell; George Snell. SENIOR GRADES ROOTS & VEGETABLES Seed Supplied by Fair Mangels: Tom Black, E. W. 13; Harvey Black; Billy Fear; Murray Walsh, E.W. 10; Nancy Craig, E.W. 10; Donnie Walsh, E. W. 10. Turnips: Leslie Caldwell, E. W, 10; Ian Scott, E. W. 13; Ralph Scott, E. W. 13. Beets: Dale Pletch, Morris 3; Bryon Black, E. W. 13; George Johnston, Belgrave; M- nold Pease; Keith Black, E. W. 13; Jane Campbell, Morris7. Cabbage: Margaret Robert- son, E.W. 7; Alex Cloakey, Morris 5; Marlene Pletch, Morris 3; Ross Craig, E. W.10; Donna Edgar, Morris 7; Jul- aine Anderson, Belgrave. Carrots: Richard Anderson, Belgrave; Lois Eckenswiller, E.W. 7; Mavis Bailey, E.W. 10; Linda Snowden, E.W. 7; Ken Mathers, Morris 8; Linda Walden, E.W. 6. Cucumber: Cameron Ander- son, Belgrave; Patsy Casemore, Morris 7; Beth Bryant; Ray Mathers, Morris 8; Margaret Pattison, E. W. 7; Ramona Hanna, E. W. 6. Onions: Keith Elston, Mor- ris 7; Brian Fear, E.W. 10; Bonnie Cook, E.W. 13. Parsnips: Barbara Pattison, E.W. 7; Jack Sanders, Morris Please turn to Page Three W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 WISH I HAD LIVED IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS! BUT THINK.... NO WONDER DRUGS THEN LIKE THE ONES IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION YOU HAD FILLED AT VANCE'S DRUG STORE Cream, Eggs and Milk Pickup OR DELIVER TO BLUEVALE CREAMERY Phones: WINGHAM 357-1639; Wroxeter 15J1 D. A. ROBERTSON. rrb IIRIIIRIII®I1I01II�III�IIIfal1INlll■III I IW!liIllI�l11111IISIIIRIIl�il191IIYIIl 11I�l INI BRUSSELS TRANSPORT SERVING BRUSSELS AND BELMORE COMPLETE LIVESTOCK TRUCKING AND SHIPPING SERVICE Ships your hogs every Monday forenoon direct to Kitchener O. H. P. Ship Tuesday cattle, calves, Iambs to Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto, for top market prices If Monday Holiday — Ship hogs Tuesday For Pick-up Service — Phone Collect: Phone 122 Teeswater, 392-6156 GEORGE JUTZI, BRUSSELS K. C. PRESS, BELMORE 111119IIRI118il11't' IIIRIII®IIIRI11RI11m1111111161lIIIRIIIRIIIRIIIRIIIRIIIRIII1111111®uIRnIR1nP We're old hands at get- ting farm equipment back into peak condition. See us now before your busy season begins. MASSEY-FERGUSON NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT DIONE HARVESTERS CHAS, HODGINS MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE WINGHAM PHONE 357-1440 GET QUALITY IN CATTLE Make sure your cattle have proper minerals supplied at all times by making available SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals or SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals; fed free choice. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle contains all the essential minerals needed by your livestock to help improve feed assimil- ation and general animal health. SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals for Cattle con- tain high levels of phosphorous for areas or feeding conditions with a particularly bad phosphorous deficiency. ALS.. SNUR'GAIN. essential minerals for cattle per-.wl. ... E.:) essential minerals MIN OIMINI kit special minerals for cattle SRUR•SAIR DIVISION 1 ...AT REALISTIC PRICES Wingham Feed Mill DIAL 357-3060 WINGHAM, ONT. • s 4 r 0 h H 4 1 ti