HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-07-30, Page 15• • • n • • Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, July 30, 1904 - Page 7 Enjoy Savings for the entire family during our July Clearance Sale CALLAN SHIES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE, STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-4840 WINGHAM vs. SEAFORTH THURSDAY, JULY 30 at 8.30 Wingham Park LoGai Rinks Win Prizes Two rinks of lawn bowlers from Wingham took part in the ladies' trebles tournament held in Paisley last Wednesday. The rink of Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. H. Edwards and Mrs. A, Lunn, skip, won first prize. The rink of Mrs. W. Patterson, Mrs, O, Haselgrove, Mrs. J. McIntyre, skip, won second. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON Bhow starts at dui* Corrie as late as 11:00 p.m. and see complete show THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 30-31 BILLY ROSE'S tlfIUMBO" DORIS DAY JIMMY DURANTE MARTFIA RAPE Colour Cartoon THURSDAY ONLY, JULY 30 FREE POPCORN for the Children before 9:15 SAT.-MON.-TUES. AUG. 1-3-4 "McCLUNTOCK" JOHN WAYNE MAUREEN O'HARA Colour Cartoon Sun. Midnight Only, Aug. 2 CLIFF RICHARDS vs. ELVIS PRESLEY in 2 Big Colour Features "Wonderful To Be Younger Cliff Richards Colour PLUS "Blue Hawaii" Elvis Presley Joan Blackman Colour Cartoon Wed. Only August 5 Billy Wilder's Great Comedy "SOME LIKE IT HOT" MARILYN MONROE TONY CURTIS JACK LEMMON (Adult Entertainment) Cartoon Coining Next: "Days of Wine and Roses" Wingham 1, Lucknow 1 In the Wingham Park last Thursday night the Wingham Brophy Goodyears downed Luck- now by a score of 7--1 behind the 3 hit pitching of Barry Gib- son. Top hitters for the Good - years were Bill St. Marie with a triple and single and "Mac" Eadie with a double and single, Lucknow, Baker c, Fisher rf, McDonagh 1B, Chisholm P, Johnston 2B, Collison 3B, Hous- ton cf, Dalton lf, Hackett ss. Wingham, Fryfogle ss, Saxton cf, St. Marie lf, Bain 39, Ea- die rf, Cerson 29, Storey 1B, Foxton c, Gibson P. RH E Lucknow 000 100 000 1 3 4 Wingham 002 002 03x 7 8 1 Umpires Jack Tiffin and Wes Simmons. LISTOWEL DRIVE-IN THEATRE 2 Shows Every Night at Dusk Weather I'erndtting — Program Change — SATURDAY ONLY AUG. 1 JERRY LEWIS "THE NUTTY PROFESSOR" Plus Kirk Douglas - Anthony Quinn in "LAST TRAIN FROM GUN HILL" Color Adult Entertainment Late Show SUNDAY, AUG. 2 11 p.m, "SEX KITTENS GO TO COLLEGE" Plus "HOT CAR GIRL" Adult Entertainment MON.-TUES. AUG. 3-4 STEVE McQUEEN - NATALIE WOOD In a warm tender story of young love 'LOVE WITH A PROPER STRANGER' Adult Entertainment WED...THUR: FRI. AUG. 4-5-6 It's DORIS DAY all the way DORIS DAY -JAMES GARNER in "THE THRILL OF IT ALL" Color — a,nd DORIS DAY - ROCK HUDSON in "PILLOW TALK" Color Adult Entertainment 1111i111111111111111111I8111II1111111111111118111.,,JI UM IIII11111o1111NmaillllsllMOMMs1 SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 357-1630 THUR: FRI: SAT. JULY 30-31 - AUG. 1 —SPECIAL— "SOUTH PECIAL "SOUTH PACIFIC" Colour — Starring: Rossano Brazzi, Mitzi Gaynor and Ray Walston Here is one of the alI-time great musicals returning to our screen for a return engagement. See it this time for sure. PLEASE NOTE: LYCEUM THEATRE WILL BE CLOSED From August 3rd to 8th For Vacation 111111111111111111111111111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111111112111111111111,11111111111P1111111111111181119 2-0 Victory In Lucknow In Lucknow on Tuesday night of last week the Wingham Bro- phy Goodyears downed Lucknow by a score of 2-0. Barry Fryfogle scored what proved to be the winning run in the first inning, leading off with a triple and scoring on a sacrifice fly. Wingham Fryfogle ss, Sax- ton ef, St. Marie if, Bain 3B, Eadie rf, Cerson 2B, Storey 1B, Foxton c, Hotchkiss P. Lucknow Baker c, Fisher rf, McDonagh lb, Dennis 3B, Chis- holm P, Houston cf, Forrester lf, Johnston 2B, Hackett ss. RHE Wingham 100 000 001 2 4 0 Lucknow 000 000 000 0 3 2 Wingham will meet Seaford: in the Wingham Park Thursday, July 30 at 8.30. N CROWN TR*'IST"ATRE TFIUR.-FRI.-SATURDAY JULY 30-31 - AUG. 1 An Alfred Hitchcock suspense adventure that must be seen from the beginning BIRDS'THE in Color — Starring ROD TAYLOR and JESSICA TANDY "HITCHCOCK SCORES AGAIN" Adult Entertainment Shows at 7:00 and 9:15 9 MON.-TUES.-WED. AUG. 3-4-5 YUL BRYNNER and RICHARD WIDMARK star in RIOT T FROM ASIIIYA in Technicolor An adventure romance filmed in Japan. The story of the Air Rescue Service, Show time 7:15 and 9:15 HARRISTON �;1 P'. :Ga I THEATRE 1711I1R: FRI, JULY 30-31 "ADVANCE TO THE REAR" in Color — Starring Glen Ford and Melvin Douglas Plus JERRY LEWIS-JILL ST. JOHN In "WHO'$ MINDING THE STORE" 2 Big Comedy Hits SATURDAY ONLY AUG. 1 "TORPEDO RUN" in Color — Stars Glenn Ford and Ernest Borgnine Plus "30 YEARS OF FUN" Featuring some of the nostalgic comedy creation of yesteryears SUNDAY LATE SHOW—Aug, 2 Starts 11 p.m. "HORROR HOTEL" Plus — "JAZZ BOAT" Adult Entertainment MON.-Ir'UES: WED. AUG. 3-4-5 "COME FLY WITH ME" in Color—Starring Hugh (YBrien - Dolores Hart Pius "THE SWORD AND THE CONQUEROR" In Color—Starring Jack Palancc Evelyne Dandry is the young "Mademoiselle de Paree" who each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon at 4 p.m. takes you on a guided tour of Paris. This is an old series, having been seen un the CBC a few years ago, in an afternoon half-hour series called "Open House". It was filmed espec- ially for that series by the CBC. Mlle, Dandry is a charming and vivacious hostess. She fits into the artistic world of Paris, as well as its excitement and the gaiety that is known the world over. Her interviews with French celebrities in the world of the arts are conducted with ease, yet with a great deal of interest in every subject. Most of all, the show's high- lights are the beautiful sights and historic landmarks that make up the city of Paris, It is a very worthwhile series and lasts much too short a time, on- ly a matter of a kw weeks. If you didn't see it H hen it made its first rounds, and even if you did, grab this opportunity to do some armchair travelling to the greatest city of the ni all. 0--0--0 Just between you: and me, I think someone at CKNX-TV flunked spelling when he went to school! Their plugs for the "Stratford Shakesperi;in Festi- val" are very informative, and their interviews interesting, but the best part of all is the open- ing and closing view of the theatre with those words be- neath it. I'm sure "Shakesper" would have a small fit if he were to see that: 0--0--0 Again, the two most likely people in Hollywood, in fact in the world, have hit the head- lines in stories originating in Europe. In Stockholm, Sweden singer -actor Frank Sinatra land- ed in hospital, suffering from what his doctors called 'com- plete exhaustion'. He had gone to Stockholm to attend the Floyd Patterson -Eddie Machen fight; Patterson is a close per- sonal friend. However, he was forced to remain in hospital and miss the fight. A few nights later, he was in Paris, making life miserable for nosey newsmen, which is what he delights in doing! Bib - gest reason for his 'complete exhaustion' was, no doubt, the tiring schedule during the film- ing of "None But the Brave" in Hawaii. Sinatra stars in the picture and also directed the other performers, among them his singing son-in-law, Tommy Sands. The second star to hit the newspaper in print was Judy Garland. She, too, was read- ing her headlines from a hospi- tal bed, this time in London, England, when. she was taken with "injuries to her wrists". So here we go again! American actor Mark Herron was with her, with still no word on whether they are married or not. Actu- ally, not their hairdresser, not even they really know for sure! 0--0--0 "SOUTII PACIFIC" Guest reviewer -S. Wright Toronto's O'Keefe Centre set the stage last week for another run of the ever popular "South Pacific". Dorothy Collins, our renown. ed Canadian, played the fe- male lead, 'Nellie Forbush', the role made famous on stage I COMING — August 13.19 THURS. thru WED. Cleopatra BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON 'TIS Show BIZ By Vbmt 4e By VonniLee by Mary Martin, and played it, we think with as much warmth and virtuosity as Miss Martin. Gene Holtman, a well- known baritone with a long re- cord of lead roles in hit musi- cals behind him, was outstand- ing and an inspiration to the others in the cast, in the male - lead role of 'Emile De Becque', Honey Sanders, too, was ex- cellent, as 'Bloody Mary'. Notable performers among the remainder of the cast were the hilarious Bill MacDonald, particularly in the scene with Dorothy Collins where he beat a wild tattoo on his cocoanut bust and sang "honeybun" with the star; and the young star- crossed lovers, Eleanor Cantes and David Chaney --very good- looking and talented young people. 0--0--0 And may I add my two cents worth? If you were not fortun- ate enough to see "South Paci- fic" on stage at the O'Keefe, you will have a chance to sec it in its movie form at Wing - ham's Lyceum Theatre on July 30, 31, and August 1st. It :;• truly one of the finest musicals to ever be made into a motion picture, with a top cast headed by Mitzi Gaynor and Rossano Brass/. The music, of course, is by Richard Rodgers and the late Oscar Hammerstein, with such beautiful standards as "Some Enchanted Evening", "Bali Ilai", and "Younger than Springtime". Belmore Fins Semi-FinaIs BELMORE- The Belmore In- termediate Ball Club won the Tri -County Intermediate semi- finals when they defeated Gorrie 17-11 in a game played in Gor- rie Park on Wednesday evening of last week. The be ;r -of - three series was taken in two consecutive games by the Bel - more team. Peter Mulvey, Russel Press, and Don Eadie each hit a home run for the winning team. Oth- er top hitters for Belmore were. Murray Mulvey, Russel Press, Bill Mulvey and Peter Newans with four hits each. J. Hynd- man led the Gorrie team with four hits. Pitchers for Belmore were Russel Press and Don Eadie; catcher, Murray Mulvey. For Gorrie, pitchers were Don Whitfield and Eddie Stewart; catcher, Brian Elliott. With this win Belmore has now advanced to the finals, and will play Kurtzville in a best -of -five series. WHITECHURCH WINS BELGRAVE ENCOUNTER Whitechurch downed Bel - grave 10-7 in a WOAA-Inter- mediate softball league game in Brussels Thursday night. Doug Spry led Whitechurch's attack with two home runs and three runs batted in. Wayne Riehl and Bill Robinson hit one homer apiece for the winners. W'church 004 000 123 10 13 1 Belgrave 200 102 011 7 9 3 Farrier and Skinn, Robinson ;6); Pletch, McDowell (3), Coultes(8) and Galbraith . Tourists come to Canada to enjoy vacations in a land of green forests and blue waters. Nothing can discourage them more quickly than a black for- est and grey waters, full of ashes. Remember, only you can prevent forest fires. Lands Big Fish At Fairy Lake Ernest Ackert of Lucknow, a keen fisherman, pulls in some big ones. Last week was no ex- ception when Ernie landed a 3 foot, 31 inch pike at Fairy Lake east of Lucknow. Ernie and his next door neighbour Les Ritchie were on the lake in a boat and it took him three-quarters of an hour to land the big one, When they finally did get the fish in hand, the weight of it broke the fish net and it fell back into the wa- ter. The fish was hooked only through the skin at the side of the mouth but the line held much to the pleasure of the twosome. Fairy Lake has pro- duced some big ones recently tipping the scales at close to 20 lbs. Ernie caught one last year that measured three feet, eight inches. --Lucknow Sentin- el. PICK-UPS CLOBBER GODERICH TEAM WIIi'i I:CIt!'RCh!-A pick-up Whitechurch Juvenile Team defeated Coderich O. A.S.A. class 13 juvenile team 4-0 in Goderich last Saturday averring. Wayne Farrier allowed only I hit. Wayne Reihl led the hitting with a home run. Ken Houston had a triple. 13111 Ro- binson had a triple to lead t h e winners. R 11 1 Whitechurch 000 100 300 4 r, u Goderich 000 000 000 0 1 3 Farrier and Robinson; Fores- ter, Snell (7) and McKinnon. Belgrave •5, Whitechurch 4 WHITECHURCH-On Tues- day evening of last week Bel:- grave el-grave Intermediates a n d Whitechurch Juniors engaged in a soft ball game, Garry Wil- lis hit a homer for Whitechurch and Keith Pletch got a home run for Belgrave. R Whitechurch 010 001 002 4 Belgrave 000 110 012 5 Mulvey and Robinson; Mc- Dowell, Coultes (9) and Gal- braith. A Word on Yachting Sailing is no game for the landlubber, although some in- dulge. Perhaps it is fortunate therefore that most yachting en- thusiasts are specialists. Yacht- ing is perhaps the finest and most dignified of all water sports, and a c,afficult art to master. There arc many technical "do's" and "don't's" in yacht- ing. However, the basic pre- cautions are as follows: Wear a lifejacket at ali times. You must be a.,00d swimmer. Meet all on -coming boats on the right. Avoid unnecessary :aril Be on guard against the tor -boat and watch out for a- noeists and swimmers. The hest places to swim are those areas which are stip-- ervised by qualified 11teguards. Tip to fishermen: Hast n to get your story in before all the big ones are gone! • dor your weekend Get in a supply of Carling Black Label today BLACK LABEL!" say: "MAB,EL,