HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-07-23, Page 12Page 4 - 1fln ; '.na .+d', 'tIN't - I binsday. 3t:1\ I''t:4 Gorrie Personal Notes Mr...al' • r' :tied 1)owdall. Toronto. with Mr. •,ad t: ', . o.e.d' and visitetl '\,.••, in \Nin,+lia '....:old I`..trict Hospi- tal. lir, aid Mrs. 01 a:a\ Tar:, and \:r. and \ Jas. tl Tt, of Horrid+as .'':Ltd Sunday wat: Mr. and \ rs :�Qht rt Mr. and Mrs, Howard and \ie:,e1, Wilma, Edna and \:arilvn g' Kitehe'ner, spent Monday at t!+l saltie home. Air. and Air.. Wayne Steens of Scarborough visited over ti:e week-ets w aL Nies. :+, 1., •'te- pheus. \:iso Peggy: Watt, Toronto, is visiting at the :wine .'f a.r. and ''rs. Hector Hamilton. n. \'r. and Mrs:. Harold Fly:id- man spent Siarda\, a Goderich. 'lir. and Mrs. Elgin :,!clane4 Tommy aned i;i1h g' St. Helens y'rs. Lance `'.'rrisga Resdale was a recent visite,: with Mrs. \'il`let aunt.:. :r. C.i:.:rles "'ee?:t:Lei:. le ft last week t .. a !note,: tri, to Cie Yukon. \:r. \ti, i. Mille: is a - tient in `: ie.tori.. 1., - :tat, Lon- don where '.l ..rlderet'e at on Friday-. Serotina\ l'f t:a ie,:::r..... t1 :ods out to t:.e l'.'': e t tie r ..,._.:11 .., the l,'.. t' •r . Poo ti:4:1:I .:e a.:ld I.: ..:...'i\' have .:sided .:ere •....:e Taki g over tie stege .re'::::,. . .: , 1, :.:ille r a few ' ears ; c. sirs. . .d +Thompson o Lon- don spent ...:1t da'.: ,l a:.... pa:tints, _ and :'.., Gordon Mo lie rson. `Ae. ai Billy rete:Ced Lome a ver tare: weeks ...:C. La :aid n r cat is a pa- tient tient :n ‘Vint a::. and District tie,: tial. lb and Jill ::sited over tat: week -end will: his parents, N: .ind `irs..:,el Mose ?MCI :tiff..and Jill are. _.f:.,.... - g for ... we.:t, Tire ,.:;c0.:r...ili,.;. held on Sanjay ar t; :oink \.r, and vers. .. ale: w:t:: attendir e. .Mr. Gordon .Mcbr,re ,.:.. et.! on the week -e ad .:t the home of _r. and •:\ ,- `:feler. Mrs. . 'dive.:, .. tarn e d .., ..a ..'t . _sit: :e : par - •11:1).1 a: •;tsE' Stith the a`it:',: pa:eats, Mr. and Mrs. " : Yttih7, \:..a.!d 'Pers. N'.s:e II „ i$:*.. ed ' ..esed.t\ at the same • t 'a I'astte a' d Miss \1 i.l,,.....a t : 'i. Cecil L'raillt;t'r. 1'.iylgr • No:t'.:e'a1 Ireland, are 1•isiti:Ic; the '.`:'.tie'r's brothel Rev. andd `M.,. Fred \1. Ta\ lot. N -r. Fled ".avle'r of 1'ort+titr i$ ao atiotii:i at -,.. home:, "'r. 't t' '•'el'.ill:ati, \'r. t'la-e:;tie ..'et'a11:.in, ,:r. and `.'r,. S!ieldon 'Mann, >.:r. and Mrs. oe:doa. Mann, a::. aad Nies. Ione- ne- `.'a a attended the a'ral d:...!ld:li a! the orne'f s si=ter, :.:is: a : grie of Stra t+gr. . .., . leal. .. a.•• I't'.i.ald, Lon - :ban :s sL t.;:emc .v ie w day s with N':. and \:., . C. iii1:z . \!r. and Mrs, Lis art \1 hit - fie ld attended td'.e t...:.: a1 last N'o tial e`:.'rs. Jane Ls 4.'11 t`! 1;a.la:stone , \:r. and N:r . e=e e,rLeCalla- way. and t.:: ld:e of Tarreae:r\ Tu:' vi.:te'd Sanday w:Il: a:.,. Ann :Ritchie. :r. and Mrs. Jas, Oliver of Lively -..:d ..:. and Mrs. Tilos. 1 Haste of t'goksvilee spent the wet::.-e::ll wet::..._. and :Mrs. • [Ke :.veil: _ casts e . ., and Mrs. Lee .a:l: White of t.eyac:.:ad .:is, Ruth a :c- �1...:i. Ottawa spent several d.ns of .'r. .. d ' ... F.a vert 'Whitfield. N:,. and Mrs. :and\ .evesties .,: oato, are visiting ate . home: of Mr. and Mrs. .Larry Mr, and airs. Thos. Nic::ei, Tee swat.r, visited Saida.... with :•:rs. Wilbert Gallaway ...id Mr. \1,$. Va1i3way. NI:. a:id Mrs. Frank King spent the week -end with :'Mr. and a::. Glenn Kine;, Peterbor- e,::.-h and .:r. and \irs. Robt. Featherston of Orillia. :.:r. and Mrs. Earle King and I fa:nil'. spent the weekend at I Wail:ac _ .:r. ...:d ever.. Alex Gral:,.... a::......•1• 'visited over the w.,::- :d with Mrs. Jas. Mc- Kenzie Sr. of W allacebt:r, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haskins and C... .1 a::d ..rs. !larry Gowdy attended the County Co.:n i1 picnic at Ggderici. on ::c:acay. and Mrs. Oscar beye:s, ,dlia.'e .t. p.,' ..:TlC .... and Mrs. Charles I;oeh on friday. Mr. and Mrs. e;egrge Sear- sl`I1, 11.1110N Cr, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Sear - Quarterly Tea At U.C.W. Meeting \1111 fiClR RClI-Last Wt.'d- nesaal tt:l' e�alvin-Brick C'. C. 11 , ti:et at else home cf Mrs. e;e:dgti MN:Barney where 17 I: a n:b.`Ls and three visitors ga- me -ed, \irs. Lawrence Taylor gave the call to worship. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Ron- ald e'.tates. .A reading was given by \Irs. I awrl'nee Tay tor. Mrs. John Jamieson led in prayer. A trio \!?.ses N: nc.•, Wanda and Lorna Mason sang "Tell It Again". Tnc Bible study was given by N:rs. Ken Mason from "Tete Word and 1'ne Way." The .'.assign study was a skit," Some- w::ere on the Northern Light Mission Fuld", given by Mrs. Ronald Coulter, \:rs. Ken Ma - soil, airs. deny Dawson, Mrs. Lynn Morrison. airs. L. Tay- lor led in prayer. T. offering was received in :Miss Deana Dawson and the o fe:t,•r. prayer was given by ...,, ie,°:,1 Ja111kson. The bus- .. ;las ecrducted by \!rs. G:hert Beecroft. -~rnites were read by ti.: s.cretary, \irs, Sidney son. It was agreed to send be ::+ale by September 1st. A petition lead been sent to tl:e• Board of Broadcast Gov- retarding the advertising beer and ale. The replylet- ter was read statins, that at pre- vent there was nothing they cc.ld do as there was no law to disbar it. airs. Roy Pattison of the :lower committee announced a new list wocid be posted of those: to provide. flowers for Sun- day service. The C. G. I. T. in Belg:aye had been donated $5 by Mrs. Ken Mason and the so- ciety received a thank you note from Miss Joyce Procter, secretary- of C. G. I. T. All were invited to attend a day out at Goderich Summer Camp o:. September 12. Improve- ments mprove`n:ents at ti:e chnrel: were dis- ea.sed. efinancial Cei;mittee .: to decide on a project for L.O.B.A. Honors Two Members GORI:1L-Mrs. a:ahel Cilkiu- stin was presentee with an hon- orary mvinherslii,` by the Gorrie Ladies' Orange Benevolent As- sociation at the July meeting. She had been a member for 3U years. It was also her 80th birthday and a decorated cake and ice cream were served. Mrs. Annie Gilpin of Huron - view also received an honorary membership certificate. Visit Huronview CORM--TheCorrie and Wroxeter Women's Institute visited Huronview at Clinton on Wednesday afternoon. A sing song was enjoyed. Mrs. G. A. Anderson gave a reading. Mrs. form: Seifert of Fordwich gave violin and mouth organ selections. Those having birthdays in July were presented with gifts. Lunch, complete with a birthday cake and ice cream, was served. The man who discovered the telegraph in 1847, Samuel Fin- ley Breeze Morse, was a world fatuous painter. Whitechurch Happenings Misses Janis Farrier and Di- ane C:oultes returned home on Friday from Port Elgin, where they had been visiting the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Schwiehtcnberg. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kuiper, Raymond, Paul, Dick and Mrs. De Groot returned home on Friday after vacationing in Holland, Michigan, for the past week. Mrs.. Charlotte llolditch re- turned on Wednesday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson after spending a few days with Miss Viola Thacker of Teeswater, Miss Thacker at one time taught school in Mrs.. llolditch's school section in Brant County. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Scott of Rip- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Far- rier, Brian, Colleen and Carol of Long Branch, visited with Mrs. W. R. Farrier and Winni- fred this week. Misses Karen and Leasa Scholtz of Goderich spent the week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Mr. Allan and Kevin Fal- coner of Streetsville, Brian and Paul Falconer of Sarnia boli - Brother Dies In Vancouver GORRIE-Fo11t'wing a lengthy illness Richard C. Sparling of Vancouver passed away on Ju- ly 18th in his 9 rd year. He was the $ea of the late Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Sparling and was born near it. Marys. He spent his boyhood days in the Gorrie Community and CARING FOR KIDDIES UNICEF, the L nited Nations International Children's Emer- gency Fund, was originally es - tablished to help children who were made homeless in World War II. However, its value to the world became so obvious that it is now a permanent U. N. organization concerned par- ticularly with the plight of children in underdeveloped countries. raising funds. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, on behalf of Doreen, thanked the ladies for cards sent to her while she was a pa- tient in Wingham and District Hospital with pneumonia. The quarterly tea was served by Mrs. Gordon McBurney's group. 1111.110.1M— 12M22.1111. _ FOY Con THIS CONTEST 15 BA5E2 ON MY RULE "PLAY YOUR GAME5 IN A SAFE PLACE, AWAYROM 11 -IE STREET:°,`INDTi}p7ERRORS 111=R'T T\4FEi4 CALOR TiF15 PICTURE -11-5 FUN • '.. I\1.,.....�_ trni CtCM. IMPERIAL MARK IV BiKES - One boy's and one girl's FLYTE ACCESSORY KITS Each kit contains bicycle lock, handle grips, bell, mud flap and streamers. .Hail before July 29th to ..-......,.v .,®..,, .v. ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 208 KING STREET WEST TORONTO 1, ONTARIO ..�. aver ammo sss ...r How to enter.... 1 Cut this contest out of paper along dotted lines and color the picture. Or draw a picture thot looks like this and color it. 2 Last on separate sheet of paper the seven things wrong in the picture. 3 Moil contest and list to ad- dress on Entry Form. Don't for - Contest No. 1 NAME ADDRESS (Street) AGE TELEPHONE eves.. r....,.11 ameua get to fill in your name and address. 4 All entries become the pro- perty of Elmer the Safety Ele- phant and connot be returned. 5 Children of employees of this newspaper, the Ontario Safety League and C.G.M. may not enter. ..mem„ (City, Town., Boy Girl m,.mm. mere. -.m ....mm. amm.m i 1 went West when a young man and lived the greater part of his life in Vancouver. Flis wife, the former Cath- erine Dane, predeceased him in 1956. Surviving are two brothers, A. E. (Bert) Sparling of Van- couver and Harvey of Gorrie, and several nieces and neph- ews. The funeral was held Mon- day frog: the Simmons and NIcBridc funeral home with bur- ial in Vancouver cemetery. dat'e'd this itielI with their grandmother, Mrs. Cassie Fal- coner. Airs, Lmttia Mage, of Willow - dale spent the first rt the week with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gros- korth. Mrs. hagg has sold her house in \ti illowdale and in the near future will he moving to another section. Mr. Bevin Tiffin has arrived home from Wingham and Dis- trict Ilospital where tie was a patient with an injured finger received at Mr. John Gaunt's sawmill. Mrs. Victor Emerson, sec- retary, Mrs. Harvey Houston, P. R. U. , liolyrood, and Mrs. Don McCosh of Ripley, past president of Grey -Bruce Wo- men's Institute convention area were in Wiarton on Tuesday to complete arrangements for the convention to be held then on October t.9 and 30. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells of Lloydminster, Sask., are spend- ing a few weeks at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Russell Purdon. \irs. 11. sinuatnou and Mrs. Robert Sinnatnon, of Wingham and Mrs. 1 W. Beecroft spent Thursday at Westminster Hospi- tal, London, with Mr, Hugh Sirtnatuou, a patient there. The buys of the militia have heen camping this week at the Nth bridge in E. Wawanosh and on Friday a group led off in the trek e hway, Cinto Fridaythhigevening White- church and Teeswater midget softball teams played on the Whitechurch diamond. The score was Teeswater 1a and Whiteuueh 1. Mret. and Airs. Wallace Agar of Wingham visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Coultes. Mr. Janes Ross, employed by the Tool and Die Company in Port Elgin, spent tate week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Russel Ross. Misses Patricia King of Teeswater and Nlelanie De No- va of Toronto spent this week with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Ar- scott and Andrea King. !• "Hometown Service .. . anywhere" ...no matter how far from home you may bel A country -wide network of more than 200 claim offices services the car insurance we write. Even if you have an accident far from home, you can count on fast, efficient help ... the same kind we give you right here! W. B. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage Agents for—Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 5 JOHN ST. W. WINGHAM PH. 357-2636 THIS WEEK'S Lucky Winner — MRS. ROBT. HALL WINGHAM BEING PRESENTED WITH HER PRIZE, BY JACK HAYES, THIS WEEK'S DRAW CHAIRMAN OUR SPECIAL THANKS TO POLICE CHIEF JAMES MILLER, CONSTABLES FOX - TON AND WHITBY for their assistance in our Bicycle check campaign. Over 200 youngsters participated in this worthwhile venture. To them and their parents—a special "Thank You" for interest in public safety. REMEMBER ... THERE ARE STILL 4 BICYCLES AND 6 CASH PRIZES LEFT FOR OUR "BIKE 'N' BUCK" DAYS. SHOP AT THE STORES DISPLAYING THE YELLOW "BIKE `n' BUCK" BANNERS Wingham. Business Association