HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-09-10, Page 134 • A • • 4 U.C.W. to Have Travelling Basket at All Meelings W1!ITECHURCH-The U. C. W. net at the home of Mrs. George Mitchell. Quiet music was played preceding therneet- ing by Mrs. Garnet Farrier. Mrs, Mitchell took charge of the meeting and worship ser- vice in the absence of Mrs. Russel Purdon. Mrs. Gillespie led in prayer and an interesting missionary story was read by Miss Winnifred Farrier. Mrs. Mitchell read a story on evangelistic work and stated that each person could do a little evangelism. Mrs. W. R. Farrier played hymns. Mrs. Coffin was in charge of the study book and gave an interesting chapter on opportun- ity. She closed with a humor- ous story concerning a Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Milan Moore presided for the business, The roll call was answered by a Biblical verse containing the word "learn". The minutes and the financial statement were read. A letter from Brucelea Ha- ven informed the U, C, W. that their date to provide the pro- gram and lunch at the home is September 9, 1)r. Norman Mc - Nairn will be at Goderieh Sum- mer School on Saturday and will speak on "God and His Purpose" , There will be train- ing days for leaders at Wesley Willis Church, Clinton. Plans for the next meeting and the Thankoffering were made. It was decided to have a travel- ling basket at each meeting, "A" " Certificate In Mathematics W HITECHURCH-George Conn, who has been taking a short course in mathematics at the University of Western On- tario, London, has received an "A" certificate standing. George has been working with Wilfred White, general contractor, since the termina- tion of his summer course. Line up here yr. for safer driving! Let us put your wheels in proper alignment and balance for safer driving ... with an added dividend in longer tire wear. We have the precision equipment to do the job right! Your car is in good hands here! Wingham Motors PHONE 3574720 IT'S ,l�lil)�1M N 5693 Qualified in Driver Instruction Kenneth Wood, standing at the right, and A. D. MaeWilliam, extreme right, both teachers at the Wingham District High School, know a lot more about drivting an automobile than they did a few weeks ago. They have just graduated from a stiff course in driver and traffic edu- cation that qualified them to conduct the Driver Instruction' Courses in high school. They were two of 37 to take the Ontario Safety League's two.. week teacher preparation course. It was conducted by George F. Laing, a high school principal from Vermont, who is an expert In safety education. Jack R. Ir- win, OSL Director of Driver Education, administered the pro- gram. The League has been giving these courses for high school teachers since 1948; this is the second this summer, About 90 high schools in On- tario offer Driver Instruction courses. They are extra -curricu- lar and optional in every case, and are encouraged by both the Departments of Education and Transport. All teacher preparation cours- es in Canada are subsidized from a fund donated by All Can- ada Insurance Federation, and administered by the Canadian Highway Safety Council. A11 13 cars used on this course were loaned by Chrysler of Canada Ltd. In this picture Mr. Irwin and Mr. Laing are checking the result of a parking manoeuvre. Donnybrook News Mr. John Thompson return- ed home after spending several days with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson and family of Listowel. Miss Donna Chamney visit- ed a few days with Vera Mc- Donald of St. Helens. The Donnybrook United Church Sunday School held its annual picnic Friday afternoon at the new Wawanosh Park with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves of Toronto visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard 'Jefferson and family, and also attended the Gibson - Pentland wedding at Dungannon on Saturday. Miss Sharron Jefferson, who has been spending the past week with her aunts at Wood- stock and Toronto, returned home Saturday. Miss Vera McDonald of St. Helens, who has been spend- ing her holidays with Miss Don- na Chamney, returned to her home on Sunday. Mr. Brian Doerr of Niagara Falls visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Chamney and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jef- ferson and Debbie of Munro and Miss Brenda Bearss of Science Hill visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. James Leddy and called on other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jef- ferson visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith of Blue - vale. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jefferson, Cheryl Lynne and Susan of Clinton visited Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble and family. Mr. and Mrs. StuartCham- ney and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc- Donald and family of St. Hel- ens. TIME WINGHAM AREA STORES ARE GOING ALL OUT TO HELP PROVIDE FOR THE MANY NEEDS OF OUR AREA'S GROWING SCHOOL POPULATION- AND TO HELP MOM AND DAD TOO! HERE ARE 6 GOOD REASONS WHY IT PAYS TO DO YOUR BACK -TO -SCHOOL SHOPPING} 1 3 IN THE WINGHAM AREA (AND OTHER SHOPPING TOO) TRAVEL ELSEWHERE COSTS TIME AND MONEY — Gasoline, tire wear, plus time and energy add greatly to the costs of the out -of -the -area shopping trip! WINGHAM AREA MERCHANTS KNOW YOU AND YOUR NEEDS — They depend on your satisfaction, thereby raising standards of quality merchandise, and reducing high pressure selling! WINGHAM AREA STORES OFFER A WIDE SELECTION — The Wingham area's complete shopping district is acclaimed as one of the best in variety of goods, quality and value! 4 5 6 ADJUSTMENTS AND SERVICE — Cheerfully given in Wingham area stores. Buy here with grew. :r assurance and satisfaction and service! YOUR MONEY SPENT in the WING - HAM AREA HELPS THIS DISTRICT Dollars spent here provide jobs, improve schools, streets, parks, and other facilities! WINGHAM AREA STORES BRING YOU REAL VALUES Stores in the Wingham area avoid high rents and other costs in large cities. This means better values to you! MAKE SCHOOL SHOPPING AND ALL SHOPPING EASIER AND MORE ECONOMICAL -SHOP IN THE WINGHAM AREA! WATCH THE ADS IN THE WINGHAM titioncloZimit DIAL 357-2320 FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING YOUR KEY TO SELECTION AND VALUE Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept, 10, 1964 - Page 5 Whitechurch News Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Schwichtenberg and Lori Jane of Port Elgin, Mr. Jack Coultes and Debbie of Wallaceburg, were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Copeland and Kevin of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker of Exeter visited on.Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. BenMcClenaghan. Mr. Wayne Pritchard, who visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan, ac- companied them to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- mo Pritchard of W. Wawanash, Mr. Gary Willis of Streets- ville spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Doris Willis. Mr, and MIs. Cameron Simmons and Lonnie of London visited on the holiday with Mr, Charles Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and family. Those attending the Toron- to Exhibition on bus trips Mon- day and Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, Joanne Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Andy Henderson, Wayne and Garnet Farrier, Ken, Jim and Donald Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon, Barbara and Mary, Donna Rintoul, Annetta Cline, Jim Falconer, John Cof- fin, Gary Chapman. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz, Karen, Leasa and Kenton of Goderieh. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gray and Tommy of London spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoffin and on Monday Bonnie and Donald, who spent the past week here, returned home with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Straughan of Goderich spent Sunday with Mrs. JamesLaid- law. Mrs. George Fisher passed the summer course for junior education teachers for grades4, 5 and 6, which she attended in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Proc- tor of Livonia, Mich., spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. George Fi- sher and Doris spent holidays last week with friends at Toron- to, Oak Lake, Kingston, Pe- terborough and Fort Erie and al- so viewed the cottage at Ka- wartha Lakes near Stoney Lake which Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lougheed of Peterborough are building. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Procter of Livonia, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mr. Elliott Tay- lor of Kincardine, Miss Lila Emerson, and Mrs. Maude Hag - girt who remained for the win- ter months. Mr. Jacob Kuiper, Ray- mond and Paul left on Sunday for Holland, Mich., where he rented a van and returned here Monday to pack. On Tuesday they moved to Holland tocom- piete his studies for the minis- try. Quite a number from this community attended the Labour Day celebration in Wingham on Saturday. Mr, Kenny Morrison has been working with Yundt Bros.at the gravel pit in West Wawa- nosh the last few weeks. Mr. Jim Ross of Port Elgin spent the holiday wek -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross. Miss Linda Johnston of Waterloo spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hand and family of Orillia spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hand. Miss Patricia King of Tees - water visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arscott and he. sisters, Valerie and Andrea King. The U.C. W. of the United Church visited Brucelea Haven on Wednesday at 2 o'clock when they provided a varied program. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell accompanied the la- dies. Mr. Barry Tiffin returned to Waterloo College to resume his duties as cook on Monday after two weeks' holiday. He was accompanied by Mr. Paul Geiger who had spent the sum- mer with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan. Those from S.S. No 10 entering Wingham District High School are Misses Shirley Tiffin, Janis Farrier, Denise Norman, Mr. Keith Hender- son and Mr. Brian Rintoul. Mrs. John Ross Dies in Regina WHITECHURCH-A native of Whitechurch, Mrs. John Ross, the former Adelaide McClena- ghan passed away Sunday eve- ning, August 16 at Regina Hos- pital. She was in her 8 5 th year. Mrs. Ross had been in hospital and while there fell and broke her hip. Her husband, the late John Ross, was born and grew to manhood on the farm now own- ed by Charlie Tiffin. Mrs. Ross had been Iivinr in Wey- burn with her dauguter, Miss Isabel Ross and Miss Colleen Ross. Burial was in Carivale Ce- metery, Sask., in which com- munity Mr. and Mrs. Ross farmed. She leaves two daugh- ters, Mrs. lielen Buker and Isabel at home and a son Edwin of Brandon. There are three brothers, Harry, Robert and Ben McClenaghan. WINNERS IN THE INDIAN costume section of the Frontier Clay parade were Deborah Welwood, of Wingham, and Harvey Sewers, of R. R. 1, Greenock.—A-T photo.