HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-09-03, Page 5THRIFTY MEAT BUY
Flank steak is a flat, lean
piece of meat with coarse fi-
bres, usually scored or pounded
to make it tender. A 11 to 2 -
pound flank steak can be stuffed
with well seasoned bread stuf-
fing and will give 6 servings. It
should be browned and then
braised in liquid until tender
(about 1 hour).
A couple of lumps of sugar,
wrapped with cheese in foil and
kept in a covered container,
will keep cheese mold to a
Secrets from the
BIue Barn Kitchin
By Kay Grose
We are getting near the end
of the holiday season and our
appetites are in need of a
change. Here is a fish sugges-
tion you may enjoy.
Turkey Broilers Le39(
Cottage Rolls LS 59(
Cooked Meats 4/88G
2 -LB. PKG.
York Choice Green Beans, 15 -oz. 5/77c
York Choice Wax Beans, 15 -oz. 5/77c
York Fancy Creamed Corn, 15 -oz. 6/67c
York Fancy Kernel Corn, 14 -oz. 4/67c
York Fancy Peas, 15 -oz. 4/67c
York Choice Peas and Carrots, 15 -oz. 4/67c
Pillsbury Cake Mixes 2/77c
Gold Seal Fancy Cohoe Salmon, 1/2s .. 2/87c
Salada Prior Pak Tea Bags, 90s 83c
Facelle Royale Facial Tissue, 400's.. . . 2/49c
Dr. Ballard's Dog Food, 26 -oz., 3c off .5/87c
Mir Liquid Detergent, 24 -oz. 2/79c
Kraft Canadian Cheese Slices, 16-oz.....53c
Kraft Sandwich Spread, 16 -oz.. , .. 39c
Kraft Orange Marmalade, 24 -oz. 53c
Bick's Yum Yum Pickles, 32 -oz. 43c
Top Value Colored Margarine, 1-1b. 19c
Top Value Waxed Paper, 100 ft. 2/55c
Pie Ready Cherry Pie Filler, 20 -oz. 37c
IGA Instant Coffee, 10 -oz. $1.39
Outspan Oranges 3 dozen $1.00
US No. 1 Large Red Grapes 2 lbs. 49,c
New Crop Ontario Apples ..6 -qtbskt. 79c
Canada No. 1 Onions 10 -Ib. bag 49c
New Crop Pepper/Buttercup Squash ...19c
Canada No. 1 Carrots 5 -lbs. 39c
Fraservale Fish and Chips, 24 -oz. 59c
Farm House Chocolate Brownies, 13 -oz. 49c
McCains Peas -Cream Sauce, 10-oz.....2/49c
McCains Mixed Vegetables -Cream
Sauce, 10 -oz. , 2/49c
Shirriff's Apple Juice, 6 -oz. 2/37c
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1 lb. scallops
3 thsp. butter
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. flour
cup heavy cream
2 egg yolks slightly beaten
1 tbsp. sherry
1 tsp. salt
pepper to taste
Toast points, patties or tea
biscuits split.
METHOD; Rinse scallops
and cut up if too large. Cook
in butter 3 minutes over low
heat. Add lemon juice.
Sprinkle with flour and stir
gently to blend, add cream and
cook until slightly thickened;
stir constantly, add egg yolks
and sherry gradually and stir
continually. Season with salt
and pepper. Heat but do not
boil. Serve on toast points in
patty shells or tea biscuits.
Sprinkle with paprika, Makes
4 servings.
Cauliflower is in season
again and will be a treat after
a long rest. When buying cauli-
flower, inspect the core. Look
for dark specks which indicate
worms, Buy unwrapped if
possible and discard only outer
green leaves. Slice a straight
piece at the bottom so that
cauliflower will stand up se-
curely. Soak in cold water
with 1 tbsp. lemon juice for
30 minutes. One large head
serves 4 to 6.
Boil enough water to cover
entire head, Add 1 tbsp. salt
and 1 tbsp. lemon juice to the
water. When the water is boil-
ing immerse cauliflower, cov-
er and simmer for 20 minutes.
Timing depends on size. Most
heads take anywhere from 15
to 30 minutes. White veget-
- - Photo by McDowell
Red and White Theme for Wedding
Rev. G. L. Fish officiated
at a candlelight service in
Wingham United Church on
Friday, August 21 at 7;45 p.m.,
when Jennice Carol Merkley
and Douglas Frederick David-
son exchanged wedding vows.
The church was decorated
with white mums and red glad-
abies remain whiter if sauce-
pan is covered during cooking.
Cauliflower flowerettes cook
in shorter time. Serve with
cheese or cream sauce.
Mix 1 cup sour cream
1 tbsp. chives
1 tbsp, parsley
Blend this lightly with one
head of cooked flowerettes of
cauliflower, Top with bread
crumbs and bake for 10 minutes
in 350 degree oven.
Wed at Santa Monica
Mary EIizabeth Skinn of
Santa Monica, Cal., daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, George E.
Skinn of Wingham, was mar-
ried last Saturday morning in
Saint Monicas Church, Santa
Monica, to Raymond !. Gaigas
of West Los Angeles, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Gaigas of Cleve-
land, Ohio. Rt, Rev, Msgr.
O'Flaherty officiated.
The peau de soie bridal
gown was chapel length, with
which the bride wore a pill-
box crown of pearls and sequins.
with a silk illusion veil, She
carried a prayer book crested
with orchids and stephanotis.
1 ;iss Gladys Jackymek of
Santa Monica, maid of honor,
wore a blue peau de sole gown
and carried a cascade of orchid
--Victor Barnaba Photo
spider mums.
Norma Katz of Fountain Val-
ley was the flower girl. Her
white organza dress was worn
over powder blue silk, She car-
ried a nosegay of mixed flowers.
Edward Liggett of Cleveland
was the best man.
A reception was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Katz at Fountain Valley, Mr.
and Mrs. Gaigas went to San
Diego on their honeymoon and
will live at 12730 Mitchell Ave.
West Lost Angeles when they re-
The bride is a graduate of
Wingham District High School
and St, Joseph's School of Nurs-
ing, Guelph. The groom is a
graduate of Maly Name high
School at Cleveland and of
Ohio University,.
ioli. Reg Bitton was the organ-
ist and Frank Renwick, the so-
loist, sang " The Lord's Prayer"
and "Wedding Prayer"
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. George Farrish of Wing -
ham and the late George Merk-
ley. The groom is the only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L.
Davidson of Wingham,
The bride was given in mar-
riage by her brother-in-law,
Jack Wright. She wore a white
summer faille floor -length
gown which cascaded into a
chapel train from a tailored
bow at the back. French lace
appliques enhanced the entire
gown. The fitted bodice had
lily -point sleeves. Her head-
dress of petals and seed pearls
held a tulle veil. She carried
a Bible crested with red roses
from which fell streamers of
rose buds and ivy.
Her sister, Mrs. Jack Wright
of R. R. 1, Clifford, was ma-
tron of honor. The bridesmaids
were Miss Janet Horton and
Mrs. Bill Crawford, both of To-
ronto. They wore identical
gowns of red peau de soie with
matching shoes and headdres-
ses. The dresses were street -
length with trains and the
headpieces were wedding bands
with circular veils, and bow
trim. They carried cascades
of white mums.
The best man was Bill Craw-
ford of Toronto. Bob Rintoulof
Hamilton and Bill Dallimore of
Toronto were the ushers.
The reception was held at
the Blue Barn in Listowel
where white and red tinted
mums, candelabra and baskets
of red gladioli and white mums
decorated the tables and the
dining room.
Mrs. Farrish wore a sheath
dress of gold silk Joycette with
a dashing gold swagger profile
feather hat, matching shoes,
handbag and gloves. Mrs. Da-
vidson chose a black and white
ensemble of crystal charm with
matching hat, shoes and bag,
and white gloves. The corsage
for the bride's mother was
bronze and gold mums and Mrs.
Davidson's corsage was red and
white carnations.
The bride and groom left on
a wedding trip to the south-
eastern United States. Mrs. Da-
vidson wore a red wool tailored
suit for travelling with white
gloves, black velvet hat, black
patent shoes and bag. She had
a corsage of white mums.
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have
taken up residence at 23
Charles Street.
Guests at the wedding were
from Montreal, Toronto, Ajax,
Stratford, Listowel, Clifford,
Orangeville, Wingham, Hamil-
ton and Belgrave.
-Mr, and Mrs. Vernon
Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Keith
Smith, Robert Smith from
Springfield, Ohio, Nlr. and
Mrs, Gil Gallaway of Brantford
and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hend-
erson of Paris were week -end
visitors with their mother anis
grandmother, Mrs. C. R. Hend-
Wingham, Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept, 3, 1964 - Page 5
features from
The World of Women
Carolyn Yvonne Jacklin
Will Reside in Listowel
Carolyn Yvonne Jacklin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shel-
don Jacklin of R. R. 2, Bluevale,
and George Walter Sage, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sage of
Listowel, were united in mar-
riage on Saturday, July 25th at
the manse. Rev, Lloyd Staple-
ton of Listowel officiated.
The bride chose a short white
dress of taffeta with long nylon
sleeves trimmed with lace em-
broidered with pearls on the skirt
and around the neck. She also
wore a one -strand crystal cut
string of beads, a gift from the
groom, and matching ear rings.
She wore a shoulder length veil
trimmed with pearls and car-
ried a white Bible and red
Sweetheart roses.
Mrs. Gerald McKnight of
Listowel was bridesmaid, dress-
ed in a short yellow nylon dress
with full length sash down the
back. She wore a corsage of
yellow and white mums.
Gerald McKnight of Listowel
was groomsman.
A reception was held at the
home of the groom's uncle, Er-
nest Marsh of Listowel, for
about 30 guests from Toronto,
London, Listowel, Belgrave,
Atwood and Milverton. Stream-
ers of yellow, blue and pink
made up the decorations.
Mrs. Jacklin was dressed in
a blue rayon brocade floral
dress with white accessories and
a corsage of orchids. The
groom's mother wore a green
dress with floral pattern and
jacket to match, with green ac-
cessories and a corsage of or-
The young couple will reside
in Listowel and later move to
Kitchener or Stratford.
-Mrs. Alex Coutts retu ned
home Sunday after spending
two weeks in Toronto with her
son, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Coutts
and family. Her two grandsons,
Donald and Peter, returned with
her and are spending a few days
-Mrs. E. Effting and son
Charles of Chicago are visiting
this week with her sister, Mrs.
E. Snell,
-Mrs. W. C. Murray re-
turned home Saturday after
spending the past two weeks
with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Murray and fam'ly, her sister,
Mr. and Mrs. A. McKague and
other relatives in Calgary.
-Miss Norma Coutts and
Miss Marilyn Davis of London
spent the past two weeks at
Little Inn, Bayfield.
-Mr, and Mrs, Clair Craw-
ford of Detroit visited a few
days recently with his mother,
Mrs. A. M. Crawford.
-Mr. and Mrs. Russell Zur-
brigg and Patricia and MissJu-
lie Adams spent a few days
last week at Point Sibbald Pro-
vincial Park on Lake Simcoe.
The 2,wisib(e
Gia li�MtS
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Welded Knee $2.97 - $3.99
Slim Cut Dress Style $2,99 - $4.98
Short and Long Sleeves $1.49 - $1.99
Pullover Style $2.97 - $5.98
Excelleri+t for all age groups .... $3.99 up
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WINGHAM - PHONE 357-1865