HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-18, Page 11RACKACHE'
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GORRIE—The United Church
Women packed a bale of cloth-
ing and quilts for overseas re-
lief and the Fred Victor Mission
of Toronto, valued at over
mow U,.. ... .1 ..............
take, Monte
Gorrie Personals
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Fullerton,
Walkerton visited Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Burns Stewart,
Mrs, Mabel Stewart, Miss Etta
Burns and Mrs, Mary Taylor vi-
sited at the sarne home.
Mrs, Gordon Edgar and Mrs.
Glad Edgar attended Mrs. Bel -
den's 95th birthday on Friday
at a tea held at the home of
Mrs. Graham Murray, Palmer-
Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Ir-
win, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ir-
win, Douglas and Wendy spent
the week -end at Inverhu:on.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Johns
and Vincent of London visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Nayr. John Dinsmore attended
the Dinsmore reunion in Strat-
ford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Clare Skuce of Oshawa visited
Sunday with Miss Emma Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bell
visited Mr. and Mrs. John Ross
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell
of Preston on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellesley
Strong spent a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, John
Marks, Wingham.
Among those from a dis-
tance attending the funeral of
the late Mrs, John Montgomery
were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Thompson, Mt. and Mrs. John
Montgomery Jr. of Kitchener;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt and Mr.,
and Mrs, John Montgomery,
Sr. of Milton; Mr, and Mrs.
Wm, Allan, Mr. and Mrs,
Grant Montgomery and Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Montgomery of Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Telford
Montgomery, Grand Bend and
the staff of the Equitable Life
Insurance, London,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer,
Bluevale, and Mr, and Mrs,
Harry Gowdy attended the ex.
warden's banquet held Friday
at the Dunlop Inn, Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Searson
spent the week -end in Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Halli-
day, Wingham visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Roy (rowdy.
Mrs. Harry Rhame, Mrs,
Robert Elschner and Mr. Mal-
colm Wylie, Wroxeter, spent
the week -end in King :,,ti with
Miss Corinne Rhame. Vrs, El-
schner also visited at ti < home
of her brother, Mr. Git, on Har-
per of Kingston.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil (sin-
ger and Robert attended the
Grainger-McCrackin rei;nion
held in Stratford Park :.0 Sun-
Mr. and Mrs, Preston Leigh,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of
Oakland, Cal, , and Mrs. Wm.
Campbell, Listowel, '.!sited
Mr. and Mrs. Harold I'yildman,
Misses Evelyn Anne '.tephens
Gwen Hyndman spent V couple
of days in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dennis
of Arthur visited Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Maurici- Dennis.
Miss Nadine Cooke, Kitch-
ener, is on vacation.
Mrs. Jas. Shera is •.isiring
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woods of
Jail Expenditure
Causes Thought
GODERICH— The central jail
idea, which received some pu-
blicity recently, does not ap-
peal to Reeve A, D. Smith,
property chairman.
"We feel this would he a
very expensive method, " he
said, " though it has much to
commend it, For instance, the
transportation of people incar-
cerated in jail: suppose the jail
were on the border of Bruce or
Perth, It might be found that
a case has been adjourned and
the persons have to he brought
back. That is one of the things
against it, but it is a reason we
have given much thought ro
considering the expenditure of
$3,480 on one jail.
Field Day
The Western Ontario Aber-
deen -Angus Association Field
Day is being held on Saturday
at the farm of Mr, and Mrs. G.
T, Moore of Arva. The Moore -
Brae Farm is 3/4 mile west of
the village.
The event will include type
demonstration, judging compe-
titions and a ball game.
Funeral Held for Mrs. Montgomery
GORRIE—Mrs. Sarah i:liza-
beth Montgomery, 89, died
June 8 in South Huron District
Hospital, Exeter, where she
had been the past six months.
She was born at Lakelet in
Howick Township, the daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ferguson and his wife,
Our "Bin -Door" Feed Service mixes your favorite
formulas -- from your home-grown ingredients
-- right before your eyes!
That's what you do when you use our new Bin -Door feed service. It
works this way:
Telephone us or drop us a postcard and we'll bring our new mill or,
wheels right to your farmyard. Using your own homegrown ingredients—
and we can handle anything you grow for feed—we grind and mix your feed
right before your eyes, Use your awn favorite formulas .. or we'll advise you.
It's as easy for our Feedmobile to blend in molasses as it is for a cluck
to swim. Remember—adding molasses to low-cost feeds gives results in
weight increases equal to those obtained from high-cost grain.
Learn more about this new way to save money on feed. Write or phone
us today.
NOW — Weight -building
Fresh Mixed Feeds
That Cost LESS!
Less Work
for You!
Save Yourself Those
Trips to the Mill
R R.1, Wingham
Phone 357-2118
the former Margaret Jane
'Wiggins, on Sept. 17, 1874,
She was a member of the Gor-
rie United Church and Northern
Helpers Unit of the United
Church Women.
She married John Montgom-
ery on January 15, 1896, who
predeceased her. Surviving
are two sons, Telford of Grand
Bend, John of Milton; six
grandchildren and 16 great
The body rested at the Moir
funeral home, Gorrie, until
noon Wednesday and removed
to Gorrie United Church where
service was held, conducted
by Rev. Fred W. Taylor, Bur- '
ial was in Gorrie cemetery.
Pallbearers were John Mont-
gomery, Fred Bennett, Grant
Montgomery, Wm. Hewitt,
Ivan Montgomery, Oscar
Mill on Wheels,
ew Service
For Farmers
A new farm service that
brings a complete feed process-
ing plant right into customers'
farm yards has been started in
this area by Haugh's Mobile
Feed Service, of RR I, Wing -
In announcing the new oper-
ation, Raymond Haugh, owner,
said that the new "mill on
wheels" is expected to be a
godsend to local farmers and
feeders who want to utilize their
own grains and roughages for
feeding livestock and poultry.
One of the main advantages of
the new service, he said, is
that it brings the mill to the
farmer instead of the farmer
having to take his grist to the
The mobile unit, first of its
type in this arca, consists of a
complete feed trill that grinds
all farm grown grains and
roughages according to the
farmer's specifications, mixes
the ground material with feed
fortifiers and blends in fresh li-
quid molasses to produce any
desired formula. The truck -
borne mill is powered by its own
diesel engine and is drived from
farm to farm on a regular route
The local feed service re-
ports that fanners all across the
country have found that it is
far more convenient and econo-
mical to have their feed formu-
las processed right on their
farms. in the past it was neces-
sary to load their grains, truck
thein to the feed Chill, unload
thein, wait until the feed was
prepared, load it again, take
hack to the farm, and unload it
into feed bins.
Consequently, by eliminat-
ing all that feed handling, the
new mobile tarns service saes
feeders a tremendous amount of
time, labor, and money, ac-
Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 18, 1964 - Page 3
George Inglis Is Vice President
George Inglis of Clifford,
known to many in this district,
was elected first vice president
of the Western Ontario North
Liberal Association at its an-
nual meeting in iiarriston on
Bruce McCullough of Kitch-
ener succeeds Walter Harris of
Markdale, former finance min-
ister in the St, Laurent govern-
ment, as president of the asso-
ciation, Miss Marian Calder
interest Rates
Discussed at
County Council
GODERICII--Farmers in Hu-
ron are paying up to 255,, on
money borrowed for farm equip-
ment and other purposes, and
it is too much for the farm
budget, according to one mem-
ber of county council, where
.the matter intruded during pre•
sentation of the agricultural
committee's report by Reeve
Stewart Procter of Morris. Young
farmers, especially, are assum-
ing impossible burdens, it was
indicated. The maximum ob-
tainable in government loans
has been increased, but the
length of time taten in pro-
cessing applications is said to
send some farmers to the fi-
nance companies.
Reeve Donald McKenzie of
Ashfield triggered the debate.
Remarking that young farmers
starting up can get credit up to
$40, 000, he said: "We have a
high standard of living in North
America, and I can not see how
we can hope to get too much
for our products, and how young
farmers ever hope ro carry on
with credit litre thtJ i do not
Know. Probably ARDA might do
something to help."
"It hasbeen reported to me,
said Douglas Miles, agricultural
representative, "that there has
been $75, 000 of farm machinery
sold in the Clinton area in the
past three weeks at 22% inter-
est. I had a man in yesterday
who had purchased $3,200 of
farm machinery on farm financ-
ing, and I asked him why he did
not get it at 6°fo. This subject
is bothering us, and pothering
the minister. Most people do
not know what interest they are
paying. Six per cent down
and so much a month, and a
$6, 000 tractor in five years
amounts to 39,500."
Mr. Miles said ;)0 , of h i s
time is being spent in farm fi-
cording to the equipment's
owners. Increased emphasis is
also placed on better nutrition,
enabling farmers to get high
production and greater profit
from their treat, milk, and
of Durham heads the ladies'
The speaker was Harry Hays,
federal minister of agriculture,
Trousseau Tea
For Bride -Elect
GORRIE— A trousseau tea
was held ar the home of Mrs,
Arthur Stephens, for her daugh-
ter, Evelyn Anne, in honor of
her marriage on Saturday,
June 20.
Receiving with the hostess
was Mrs, Percy Stevens, Port
Elgin, mother of the groom -
elect, and Miss Evelyn Ann
Stephens, bride -elect. Mrs.
Evelyn Cassivi, and Miss Claire
Chamney were in charge of the
guest hook.
The tea table was centred
with white tapers and baby
Sweetheart roses in a dainty
arrangement. Pouring tea in
the afternoon were Mrs. Glen
Wilson, of Chesley, aunt of the
groom -elect, and Mrs. Mervin
Stephens, of Goderich, aunt
of the bride -elect, and in the
evening, Mrs. Clarence Cham-
ney, of BeIgrave and Mrs. Ma-
bel Calder, of Fergus.
Displaying the trousseau
were Mrs. Alvin Grainger, Miss
Sandra Chamney and Miss Gwen
Hyndman, and assisting with
the tea, in the tea room and
in the kitchen were Mrs. E. W.
Carson, Mrs. W. C. King, Mrs.
Harold Hyndman, Mrs. Allan
Hyndman, Mrs. Raymond Gow-
dy, Mrs. Lionel Johnston, Mrs.
Cliff Cook, Mrs. Norman Car-
son, and Mrs. Dick Carson.
Branch Marks
75th Anniversary
GORRIE— To celebrate the
75th anniversary of the forma-
tion of the first Junior Auxil-
iary Branch in Huron, the St.
Stephen's branch here held a
birthday party on Friday after-
noon in the park. The mem-
bers and their friends enjoyed
"hot dogs", cookies, ice cream,
and a lovely birthday cake
baked by Mrs. Olive May.
A scavenger hunt proved
popular, as well as a sack
race, and many had their first
swim of the season. Even the
older girls enjoyed the swings.
A thank offering was taken
up which will be added to the
Diocesan 75th Birthday Fund to
buy a gift for the Chapel Royal
on the Mohawk Reserve, Brant-
ford, where the Indian children
from the Mohawk Institute
worship and sing in the choir.
igifE pR/Y/Ivy
Tune Engine
Check Wheel Alignment
Check Brakes
Lubricate Chassis
No warm weather
over -heating ahead
after we clean out
your radiator.