HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-07-16, Page 14Page 0 - Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, July 10, 1904 Wroxeter Personals Mr, and :.1rs. 11.>\d E+septet and Miss Jo!, 1.0ia'..tatz \isiteel Lir. and Mrs. sfewatrt, :holeswortll, 0;A. .'a\ last .e. t. Mr. and \'r . 1 dward Gibson, Sara and . were Sunda'. ; . i,t.` \e .tl es Fisk and ::::i, . eah..;en. Ross 1•otit.,1!', .,;!d \'.L» Wright we re in •i:ie?en.eu where the'\ \' i,it. d \'.r, Wallace. Tomaa. Sunda; visitors w it!i \:r, •r:r.: :hrs.:.'.;c .Alan were Vrs. P. \1aeNar.igi:toir .t:td John 'Vac - Naughton o: AlIle11:I e�l.:e ser. and \:r. ert \1cKal;;ne of 1ee•swater, M£, and Mrs. Foci. Gall:!:liter of Mount Forest. N11. and Mrs. Allister careen, Linda and Janis of Goderieli, vi- sited Miss (i.rtrudc hush and Mrs. h. Iveir and 3'.r. and :Mrs. George Gibson on Sunday. :\'.r. and 3:rs. V\ nt. Skoropa- ta, Pilot Mound, \lan., were recent guests of 31r. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins. airs. Fred 1Evndman visited last week with he: sister, itrs. Jas. Doig. Mr. and ..:rs. Peter Isabelle Toronto, have e.4 tamed home following a weeie's vacation with the forme is mother, Mrs. Clarence Clement. A1r. Blair Sharp, Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. John Hupfer. 3Messers Paul and Bill Higgins are attending summer school at London and Toronto respective- ly. .\1iss Hope Noble of Rothsay is vacationing with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edgar, Ruth and Lynne of Sr. Thomas, spent a day last week with:Mrs. W. Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush. Mr. and :.1rs. 31ac Allan have returned to their home in San 1 ransisco atter spending the past few weeks. at their slutuner hogs. here.. \'r, c1.40ice '':went and 3'e.. 1\alun h.ahelle e t Toronto spent the %,,%.1.1.-%, nd wits! \ 1rs. Clare nee e'ie n;. at. ?.'aster 3't;na1\ :'innalnon is a patient in \' ittghatll ,rnd Dis- trust Hospital with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley', Ja::n. stow u, <hrtit Sntidav eve - MIT w ith the fonllrr'S Sister, '+'r$. i•li.:aAVtL Hoffman. Mr. and 31rs. toss Coates, spent Wednesday with Mr. and :'rs. Gordon Heath at their trailer in L' \' e n Sound. Mrs. Aloa.:eo Spading and Miss navel Spading spent Sun- day in Seaforth where they vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fa - ton and fammily. :Mr. and Mrs. Lyle hart, Patti and Susan spent last week at Port Elgin. VISITS HOMESTEAD ON 90th BIRTHDAY WROXETER-Charles Max- well quietly celebrated his .)4th dirthday at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald of Jamestown. Up until this summer Mr. Maxwell has spent the summers at his home in the village and had a large garden and looked after the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allan. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald drove him to Drayton on Sun- day to visit the old homestead of his childhood. Did you hear about the two red corpuscles who loved in vein? Party Held on 90th Birthday WROXETER--Relatives gath- ered Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCutcheon, Walton, to honor Will Ringler on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hupfer, Melvindale, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tennant and daugh- ters of Dearborn, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kranick, son Hal and friend Gary of Romulus, Mich., Misses Flva and Evelyn Hupfer, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hupfer, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hupfer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMichael, Mrs. Richard Griffith, Mr. Allan Griffith, Mr. John Hupfer, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Riley and fa- mily, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McMichael and family, all of Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. Glen McMichael and family, Blue - vale; Mrs. Blair Sharp and fa- mily of Sarnia. Contributions Still Needed LAKFI.I'T-Thr regular monthly meeting of the McIn- tosh United Church Women was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Jack Ferguson. The first vice president, Mrs. Jack Inglis chaired the meeting. Mrs. Leonard harper led devo- tions and Mrs. James Ilarper read the Scripture. Mrs. Clark Renwick reported on progress being made at the manse, purchases made, and requirements still needed. Mrs. Oliver Dustow reported on Christian and Missionary edu- cation. A part of the topic was given by Mrs. Everett Dustow on the real meaning of The Lord's Prayer. Mrs. George harper gave a very informative des- cription of the United Church Crest which was enlightening and educational. Roll call was presponded to by 15 members and three visit- ors. The shipping of the bale of good used clothing will be de- layed for further contributions. Following the business per- iod Mrs. Leonard harper closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. L. Flarper, Miss F. Inglis and the hostess. t3ELGRAVE Miss Audrey Coultes and Miss Mary Ellen Walsh are this week attending C.G.I. T. Camp at the Goderich Summer School. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Levitt and Jerry at Varney. Miss Jean Bacon of Mutual Life in Waterloo visited with her parents, :\1r. and Mrs. Al- bert Bacon, for the week -end. IT'S SALEF THE THE YEAR! MILLER'S AR' 4-H Demonstrations atW.I. BLt'I'VA1.1 -With an attend- ance of :17 Including visitors and 4-11 Club girls, the Blue - vale Women's Institute met at the house of Mrs, c;eorge Lowis, Mrs. Harry Elliott presiding, on July 8th. Mrs, J. V. Fischer, conven- er of home economics, intro- duced the guest speaker, Ali.ss Patricia I)atnude, !knoll coun- ty economist, who gave an in- teresting address onchina, de- scribing several kinds and some- thing of their origin and manu- facture, Bone china, made in England, ranks best but has sev- eral grades and corresponding prices. Airs. Fischer expressed appreciation and presented a gift to the speaker, Two groups of home making clubs presented a program, Miss Donna Mundell described the project "The Milky Way" and exhibits from this group were baked custards, Miss Ruth Ma - titers told of the project, "Be- ing well dressed and well groomed" and nlewhe•.; of her group showed blouses they had Math'. I:\hibits 01 the work of Miss Nancy Taylor showed she had won provincial honors by completing ten projects. I)tlets were. sung by Misses Grace and Rutin Mathers, and by :hisses Margaret Craig and Bet- ty Hetherington, 3fiss Grace lathers describ- ed the .1-11 club conference' at Guelph in June, She was one of six girls chosen from lluron County to attend. Some discussion took place on planning a bus trip for mem- bers in August, Of several pros- pects, the one chosen was to Collingwood, the date to he decided later, The roll call was answered by donations of money and ma- terials for the Golden Circle School in Wingham. Refresh- ments were served by Mrs, Bert Garniss, Agiss Dorothy Greena- way and Mrs, Carl Johnston, News of Lakelet Master Ronald Clarke of Mitchell spent two weeks' hol- idays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenley. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Foerter of Ihlr- riston visited at the same home on Sunday. Master Lloyd Byer is attend- ing Camp Kahquah on Mimic Lake in Parry Sound this week. Mrs. James McCormick re- ceived word via R.C.M. P. ra- dio on Sunday that Mr. Mc- Cormick arrived safely atYel- lowknife, Northwest Territories and has secured employment there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson called on Mrs. Elilton Ashton do Sunday at the Nursing IFome in Lucknow where she is a pa- tient. Miss Janette Wright andMiss The ENTIRE STOCK at MILLER'S Lois Ferguson are holidaying in Kitchener this week. Miss Linda Mehring ofGow- anstown is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McComb. Mr. and Mrs. Arno Baum- garten visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Ducwel on Sunday. \lr, and Mrs. Murray Wright and son of Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. ilarold Francis and family of Wingham, Ntr. and \1rs.Wal- ter Dcmerling and family, and Mr. and Mrs , H. Wright gather- ed at Grand Bend for a picnic on Sunday. Mr, Klaus Duewel is attend- ing a Co-op Training Course for farm managers in Toronto this week. LADIES' WEAR goes on sale THURSDAY, JULY 16th 4 Quality Merchandise --Top Savings D;ESS CLEARANCE COTTONS - SILKS ALL DRESSES - CREPES - LINENS IN THE STORE SIZES 9 - 50 AND 141/2 TO 241/2 ALL DRESSES Regularly 58.95 to $12.95 DEDUCT 2.00 Z ALL DRESSES Regularly S13.00 to S19.95 DEDUCT $3.00 ALL DRESSES Regularly S20.00 to $29.95 DEDUCT $5.00 ALL WOOL - DOUBLE KNIT SUITS and COATS DEDUCT $7000 purses' Uniforms — IN STOCK — White Sister and Uniforms Registered SALE PRICE OFF 1.00 CATALOGUE PRICES — PLUS A — FREE PAIR OF WHITE NYLONS with each uniform purchased BLOUSES Silks - Crepes - Cottons All White or Floral Designs 20% OFF Sizes ki 10 to 44 Shirt Tales 50c off SLIPS Kayser & Gay Lure Sizes 32 to 46 10% OFF Also all other Lingerie Gowns, Pyjamas, Panties Hand -Bags Many colors, styles and qualities OFF Reg. Price Many Yellow Ticket Special at 1/2 Price 20% HATS Our entire stock of Millinery PRICE EVERYTHING GOES GLOVES Many colors and sizes Different lengths Values to $1.98 SALE PRICE 794 MANY OTHERS 294 CLEARING AT NYLONS FIRST QUALITY Gold Dollar 400 Denier 694 sizes 8'/2 to 11 THE ORIGINAL TICKETS STAY ON. YOU DEDUCT YOUR OWN SAVINGS CHARGES REFUNDS RETURNS (DURING SALE) r„• f.a=1••4� .:: SUM/VIER Sportswear 20% OFF Shorts - Pedal Pushers Pop Tops Bathing Suits , Stretch or ` "' , Wool Slims BRASSIERES Sizes 30AA to 44C DEDUCT 50c OFF REGULAR PRICE SPECIAL CLEARANCE AT 994c I GIRDLES Small to Extra Large in Pantie or Straight Girdle Zippered or Pull -on DEDUCT $1050 w,ee�u�.ea..MkP.M ,woe.,eowo41.11.„ „ ,. .....,e1 oe.I s„ ss.rm„ ,e.anmIoue„ ...,as.,m..®., ..,ew-1=W,e.,..s,..1•,e.,.1.1.4,e„e..e.,.01•1..w.im..4•e..a.r s60.-1 .®.,iNnsr.a,.am.+.mo-m..e ®a s,..e►.,