HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-08-13, Page 10'Page '� �trillgh;inl illy .ii,:c - l itl'ea, 11'tci'+t1,t\. .\'4" U't , :t 1 CLEARANCE of Slit/DR FUR F'UI E ISCOUNT 4, 1 Control Weeds after Harvest y v1 t t d t'OntriA is a rileaus of the pre':it derived tl ':,,':r? ,i etetR It may be too I.:Qe to dtt am, thing; a't'ut this t; t'rtt!it hE'.t net. Ts tlai. t1113e To t ,'P. 1,il'; til,„,Ti, `o, t�: catEtrt'1' Lu;.`,• weettw :t': tlt',t 1t'.tr. Ide.ill\ V..1. t1.':I• t w ant cels :.,•'r: t°kd t't4 rkltx' ti's ct'il ,Ind tt:t e rt rt::lri.11 rr•:fisth eftstlx'vtd,' s:e\s .. ester t.', i\ .A144E:4111. t\. C. t•.4e1ph. \%Ii.0 +.t', t t4eatller ail good ween ti: t'ee .-.r d:::'1'T:; Late August ....els. St. i,tett'.t';r:a,imtr. tit :."Net t!:• ;.kly l:Iti' to,` .,.'x A ka....t 1:.';It r°'plieat t`; it\ :Iced'..: t: LUXURY TRAVEL TO CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION IN TORONTO AUGUST 26 AND SEPTEMBER 2 $4.00 Per Person AIR -RIDE COMFORT BY • :0k001. e:NAill4WAYS CHARTERWAYS Owned and Operated by Skinner School Bus Lines Ltd. SEE YOUR AGENT: DOWNIE'S SUNOCO PHONE 357-1554 - WINGHAM BUSES FOR CHARTER ANYWHERE IN U.S.A. OR CANADA Chest FREEZE i1 MODEL H2110 Make fewer trips to the supermarket buy in quantity when prices are low! You'll have supermar- ket convenience in .our own home with a C'o.op Viscount Chest Freezer. Freeze fresh meats. fruit. vegetables in season - -- use them all year round with peak flavor and goodness retained! Store Naked goods. .nuptt and juicett. taxi. Automatic interior light. vinyl t•r vered juice rack. baskets and divider; help make turd %election pasty See it now at your ('o -op! ELGR VE CO-OP ASSOC. WINGHAM BRUSSELS 357-2771 388-W-10 and Canada thistle. A gaud there' to .ipply a second spry), is in the !!!all when weeds art' ;Irate susceptible to control. .mother rs asttn for spraying in the tall rs that many w'e'eds sire!: ,t. poi psi grass, penny e e•:, shepherd's purse, flca- ",tt�e w old carrot are just <t:titrmp'. t.' g:rt'\4. Spraying thou; In tilt' seedling stag.. kills them ,. 1sr.ly. :\fiso son% late aunuals ragweed thattnight hay missed an earlier control: can be knocked t'::I ht'tore set- ting seed, One pound of :'-11) per acre should give good rt :alts. ether chemicals can he i'st'd for spt't:ifie purpose, Eii:t' dalapou for c(uackgrass. ;Mitac treat- ments are listed t;, the Ontario Pt'partmeiit of AoOvulture bull- etin !Nu. 75, "(;1;dt tt' (;llt'rr1- idol Weed Contrt'.ivailahle through county too cultural of- fices. ST. JOHN'S WORT Weed of the Week series ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF A perennial that spreads by seed and from underground rootstocks. The stems are tough or woody, erect with much branching and from 1 to 3 feet high, Flowers are num- erous and showy, 3/4 inch in diameter and clustered at the ends of the branches with yel- low petals with black dots around the edge. May be fount flowering from June to Septem- ber. Although not a serious weed in cultivated land it is a pest on range land, rough pastures and meadows, where if allowed to spread it will take over from the native grasses. Animals that eat this plant in the flowering stage and are exposed to intense sunlight may develop inflammation of the unpigmented portions of the skin. This trouble is known as photosensitization and may be noticed in horses, cattle, pigs or sheep. Death has been known to occur. In order to control this weed it is important to eradicate iso- lated plants and small patches as it spreads very fast. It is susceptible to 2, 4-D in early stages of growth - up to bud formation, but as it ma- tures a brushkiller type of chemical should be used. Due to the selective action of these chemicals the grass won't be damaged but will continue to grow thus helping to suppress the St. John's %ort. An ap- plication of fertilizer would also help to thicken the stand of grasses. Respraying is essential, pos- sibly for several years as the seeds are capable of germina- tion for up to 10 years. For further information on the use of chemicals for weed control see Publication 75 of the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture. This bulletin is available from the county ag- ricultural representative. Farm Work Can Be Safe Farmers have a big stake in the safe operation of their farm equipment -- their lives. Accidents involving farm machinery continue to takema- ny lives or cause injuries that result in costly medical hills and lost tiale, observes J. L. 'Thompson, of tilt. federal ex- perimental farm at Swift Cur- rent, :raskatcliewen. 'use, Le adds, could be prevented by a little car, and thought 1111 the part of tie op. r• ators. '-`r. Thompson offers sl'tnt sllrwt:itt`i:r te.r i't:eping the farm a ss:t and happier p 1 a e. Li:cause fati: e_ breed, care- fe >ness, n'tarl:iuery operators sl:t!.!1d tai':' re;r;olar "breaks" when wort• int= it ng; hours. ('argil':: :ice.: all tato often ha: resulted in a tractor driver being fatally crushed i)eneath Itis overturned machine -- usu- ally beeai:se ht turned too sharply at high speeds or took !itnlLeu . ry chances when op- erating; the tractor on the side let a hill or embankment. t.:uving belts, chains, gears and shots that art improperly shielded are invitations to mis- haps, e pecially if loose cloth- ing is worn while working near there. Attempting to repair or ad- just a machine while it is run- ning is an obvious danger, but many accidents stem from this practice, observes Mr. Thomp- son. An accidentally engaged clutch and the use ofiaadequate supports to prop up a machine for repairs rate fairly high on the list of accident cases. Some further advice: When using a tractor or any other machine equipped with a scat, do not attempt to operate Feed Additive Shows Increase Swine producers now hays available a powerful new ft t d additive which tests show in- creases pig growth by ;; per cent on lb per cent less feed and greatly reduces diseases losses. The new product, Aureu S.P.-2S0 has received federal government approval for mar- keting in Canada and is cur- rently available through teed dealers, feed manufacturers and vete'rinar'ians. Tests conducted during re- cent years have registered iin- Fa rm Letter Sent Out to Canada's Farmers Agriculture Minister llarry flays has announced that the first issue of a new farm in- formation bulletin from his de- partment went into the mail last week for Canada's 480, 000 fanners, In a statement Mr. Bays said: "Since becoItling Mini- ster of Agriculture, l have been concerned at the number of far- mers who are not fully aware of the research, credit and other services available for their assistance and betterment from their federal Department of Agriculture. "1 am at present reviewing our whole information service to see whether it can be made more useful to farmers in their day-to-day operations. "As a first step we are send- ing out a 'Farm Letter' inpam- phlet form which carries a fac- tual outline of improved credit facilities recently provided for Canadian farmers by Parlia- ment, through the Federal Farn Credit Corporation, "This is information that can be of considerable importance to farmers who want to expand or otherwise improve their op- erations. We expect to make further use of this direct ap- proach to farmers in my depart• ment's information program as other matters of practical im- portance to farmers develop from time to time in the future'. The pamphlet summarizes credit facilities available since Parliament, in June, approved amendments to the Farm Cred-. it Act. The amendments dou- bled ou- bled the ceilings on loans available from the Farm Credit Corporation, enabled a farmer to borrow to help a son, daugh- ter or other close relative esta- blish or improve a farm, and provided that the Corporation can help a farmer's heirs by lending to the administrator of an estate to permit them to continue operating. it except when in the seat. Ne- ver allow children to ride on the tractor. Turn off the ignition key he - fore dismounting from a tractor. This is even more important when it is hitched to a cutting machine. In Pay Growth pressive 14l ight gains and es- t ihl:•hed It as t tlt'etive ul 1It L'011111I1 Vt Mt \e^.11 die', dt'tl ltttg' di'( 1st:'• 1'1'titli- .11101 t d 111^ Chitty u'ilitltait1u10 }lam tlt tat,. and '.ct'd ettieiene\ 1.'1. t 11 111 presence o1 atrophic !hemi•. aiding u1 the pit ventiru of bacterial enteritis and aiding to maintain weight gains and stimulating app. toe during; periods ot rlrcn,. Hogs we,tlit'tl at three week' and :I'd .\urea ,, I', .',:'il, 111 111114' weeks avl'ragtt'd all a : pt cent inetra:e in weight (4; pound' compared tet:t1 puiEuda in the control gitlup, not re- eei%ing it) on to per et 01 lr'•; teed pro ptf:illd ot gtiill. l't"'ea rehei• sound it a u1,c- jur ;fid 111 euutlu1li11g h,u it'll:e1 .4•0111,. kind touut.1 it tO1r.red e't a six of probe t'! ion ag',aill-t niatly Es'!t;i+ tt' Path; 17a1 t 11' tenet,,, to<'h,dlsW -.tltnont ll.' i,, ±it tkale' t :111t1 vihL 'u,, d\,elle1\, Ft dera' grants to agrricul- tutat lair, ale estimated at $1,11o.1, e ''0 for 1:t';:1-04. Cream, Eggs and Milk Pickup OR DELIVER TO BLUE VALE CREAMERY Phones: WINGHAM 357-1639; Wroxeter 15J1 D. A. ROBERTSON. rrb WELDING & RE!nAIR!N6 ALL MAKES of MACHINES, TRACTORS AND ANY FARM IMPLEMENTS Picked up or have work clone in machine shop in BRUSSELS by PHONING 58J WES BUDNARK Jne25rrb IIOII10111011101110111®11101116i1101111111 I11111® III0111011101i101110111vi1Iffi11101t1011101 BRUSSELS TRANSPORT SERVING BRUSSELS AND BELMORE COMPLETE LIVESTOCK TRUCKING AND SHIPPING SERVICE Ships your hogs every Monday forenoon direct to Kitchener O. H. P. Ship Tuesday cattle, calves, Iambs to Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto, for top market prices If Monday Holiday — Ship hogs Tuesday For Pick-up Service — Phone Collect: Phone 122 Teeswater, 392-6156 GEORGE JUTZI, BRUSSELS K. C. PRESS, BELMORE ®11101110!1:®1110111®1I10I11111110I1IOIIIOIIIKII1■III1011101I111I1■IIISII lA1I10111ii 110111■ MASSEYferFERGUSON DOES IT BETTER 4.Oa/!i r �M =ItIil/11Rf r1 Come in soon for a demonstration. Look, com- pare ... you'll be a Massey -Ferguson man! 1 -JAS. HODGI WINGHAM S Massey- Ferguson Sales & Service PHONE 357-'144O 11 50 U71,0 MU MS ear BESAD too owl MUM 305 rte rim tea o�aE �1 a ' -q ESN RIM KM USX WM MIMI 1111351 T9 f INPN t.714'A MIN E W1 NM n . q� Yt 't'Yi.t iti''' t:ii 8 v li '®®VIININ/ 1�10s0! ` NAM woman' ncsr� o® int m�t�a t�13 �at+� la a '® .�BlE7A�►%I�®l���a3,Te®�I-J.JEVIS £. LA 11 't-.- Q'.iJ'9llr. Atijy,„,7.JitA�tgitiat6A psz-, -- — -m�etazx..aex�uw� SUCCESSFUL EGG PRODUCTION DEPENDS ON ALL-ROUND FLOCK PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM EGG PRODUCTION LOW FEED CONVERSION (lb. feed/doz. eggs) HIGH LIVABILITY You can depend on good all-round 'perform- ance, when you choose a SHUR-GAIN ALL - MASH EGG PRODUCTION PROGRAM formulated to suit your particular- require- ments. Wingham Feed Mill DIAL 357-3060 WINGHAM, ONT. L.,..)sHurf4AR: feed service