HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-09-17, Page 3LI'L PEDRO -- By de la Torre AR SURPLUS ' STORE WAR SURPLUS STORE ELECTRIC HEATING is the only heating system that offers you all these important advantages: nameless clean safe quiet a thermostat in every room more living space economy Electric heating is one of the many comfort features of the famous Medallion all -electric homes. For full information, consult a qualified electric heating contractor or your Hydro. your hydro 101 JOSEPHINE STREET BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY l I M I T E O DEPENDABLE QUALITY AND SERVICE - PHONE 357-2581 - WINGHAM HEAVY DUTY — SELF STORING ALUMINUM Z $•95 STORM DOORS JOHNS MANVILLE SHINGLES NEW PLASTIC SURFACE 9395 sq. (Includes Nails) ONLY '26.95 IF INCLUDED WITH ORDER OF 5 ALUMINUM WINDOWS 30' PAINT DISCOUNT ON DISCONTINUED LINES EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR lst Belgrave Cub Pack met for the first meeting of the sea- son on Tuesday of last week at the Community Centre with 16 Cubs and three leaders present, Mrs. Ken Wheeler (Akela), Mrs. Gordon McBurney (Bag- herra), Mrs. Clare VanCamp (Raksha). The inspection followed the opening with the Black Six with Wayne Hopper as sixer winning the most points. Three Cubs advanced to Scouts, Richard Anderson, Douglas Walker, Gordon Rinn. Two new chums were welcomed, Alan Walker and Murray Rinn. The packs were rearranged and there will be one less group this year. Games were enjoyed. Bag- herra instructed the new chums and those working to be invest- ed. Raksha taught the compass and making of a model corn - pass and each Cub is to make a model and take it to the next meeting. The meeting closed with taps. Next meeting will be on September 22. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept. 17, 1964 - Page 3 Whitecliurch News Those who began public school at S.S. No. 10 were Randy Jansen, Ricky Hand, Jean Simpson and Robbie Ross. Mrs. Neil MacCallum, of Lucknow, visited the past week with her sister, Mrs. Annie McQuillan. Mr. a n d Mrs. Herman Casemore; Bonnie and Michael of Lakelet visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Currie. Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dalton were Sister Ursula of Goderich, Sis- ter St. Charles of London and Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Mit- chell of Molesworth visited on Sunday with Mrs. Doris Willis and Mrs. Musgrove. Mrs. Carl Weber returned home from Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital on Saturday. Visitors over the week -end with Mrs. Robert Ross were Mr. and Mrs. George Ross and Cheryl of Owen Sound, and on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert King of Barrie visited at the same home. On Sunday Mrs. Jack Miller and Mr. Alex Mc- Kenzie of Lucknow were guests. Mrs. Mary Chapman Sr. has much improved in the Wingharr and District Hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, Owen Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross spent Saturday at the London Fair. Mrs. Duncan MacDonald ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. An - Airman, Designer, Law Student Theme of Paper BLUEVALE-The Women's Institute met at the home of Miss Emma Johnston on Tues- day evening, of last week with Mrs. Harry Elliott presiding. The secretary, Mrs. Charles Mathers, read various instruc- tions regarding Institute work. The 4-H clubs and leaders were discussed. It was decided that members attend the Sep- tember meeting of the Bel - more Women's Institute. Mrs. Harry Elliott was ap- pointed a delegate to the area convention at Guelph with Mrs. George Hetherington as alter- nate. The roll call was, "What I like about our Wo- men's Institute meetings." Mrs. M. L. Aitken was con- vener of the program on public relations and gave the motto, SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY Alummum Siding ■ Complete Installed PRICE ONLY 89 sq. Your choice of Colors. Pebbled or Smooth. Baked Enamel Finish with Insulating Backer Board. HURRY ! THIS 1S A REAL SPECIAL "Let us appreciate when we can and criticise when we must." Mrs. T.E. Kennedy gave a paper, "An Appreciation of a Great Canadian," choosing Po - ler Foster of Moose Jaw, a for- mer airman in World War II, a designer of clothes, a suc- cessful business man and now after achieving fulfilment in many roles, a student at law school while he and his wife provide for their eight daugh- ters. Pictures in color illus- trated the talk. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Alan Barnard, Mrs. Wendell Stamper and Mrs. Charles Johnston. BLUEVALE Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hetherington were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hethering- ton and family of Sault St. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street and family, of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Street, of Drayton, spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Duff. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMur- ray and Rev. G. C. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls this week. A very successful band con- cert presented by the Port Elgin Band, was held at the Pioneer Park on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Webb and family of Painswick, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hoff- man on Sunday. Bert Hertog, Tom Parker and Arnold Lillow spent a few days fishing in Northern Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moffatt and family of Southampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Moffatt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc - Culla and Heather of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith,. Four pupils started to Blue - vale school last week, Dayle Fisher, Eric Ross, Robin Brent, David Golley and M u r r a y Thompson. The seven-year-old son of a radio comedian came home with his report card. "Well, son," asked the radio star, "were you promoted?" "Better than that, pop," chirped the kid happily. "I was held over for another 26 weeks." MacDonald and family of St. Helens to Arkona on Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCharles. Mrs. McCharles is a daughter of Mrs. MacDon- ald's and her mother will re- main for a few weeks' visit. On Thursday the Langside W. M.S. quilted a quilt for the bale at the home of Mrs. Wm. Orr, Name Committees For Fowl Supper BELGRAVE- The Belgrave Community Centre Board at their meeting set up the follow- ing committees for the annual fowl supper, October '7. General chairman, C.W. Hanna; advertising and tickets, Mrs. Ted Fear, Alex McBurney, C. W. Hanna, Leslie Bolt, Lorne Campbell; turkeys, Ross Robinson, Stewart Procter, George Cook, Ross McEwan, Martin Grasby; seating, J. R. Coultes, Norman Cook, Mark Armstrong, Stan Hopper, Sam Pletch, John Nixon, Jack Mc- Callum; tables, Lewis Cook, Don Campbell, Herson Irwin, Charles Cook, OscarDucharme. Ticket collectors, Wes Cook, Victor Stackhouse, Jim McCal- lum, J. R. Taylor; decorating, Ken Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Walsh, Mrs. Ross Robin- son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elston, Mrs. Laura Johnston, Mrs. Clarence Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse; potatoes and tur- nips, G. Ross Anderson, Joe Dunbar; stoves, Roy Robinson, Mason Robinson, Leslie Bolt, Gordon Bosman, Clare Van - Camp, Harold Procter. Pro- gram, Roy Pattison, George Johnston, Mrs. Ted Fear, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coultes, Mrs. G. Ross Anderson, George Jordon, Mrs. Stanley Black. Carving, Gordon Pengelly, R. H. Coultes, Lewis Stone- house, Albert Coultes; gravy, Mrs. Joe Dunbar, Mrs. George Cook, Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Mrs. Harold Procter; coffee, Mrs. Jack Anderson, Mrs. Carl Proc- ter, Mrs. Dave Armstrong, Mrs. Winnie Smith, Mrs. Julia McNall; turkey room, Mrs. Ted Fear, Mrs. Lewis Cook, James Lamont, Herson Irwin. Line Committees: 1, 2 and 3 Morris, 3 tables, Mrs. Wm. Elston, Mrs. Stanley Hopper, Mrs. Wilfred Haines, Mrs. Jack Higgins; 4th Morris, 2 tables, Mrs. James Coultes, Mrs. Clarence Yuill; 5th Mor- ris, 2 tables, Mrs. Wilbert Procter, Mrs. Robert Grasby; 10th Waw., 2 tables, Mrs. Norman Coultes, Mrs. Ed Smyth; 9th Waw. W., 1 table Mrs. Calvin Robinson, Mrs. Mason Robinson; 9th Waw. E., 1 table, Mrs. Clark Johnston, Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs. G. Pengelly; 6th Waw., 2 tables, Mrs. William Black, Mrs. Harvey McDowell, Mrs. Stan- ley Black, Mrs. Hugh Blair; village, 4 tables, Miss Annie Cook, Mrs. Cliff Logan, Mrs. Cliff Purdon, Mrs. Laura John- ston, Mrs. Ross Robinson, Mrs. Clarence Hanna, Mrs. Annie Coultes, Miss Jean McEwan, Mrs. Dave Hanna. The first named will act as chairman with power to add to their committees. Inst. Meeting At Belmore BELMORE-Mrs. Fred Dou- bledee conducted the opening exercises at a monthly meeting of the Women's Institute held in the club room on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Oscar Kieffer was pro- gram convener. Mrs. Charles O'Malley, a Wingham teacher spoke on French in elementary schools. Mrs. David Eadie gave the motto, "educate a boy and you educate an indi- vidual; educate a girl and you educate a whole family". Mrs. Walter Woods spoke on the uses and misuses of poisons in the home. U.C.W. Meeting At Hardy Home DONNYBROOK- The Septem- ber meeting of the United Church Women was held Tues- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Hardy with a good attendance. The call to worship was given by Mrs. Mur- ray Wilson, who had charge of the program and also led in prayer. Mrs. Wilson gave a reading "What Is Your Name?" and a prayer followed. Mrs. Stewart Chamney read the minutes of the previous meeting and gave a financial statement. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson attended to the business. Mrs. Edward Ro- binson gave a report on the Christmas cards for sale. Miss Jean Hardy received the offer- ing. Mrs. Tom Armstrong read from the study book, and held a discussion on it. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Stuart Chamney and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. The October meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Stuart Chamney. Mission Band Prepares for Thankoffering The first meeting of St. An- drew's Mission Band for the fall season was held on Monday in the Education Building. The children practised several songs for the fall Thankoffer- ing in November, before the meeting came to order. The call to worship, "Be Thankful", was given by Janet McGee. Ronnie Perrott led in prayer and Scripture was read by Kathy Pattison. The birthday song was sung as those who had birthdays dur- ing the summer took their of- ferings to the "Birthday Cake". Ushers receiving the offer- ing were Stephen Cruickshank, Ricky Smith, Doug Leitch and Jimmie Hastings. Mrs. G.W. Cruickshank and Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe were leaders for the senior group's study period. Mrs. Lev. Balser gave an interesting talk to the juniors on the country, and life of the people in India. She showed many colorful pictures to the children so they would better understand the study of that country. The groups united again and Mrs. 0. Hastings gave the closing prayer. Did you hear about the moth- er who complained to the doc- tor about her son's bill for mea- sles? Says the doc, "Don't for- get, Mrs. So -and -So, that I made 11 trips to visit your son:' Says Mom, "Yeah, and don't you forget, that my son made you a lot of money by giving the measles to the whole fourth grade." No Quitting Time on Service We think of the job of servic- ing our clients as a round-the- clock proposition. After all, losses don't limit themselves to an S -hour workday. If you suffer a Toss ... fire in your home, auto accident, business catastrophe ... you want help right away. You'll get just that if you place your protection program in our hands. W. B. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage Agents for—Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 5 John St. W., Ph. 357-2636 WOrGIFIAM