HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-09-17, Page 12Page 4 - Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept, l7, 1964 b SIU _elm's yc'kiiee�✓ A few years back .in ency- clopedia was a luxiny afforded only by a limited few --clergy- men, senior school teachers, the odd doctor and iawver. Not so to -day. The pace and scope of education has quickened and broadened to the point where few parents are able to offer any worthwhile assistance to their student off- spring. A carefully edited and clearly reproduced encyclop- edia has become of tremendous value in every home where a new generation is set Nang to keep pace with the millions of facts presented to flim by a changing, world. HOW TO JUDGE AN ENCYCLOPEDIA Among the questions the prospective purchaser of an encyclopedia should ask him- self are the follow iq,: Is the encyclopedia publist:- ed by a company ti.:at is re put - able, experienced, and we11- establisiled Does it have a 1+e:mallc'rlt editorial and art staff' Does it leave an Fdite'rial Advisory Board Meade :' o: nationally e d..:cators and scholars' ilo\ti authoritative .. it': can determine this at the list of i:t:1:'.:t .. and consultants at I?:. ^c llni:? . - the first 'volume. =`y ie: e"ti:ii c'. at the end of each major article in The World bode., yo:: can find the name e'f its c 'nrrit�:ae`t', Is there a definite editorial plan followed thio :o:a'; Check the organization of such ' groups of articles as states, provinces, presidents. and countries. Are the articles accurate? Look up articles in fields lith which you arc familiar. Are the text and pictures uncle r- standable? Do they include all important facts? Have the articles been writ- ten without bias and prejudice? Does the encyclopedia cover subjects in all areas of know- ledge? Do you prefer the alphabet- ical arrangement or the topical one? Has consideration been giver to the length of articles, with adequate space for articles on generally recognized important subjects? Have the articles been writ- ten so that readers, young and old, can easily understand them? How easy is the encycloped- ia to use? Check the following: 1. Does it have a single alphabetical arrangement or some other arrangement? 2, Are the volumesnumber- ed and lettered clearly? :3. Is there a liberal use of cross references? 4. Is a pronunciation, given for difficult words? 5. Do long articles have centre and side headings in bold type? >. Are the article titles boldly identifieu' 7. Are the articles well ill- ustrated" S. Has color hen used ... the Pictl.res and rnar•s` 9. Do major articles have lists of books to read' Is the encyclopedia rep up to date t :rtr..gi: a ;grogram of continuous re'` aeon:' .C`eCk such s::hjectsairplane, Guided :!is.- e•\ and STs'lSpace ra - ee 1-.. DI'es rhe publisher have .-nn_:al Supplement or Year- book that reviews ti.e cutstarlC- :mi e'.ert; 1'' How well are the books made` b the paper of good printing, �. gala':" Is pr ,� good' q Is the binding sturdy, insect - 1 ' 6 r able"' n_.:: olid .�a.n r For fartixr information on how to j::dg an encyclopedia, see Constance Winchell's -Guide to Reference Books • publ:siae•d by the Amer:can Li- brary Association. Before yoll purchase an en- cyclopedia, make sire that you understand its basic purpose and place. If necessary, consult a librarian to make sure that the work is standard and modern. After you purchase the ency- clopedia, clopedia, t'SE IT' Put it in the place, at home or in school, where it can give maximum value. Childcraft Meets Needs of Early Learning Years World Book makes available not only its encyclopedia --it provides a complete through - school program of learning aids which are of incalculable value to your children from their ear- liest grades right through uni- versity. . Childcraft is a treasure house for children, parents and tea- chers. Its 13 volumes for chil- dren with two additional vol- umes for parents, teachers and librarians are filled with 500 child guidance topics, child interest and school study guides. Four of the volumes are specifically for the purpose of awakening interest in science.. Six volumes are intended to aid in developing social studies learning. There are over 400 pages of worthwhile, construc- tive activities. Three volumes contain true stories about great and famous people, designed to develop in the child a sense of the importance of his- torical background and the Cyclo -teacher Aid to Students The Cyclo -teacher Learning Aid is constructed of anodized aluminum and high -impact plastic. An indexed file pro- vides handy storage and easy greatness of his inheritance in a free land. Childcraft presents a com- pletely new concept in pre- school and primary learning tools that will help build a foundation for life-long learn- ing. access to Cycles and special disposable answer wheels which enable indefinite reuse of the Cycles. The Cyclo -teacher is a scientific method for individ- ualized instructfon, designed to meet the individual needs of children of all ages, as well as adults. The machine offers more than 220 cycles developed on the basis of student needs identified by teachers. Mater- ials are prepared by skilled ex- perts guided by educational authorities on a wide variety of topics that include: study skills, mathematics, language ax‘a, identification, and vocabulary building. Color coding facil- itates filing and colorful illus- trations clarify meaning. The Cyclo -teacher extends the use of the World Book En- cyclopedia, the World I3ook Dictionary and the World Book Atlas. One of its most import- ant functions is to provide ra- pid "make-up" and "catch-up" work --enrichment for gifted students and help for slower learners. It enables the student to move ahead with the secure feeling of knowing that he knows. Now is the time! Back'to'sch sol time! Time to buy World Book Encycl + • edi ;w 1 SIX GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE WORLD BOOK OVER ALL OTHERS-TH/S WEEK MEETS THE NEED BEST As parents, you are keenly aware that the need for knowledge was never so great. Modern educational methods require reference reading in practically every study area. World Book—more than any other encyclopedia — has been specifically planned to fit your child's coarse of study. World Book is inter- esting and inviting to read, and is prepared by more than 2,500 leading authorities. MOST USABLE World Book is edited to be used and used often— not only by school age children, but by all others in the family. It is easy to read, easy to use. In addi- tion to providing as many as five more volumes than other sets offered at comparable prices, World Book contains more than 11,800 pages, over 24,300 illustrations (6,100 in color), and 1,825 maps. Every Province issuing a recommended list of reference books has approved World Book for purchase and use in its schools. When you decide on World Book, you can be sure you are giving your family the most encyclopedia e ' hl recommended Y highly Y UP TO DATE The current World Book—the one you will receive if you buy now—is the product of continuous edi- torial revision, and incorporates comprehensive treatment of material new this year. The events of today, the revolutionary changes and discoveries of today, the new thinking and new science of today are represented in its pages. And your family is kept up to date by the World Book Year Book—pub- lished annually and available to World Book owners. SOLD BY THE FINEST REPRESENTATIVES The World Book Representative who will visit you uses no subterfuge. There are no devices to force either our product or our people into your home. Because vie respect your privacy, we firmly adhere to this policy. Our employment standards are ex- tremely strict and training is intensive. All the facts and figures will be given you, and any questions will be completely answered. You will enjoy the informative visit of your World Book Encyclopedia Representative, a neighbor you can trust. FAVORED BY EDUCATORS FOR THEIR PERSONAL USE In the past 12 months alone, more than 105,000 sets of The World Book Encyclopedia have been selected by educational leaders for their own homes, class- rooms, and libraries... even though they have access to every reference work published. World Book out- sells every other encyclopedia in the world today. PRICED FOR EVERY FAMILY The established prices for World Book Encyclo- pedia and companion educational products are clearly stated in our advertising for everyone to see. All of our representatives in our world-wide sales organization are thoroughly trained to adhere to this firm price policy, and are forbidden to sell under any other implication. In that way we can continue to deliver honest value at the most reasonable rates. EASY TERMS as little as $10 down, $7 a month available. Aristocrat binding (shown) with 24K gold stamping and top edge gilding, 20 volumes...$209. Transportation charges or any applicable taxes not included. d to to �:•.;+�. ,Yeti•:,\ r:F9e•�:.v{: ........ ., ,r: +:}:,^::.vet:•Y•.+w: ::...,. , ... . . ... ... v::.,...•:::v... ...,.::•....r...rv•:.rin,;:::•: $: •: •'.:•$,.ir:::i:+::•i:;:: ;• .:w::: N:w; •. ..;<.:,r... ,:..;,i; i;.:.; + ....:... ...:: :+•. e:• :n:::...:::::: •.. :w::::::. •.: }:::: v.... v:.•v ;.:: v:;:i•i•i:i'1.�:.:..:tii: �::r:..;..;:9:....: •n•:: v:.�.;: •.; v:::?:. ....... ..........:•.v. � :. �: r3+,va •.... Jw• :.•:, v. v:::: ev.,....,. r.::.....::::: e• . .... . v.•.•::.•.:: •:::: e.::W:?:.,...... ....,.: S.::n:...:,. n.+....,w::::::::,.�.,....:.vQv,.;.xJ,L2;:......h :". ,.. ......::':.ii:+:.:vii}^:: ,fir.•.+y:5:. :...: �::: •{:r ;•::••.i::Y: �:•.:.•. ;n:: •:::.. .... .... ... .. :4 W civ... ..... .. n.• !•:•:?.:;:<�:•i::::�'.:i:•: i:•:: ....... . ................ .::.. ::{..... :•:.... :•:.,,:::..........0 ..... :..... e ..fit..... e.... ...n•ev; r...... ..... 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 CONTACT THE OFFICE CONVENIENT TO YOU NOW—AT BACK -TO -SCHOOL TIME For further information, use the coupon or call the Man- ager closest to you. Out-of- town residents should call col- lect. No obligation, of course. Ted Moszkowski 9 Bristol Terrace Phone 357-1572 Wingham I would like more information on how World Book Encyclopedia can help my children during the school year. No obligation. NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE ZONE • fi A TO >:•x•:x;e•;..x;;i>`.`:;:":•9::3+.M1••:•.,.:5:`�ti:,;<,ixi::s;>•::3a�$�i'.,:>. �\`+2sC;•\,"\w'•,t. a;>x.;, .y• t>. ,.. 1� :,K,y. :: t;- p,..}::+,:,...::,t :;}:+,:;•:.y�,a,.: ,.\;• \'"\k a:. !::Sa\R�iy2 ... ::vr ::..; .:: •. v:.,y:x:41}:Mt'"r: ye'.v: ,•!..:..: vn'•a:;e+' ..... :..: :r \ ....... .-::.......::•...::: SA:.. rY,. e:•...n:wn.,.:. ....... v:e¢%•Y.i`:'i.:';i�5:ism'i':r{:ti:2��hw::^'K:>:'r::::::x^;••�i•::t��.•:.i•v:.v:�•.v3•.ii,\'\\\\,•\\\\•:h��•T, ��\\.titi�..:.. . ....:.,�:......vee,:.:•>; ::.::: ,...: :h t.-::•: .,::::.... ..., : �:.:.,, ....+,.. \,•:,g:-::a"`.<�,.: •}ty:�;:.+::.,,.:r ..,•cu:r.e -., ,ti ,,t•ai.;•:'•`,'•.:..,•.+x..... ....:.