HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-08-13, Page 1Holidays
The Advance -Times
Aug. 17 toAug.28
High Praise for
Student Militiamen
• Lt. Col, T. ti, Burdette, as-
sistant adjutant and quarter-
master general for the Western
Ontario Area, of London, had
logh praise foe :39 young men
who completed a six -weeks'
militia course Friday, Ile was
• speaking at the passing ()lacer
emonies held at the local hall
park when he and Major 11ar
rt y, 1 C of the '.:Ist Field Re-
giment were on hand to inspect
the group. The group included
the hovs who had taken instruc-
tion both at Wingham and
Walkerton under Lt. R. A,
Campbell and Lr. R. D. Mc-
Named hest militiamen
were Doug Walker of the Walk-
erton group and Howard Moon-
. ey of Corrie, from the Wing -
ham section. The two were
presented with jackets by the
Allan Leggatt was course
leader for the event which saw
the group inspected by the two
visiting officers. Besides the
general salute and inspection of
ranks the young soldiers put on
demonstrations with the FN ri-
fle, gun drill and first aid.
Following the inspection
Col. 13urdette addressed the
• group and later as they marched
down the main street, took the
salute in front of the town hall,
By The Pedestrian
Our photographer narrowly
missed the shot of the year on
Sunday afternoon when a com-
paratively small hoy got stuck
in the trash container in front
of Mason's book store. Too
short in the legs and too wide
in the hips to get out again,
his older brother was wildly
• soliciting aid from passing
youngsters with the plea,
"Please help my little brother."
During the period of junior's
incarceration the police crui-
ser passed several times and
each time it approached he
ducked hack into the gash bin
to escape detection --all of
which didn't forward the cause
of his release. Eventually he
was pulled from the trap by
an older lad, none the worse
for wear.
Noted an interesting group
around a gum -vending machine
on the main drag the otherday.
A youngster was attempting to
♦ get some chewing material out
of the automat, apparently
with the vocal assistance of
mother and a couple of aunts.
As we passed her "nickel" drop-
ped to the pavement with a
dishearteningly dead sound, It
was one of those round slugs
electricians drive out of con-
nector boxes when they are
putting in the wires. There's
a lot to be said for early train-
The rural fire brigade was
called to the farm of James El-
liott, R. R. 1, Blucvale, on
Highway 87, when a tractor
took fire Monday. The ma-
chine was being started in an
implement shed in preparation
for threshing operations when
the fire started. Damage was
mostly confined to the electric-
al system of the machine.
Mr, Elliott and his son were
able to !told the blaze in check
,• until the firemen arrived to
finish the job. The tractor was
dragged from the shed before
any damage occurred to the
not. Ei
Will Proceed with Improvements
Wingham, Ontario, Thursday, August 13, 1J1;4
Single Copy Not Over Ten Cents
Council leases lower Pond
To Maitland 'alley Aulhorfty
Following an engineering
study on the condition of the
lower dam and pond presented
to council last week, the town
fathers decided to request the
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority to proceed with an
improvement project,
The decision was reached at
a special session of council on
Tuesday evening which saw
members of the Riverside Parks
Board, the P.U.C. and Author-
ity representatives sit down to
discuss the overall concept of
the scheme.
Mayor Hetherington out-
lined the background of plan-
ning which l e d to the meeting.
Ile said the Parks Board had
been working to have the lower
pond de -silted as a shoreline
improvement project. This
plan had been approved by the
department under the Parks As-
sistance Act and the $15, 000
scheme would have received a
grant of 50 per cent.
Since this approval had been
received, the mayor said, the
department of Energy and Re-
sources Management had boost-
ed grants for reconstruction of
small reservoirs to 75 per cent,
but such work has to be handled
by conservation authorities.
When council learned of this
change in grants it requested
the Maitland Authority to have
a study done on the dam and
Mayor Hetherington went on
to explain the various aspectsof
the latest engineer's report,
which accepted previous work
done in connection withde-silt-
ing, but enlarged the program
to include improvement to the
dam, allowing for better drain-
age, water control and repairs
to the cement work.
With the 75 per cent grant,
the mayor said, it would seem
a golden opportunity to have a
much better project brought to
reality. As far as cost is con-
cerned, Mr. Hetherington went
on, it meant that instead of a
$15, 000 project, a $30, 000
scheme could be handled at no
extra cost to the municipality.
He explained that in order
to have the IM1, V. C. A. take on
the project the property would
have to either he sold or leased
to the Authority. However,
the suggestion had been made
to enter into a lease agreetnent,
and in order to protect the
P.U.C. , have the Authority
lease back the power rights.
Emerson Shera, P. P.C. sup-
erintendent, said that the power
plant is not essential and was
not saving the community any
great amount of money, and
perhaps was losing money.
This statement sparked a
discussion regarding the fact
that the P, U, C.. had been ask-
ed to put up the money required
as the town's share of the orig-
inal de -silting project as set up
by the Parks Board. P.P.C.
member Richard Lloyd said he
felt a plebiscite should be ta-
ken before the money was spent
Gordon Buchanan, a member
of the Parks Board, said that it
would be ridiculous to bring
such a matter to a vote, Coun-
cillor Bateson wanted to know
how much money the P. P.C.
had in reserve. After checking
the auditors' report, Mayor
Hetherington said there was
$77,000 in reser.•, and the
P. U.C. showed a 'tet profit of
$13,000 last year.
Councillor Alert Williams
said he understood that the
P. U. C, had a ttlet,,,u on the
books to set acid • : :";,500 for
the work. P, i'.' e chairman
DeWitt Miller eget Mr. Shera
agreed that this see. the case.
Parks Board chairman Harry
McArthur said that as far as his
group was concerned, rhe new
plan sounded rel: otiahle, and
that the meeting was getting
off on the wrong foot discussing
the local financing for this was
a problem between council and
the P. U, C, Mr. Miller said he
was in favour of the: scheme, as
it would be of real benefit to
the community.
Mayor Hetherington pointed
out that the P. U. C:, is spending
money each year on the dam
and pond and that the work done
under the scheme could be
written off over a period of
time for it would save annual
maintenance cost for some
Authority Chairman Robert
Wenger outlined the necessary
steps to be taken to have the
Authority assume the project.
Please turn to Page Eight
Father Was Former
Police Chief dere
Interesting visitors to Wing -
ham last week were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Bullard, of Alame-
da, Cal., who called on his
cousin, Orville Welsh and
spent a good deal of time in-
vestigating information about
the earlier years of the town
when Mr, Bullard's father was
local chief of police.
The father was Joseph Bul-
lard, who was the town's chief
constable from 1892 to 1896,
according to records in the
JOSEPH bULLAifD will be remembered by only the older
residents of town. He was chief constable here from
189246. His son, Harry 0.ullard, of Alameda, California,
brought the picture to The Advance -Times office last week.
town clerk's office, In the
latter year the family left here
for the Harriston area, where
the father died in 1898, His
death was the result of injuries
sustained some years previous
when he was employed in the
Wingham chair factory. The
family resided in the home
now owned by Dr. DuVal on
John Sr, , immediately back
of the Toronto -Dominion Bank.
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Bullard consisted of
three daughters and three sons,
Agnes, Elizabeth and Gertrude,
Wilbur, Frank and Harry. Fol-
lowing their residence at Har-
riston the family moved to
Illinois, where Flarry married
and resided until 21 years ago,
when they tnoved to California.
lie spent 18 years with the fed-
eral civil service as an elec-
trician at Great Lakes, Ill.,
San Francisco and Alameda.
His parents had an interest-
ing background for his grand-
mother (another of Joseph 13u1 -
lard) Odelia (Ferguson) Bullard,
was a woman of decided opin-
ions and positive action. Her
husband, a native of Ireland,
was a young soldier and much
to his dismay was shipped
away for service in Canada
when their infant son was only
a few months old. The hus-
band, however, had failed to
reckon fully with Odelia's de-
termination, for when the ves-
sel was a few days out on the
rolling Atlantic she and the
baby emerged from hiding and
presented not only her husband
but his offieets as well with
the unassailable fact that she
had no intention of being left
The lady herself had a sea-
faring background, for she was
born aboard ship in the Medit-
erranean Sea, iter father was
killed in action at the Battle of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bullard
who last visited this area in
1058, ate travelling with
their trailer for accommoda-
tion and are thoroughly enjoy-
ing this leisurely opportunity to
visit with relatives and old
acquaintances of the family.
Leeson, wife of the driver of this car, was
seriously injured when the car was in col-
lision with a truck, upper picture, owned
by John A. Lane, R. R. 1, Wroxeter. The
mishap occurred two miles north of Wing -
ham on Highway 4. Mrs. Leeson was
treated at the local hospital and later re-
moved to Victoria Hospital, London.
—Advance -Times Photo.
Barden Spears
Named Executive
W. Borden Spears has been
appointed executive editor of
Maclean's Magazine, He suc-
ceeds !editor Lefolii, who re-
signed a week earlier.
Publisher F. G. Brander said
the new title of executive edi-
tor was created when Mr. Spears
was appointed.
Mr. Spears, a former mana-
ging editor of the Toronto Star,
left that position in 1960 and
has since been editorial advisor
to the president of Maclean -
Hunter Publishing Co.
Mrs. Spears, the former
Mary King of Wingham, and
their family are at presort hol-
idaying at Bruce Beach;
Will Study Dams
In Howick Twp.
A preliminary engineering
study on dams at Gorric, and
Fordwich, similar to that com-
pleted at Wingham under the
Department of Energy and Re
sources Management's new res-
ervoir assistance program, is
being carried out by the Mait-
land Valley Conservation Au-
Purpose of the study is to de-
termine the feasibility of reha-
bilitating the ponds and dams
in those localities. The 1)c •
pertinent of Energy and Resour-
ces is contributing 75 per cent
of the cost, and the other 35
per cent is paid by the munici-
palities. If major rehabilita-
tion programs are undertaken
costs will be shared on the sante
Flood conditions resulted at
Gorrie and water was at a high
level at Wingham following the
estimated five -inch rainfall
which drenched this section of
the Maitland watershed over
Please tura to Page Eight
Clinton Woman Seriously
injured North of Wingham
A Clinton woman suffered
serious injury in a car -truck
collision just before noon hour
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Gerald W. Leeson, 3R
Truck Takes out
Two Hydro Poles
P.U.C. workmen lined
quite a mess to clean up out
Tuesd.:y morning when a I.isto-
we] Transport truck snagged
overhead w ires tele :, tenting in-
to the alley heftiest the Crontp-
to,t Block from Patrick Street.
As the result of the pull on
tl.c heavy wiring a pole. adja-
cent to the lane hro,ce off and
then another to the west sup-
porting a transformer crashed
down across the street, shorting
out electrical service ill the ar-
ca. Wires of all descriptions
were draped along the street
presenting a real hazard until
the crews were able to cut atf
the clot lines.
The first pole was hroiseu
the ground line and then snap-
ped off again below future;
which supported tete wires,
leaving about a 1u -toot section
dangling in mid-air. A conduit
into the Crompton building w is
also torn off the wa11.
PVC superintendent I'tneraut
Shera said it was hard to estim-
ate the damage hill but it
would probably be over seem, on,
depending on the condition of
time transformer which is worth
Linemen stntng temporary
wires to provide service to
buildings in the immediate
vicinity, but they were with-
out power until out into the al-
There were no injuries and
fortunately there were no cars
parked out the street where: the
poles came down.
was removed to rhe Wingham
and District General hospital
where she was treated by Dr.
W, A, McKihhon and then re-
moved to Victoria Hospital,
London. She suffered a frac-
tured skull, dislocated and frac-
tured hip. multiple lacerations
and abrasions.
The car was driven by the
injured woman's husband, who
suffered bad bruises to the head
as well as minor lacerations to
the arms. Ile was able to tra-
vel to London with his wife.
Their 10 -month old daughter is
in Wingham Hospital suffering
from shock but was reported to
he in satisfactory condition.
Truck driver John A. Lane
and his passenger, 1'.andall
Ilain ilton. of 8. lP. I, Wroxeter,
were not injured.
The accident occured two
utiles north of Wingharn on
No. -1 Highway when the Lee
-out car was travelling north and
attempted to pass tete truck
which at that juncture started
to make a lett hand turn into
a farm Lune.
Thc late model car was
pretty well wrecked. hamage
was set at ,Ort. The
truck ended up in the ditch
facing south-west with the box
knocked orf to the side. The
vehicle was teed for hauling
The road was very slippery
at the time of the accident as
it was pouring rain.
To James Bay
Mrs, lrltua Jenkins and Mrs.
Herb Fox tort motored to Coch-
rane where they took the North-
land Train to eloosonee, near
James Bay.
On their return to North Bay
they took the cruise down the
French Riser art the ChicfCorn-
mando, returning home by Sud-
bury and et.tnitoulin island.