HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-18, Page 154
Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 18, 1964 - Page 7
C. Lloyd & Son Ltd., 1948
d • C. Council Winds Up June Session
GODERICH-After a day
spent in visiting the O.A.C.
and other points of interest,
council reassembled without
.r • casualities, though one mem-
ber had been tagged for speed-
ing. Reeve Borden Cook of
Blyth, a new member, was
assigned to the EMO committee
and finance and executive, ta-
by J. M. Goodwin
your telephone
Motorist Take Heed!
Throughout the summer months ahead, Wingtham
youngsters will be out on streets and play areas in more
nwnerous quantity than during the school year, and will
unfortunately make an easier target for incautious mo-
torists. And perhaps the lessening of direct authority over
them—no more homework, more relaxed bedtime hours,
etc.—will tend to make them even less aware than usual
of traffic ;hazards. If so, then the little people of Wing -
ham will be at a double disadvantage come the "School's
Out Hooray!" that they're so anxiously waiting for.
A child streaking out from behind a parked ear is
still a child; a motorist has adult responsibilities, one of
which is "running interference" for such dhildren. Let's
live up to our responsibilities and take heed, not lives.
Beauty Treatment
I'll bet Milady has never suspected a connection be-
tween the telephone and cosmetics, yet a form of beauty
preparations is actually used to manufacture telephone
parts! For example, rouge is used as an abrasive to
polish lenses, and machinery is kept Whistle clean witch
Freon—the gas that puts the "zing" in hair sprays. Bees-
wax—the "body" in eye shadow—doubles as a preservative
for small wooden parts, and spermaceti—the wax in lip-
stick—serves as a lubricant. Talcum powder has a use in
telephone circuits to prevent echoes in conversations, and
isopropyl alcohol --an ingredient in cologne --acts .as a
finishing solution for telephone parts. Although cosmetics
undoubtedly subtract years from a woman's age, they add
years to the life of a telephone!
* * *
Had One Lately?
Question: What has two heads, four ears, two mouths,
and stretghos out for miles?
Answer: A Long Distance conversation!
Which incidentally, is also the answer to starting your
vacation off on the right foot. Be sure to phone ahead
for reservations!
king the place of Mr. Morritt.
Deputy Reeve Everett Mcllwain,
Goderich Township, will pre-
side over the EMO committee
for the remainder of the year.
It was announced that the
county picnic will be held on
Wednesday, July 8, in Harbour
Park, Goderich.
Owing to a readjustment of
assessment, Tuckersmith gets
a refund of $375.90, and Ste-
phen a write-off of $421.40.
A bylaw was passed consti-
tuting a part of Greenock Town-
ship as part of Lucknow high
school district. The area com-
prises certain lots in concessions
1 to 9, on the eastern side of
the township. Greenock does
not border on Huron County,and
pupils from Culross, a border
township, go to Wingham, but
the present enactment is evi-
dently a matter of form to com-
ply with an amendment to the
Secondary Schools Act. This
requires that bylaws be passed
by July 1 taking care of all ar-
eas not now attached to a high
school district. The effective
date is January 1 next.
Concurring in a Londonreso-
lution, on recommendation of
the legislative and educational
committee, county council
called upon the Ontario Govern-
ment to assume the entire cost
of the administration of justice,
including the cost of building
and maintaining courthouses
and jails. "Municipalities, " the
resolution states, "use only a
small part of these facilities in
the enforcement of bylaw cases,
but by and large they are nei-
ther a service to local taxpay-
ers nor to the municipality.
Compared to the direct ex-
penses met by local municipal-
ities, the amount o f money re-
turned to municipalities
through fines and forfeitures is
Adopting the same commit-
tee report, council went along
with a Windsor resolution pro-
posing that the province "give
leadership in the planning for
more treatment and residential
facilities" for children in care
of Children's Aid Societies re-
quiring expensive treatment in
institutions for emotionally dis-
turbed children.
Rejected was a Peterborough
county proposal that the pro-
vince be asked to pay the sal-
aries of teachers in secondary
Associated Nursing Homes,
Incorporated, called for a rate
of $6 a day for its members in
Huron, instead of $4.50, Fi-
nance chairman Milton Oesch
said there would be a meeting
with a representative of the or-
ganization, to discuss the mat
As recommended by chair-
man Elmer Hayter, of the
equalization committee, coun-
cil concurred in a Victoria
County resolution proposing
amendment of the Assessment
Act so that any person filing
an apeal may be allowed ac-
cess to the assessor's cards be-
tween return of the roll and
consideration of the appeal.
C. W. Bamford, of Listowel,
sent a resolution of the Mait-
land Valley Conservation Au-
thority proposing that the same
manual for assessment purposes
be used by all counties within
a Conservation Authority .
Council concurred.
Grey County failed to win
support for a resolution propos-
ing that Hydro and telephone
companies relocate poles and
lines so that the maximum dis-
tance from legal fence line
would be four feet. It was re-
presented that some existing
installations hamper drainage
and winter control. Chairman
Joe Kerr saw an objection: "If
moved now they would have to
be moved again."
The matter of appointing a
construction safety inspector,
referred to the warden's and
personnel committee after a
talk at this session from a La-
bor Department trouble-shooter,
was given another hoist. The
committee recommended that
the matter be given furtherstu-
Council earlier adopted a
report from the Huronview
board recommending a new by-
law regarding indigent funerals.
Based on rates set out in the Pu-
blic Hospitals Act,thearrange-
ment would be $125 for the bur-
ial, the actual cost of opening
and closing the grave, and $10
for a religious service in con-
nection with the burial. Just
before the end of the sitting,
deputy reeve John Sutter of
Clinton objected that this does
not help the committee very
much. He said it was $150
over all, and now $125 plus
opening the grave plus a reli-
gious service, averages about
$200. Clerk -treasurer Berry
said funeral directors will have
to be instructed to use the re-
commended type of casket or
be excluded.
Referred to the agricultural
committee and not yet passed
upon was a recommendation
from Huron County Trappers
Association and Huron Fish and
Game Conservation Association
that county council pass a by-
law restricting hunting in the
county to Ontario residents. The
committee plans to meet re-
presentatives of these associa-
"Our problem," stated a
letter from M. Batkin and W.
E. Collins, "is the U.S. hunt-
ers now invading Huron County
during fall and winter, are well
organized groups. These hunt-
ers come completely equipped,
even to white suits. After they
have gone through a block, lit-
tle or no game is left. Just
one example: a station wagon
checked contained 90 rabbits.
It is our understanding that in
Belmore Personals
Mrs. Margaret Willets of
Gorrie, spent a few days last
week with Mrs. Arthur Fitch.
Frankie Weishar, 12, injured
in a two -car collision last weep
is showing steady improvement
and is now in fair condition.
Members of his family visited
him in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Douglas
attended the funeral of Mrs.
Arthur Snider in Woodbridge on
Teeswater Firemen answered
a call on Friday afternoon,
when kitchen pipes became
overheated and started a chim-
ney fire at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Dickson and family.
Damage, mainly from water,
Euchre Party to
Support Park
WROXETER-The euchre
party held on Thursday night
was a success with eight tables
in play. The high scores were
won by Mrs. Ken Jackson for
the ladies and Mrs. Wes Heim-
pel second. Men's prizes went
to Boyd Marshall, first, and to
George Hamilton, second. Mrs.
Allan McKercher won the spe-
cial bingo.
There will be another
euchre party in the hall next
Thursday with all proceeds for
the Wroxeter Community Park.
BLUEVALE-A party in honor
of Mr, and Mrs. Murray John-
ston (formerly Audrey Wheeler)
was held in the community
hall on Friday evening when a
large crowd attended.
A presentation of a purse of
money was made by Bob
Thompson on behalf of many
friends; Murray McLennan
read an address. Wilbee's Or-
chestra provided music for
Ministers Change
In Belmore Charges
BELMORE-Rev. Douglas Ste-
ven, recently ordained in the
Ottawa district will move here
July 1 to take charge of the Bel -
more, Mildmay, and McIntosh
United Churches.
Rev. G. Howard Pace,
minister at the churches for the
past five years, will go to Crys-
tal Beach.
most cases these rabbits are
sold across the border and bring
$2 to $2.50. Not only is this
a serious threat to our game
population, but in many cases
these hunters show complete
disregard for property, causing
needless damage to farmers."
is not too extensive, thanks to
the prompt efforts of the fire-
Mrs. John Harper spent the
week -end with Mrs. James S.
Darling, near Mildmay, and
also visited friends in the Mc-
Intosh area.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sangster
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kreller of Clifford.
In the afternoon, they attended
the memorial services in Clif-
ford cemetery.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Helfen-
stein of Midland, Michigan,
spent the week -end with his
brother, Mr. Harry Helfenstein
and Mrs. Helfenstein, on the
2nd of Culross.
Many from the area attended
the anniversary services in Blue -
vale Presbyterian Church on
Sunday morning.
Rabies Clinic
Free to Public
GODERICH-The rabies clin-
ics operated by Huron Health
Unit have now been officially
recognized by the federal de-
partment of agriculture, Dr.
R. M. Aldis announced in his
report to county council.
Thanks to the assistance of the
health of animals branch, he
said, these clinics are now op-
erated at no fee to the public,
and the response has justified
their confidence in this mea-
sure. The first free clinic was
held last month in Colborne,
hard hit recently by rabies.
"With typhoid in Britain
causing headlines, many peo-
ple may entertain the hope
that such a disaster could not
happen here," stated the report.
"The plain truth is that while
typhoid itself has been rather
quiet in Ontario lately, close
relatives in the Salmonella fa-
mily have been extremely ac-
tive, One of the more distress-
ing features of these other ill-
nesses is that the baby and
young child are liable to rt• -
main carriers for an indefinite
period, despite the use of our
most sophisticated drugs.
"You will all he familiar
with the sharp rise in infectious
jaundice which began about
four years ago. It is encourag-
ing to see the advances now
gradually being made in en-
vironmental sanitation. Many
gaps remain in this field, par-
ticularly with regard to the pu-
blic serving of food and food
products, and wide variations
are noted in the application of
existing legislation."
A moistened chamois will re-
move dog hair from clothes and
will not harm the fabric,
Clerk -Treasurer
Reports to Council
GODERICH-Raporting on
county finances for the first
quarter, clerk -treasurer John
Berry told council there was a
surplus of $5,071 on general
account. This is due largely
to a carryover surplus of
$23, 393 from last year, but the
expenditures take care of
$12, 500 carried to the reserve
fund, an allowance of $2, 500
for the county history, and
$3, 171 discount on county
"There do not appear t: be
as many municipalities pr, pay-
ing their rates this year," he
report stated; "therefore there
will be less monies available
for reinvestment. One, of
course, offsets the other, with
less expenditure and discount
on county rates and in turn less
revenue coming in under mis-
cellaneous items."
Mecca ointment relieves pain, clears up
Infection, and promotes
fast healing. Sold at all
drug counters.
Buy Mectuoe
in to or ..
1 Year $24 6 Months $12
3 Months $6
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