HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-09-03, Page 13Twelve Killed During July Statistics released by the Ontario Provincial Police for No. 6 district which includes Huron County, listed twelve persons as killed in eight auto- motive accidents during July. Across the six counties in the district there were 271 acci- dents in which 148 people were injured, The police checked 4, 693 vehicles, issued 2,467 charges and preferred charges ° in 921 cases. The provincial figures listed 3,330 accidents with 70 people killed and 2; 044 injured. 4 Fordwich Personals Miss Elva Hupfer, Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Gray, of Sudbury, Mrs, A. Small of Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Harris of Toronto visit- ed during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jor- dan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hib- berd, Miss Glenna Hibberd and Mr. Wm. Boehler visited Sun- day with the former's parents, in Walkerton. Misses Jean and Marjorie Foster of Toronto were week- end guests with their mother, Mrs, Ruby Foster. Mr, Earl Ridley of London spent all last week at his home here. Friends of Mrs, John Haut - field will be sorry to hear that she is still confined to Palmer- ston Hospital. Miss Vivian Hallman of Lis- towel spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mulvey, Jeffrey of Belmore and Miss Laurie Voll of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and STAINTON S QUALITY ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Exitiete l ASSURES SATISFACTION ALUMINUM STORM 'N' SCREEN WINDOWS REGULAR $24.95 QUALITY SELF STORING ALUMINUM DOORS With Exclusive WapirD CORNERS CAN'T PULL LOOSE! CAN'T SAGI ASSURES DEPENDABLE LONG SERVICE *Easy sliding fool proof glass inserts and screen *All vinyl weather proofed *Complete with door closer, storm chain, deluxe pushbutton latch SpEC1' $ 39.95 We have all styles of ALUMINUM DOORS priced from $34.95 to $85.00 COMPARE AND SEES AND QUALITY THE DIFFERENCE NOW ONLY $' 8'95 *Heavy Quality Constrr uction -t-ooi proor aesign, smooth easy operating See this all-weather window now on dispay. Compare quality Dollar for dollar you can't buy a better window. and features. COMBINATION STORM 'N' SCREEN BASEMENT WINDOWS --- SPECIAL $8.95 TERMS AVAILABLE DELUXE AWNINGS and RAILINGS Last a LIFETIME WITHOUT Care and Maintenance Phone 357-2910 for FREE Estimate STAI N TON HARDWARE A N FARMERS SUPPLY -HOUSE DIAL 357-2910 Mrs. Wm. Sothern. Mr. Holger Espensen and Don Ruttan of Orillia spent the week -end at their respective homes. Miss Susan Mumford of Kitchener spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Mar- tinet.. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson and Kenneth of Toronto were week -end visitors with Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Winston and Mrs. Harold Doig were London visitors one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harty Lahr and Ward are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. William Strong in Gorrie. Mrs. Jeannette Lindsay of Toronto visited last week with her sister, Miss Ruth Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norris at- tended the funeral of the lat- ter's brother-in-law in Brant- ford on Monday. Miss Betty McClement and Mr. Paul Schaefer of Kitchener were week -end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement. Misses Audrey Ruttan, Shar- on Pollock and Glenna Hibberd of Kitchener spent the week- end at their respective homes. Mr, and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and Janice spent Saturday at the C. N. E. in Toronto. Messrs. Ron McClement and Barry D'Arcy spent a couple days last week at the C.N.E. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lepping- ton of Cobourg spent the weex- end at their home here. Mr. Robert Bride of London was a week -end visitor with his parents. Miss Glennis Steuernol of Gorrie spent last week with Miss Leslie Campbell. Mrs. Emma Williamson is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williamson in London. Miss Jean Siefert of Listowel 4.s spending two weeks at her home here. Mrs. Len Wilson, Susan and Murray spent two days last week with her mother in Toronto and attended the C. N. E. Mrs. E. Jacques and Mrs. Wm. Wallace of Caledonia spent last week with their sis- ter, Mrs. R. Watters. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wayman of Brantford visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons, Anne and Kenneth, and Mr. Roy Simmons spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wildfang in Toronto. Mrs. Roy Simmons and Mrs. Tessie Zim- merman arrived home over the week -end from a month's va- cation with relatives in the western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Siefert Sr. is spending a month at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Greiling, in To- ronto. Miss Natalie Voison ofWalk- erton is spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan. Miss Ann Miller of Listowel visited at the week -end with her parents. Miss Janie Hartthly of Kitch- ener was a week -end visitor with her parents, Miss Elizabeth Armstrong is spending a month at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. Howell Fra- ser are enjoying a motor trip to the Western Provinces and through to North Dakota. Mr. Everitt Cooper has com- pleted the summer course for vocational instructors at the Ontario College of Education, Toronto, and is spending the re- maining holidays at his home here. At the beginning of the school terra he will be teach- ing high school in Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson are enjoying a month's vaca- tion with relatives in the West- ern Provinces. Mrs. John Horvath and Miss Ilelen Ballachay returned home over the week -end after spend- ing two weeks at Edson, Alber- ta,where they attended the wed- ding of the latter's brother. Mr . and Mrs. Arnold Doig spent last week at Wasaga Beach. Three Showers For Bride -Elect FORDWICH-Miss Louise Matthews, Mrs. Curtis Jordan and Mrs. Nelson Armstrong were hostesses for a grocery and pantry shower held at the home of Miss Matthews in honor of Miss Ruth Cober, bride -elect of September. She received ma- ny useful items to stock h e r cupboards, Mrs. Ken Graham and Mrs. William McCann gave humor - our readings, A miscellaneous shower was held by members of the Breth- ren in Christ Church at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Cullen and a miscellaneous shower was held Saturday after- noon at the home of Miss Janie Hambly. Ruth expressed her thanks and appreciation at all three functions. Fordwich ESPENSEN-To Mr. and Mrs. Holger Espensen, a son, in Listowel Hospital on Saturday, August 16, 1964. DEMERLING-To Mr. and Mrs. William Demerling (Beverley Jacobson) of Fenelon Falls, a daughter on Sunday, August 23, in Lindsay Hospital. Gordon Underwood Buried on Friday GORRIE-Jacob Gordon Un- derwood, 69, died in Wingham General Hospital on Wednesday, August 26 after a long illness. He was born in Howick Township, the son of the late James Underwood and his wife, the former Jennie McCreery. Mr. Underwood was a member of St. Stephen's Anglican Church, The Loyal Orange Lodge No. 767, and Howick Legion No. 307. He had resid- ed in Gorrie over 40 years. Surviving are his wife, the former Olive Day; one son, Kenneth, of Gorrie; twodaugh- ters, Mrs. Verne (Blythe) Clark, Wroxeter and Mrs. Edward(Lu- cille) Stewart of Harriston; one brother, Wesley, Wroxeter R, R, 1; one sister, Mrs. Wil- bert (Sarah) Gallaway of Gor- rie. Orarige and Howick Legion services were held Wednesday and Thursday evenings at the Moir funeral home. Funeral service was held Friday at 2.30 p.m. at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, conducted by Rev. George A. Anderson. Pallbearers were Thomas McInnes, Burns Stewart, John Cathers, Harry Templeman, Richard Bennett and Robert El- schner. Burial was in Gorrie cemetery. GORRIE NEWS Mr. and Mrs, Alex Petrie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hunter of Armow. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Gordon Underwood and family in their bereavement. Mr, and Mrs. LionelJohn- ston and family spent Sunday at Center Island, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Hynd- man and family returned home after spending two weeks at New Wasaga. Mr. Alex Edgar returned home Saturday from Palmer- ston Hospital. Mr. Fred Taylor, Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor. Mr, and Mrs. George Brown and Jean visited Mrs. John Stewart of Toronto on Sunday. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug contacts. You can depend on Dodd'a,c,o Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept, 3, 1964 - Page 5 Howes -Gra inger Wedding GORRIE-The United Church was the setting for a pretty sum- mer evening wedding when Miss Ruth Evelyn Grainger of Burling- ton and Ian Lawton Howes, of Pikangikum, exchanged wed- ding vows in a double ring cer- emony on Friday, August 14 at 7.30, The church was decor- ated with ferns, candelabra and baskets of pink and white glad- ioli. Rev. Fred. W. Taylorof- ficiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Frederick Grainger, Gorrie and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howes, Wroxeter. Miss Carol Robinson, Kitch- ener, was organist and Mrs. James Coombs, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec, sister of the groom, was soloist and sang "Wedding Prayer" and "Grant Us Thy Peace". The bride was given inmar- riage by her father. She wore a floor -length gown of silkor- ganza. The fitted bodice was appliqued with alencon lace and ran into the bell-shaped skirt which was worn over bridal satin. The gown was fashioned with scoop neckline and long lily -point sleeves. She carried a cascade of pink Sweetheart roses with trailing ivy. The matron of honor was Mrs. Alvin Gamble, Listowel, who wore a frolic blue chiffon street -length dress, styled with embroidered midriff. Two watteau panels fell from the shoulder and her matching pill- box headpiece of peddali and seed pearls held her circular veil. She carried a cascade of white shasta daisies with blue tinted tips. Miss Linda Fairies, Burling- ton and Mrs. Eurgen Engelke, New Hamburg, were the brides- maids. They wore dresses de- signed similar to that of the matron of honor but were shrimp colored. They carried cascades of white shasta daisies with shrimp tinted tips. Marilyn Grainger, Wroxeter, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Her frock was blue chif- fon and her headdress of white rosebuds held her veil. She carried a basket of pink and white baby mums. The groomsman was James Sanderson, Toronto. The ush- ers were Robert Grainger of Gorrie, brother of the bride, and John Howes, Toronto, bro- ther of the groom. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the church parlours. The bride's mother received, wearing a printed silk organza sheath in pink with matching coat and white accessories. Her corsage was white carna- tions and fern. The groom's mother assisted. She chose a two-piece dress of royal blue crepe with royal blue and white accessories and corsage of white carnations and fern. The bride donned a two- piece pink shantung dress with white accessories and corsage of white carnations and fern for a wedding trip to the Thousand Islands. Mrs. Howes is a laboratory technician at Burlington and a graduate of Stratford General Hospital. The groom is a gra- duate of Toronto Teachers' College. They will reside at Bearskin Lake, Northern Ontar- io. OUR BUSINESS INSUR- ANCE DEPT. has been or- ganized to give helpful speci- alized service for the protec- tion of PARTNERSHIPS - KEY MEN - SOLE OWNER- SHIPS—Be ASSURED Consult — Frank C. Hopper — REPRESENTATIVE — Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. PHONE 357-2452 THAT KEEPS YOU GOING We're right an your job every time! Whether it's gas -up, Tube -up or change of oil, we do it right and do it fast. If this is the kind of heads -up service you like, you'll like stopping here! Wingham Motors Phone 357-2720