HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-07-30, Page 13GuIIiver Was Not Written for Children
When Jonathan Swift wrote
"Gulliver's Travels" - the book
which children have been read-
ing and loving for nearly 250
years - he did not mean the
story to be for children at all.
He invented the strange ad-
ventures of Lemuel Gulliver in
Lilliput, a land of tiny people,
in Brobdiugnag, land of giants,
on the flying island of Laputa,
and in a country where a race
of noble horses ruled the hu-
mans, with the idea of stressing
the follies of the men of his
But so fabulous and fantastic
are the things that happen to
Gulliver, so near are the "Tra-
vels" to a classic fairy tale,
that Swift's work became popu-
lar with boys and girls all over
the world.
But it is also a serious work
of literature with a serious
message for thoughtful people
of every age.
Swift was born in Dublin,
Ireland, of English parents, in
He was a quick-witted child,
and so astonishing was his abil-
ity to absorb words and their
meaning that when he was be-
tween three and four years old
he could read the Bible by him-
Curiously though, the boy,
who because of his powerful
writing was destined to become
one of the most influential men
in Britain, did not do well at
college. Indeed, he got his
degree at Trinity College, Dub•
lin, only by special dispensa-
"I'm a dunce," he said of
himself. But his genius soon
came out when he went to Lon-
don to write.
Swift thought at first that he
was going to he it great poet.
But Dryden, the poet and play-
wright, to whom Ile was related,
shook his head and told ilio[:
"Cousin Swift, you will never
be a poet."
Su the young elan concen-
trated on his prose. Ile worked
at his studies and his writing 12
hours a day and gradually built
Complete brake failure
when driving is rare. But it can
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brakes or other signs of master -
cylinder trouble are ignored.
If it happens, in a standard
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Safety League recommends
these steps: (1) Apply parking
brake; (2) Change into 2nd or
low gear; (3) Switch off igni-
tion if there is immediate dan-
ger of a collision. With an au-
tomatic transmission, apply
parking brake and switch to
--' ONril. STOP
Stop in for your gas
and let us check your
car out while you're
here. We'II give you
that bumper -to -bumper
check every car needs.
It costs so little and -
saves so much.
FIELD TOMATOES, 6 -qt. bskt. 95c
NEW POTATOES, 25 -Ib. bag 95c
CORN ON THE C013, dozen 39c
3 dozen 99c
HEAD LETTUCE, each 12c
t himself a reputation as the
most powerful political writer
of his time,
In his long black coat and
his curly white wig he was al-
ways going into the House of
Commons or coaling out of the
offices of some high Minister of
"There goes Swift," people
used to say, "there must be
something important afoot."
Jonathan Swift had indeed
become one of the most im-
portant men in England and
Ireland. Ministers often would
not act without his advice. He
became the power behind the
Throne of Queen Anne,
But his glory was not to last.
When his political friends went
out of office in the government,
his influence waned rapidly,
and he went back to Ireland.
His reward for his services
to the State was little comparec
with what he expected. He was
merely appointed Dean of St.
Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.
For no frustration or disap-
pointment could halt his bril-
liant pen. Swift now devoted
much of his writing to the wel-
fare of the Irish people.
Then, in 17::6, out came
Gulliver's Travels." He ex-
pected to vex his readers by
poking impish fun at the men
and affairs of the day.
Johathan Swift had written a
great and bitter satire on the
follies of the world.
It was also a most amusing
book. It at once secured a
place in the hearts of children
everywhere for the shipwreck-
ed Gulliver - from the time he
finds himself tied up by the
Lilliputians, with a tiny man
walking on his chest, to the
time when a huge bird wafts
Trim away from the Giants of
I3robdingnag, -- Christian Sci-
ence Monitor.
Bluevale Personals
Visitors with NI:. and Mrs.
Bert Garniss last week were Miss
Mary McDonald of Toronto,
Mr,. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and
daughters of London, Mr, and
Mrs. Grant h'IcLCnnari and sons
of Listowel, and N'r, and Mrs.
Walter Willits and family of
Rev. William Blackmore
and Mrs. Blackrnare, Bobby
and Karen of Port Credit, arc
visiting Mr, and :.`rs, Raymond.
Mrs, John Hamilton and
children and Russel ;,arnard en-
joyed a week's holiday atAm-
Mr. Bernard Li1h w of Lon-
don is holidaying :; irL his moth-
er, Mrs. Nellie l.iliovv,
Recent visitor- .: ith Mr, and
Mrs. Charles Bosu:an were Mr.
and Mrs, Lyle Mr1••inne•y of
Northcliff, Michi;'an and Mr.
and Mrs, Cecil (ri'.fiths of
Miss Jean Burton t,f 'Toronto
and the Misses Rae ,1! Atwood
visited Miss Ruby 1 last
Miss Kathleen iihelm of
Stratford, spent tt1, week -end
at the home of N' , ::nd Mrs.
Bert Garniss,
:vlr. and Mrs. :larges Bos-
man were in Gut 1pi during the
Rirs. George i •'i'ruiirl of
Clinton, visited lee parents,
Mr, and .Mrs, C1:.sil:'= Coulter
last week.
Mr, and Mrs. 1. Nicholson
and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd of
Moose Jaw, Sask., visited dur-
ing the past wcei itll Rev,
and Mrs. T. I'. l no,1'r.
1vir. and Mrs l :,s, (;arnp-
bcli and family am udtd the
funeral service f their uncle,
Mr. John Bradwcll ..t Clifford
last week.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Gannett were Mr.
and Nits. Harold : tnith of To-
ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Hoover, of Brussels, and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Eadie, Sylvia and
Murray of Turnherry,
Laurie Hertog spent last
week with his grandmother,
Mrs. J. W. Hertog at Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. harry Elliott,
and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Gam-
ble, of Listowel, started last
week on.a motor trip to the Ca-
nadian West.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frisken
of Napanee, were week -end vi-
sitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Miss Judy Johnston of Guelph
is the guest of her cousin, Miss
Connie Mann,
Mr, and Mrs, Bob Casemore,
Nancy, Jirn and I<.inl of Kenora,
are spending a couple of weeks
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Gordon Hall and visiting other
relatives. Mr, and Mrs, Jack
Scott and fancily of Newton
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall and
David of Brussels visited on
Sunda} at the same home.
NIL.. and :Ars. R. E. Johnson
of C;ooksville visited last Wed-
nesday with her brothel, :s1r.
and Mrs. Lyle Hopper.
Mr, and :.Ir•. Lloyd :Ander-
son and family of London visit-
ed on Su[lday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Anderson.
The lade of the Evening
t'nit of the i'.(.:,W, enjoyed a
wiener roast at the home of
Mrs. J. tfetllwyeke url Wk dues -
day . (;amtcs and contests were
Miss Wendy Fear visited last
week with her g;randln.;tta r,
Mrs. :;.:.i, near ef tll.
'Itle general meeting of the
t , C %y`, will he held in the
church o:l 'Fhltrsday avenin.;:,,
July a tt1.
Miss Kathryn Galbraith of
Wingliarn, has joined her sister
Karen, to holiday with their
grandmother, Mrs. James Doig.
Mrs. Gavin Muir, who is
much improved, was able to
leave the hospital last week and
is spending sonic time with her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ashby
and Roger of Orangeville have
been vacationing with Mr, Jack
Ross Toman's and Miss
Lynne Wright called on Herman
Kavclman and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Sararas, New Dundee,
on Sunday.
Mrs. Barb Titus, Milton,
and Miss Gail O'Donnell, To-
ronto, visited Mrs. Charles Mc-
Kay last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maple -
tuft and family, Millbrook,
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs, Ross Coates. Iylisses Mar-
garet and Elaine remained for
a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley of
Jamestown visited Mrs. Eliza-
beth Hoffman Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir,
Calvin and Karen of Toronto,
spent the week -end with Mrs.
W. Weir, Miss Gertrude Bush
and Mr. and Mrs. George Gib -
instant delivery"
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LMMatm ...M..n,rruwdi„ ►„d..,ar„M,..i.wwuaeoehmtmfeso.lm.o-4emmN.n.o.o.wr..asw....owMm-.i...,Jsm+nrnrem„ ,.11111114J
Misses Elsie and Niarion Gib-
son spent a day, last week with
Mrs. Allan Munro at her Am -
burley Beach cottage.
Mrs. James Doig was in Gor-
rie on Sunday where she visited
a couple of relatives and was
a supper guest with her sister,
Mrs. Fred Hyndman and Mr.
Miss Mary Ann Krohn, Wing -
ham, is vacationing with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McKay.
Miss Evelyn Jewell, Hamil-
ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wilkins
and Shelley of Sarnia were vi-
sitors with :lir. and Mrs. Art.
Wheeler over the week -end.
Mr, Harvey Wheeler, who
spent the past week in Sarnia,
returned home with them.
Mr. John Hupfcr, Mrs. Al-
onzo Sparling and Miss hazel
spading were in Godcrich for
the week -end where they visit-
ed Mrs. Angus Carmichael, Mr.
and lvirs. James Robertson and
Sympathy is extended to
:sirs. Lloyd Townsend, whose
mother passed away at the
week -end.
Mrs. Marion I.ongst ff and
Miss Joy accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Charles and grand-
children, Kenny, Robbie and
Carol, to Godcrich on Sunday
where they spent the day.
elm, re Personals
Mr, and Mauricc Klein of
Gowanstown visited on Sunday
with Mr, and 1.1rs, Wilfred Jo-
hann and sons. Gilbert and Ste-
ven Johann returned home with
the Kleins and are spending a
few days with them.
Mr. and h'rs, Harvey Bal-
lagh and farnil. attended a
Darling family picnic in Gorrie
Park on Sunda, afternoon. Mrs.
Adam Darling and all members
of her tamily were present.
Mr, Michael, Mr. Dennis,
and Mr. John; t)' ylalley spent
Sunday in Tills ,nburg, visiting
Mr. and :.'r . Harvey Bal-
lagh, Beverley and Glenda,
spent three loos last week vaca-
tioning in Turoato and the Nia-
gara district,
Rev. T, F. Kennedy return-
ed to regular services in the
Presbyterian c. 1;urch on Sunday.
Members of the united Church
congregation, whose services
were cancelled on Sunday, at-
tended Preshvterian services,
Miss Margaret Jeffray sang a
solo "I'm a t ;lrild of the King".
Visiting at the Inglis homes
on the week -end were Mrs, John
Stewart and sons of Guelph and
Jean Neilson of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nutkins
of Windsor were recent visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Pat Murphy
on the 2nd of Culross.
Mrs, T. P. O'Malley and in-
fant son returned home front
Wirrghanl and District Hospital
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mgrs, Tinter
Mr, and Nits. James Dickson,
and members of the Harmless
families attended the funeral of
Mr. Jack Bradwcll of Clifford,
on Tuesday afternoon of last
Miss Isobel Darling• and her
mother, Mrs, Adam Darling Sof
(: a:ric k, visited time day last
we with Mr, and Mr:. John
Tyler of St, .Miarys. Mrs. Dar-
ling remained to spend a few
days with her daughter and son-
in-law, anti returned to her
I1olnt 011 Stllldlly,
A large crowd attc tided the
annual Presbyterian Sunday
School picnic: on Tuesday after-
noon tat last week in Gotrie
Park. Swimming was enjoyed,
and the young people partici-
pated in 0 !lumber of g;atnes,
contests and rates. Recent
ra[t,s, howt.%er, had made ball
playing almost impossible.
Miss Anita O'Malley of To-
ronto is spending a week's holi-
day at her horde on the 2nd of
Culross. Last week she flew
to New York to attend the
World's Fair,
Masters Allan Dickson and
Terry Ballagh are spending a
week at camp at Kintail.
Wingharn Advance -Tunes, Thursday, July 130, 1964 Page
Mrs, Jarncs Davidson of Bos-
ton is spending a few weeks
with Miss Nellie Doig and Mr.
John Doig of Carrick Township.
Mr, arid Mrs, Elmer Jeffray
and family spent Sunday at
Listowel Park for the annual re-
union with their friends, Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Wood and fa-
mily of Lakelet and Mr, and
Mrs, John Worden and family
of near Stratford,. Mrs. Jeffray,
Mrs, Wood, and Mrs, Worderr
were room -mates during Tea-
chers' College days.
Showers Held
for Bride -Elect
BEL;.1ORE-Mrs. John Moran
and Mgrs. Joseph Kieffer were:
hoste'sse's at a miscellaneous
shower held in honor of Miss
Maureen (l'Nlallt y, of Kitchen-
er. About ::i-: friends and neigh -
hors attended the shower, held
at the home of the bride';, par-
ents, ?.Mr, and Mrs, Charles
O'Malley, on the :Ind of Cul -
Miss O'Malley win- also tl:t
recipient ot two • how t rr in Kit-
chener. :.'.i.ss Mary Puetz and
Miss (:e r:.ldine 0':.1.:111-: were
i',.• to s -e: for ._ aosuellaneuns
slower, and E:u-workers at the
s, -ray 1)c partly: et c. :t, t.lary's
Hospital, when the bride is
employed, also honored her at
0 a atl'ering .
Miss Cr Mallk.'s n arrlag'e to
Ste , en `tc iribauP t ,` ,tt l e ne r,
take plate : 11 `. tt da•. , _:e -
gust 1st, Ill s.ecrl aI ..cart
ulic Churci., 1', sw'atcr,
:r. ,:ad Mrs. r ee
Clifford visited with ..1r, and
Mrs, Arnold Gadke. 00 sundav
'.Ir, ::led :.'yrs. fail -,,•r toad '
nd family visited wit): fri,'rnd.,
in Listowel on Sunday.
:Miss Janette. t!; r y -f t : pe l:t a
few days at the home of :.'r.
and :sirs, Sydney Thompson of
Wingliam last week.
Miss Patricia Gadke, daugh-
ter of '•:r and :Yrs. Arnold
eeielke, las secured ezripluy-
Incnt ill the advertising depart-
ment of c KN;i Radio, her du-
ties to comIIlence on :August -1.
Samuel R. Ash, 90r
Farmed in West
WRC);'.FTI'P-Samuel R. Ash,
bachelor, who was horn in a log
cabin in Wallace Township on
July 3;i, 1'•7.1, son of Christo-
pher Ash and y.lrall .'Mary Holt,
celebrated his '.ai1t1. birthday at
the home of his niece, Mrs.
Jennie Nicholson, F line of
Turnherry at a family party on
Mr. Ash went west in August
1`'1141, where lie homesteaded
eight miles from Ncepawa,
Manitoba, with oxen on tc(ift
acres of land. In 1902, after
the death of his father, he re-
turned ltotne to farm tt;e home
fano till 1.111 when he moved
to a farm on highway. 86. fie
went west apin in i:423 and
farmed near Gladstone, Mani-
toba. He sold this farm in
19.13 and returned home once
again in 1:14.1 to a :38 -acre
farm near Palmerston. fie
came to reside with Mrs. Ni-
cholson in 1:(;il,.
Mr. Ash, who is a non-
smoker, is up and around each
day hut cannot engage in any
exerting exercise due to aheart
Bus Tour
And Cruise
LAKELLT--The Monti Friend-
ship Club of McIntosh and Del-
more l nited Churches has spon-
sored a bus trip to eastern On-
tario, which will include a
boat cruise among the Thousand
Islands, a tour of the Royal Mil-
itary College at Kingston, and
other points of interest. They
leave early Monday and return
on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mgrs. Gordon c;ibsou
have returned from, e mlotortr:ll
to Calgary where they visited
Their sort -in-law and datighter,
Mr. and Mrs, Ronald MacDoug-
all. 111cy :_Iso attended the
C;ai}tar,: tampede and then
glia lturi. e! to Vaneuuve.r where
they stayed several day's,
Mrs. I. F. Young
Buried Yesterday
Mrs, J, 1' 1;e1-
,_'r;.t•,•, who had -uftc red a le;,
illness, died at the l.toui.h.:.•
Musing ilo[ne on Me,nd,iy,
. She was t-1,
Mrs. Young was the f�rrr:
Isabella , ICConitiCI1,
of the late Donald . tC o ='•I
and Catherinowe . '
born in Culross lx+w11s1 1 . 1t:
James. 1
:stk. 4-r' ivt d h'. t. .
th 1:1to r J1^( (
Last i
ut ,u1 .a °,l c[.. (,.,.t )
i.1a,•; , , f 1 .:rids. n: te• C;r:S,
J. .tie
41s...11ciri'll Il,d
'I•w:. E:t:i1clr:t
predee, ased l,cr, I Iiz.l:ct iii
and Donald :11 1 :'
irs, Young; is also st1„vived
to r Stcr:, :rs. e ,u:ell
(Fate) ,. ,til .J' (Guelph
(Leaf.) C itzpatrick o: site;. ner,
NIL... e)tto (Tffic) Potfirei De-
troit and: zi1ter
12 Vieve) of Detroit; and t --�
!!re,t.tt'rs, Frani:. and John G:
;v iti,;tla:i..
Deceased was a member of
Knoy; Presbyterian Church, Bel -
Funeral service was on Wed-
nesday afternoon from the K. A,
Currie funeral 11orne with bur-
ial in Brandon Cemetery. Rev.
W. J. 'Morrison officiated.
llie pallbearers were Jim,
Don end Bob Young, Adam and
Grant McBurney and Bob :'.rm-
W. B. Marshall Was
Last of Family
Wesley Benjamin :.Iarshall,
the Iast member of a family of
tell, passed away suddenly at
his late• reside nee on the tenth
line of Turnhcrry, early Mon-
day me21111i1,.;,
In his 7•tttt year, he was tilt•
ysxut,,e t t t the family of \'ar-
uaret Rood and John 1..::•shall,
:u1 alwai s resided on::$t' Holier•
tic is survived by two n.pll-
ewS at home, Boyd and Me ryi::
Marshall, and other 11e ;-1;: w:
;and nieces in various i/ar!
'The f'aler11 was ;'en .tier'.
sews the ., J, tti a1Ter t ::al
fool, i.,rt \l l JUL sd.
21x. 111, key. i. .1' , Jor toee to
The pallbe avers, all u.::_l:-
hr;hr;, Reit i,..:1 Fitch, rr:
Mahe y, f.:fate and AID( - in -
colon. 1 ni stokes and •1e.
Metcalfe. 'Ilse Clower be re
we re Isaac Metcalfe, Ras: 1
Baird and David ladies
M.D., David .:die, 1.•rs. !er-
r\ Mul'ee ., :.'r,. 'Tort1 :\hl
and .Mir;. Ilei. 1 las Mcihers- 1,.
(;ood lighting is essent:aim
the home, In kitche•i:, work-
shop, bathroom and laundry.:,r
the front entrance, a bright
light will illuminate the steps
and allow identification or
callers before the door is open-