The Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-09-24, Page 5weim Iuill*llh(ul WuuliIIuntimoIwi'IYWholo ncipl'IAnlrulIlll■ulr
Blade OR Rib Roast LB. 43ROUND BONEt
Shoulder Roast LB. 39C
Prime Rib Roast u° 59S
Rib Steaks LB. 654
Chuck Steaks 4e 49G
Ground Chuck LB. 53c
Side Bacon 14e PKG. 69t
SIDES, lb. 47c
CHUCKS, Ib. 39c
IGA Fancy Tomato Juice, 20 -oz. 4/59c
IGA Wax Beans, 15 -oz. 4/59c
IGA Beans in tomato sauce, 20 -oz. 4/59c
IGA Catsup, 11 -oz. 4/59c
IGA Peanut Butter, 9 -oz. tumbler 2/49c
Ingersoll Cheese Spread, 16 -oz. 57c
Shirriff's Good Morning Marmalade,
24 -oz. 57c
Clark's Pea Soup, 15 -oz. 2/27c
28 -oz. 2/37c
Walker's Saltines, 16 -oz. 4/99c
Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon, I/2 -lb. 59c
TreeSweet Blend Juice, 48 -oz. 59c
Kraft Dinner 6/83c
Kraft Pizza Mix 49c
Quaker Instant Oats, 72 -oz. bag 59c
Captain Crunch Cereal, 11 -oz. 37c
Heinz Baby Food, 5 -oz. 6/59c
Carnation Morning Milk, 16 -oz. 2/27c
Royal Instant Puddings 6/88c
Outspan Valencia Oranges, 2 dozen 69c
Ontario Fancy Red Macintosh Apples, 6 -qt. 69c
Ontario No. 1 Washed and Trimmed Celery 2/69c
Ontario No. 1 Sno-white Mushrooms, S lbs. ............69c
Ontario No. 1 Yellow Cooking Onions, 10 lbs. 49c
Ontario No. 1 Washed Carrots, 5 Ib. poly bag 29c
Highliner Haddock in batter, 14 -oz. 49c
Frozo French Fries, 2 lbs. 39c
Frozo Peas and Carrots, 2 lbs. 39c
Frozo Cut Green Beans, 2 lbs. 49c
rlllwululu�eulputput�rluMuli�ulnllupulalnr�Iupu ialuem�ul�ulamelln■n 1pulr
Trousseau. Tea
Al Ahara Home
Mrs, Robert Ahara enter-
tained at a trousseau tea at her
home last Saturday in honor of
her daughter, Margaret Jane
(Peggy) whose marriage to
Charles R. Campbell takes
place this Saturday in St., Paul's
Anglican Church,
Mrs. Ahara received her
guests assisted by Miss Peggy
Ahara, the bride -elect, and
Mrs, Robin Campbell.
Many lovely shower gifts
were received and displayed
along with the trousseau and
wedding presents.
The tea table was set with a
lace cloth, floral arrangement
of white gladioli and deep pink
Dandles in silver candelabra.
During the afternoon Mrs,
Andrew Straughan of Goderich,
aunt of the groom -elect and
Mrs. Iris Morrey poured tea,
while in the evening, Miss Lily
Ahara, formerly of Belfast,
Ireland, great-aunt of the bride -
elect and Mrs, Fred McGee,
sister of the groom -elect, pre-
sided at the tea table. Serving
were Misses Joan and Ruth Ben-
nett and Miss Daphne Robb.
Miss Kathie McDonney, cousin
of the bride -elect and Miss Ja-
net McGee, niece of the
groom -elect, both junior
bridesmaids, answered the door.
Miss Mary Ahara; and Miss
Margaret Morrey were in charge
of the trousseau,
Out of town guests from
Shedden, Fingal, St. Thomas,
Goderich, Mitchell and Sea -
forth were present.
See Prize -Winning
Hooked Rugs
lace Conn and Alma visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wadel
in Teeswattsr on Sunday and saw
her hooked rugs, one of which
won first prize at the Canadian
National Exhibition in Toronto.
Her rugs are hooked with the
aid of a hoop.
Last summer Mrs. Wadel at-
tended a short oourse in Toronto
on rug making and passed the
exams. She received a certifi-
cate which makes her eligible
to teach and it is understood
she will instruct night classes at
Wingham District High School
if enough interest is shown to
warrant the course.
The fall meeting for teachers
of Retarded Children's schools
for District 5 was held in Evan
Lea school, Chesley, on Satur-
day. The officers for the ensu-
ing year were elected; Presi-
dent, Mrs. Florence Reavie,
Wingham; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Mary McGill of Chesley;
regional representative, Mrs.
Nellie Harcourt, of Mount For-
Change Name
Of Foxton Dairy
The Foxton Dairy on Jo-
sephine Street which has been
operated by Mr. and Mrs. Re-
mus Bailey for the past two
years, will be known as Sun-
rise Dairy. The new name
goes into effect immediately.
92nd Birthday
FQRDW ICH -Mrs. Jennie Mo -
sure celebrated her 92nd birth-
day yesterday (Wednesday).
Although her eyesight and
hearing are failing Mrs. Mosure
has a remarkable memory. She
remembers clearly the happen-
ings of more than the past 50
Mrs, Mosure enjoys fairly
good health and loves a car
ride, She lives alone and takes
care of her own home,
Exchange Vows in
Mildmay Church
Wedding vows were exchang
ed between Raymond Gordon
Walker of Wingham and Shirley!
Elfreda Metcalfe in St. Mat-
thew's Lutheran Church, Mild-
may, at 2;30 p.m. Saturday.
The groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Walker of
Wingham and the bride's par-
ents are Mr. and Mrs, Mac Met-
calfe,, Mildmay.
The church was beautifully
decorated with white and yellow
gladioli, The pastor, Rev. L.
Irschick, performed the cere-
mony. Soloist was Miss Flor-
ence Kahl and Mrs. Robert Hinz
was organist.
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther, the bride was becomingly
gowned in a pure white formal
dress of silk faille with scooped
neckline, lily -point sleeves and
fitted bodice. The sheath
skirt featured appliqued Swiss
re -embroidered lace, the full
back blending into a chapel
train. Her headpiece was of
rosebuds and petals, holding
her bouffant veil. She carried
Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept.. 24, 1964 - Page 5
features from
The World of Women
Must Feed Hungry,
Murray Gaunt Tells W.I.
There was a large attend-
ance at the September meet-
ing of the Women's Institute.
Mrs. R. Powell presided.
Reports were read and cor-
respondence included acknow-
ledgement of a donation to
Golden Circle School. Roll
call was answered with gifts for
the Cancer Society. Seven ,
parcels and $11.15 were re-
A social committee with
Mrs. Powell as convener, was
appointed to act for the next
two months. Mrs. D, S. Mac -
Naughton and Mrs. N. Keating
were named delegates to the
rally in Hensall on October 5,
with Mrs. G. Gannet as alter-
Breakage of cupboard locks
and the renting of dishes were
discussed. Mrs. Powell and
Mrs, C. Shiell were asked to
have the locks repaired and in
future the rental for dishes will
be $3,00.
The conveners for home ec-
onomics and health, Mrs. O.
Haselgrove and Mrs, J. Henry,
prepared the program. Mrs.
Haselgrove presided.
Mrs. 1lorace Aitchison in-
troduced the guest speaker,
Murray Gaunt, M. P. P. for Hu-
ron- Bruce. Mr. Gaunt said,
"What we need is a healthy
economy. We are fortunate
people with lots to eat and to
wear. Many people do not
have these and never have."
He said that education and liv-
ing costs keep mounting. Tax-
payers are demanding security
and it is a need but it costs
money. To keep a balance
some things must be cut out.
Mr. Gaunt said Canadians are
paying taxes to the limit. There
are only 18 millions of people
to draw taxes from in Canada
compared to the 80 millions in
the United States,
Mr. Gaunt pointed out that
we are responsible for, and
must get help to the nations
that need it. India, China and
Japan have a third of the
world's population. These
countries are overcrowded now
and the situation will get worse.
The speaker told his audi-
ence that Russia is cautious
and is not as great a threat as
Mr. Gaunt was thanked by
Mrs. MacNaughton.
The motto, "God gives us
each the ingredients for happi-
ness, the mixing is left to our-
selves", was given by Mrs.
Henry. Peter Martin, a Grade
7 piano pupil, played "Sona -
Shower Heid in
Council Chamber
Mrs. Cliff Robb and Mrs,
Raymond Merkley, assisted by
neighbors, were hostesses last
Wednesday evening for a
shower in honor of Miss Peggy
Ahara. The event was held in
the council chamber which was
decorated with pink and white
streamers and bells.
Miss Ahara was seated be-
neath a decorated umbrella
and presented with a corsage
by Mrs. Merkley. Miss Mar-
garet Morrey, Miss Mary Ahara
and Mrs. Merkley assisted the
bride -elect in opening the ma-
ny lovely gifts.
Miss Ahara thanked her
friends and neighbors for the
gifts and invited everyone to
her trousseau tea.
Mrs, Fred McGee conducted
several games. The prize win-
ners were Mrs. Ritchie, Miss
Mary Phillips, Mrs. Ken Leitch
and Mrs. Frank Riehl.
Special Music for
101st Anniversary
Large Congregations at-
tended morning and evening
services on Sunday when Wing -
ham Baptist Church observed its
101st anniversary. The church
was beautifully decorated with
fall flowers.
The guest minister, Rev. E.
Mills of Bethel Baptist Church in
in Fergus, spoke on "The Cost
of Discipleship" at the morning
service and his topic in the eve-
ning was "Jonah Is Not a Myth".
Miss Lois Sinclair was the
organist and her sister, Miss
Ruth Sinclair played the piano.
Ducts were sung by Mrs,
Grant Haller and Mrs. David
Stewart of Toronto. In the
morning they sang "Nothing
Satisfies but Jesus", and"Oth-
ers". At the evening service
they sang "1 Trust in God" and
"I Sing of Thee". Grant I lallet
of Toronto, guest soloist, sang
"My Heavenly Father Watches
over Me" at the evening service.
tina" by Kuhlau.
Mrs. Keating presented the
resolutions which will be dis-
cussed at the next meeting on
Friday, October 16. The Blue -
vale W.I. will be guests at that
a white Bible on which was a
mauve orchid, with white ste-
phanotis and green ivy.
The maid of honor, MissJa-
net Metcalfe of Kitchener, and
bridesmaids, Miss Grace Met-
calfe of Mildmay, sisters of the
bride and Miss Frances Walker
of Wingham, sister of the
groom, were attired in willow
green elegante peau gowns
trimmed with nile green and
showing scooped necklines and
elbow sleeves. The controlled
skirts were full at back with
vile green inverted pleats.
Their headpieces were fashion-
ed of rosebuds and petals.
The junior bridesmaid, Miss
Marlene Jamieson and the
flower girl, Mary Jane M e t -
calfe, sister of the bride, wore
dresses of nile green trimmed
with willow green and match-
ing headpieces. The flower
girl carried a cascade of yel-
low mums.
Best man was Albert Smyth
of Wingham. The ushers were
Leonard Metcalfe of Mildmay,
brother of the bride and Bill
Thompson of Toronto. Junior
usher was Gerald Metcalfe,
brother of the bride.
Reception and dinner were
held at the Hartley House,
Walkerton, where the bride's
mother received in a leafgreen
brocaded dress with brown ac-
cessories and corsage of yellow
sweetheart roses. The groom's
mother wore a mink brocaded
dress with green accessories and
yellow roses.
For their wedding trip to
mid -eastern Canada the bride
wore a black and white tweed
suit with black accessories and
corsage of sweetheart roses.
They will reside at 74 Carling
Terrace, Wingham.
Guests were present from
Toronto, Kitchener, Stratford,
Listowel, Lions Head, Fergus,
California, London, Wingham,
Clifford and Belmore.
1 F
Friday & Saturday, Sept. 25 & 26
From 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.—Both Days
Both Evenings from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m., at the
FROM ST. VINCENT ISLAND, between the Barbados and Trinidad
'Limbo Dancing 'Caribbean Style Band `Refreshments
arvey Kro z Ltii.'�