HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-07-16, Page 6Page ti \Yinghain Advanee Tilnes, Thursday, .luty 1ti, Itlt;•l TAKE THE LABOUR OUT OF YOUR SELLING USE ADVANCE -TIMES WANT ADS! 357 -2 340 FOR SALE SHOP BENNE/M.2 5c to 51.00 STORE FIRST for boys' drill jeans, 51.98, assorted colors; boys' flannel dress pants, ad- justable waist, 52.98. 16b ARRIVING SHORTLY -Pails of red and black cherries. Place your order now at Dobson's Store in Wroxeter, phone 36W. 16* NEW POTATOES for sale. Jou- wsma Market Gardens, phone 357-3262. 16b BEEF FRONTS -Cut and wrap- ped, 39c lb. Wingham Meat Market. 16b ONTARIO new potatoes, 10 lb. bags, 59c. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. 16* BOAT, motor, trailer and steer- ing complete. Good buy. Apply Box 37, Advanee-Times. 16b TURKEYS - 45c Ib, Wingham Meat Market. 16b CHARCOAL, 5 lbs. bags, 31c. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. 16* CEDAR POSTS for sale, all sizes, including anchor and brace, Phone 357-3617. 16b BLACK CURRANTS and rasp- berries for sale. Phone Wrox- eter 802R13. 16b REDPATH granulated sugar, 50 lb. bag, S5.49. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. :6* SMOKED PICNICS - 43c lb. Wingham Meat Market. 16b MIXED GRAIN, oats and bar- ley, for sale. Litter carrier, complete. Alan Whytock, Tees - water 392-6267, 16b SUNKIST frozen lemonade, 12 - oz, tins, 2,'45c. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter, 16* USED DURO pressure system for sale; also Perfection coal stove and ovens, suitable for summer cottage, Camp- bell's Garage, Wingham, 16* MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61/2", 85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 14rrb KRAFT Cheez Whiz, 16 -oz, jar, 55c. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. 16* 17 -FT. CADET TRAILER for sale, made by General Coach Co. of Hensall. Excellent con- dition. Phone 528-3421. 16* KITCHEN RANGE for sale, witht reservoir and warming cicsdt; ten years old, like new; one wood heater stove. Albert Skelton, Blyth, phone 377J8, Brussels 16* ALLEN'S apple sauce, fancy quality, 20 -oz. tins, 2/35c. Dob - son's Store, Wroxeter. 16* 22x38 WOODS steel threshing machine for sale, with Mild- may shredder and high eleva- tor. Phone 451J6, Brussels. 16* SWEET CHERRIES are at their best. Get them at Ga- venlock Market on Highway 21, 2 miles south of Forest or Bear Creek Market at War- wick Village. Orders filled promptly. We will have pit- ted cherries ready for can- ning or freezing next week. 9-16b SCHNEIDERS rindless side bacon ends, 1 lb. pkg., 59c. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. 16* FOR SALE OR RENT - New and used travel trailers, tent trailers, mobile homes and ac- cessories. On display at Lamb's Cities Service, Walkerton, phone 881-0406. 25rJy30b FOR. SALE - Montmorency cherries ready by July llth•. Bring containers and pick your own, Reduced rates on large quantities. Raspberries will be ready same time, pick your own. Watson Fruit Farms. 1 mile north of Forest on Highway 21, phone 873-5439. 9-16b CARS FOR SALE 1957 CHEVROLET for sale, 4 - door, automatic, V8. In good condition, Phone 357-1856. 16b 1947 FORD 1/2 -ton pick-up truck for sale, clean and repainted. Phone Ernie King 357-1310 be- tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 16b • LOST LOST - Blue sweater, size 6X, and gunmetal boy's jacket, size 6, Please phone 357-1174. 16* LOST-Tn Wingham, Thursday, black change purse containing 'deposit box key. Finder please leave at Advance -Times office. 16b TAXI SERVICE LEE'S TAXI l4 - HOUR SEF.VICE Long or short trips DIAL 357-1521 We carry taxi insurance REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 -BEDROOM HOUSE for sale, oil furnace, wired for auto- matic washer and dryer. Built-in cupboards. Carling Terrace, phone 357-1196. 9-16b HOUSE FOR SALE, in Ford- wich, 8 rooms. red brick, in- sulated, oil furnace, pressure system. Apply M. Aylesworth, Gorrie, 16-23* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 57,800, 11/2 storey 10 room brick veneer modernized home, suit- able for apartments. Large well shaded lot with good car garage. House is in good condition with ample closet space. Centrally located close to main street in Wingham. Immedilate posses- sion, 54,400 down payment for this 4 bedroom modernized 11/2 storey brick home. Spacious 1 acre well landscaped and shaded lot. Lo- cated 2 blocks off main street. Possession immediately, Full price $8,000, Mortgage available. Pe storey 3 bedroom clap- board sided home with 3 piece bath, cupboards, hot and cold water on pressure and oil fired furnace. Large lot with shade trees, garden area and small barn. In good condition and privately located in Bluevale. Reasonably priced 54,600, with terms available. 51,000 cash down, 11/2 storey asphalt sided modernized 6 room house with addition. All floors covered with tile or linoleum. 4 bedrooms. Private well on pres- sure, hot water tank and extras to remain. Standard sized well shaded lot privately located in Wingham. Full price 55,700. Good terms available. Also extra lot (large) with fruit trees and garden area available with this property if desired for a total price of $6,500, with same terms available. More good homes available; farms, all sizes and locations: scenic resort areas; taxi and restaurant business and lots in and out of town. For your Real Estate require- ments, Contact - FRANK J, CASKANETTE Box 157, or Dial 357-1702 Wingham, Ontario Representative for WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED REALTOR, WALKERTON, Ont, Members of the Grey -Bruce Real Estate Board for M.L.S. Listings. 16b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 -YEAR-OLD GELDING riding horse for sale. Phone 357-2587. 16b 4 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS for sale, due in a week or two. Nick Kloostra, Wingham 357- 3263, 16b 20 SUCKLING PIGS for sale, 6 weeks old. Phone 357-1158. 16* 44 SHOATS of pigs for sale. Art McDonald, phone 392 - 6382, Teeswater. 16* FOR RENT SEMI - FURNISHED one bed- room apartment for rent. Ph, 357-1615. 16b SMALL APARTMENT for rent, 1 bedroom. Price $25.00. Apply Lloyd Hayden Barber- shop. 9rrb HEILITE TENT TRAILER for rent, fully equipped. $30.00 weekly, 510.00 week -end, Mrs. Elmer Farrish, Gorrie, phone Fordwich 26R12, 25-2-9-16-23* MALE HELP WANTED FIREMAN WANTED for the Wingham Fire Department. Apply to Robert A. Hickey, Secretary -Treasurer Wingham Fire Department. 9-16-23b MARRIED MAN required for beef -hog farm, Separate house. Apply stating age, size of fam- ily, experience and salary ex- pected to Box 38, Advance - Times. 16b HAIR DRESSING ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham, Dial 357-2981. rrb SALES HELP WANTED -Male MEN -Pleasant outdoor work. Average $3 per hour. No ex- perience necessary. Write Rawleigh, Dept. G -453 -VV, 4005 Richelieu St,, St. Henry, Mon- treal. 16b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TL'RNBERRY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until August 1 at 12 o'clock noon for supplying and hauling approximately 4000 cu. yds., more or less, of pit run gravel, to be spread on the B Line from Moffatt's Bridge, west to the boundary line be- tween the town of Wingham and the township of Turnberry. The gravel and work must be satis- factory to the road superintend- ent. Work must be completed by September 1st, 1964. Price to be per cu. yd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John V. Fischer. Clerk of the Township of Turnberry. 16-23b WANTED HOUSE TO RENT for month of August. Phone 357-1581. 16b APARTMENT WANTED, in Wingham, by or before 1st September, 2 bedrooms, Write L. S. Dal Bello, Box 217, Thedford, Ont. 9-16* WANTED -House close to busi- ness section, by a retired couple. Must be in good con- dition. Will pay cash. Apply Box 39, Advance -Times. 16-23b TWO-BEDROOM apartment or smaller house wanted to rent. Reliable tenant with steady employment. Please call Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320, for fur- ther information, 16rr* WOULD LIKE to rent 3 or 4 bedroom house in Wingham, Bluevale or Belgrave for the last of July or August. Apply Gordon Dingman, R. R. 3, Lis- towel, one mile west of Dor- king. 16b WE REQUIRE additional flocks to supply us with hatching eggs, dual purpose, egg and broiler breeds required. We take broiler eggs every week in the year, Large premium Haid. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 16-30-A13b ESTIMATE WANTED On improvement of grounds adjacent to Wingham and Dis- trict School for Retarded Child- ren. Work includes grading, clearing and seeding of plot of land for playgrounds. Anyone interested in quoting on this project, contact Ross Hamilton, phone 357-1310 or 357-3686. 16b SUGGESTIONS REQUESTED Township of Morris Anyone with any suggestions for a 'project or projects for Township of Morris under the Centennial Grants Programme kindly mail same to undersigned by 12 noon, August 3, 1964. Mrs. H. D. Martin, Clerk, Mor- ris Township, Belgrave, Ontario. 16b DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lic. No. 262-C-63 When Offering Your Property For Sale You should expect and receive competent advice and planned advertising. THE SELLING RATE FOR HOUSES IN WINGHAM IS 3%. These services are available When you call and list with WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial 357-2174, WINGHAM LEGAL NOTICE I, Ronald Jacklin, am not re- sponsible for any hills made by my wife, Donelda Jacklin, as of July 15, 1954. Ronald Jacklin. 16-23-30b NOTICE Is hereby givl n that I will not assume responsibility for any debts or any form of financial obligation on behalf of my wife, Hermie Jaceweiz, from this day forward, - Anton Antony Jace- weiz. 16-23-30* TOWN OF WINGHAM PUBLI(' NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham proposes to pass a bylaw to close up and stop, all that portion of a lane running north from Alfred Street to the northerly limit of Lots 464 and 459 and situated between Lots 464, 465, 466 and Lots 457, 458 and 459 in the Town of Wingham The proposed bylaw showing the land affected may be seen at the Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. At its meeting to be held on September 8, 1964, at 8 p m, in the Town Hall, council will hear in person, or by his counsel any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard. Dated at Wingham this 14th day of July 1964. WILLIAM RENWICK, Town Clerk. 16-23-30-A6b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF AL- BERT LOUIS HEIBEIN. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 20th day of June, 1964, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 25th day of July, 1964. After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 3rd day of July, A.D. 1964, CRAWFORD & HETHERING- TON, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 9-16-23b MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING and DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham, Ont. 16rrb FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sand- ed and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Ph. 357-2750, Norman Rintoul & sons. 16rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. 015* NOTICE If you are thinking of financing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reub- en Appleby, R. R. 2, Wingham, phone 357-1679. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent - LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, KR, 5, Dial 857-3739 CREDIT UNION OFFICE in CONNELL BLOCK Office Hrs.: FRIDAY 7-9 p.m. 23rrb NOTICE FOR CUSTOM SPRAYING of any kind - including Scrub- bing Barns, Disinfecting and Whitewashing, also Brush Spraying. All work to pass government inspection. - PHONE HAROLD DENNIS Evenings 357-2947 - or LIONEL MAHOOD Anytime 357-1668 - or VICTOR KENNEDY Phone I3LYTH 28rrb CARDS OF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received from my friends and neighbours during my recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. C. M, Jardine. -Mrs. James Halliday. 16b The family of the late Leslie Wightman wish to convey to friends and former neighbours their sincere appreciation for flowers, memorial donations, ex- pressions of sympathy and acts of kindness during their recent bereavement, 16b I would like to express my sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for visits, cards, treats and flowers and the everlasting kindness of the nursing staff on first floor while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital; also Rev. G. L. Fish and Dr, McKibbon.- Mrs. Roy Porter. 16* I wish to take this opportunity to thank the friends. neighbors and relatives for their thought- ful gifts, visits, cards and to those who helped in any way during my recent illness. Special thanks to Dr. McKibbon, Dr, Leahy, Rev. T. E, Kennedy and the nursing staff. -Bill Mundell. 16b AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTIES AND CONTENTS To be held on Saturday, July 18, 1964, in the Township of Culross. Sale to commence at S. S. No, 4, Lot 15, Con. 4, at 12:30 p.m.; S. S. No. 7, Lot 25, Con. 8, at 2 p.m.; S. S. No, 10, Lot 32, Con. 13, at 4 p.m. Terms -Cash on all items ex- cept properties which are 10% on day of sale, balance within 30 days, Properties sold subject to reserve bid. Auctioneer, L, G. Bryce; Pro- prietors, Culross - Teeswater School Area Board. 16b AUCTION SALE 215 Centre St., Wingham, Ont. SATURDAY, JULY 18th 1 p.m. sharp Household furnishings -3 pee. chesterfield suite; bird cage and stand; wicker fernery; springs and spring filled mattress; 5 gal. crock; 5 pce. chrome set; com- bination wood door; lamps; tables; 3 lawn chairs and table. Antiques - Fall leaf table; water pitchers; miniature cos- mos lamp, complete; wash stands; cradle; spinning wheel; Gone with the Wind lamp; set Limoge dishes; soup tureen with matching ladle; fruit bowls; GTR lantern; several lustre pieces; jardinieres; color- ed and clear goblets and glass- es; odd and unusual oil lamps; colored lamps; hanging lamps; two 7-pce, colored water sets; clock; cranberry hall lamp; cow, sleigh and chime bells; cutter; tables; compotes; Edison disc records; Queen Victoria pictur- es; chair; several toilet sets; 4 cranberry pickle cruets; cake stands, colored and clear; what- not; pressed and patterned glass; many plates and other dishes. Many articles too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash. Mrs, George Drehmann, Prop.; Jack Alexander, Auct., ph. 357- 3631 16b AUCTION SALE For the Estate of Mrs. Mary Hollyman, in Village of Blyth, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1:30 p.m. McClary 4 burner electric stove, almost new; 9 cu. ft. Kelvinator refrigerator; Loco- motive electric washing machine (in A-1 condition), with heater; electric iron; 21" Spartan tele- vision, almost new; bronze kit- chen set, 6 chairs; kitchen stool; medicine cabinet; electric clock; Singer sewing machine; Singer floor polisher and scrubber, al- most new; Airway vacuum cleaner; dining room table, china cabinet; chesterfield and two chairs; occasional chair; foot stool; wicker chair; chester- field table; end table; coffee table; hall rack with mirror; violin; ukulele; fernery; 2 rugs, 9x9 and 9x12; set of binoculars; two card tables; Sampsonite card table with 4 matching chairs; trilight lamp; rocking chair; day bed; buffet; 2 maga- zine racks; sewing cabinet; smoking stand; table lamps; 2 electric radios; modern blonde bedroom suite with bookcase bed; chest of drawers; trunk; dresser; Aladdin lamp; iron bed with spring -filled mattress; elec- tric blanket, brand new; cedar chest; set of bedroom dishes; quilts; pillows and bedding; dishes and kitchen utensils; 2 lawn mowers: garden tools; other articles too numerous to mention. Real Estate -At approx, 3 p.m. Coming Events CLOSING NOTICE Dr. G. W. Howson's office will be closed from July 19th to August 3rd, Inclusive, 16* THE HOWICK LIONS 21st ANNUAL FROLIC In the Wroxeter Community Park Wednesday and Thursday, July 29 and 30. Bingo, games and programs, Thursday night is the giant chicken barbecue and dance. Draw for 20 prizes, 10 each night. See you there. 16-23b ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman Deyell announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Joan, to Mr. Murray Andrew Gaunt, son of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Gaunt, R, R. 1, Lucknow. The marriage will take place at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wing - ham, on Saturday, August 1st, at 2 o'clock. 16* "AT HOME+' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Elliott, formerly of Wingham, will be at home to their friends at 54 Trafalgar Street, Goderich, on Wednesday, July 29, from 2 until 4:30. and would be pleased to hear or see any of their old friends on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. 16h ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Laura Merle, daughter of Mrs. Nelson Gowdy, of Wingham, and the late Mr. Gowdy, to Mr, Mur- ray Eivyn Harris Underwood, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Underwood, of Wroxeter. The marriage will take place in the Wingham United Church on Saturday, August 8th, at 2.30 p.m. 16* property will he offered for sale. consisting of one storey red brick dwelling, full basement and all modern conveniences, hot and cold water, oil furnace, bathroom, hardwood f 10 o r s throughout. Terms on real estate -10g day of sale, balance in 30 dews. Terms on chattels -Cash. 39 sales tax in effect. Mrs, Robert McClinchey, Mrs. Douglas Stewart, Executrices; George Nesbitt, Auct.; George Powell, Clerk. 16b BIRTHS GUAY-In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Tuesday, July 7, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs. Claude Guay, Lucknow, a daughter. IRWIN--In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Wednesday, July 8, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Irwin, Lucknow, a daughter. DUNBAR - In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday, July 10, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dunbar, R. R. 1, Bel - grave, a son, HODGINS - In Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, July 11, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hodgins, R. R. 1, Holy- s rood, a son. MITCHELL -In Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, July 11, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, R. R, 3, Walton, a son. ERRINGTON-In Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, r July 11, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington, R, R. 2, Luck - now, a son, KEIL-In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Tuesday, July 14, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keil, R. R. 2, Gorrie, a daughter. T H E BLACKSMITH SHOP BLUEVALE, ONTARIO Welding and General Repair Wagon and Trailer Racks Built and Repaired. Lawn Mower and Small Motor Sales & Service -All Makes Free Pickup and Delivery PHONE 357-1099 2-9-16-23b Property for Sale Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS WINGHAM OFFICE - 187 JOSEPHINE ST., DIAL 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER $8,900 with terms -11/2 storey 6 room home completely mo- dern with many costly extras. Situated near churches, schools. $11,000 with terms -2 storey 7 room home with all modern conveniences plus two 3 piece baths. Situated on a nicely land- scaped lot close to main street. $13,500 with terms -for magnificent 2 storey 7 room red brick home with conveniences, there is a double garage on the pro- perty which is located only two blocks from the main street. $5,500-11/1 storey 6 room home with modern conveniences. Situated one block from the main street of Teeswater. $10,500 -for a home and 5 acres of land on the outskirts of Lucknow. This home has everything that anyone would desire. It is well landscaped and the 9 Mile River runs across the back of the property. $1,500 -for a level corner lot in the town of Wingham not far from the main street, The owner has instructed us to submit all offers. $1,300 -for a double level lot on the corner of Gouge and Ingles Street on the Village of Lucknow. $9,000 -full price with $2,000 down for a 85 acre farm. 2 storey home equipped with H.D. wiring and modern kitchen. Bank barn 48'x60' with hydro and pressure. $5,500 -with terms for a 30 acre farm, 11 storey home with some conveniences. Barn 16'x24', double garage, colony house and hen pen, $6,000 -for a 100 acre farm. 11/2 storey 9 room home with H.D. wiring, water under pressure and furnace, close to Wingham. 511,000-100 acre farm, 11/2 storey 6 room home. Bank barn 40'x60', Situated on No, 4 Highway a few miles from Wingham. $12,500 --for 100 acres of level farm land, 8 room 11/2 storey brick home with all modern conveniences that make present day living so enjoyable, Bank barn 40'x60', garage 12'x18'. The farm is situated close to shopping. $65,000-594 acres of land with 450 level workable acres. 3 springs plus 3 drilled wells. Two homes with modern conven- iences. Two king sized barns, 3 silos, drive shed, plus a broiler barn 40'x100' -two decker with a loft. Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE, FLESHERTON, OWEN SOUND, HANOVER, BRAMPTON, GUELPH, PORT ELGIN, WINGHAM, CHESLEY MEMBERS OF THE Grey Bruce Real Estate Board - Orangeville Real Estate Board Brampton R.E.B. - Owen Sound R.E.B. - Guelph R.E.B. Ontario Association of 1%.E.B - Canadian Association of R.E.B. MULTI LISTING SYSTEM ASK ONE OF OUR AGENTS HOW TO GET 5IAMIMUM COVERAGE BY LISTING YOUR PROPERTY AS A MULTIPLE LISTING THROUGH PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD. "We SeII Rural Ontario" 9 • r • 1 r r