The Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-07-30, Page 1• Child Burned By Flaming Grease FORDW ICH» Eileen Millar, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Millar, suffer- ed second and thud degree burns to her right arm, leg and back on Wednesday night. Mr. Millar and Lloyd Nickel answered a call for help from the baby sitter at the home of Rev, and Mrs. A. C. Coles, when a dish of hot grease caught fire. They smothered the flame with a quilt to carry the container outdoors but when Mr. Nickel reached the door the grease flared up again and he dropped the dish. Eileen was splashed with the grease and burned by the blaze. The two men rolled her in the blanket to smother the flame and she was rushed to Palmer- ston Hospital. Neither Mr. Millar nor Mr, Nickel were aware that the child was there, It is thought that she may have been in the back seat of the car when her father and Mr. Nickel respond- ed to the call. It was learned on Tuesday morning that Eileen is improv- ing and it is hoped that she will be home from hospital in a couple of weeks. —LUAU— ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian By The Pedestrian WRONG STAR -- We really hit the jackpot last week when we mixed the titles of the shows playing at • the Lyceum Theatre. We in- dicated that "Lassie's GreatAd- venture" would star Jerry Lewis. It's hard to tell whether Jerry or the dog will be the more insult- ed. 0--0--0 LOTS OF INTEREST -- All the main drag •rner- chants we have talked to are en- thusiastic about the results of the "Bike 'n Buck" Days pro- niotion. They report that cus- tomers are keen to enter their • names for the bicycle and cash draws. Don't forget to drop your tickets in the box when you shop in the stores marked with the yellow and black signs. 0--0--0 WARM ENOUGH?— . Can't tell you just how hot it was during the past week. We've long since reached the stage where we fear to look at the thermometer. It only snakes one feel worse. Itow- ever, Ontario must be the Hot- test place in Canada because several visitors from other prov- inces have told us flatly that it never gets this hot where they come from. O--U--O TRY YOUR BACK YARD -- In the interests of staying alive and healthy it might be a fine idea to spend the holi- day week -end under a tree in your own hack yard, After the prolonged hot spell it is safe to • predict that motorists will be on their way to the beaches in droves and the highways won't be safe for man nor beast. U--D--U BIG l3OULDERS- - Construction workers on the sewer project have been pretty careful in their clean-up op- erations to date. I towever, it might he a good idea if the boulders that have been left on top of the recently filled ex- cavation at the main corner • were removed and some de- cent gravel put in. It would be a simple matter for a stone to be snapped out from beneath a tire and injure a bystander. At the sante time it would make the street a good deal smoother for traffic. 0--0--0 QUICK CALL -- Local firemen answered a call to the Gurtrey Glove Fac- tory just after dinner on Tues- day, but the trouble had been • overcome by the time they ar- rived. A transmitter on one of the machines in the. factory had taken fire but the small blaze was put out with no serious da- mage. • tpe notRatente Single Copy Not Over Ten Cents Wingham, Ontario, Thursday, July 30, 1904 FIRST SECTION Music, Recitations Highlight Vacation ible Scho 1 ro'ram Last Friday morning the fi- nal sessions of the Wingham Vacation Bible School were held in the United and Baptist Churches. The average at- tendance was 200 children, plus, the many leaders and assistants. Total registration reached 257, slightly fewer than last year but 139 children received 100%at- tendance awards. Since these certificates arrived after Friday children who have not received them yet are asked to contact their Sunday School Superin- tendent or Miss Lucille Merk- ley, the registrar. The assist- ant registrars were Mrs. Monty Bennett and Mrs. Charles Per- rott. The opening sessions at each church every morning were the song-fests conducted by Mrs. Donald Sinclair and Ruth Sin- clair for the older children and Mrs. Jack Day, Mrs. Gordon Davidson and Mrs. K. Moffat for the 3 to 8 group. The joy- ous spirit these sessions engend- ered lasted through the whole morning. The children learned many Bible stories and mission stories; enjoyed games and lunch; made interesting crafts which tied in with the lessons; and closed each morning with a devotional period. Since Vacation School ses- sions encompass 30 hours of concentrated lessons the total knowledge of each child should be worthwhile. The excellent training and patience of the teen-age helpers was note- worthy too. CLOSING PROGRAM On Parents' Night the nurs- ery department presented the prayer song and opening prayer used daily throughout the two weeks. Their theme song was "Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World". Average attendance for the $600 Damage when Two Cars Collide A damage bill el $600.00 was the result of a collision be- tween two cars on the 9th of Turnberry last Thursday. The mishap occurred a half mile east of No. 4 Highway at the noon hour. The cars were driven by Norman Smith and George K. Lucas of Wingham. The acci- dent happened when they col- lided at an intersection. O.P.P. officers from the Wingham detachment investi- gated. Charges are pending. NO POST OFFICE SERVICE ON HOLIDAY There will be no wicket service and the lock box lobby will be closed all day Monday, August 3. There will be no rural delivery. One street letter box col- lection will be made at 3 p. m. and mail will be received and despatched. A stamp vending machine is located at the front of the post office for those re- quiring postage stamps. Swimmi Only s g Stopped r caution Swimming at the Riverside Park was halted at noon on Monday, after the daily check . of a sewage force pump in the area was found to be out of op- eration. It was due to go back into service Tuesday afternoon. The pool was closed purely as a precautionary measure as it is possible for sewage to get into the river when the pump fails, However, the danger of pollution at the pool is notse- vere as the pump is situated a considerable distance down stream from the swimming area so that pollutants would he moved away from the swim- ming area by the current. At the same time authorities do not want to take any risk if there is the slightest possibility that water at the pool could he contaminated. When the new sewage dis- posal project is completed and the big trunk lines are put into use this fall, the pump which has created the problem will be removed and there will be no further danger in future years. It is also understood that the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission has plans in the mill for establishing check points at various places in the Maitland Valley to keep constant sur - reliance of water pollution. The water at the pool is sampled every week and has always tested OK for swim- ming. Water in the river is polluted below the lower town darn because of sewage efflu- ent from the old septic tanks. This will also be corrected when the new disposal system is put into action. nursery class was 40. Mrs. R. Campbell and Mrs. R. Bell were assisted by Mary Joan Cor- rin, Heather Heuston, Lucille Merkley, Noreen Nicol, Ellen Cruickshank, Gloria Reed and Roelie Schipper. • Mrs. Hartley Watson and Mrs. W. T. Lapp were in charge of the kindergarten group. The average attend- ance was 56 with the highest 61. There were 73 registered. The leaders had the follow- ing helpers: Mrs. Kernahan, Mrs. House, Mrs. R. Hoilenbeck, Mrs. R. Shiell, Mrs. Stainton, Mrs. L. Hutton, Sharon Reavie, Janis Henderson, Judy Forsyth, Mildred Henning, Linda Hutton, Lorna Walter, Jean Welwood, Virginia Murray, Mary Ahara, Sally Galbraith, Mrs. Dolgas, Mrs. Fred McGee, Mrs. C.Per- rott, Lynn Stuckey and Diane Grove. The children sang three ac- tion songs at the closing pro- gram, "Come and See the Works of God", "God Made the Great Round Sun" and "The Li - tie Lost Sheep". The primary group wore crowns with the theme, "Friends of Jesus" printed on them. This was also the title of the open- ing song. Six girls, Grace Cor- rin, Carry MacDonald, Barbara Stapleton, Cathy Hildebrand, Debbie Brenzil and Sylvia Mac- Lean led in the recitation of verses. Two Bible stories were acted out and all recited the prayer they had learned. The assistants acre Betty Hetherington and Margaret Craig of Bluevale, Marilyn Higgins, Lynda Reavie, Mary Rathbun and Linda McTaggart. The juniors, whose instruct- ors were Miss Verna McLaugh- lin and Mrs. W. Harcourt, did honor to the Bible, reciting Timothy II 3:15,16. A group of boys recited memory verses, one for each day of the course. The girls repeated verses on God's plan of salvation which had been made into booklet form and recited the books of the Bible. Helpers for the juniors were Mrs. L. Palmer, Mrs. Schipper, Mary Helen Thompson, and Ruth Sinclair. Average attend- ance was 53, the highest ithas ever been, Mrs. W. D. Congram, Mrs. Don Sinclair and Mrs. Frank Collar were in charge of the in- termediates and Mrs. E. Web- ster helped with the crafts. There were ic registered in this department. At the Tlrrtrsd iy night pro- gram they resit, d memory verses and sang tae verses for the closing uuu::,er, "How tow Great Thou Art while other classes joined ni the choruses. w• rN THIS 1927 ROLLS ROYCE limousine was in the parade of vintage cars that visited Wingham over the week -end. It was or - iginatly built for Col. MacLean, of MacLean Publishing Co., at a cost of $17,400.00. —Advance -Times Photo. KINETTE DONATION—The local Kinette Club recently donated a croupette to the Wingham and District Hospital. Kinette president, Mrs. Robert Wenger, and Miss Marie VanBaaren, nursing assistant, look at baby Vicki Turner, of Wingham, not ser- iously ill, but merely demonstrating the machine. The outfit supplies a coot mist of oxygen for children with respiratory dis- tress and is valued at $230.00. It is the second gift from the club in recent weeks, the first being a baby lounge. Hospital authorities say the croupette will be of particular value during the spring and fall when more respiratory troubles occur. Five People Taking Shots r K a Coon Ends Career In Television "Hot Seat" Five people are getting ra- bies shots as a precautionary measure following contact with a young coon last week. The episode started when the animal was picked up by a group of young people on the road, among whom were Doug Hospital Patients Visited by Kiril A group of Kinsmen and Kinettes, Dr. and Mrs. S. G. Leedham, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Taylor, Mrs. Jack Wacker, Mrs. Mervyn Templeman and Mrs. Robert Wenger went to Goderich last Wednesday night to entertain patients at the On- tario Ilospital. Mr, Herbert Treneer, former organist of Wingham United Church, ac- companied thein and helped with the entertainment, Dr. Leedham was the mas- ter of ceremonies. :.lr. Tren- eer lc•d a sing -song and played and sang several selections. Mrs. Leedhani conductc d sev- eral party t'aute•s and h'iir'e' w.a5 played. 'ries .a:d treat: were supplied by the club , This is a new .elite:, .11 s er- t ict work which .. ill he c. i: - ducted every three I1?Oittliti, Hall and Ed Rintoul. Rintoul kept the animal for a few days, and when feeding the coon, the animal bit him on the chin, arm and stomach. Ed then gave the animal to Doug Hall, who was also bitten in attempts to feed it. Hall gave the coon to Roy Major, who is well known for his liking for wild animals, Roy had the baby coon in a small cage, but it got out, crawled into the back of a TV • set in the Major home and was Buys BM re r@i c �se e s George Jutzi, of Brussels, has purchased the trucking. bus- iness in Belmore owned by Jaynes and William Struthers. The purchase• included one cattle truck and PC\' license. class C.F.'r'S, as well as a steel I-uilding in %Amore which will •e used for an assembly point el livestock. elr. Jutzi has been ie the trucking busieess in Brussels for six :and a halt years and is op- erator of the 1,zrussels Transport. I'he f'(. V license is Valid within a :.e -ver, -Mile radius of ::elrrrore. electrocuted in the process. The head of the animal was sent into the Department of Health to cheek for rabies, and as a precaution, Mrs, Major, as well as Bob and Susan Major, who had contact with the coon, are also taking shots for rabies. ORGANIST RETIRES ---• Here bert C. Trent:er, orgarist et the Wingham United Church, was pre:,ei ted w+t n q t Fe! - lowing the morr:u.a t•ir'. c last Sunday by the choir ini church bi^'a'd t<:, mark It's ri:'- tirement as organist .:roci cir,�'•r leader. He has served in Wir-q- ham for the past t?'ree vears. Prdllmion 1 HEREBY PROCLAIM 9 'L!BLIC CIVICHOLIDAUir FOR THE TOWN OF W I NGI-IAM 9'HEf3EBY CALL UPON ALL GOOD CITIZENS TO OBSERVE SAME. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Mayor.