HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-18, Page 10Page 2 - Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 18, 1964 ARDA Discussed, Farm Committee GODERICI`t. - The <•on:ntittee report recommended that an ARDA (Agricultural Rehabilita- tion and Development) con:- mittee he formed, and this was approved by council. County representatives are Reeve Stew- art Procter; Reeve Kenneth Stewart, McKillop, and deputy reeve Robert Oihsttn, of Howiela Mr. Miles is secretary and there will be representatives from the Federation of Agriculture, Soil and crop Improvement Associ- ation, Farmers' I Mon, Mait- land Conservation Authority, Cream, Eggs and Milk Pickup OR DELIVER TO BLUEVALE CREAMERY Phones: WINGHAM 357-1639; Wroxeter 15J1 D, A. ROBERTSON. rrb We're old hands at get- ting farm equipment back into peak condition, See us now before your busy season begins. MASSEY-FERGUSON NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT D1ONE HARVESTERS CHAS. HODGINS MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE WINGHAM - PHONE 357-1440 COWS PREFER N&ufo CO-OP FLY SPRAY 1 -4010 M- atomism — COWS, LIKE HUMANS, WANT COMFORT AND CONTENTMENT. THEY ARE UN- ABLE TO MAINTAIN MILK PRODUCTION WHEN BOTHERED BY FLIES. CO.OP Livestock Spray and CO.OP Barn Spray are extremely effective in control of Hies. 'Phis means maximum cow comfort, therefore maximum milk production. CO-OP Livestock Spray. has a new formulation containing lionnel. Safe for spraying, milk cows, beef cattle, hogs and horses, it builds up residual control that requires less frequent application. CO-OP Barn Spray sill► Hormel, is ready to use against flies and lisestock pests in and around livestock buildings. Control lasts four to six weeks with each spray ing. (.O -OP Barn Spray Concentrate also available. Protect Your Crops and Livestock 1 complete range of CO-OP Chemicals for livestock and crop protection at your CO.OI'. Dedicated' to Serve Agriculture Co-operattvety BELGRAVE CO-OP ASSOC. WINOHAM 357-27H BRUSSELS 38$ -W -IO Women's Institute, Mid -West- ern Development Association, and Chamber of Commerce. "We were led to believe in Toronto," said Mr, Procter, "it was mandatory we should set up an ARRA committee. Some people have the idea there might be overlapping., but 1 believe under the ARDA com- mittee we bring the variousor- ganizations together under one head, and then they can study the needs of Huron County, not only from the rural standpoint but the standpoint of villages and towns." Mr. Miles admitted that he was not 100% sold on ARDA and what it can do, but had <<ept an open mind, WATER PROBLEM "Like the rest of you," he said, "I am unfamiliar with it, but I do not know that we as citizens can afford to sit by and nor prepare ourselves for even- tualities. This is going to be like farm safety, emergency measures and other things we are doing for the betterment of the county. At the moment, water is probably one of our prime requisites. We have run out of application forms for farm ponds. Legislation has come in offering farm people up to $500 for farm ponds, and I don't just know how we are going to handle the situation, we have so many requests.' It may be that the shallow well in Huron is out, t was on a farm where they are on their third drilling and cannot seem to find a well that will give them the requirements. COMMUNITY PASTURES "From press reports, many people associate ARDA with community pastures. We dis- cussed this with the agricultural committee some time ago, and we cannot sec at the moment an area of sufficient size that Huron might participate in a community pasture program. We have lots of individual farms, but not in a group of 1, 000 or 2, 000 acres that would mai<e it worth while to buy at a reasonable price. In other words, we think pastures in Huron are still a private enter- prise. The Dominion and On- tario departments of agricul- ture, or county council, do not feel that private enterprise should be tai<en away in any re- spect, There have been three or four areas suggested in Huron, but when we have looked into it we think private enterprises can better serve the commun- ity than ARDA. "There are four heads under which ARDA can work: (1)pro- jects for alternative uses of land; (2) protects for soil and water conservation; (3) rural development projects, to de- velop domestic resources and create employment opportuni- ties; (4) a wide range of re- search, particularly social re- search. "Someone made a state- ment a while agto that by 1975 we may change from 121, 000 farmers down to .15, 000 in On- tario. This is how fast this agricultural program is moving. We should have a group that can assist and he a go-between with province and Dominion in any problems that might affect Huron, whether human or eco- nomic. If this area wants some money under ai.DA, the county council would be involved to a certain extent also 25% locally. While we may not visualize the intended wore<ines of ARDA -- because I cannot -- we have an open mind. and foresight that a committee should be es- tablished." Murray Gaunt, member for Huron -Bruce, was invited by the warden to address council. He said that ARDA, as set up in initial stages, did not involve the local people enough. "We are trying to involve lo- cal people," he said, "and in any of these projects work with the local people, which is the proper procedure. In a number of cases people are told they cannot make a living in a cer- tain way or place. ARDA in its original concept can go a long way in rural development and redevelopment, but it does mean an organization." Egg Marketing Vote In Wingham June 23 The egg producers of Huron County, as announced earlier in this paper, go to the polls June 22 to 26 inclusive to det- ermine whether the proposed Egg and Fowl Producers Market- ing Plan will be adopted by the Ontario Farm Products Mar- keting Board, a division of the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture. The plan proposes to estab- lish a local board known as the Ontario Egg and Fowl Producers Marketing Board consisting of nine producer members to be elected annually from nine districts by the district com- mitteemen who in turn will be elected by producers in each county. The number of com- mitteemen elected annually in each county is based on the number of producers and the number of laying hens accord- ing to the latest census figures. ADVERTISING To stimulate, increase and improve the marketing of eggs and fowl the following means may be considered. Direct advertising in news- papers and magazines and on radio and television programs; Preparation and use of pack- age inserts of advertising ma- terial; Preparation and distribution of display material for sales outlets; Preparing press releases of information to editors of news- papers, magazines, radio and television; Supplying information for contests that provide publicity for food; or preparation and distribution of leaflets and booklets that relate to uses of eggs and fowl. RESEARCH Research on marketing of eggs and fowl by survey, exam- inations, tests, studies and ex- periments that are carried out with the object of: Increasing consumer accept- ance of eggs and fowl; Expanding markets for eggs and fowl; Improving conditions that adversely affect any phase of marketing of eggs and fowl. MORE EDUCATION Education in respect ofpro- duction, distributing and mar- keting of eggs and fowl by: Recommendation for efficient procedures in producing, stor- ing and handling of eggs and fowl to eliminate waste result- ing from inefficient methods of producing and marketing of eggs and fowl; Respecting standards of qual- ity required for continued mar- ket appeal for eggs and fowl; By providing for co-opera- tion of organizations that assist in developing new markets, ex- pansion of existing markets and reduction in costs of marketing eggs and fowl; By furnishing information on production, marketing pros- pects, packing and handling of eggs ane] fowl and marketing conditions that develop during the year; By arranging for viewing of films that furnish information . respecting the production and sale of eggs and fowl and uses for eggs and fowl, ESTABLISH COMMITTEE To establish an Egg and Fowl Industry Advisory Com- mittee to study and negotiate tertns, conditions, agreements, charges, costs and expenses re- lating to the producing and marketing of eggs and fowl. To fix a license fee of two cents pet fowl to be paid by producers for fowl sold to pro- cessors for the operation of the plan by the local board. When a producer presents RED ENSIGN RECOMMENDED GODERICII- Huron County Council goes for the Canadian red ensign as the national flag. At its closing sitting on Thurs- day, council associated itself with Wellington in a recom- mendation to Prime Minister Pearson that the ensign, with the shield of the Canadian coat of arms in the fly, be adopted as the national flag of the Do- minion, himself for voting, he will be required to register by certify- ing that he is a producer of eggs and fowl according to one of the items or requirements list- ed above, and that he has not previously voted in the plebis- cite. Copies of the proposed Egg and Fowl Producers' Marketing Plan may be obtained at the Department of Agriculture Of- fice, Clinton. REQUIREMENTS Anyone may vote who is prepared to certify that: Eggs and fowl are produced on his property and he is the owner of the property and provides the labor for the production of the eggs and fowl, or; Eggs and fowl are provided on a farm of which the voter is the tenant of the property and provides the labor for the pro- duction of the eggs and fowl or; Eggs and fowl are produced on a property of which the ap- plicant has been designated in writing by a corporation, part- nership or joint owners that sold eggs and fowl during the past year cause him to be re- cognized as the producer by the registrar or; POLLING STATIONS Although eggs and fowl are not produced on the property at the time of application, the voter is the owner or tennant of the property and was a pro- ducer of eggs and fowl during the past year or; A person or corporation owning fowl for the production of eggs and not qualified under the four previous provisions is entitled to one vote covering the entire operation. Votes may be cast from June 22 to June 26 at the Department of Agriculture Office, Clinton, or at Seaforth on June 22; Wingham June 23, and Exeter June 25. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on all days listed. Son Drowns at Owen Sound Alfred Fromager, nine-year- old Owen Sound boy, drowned in the harbor there on Saturday after falling from the tug, Paul Evans. Ile was the son of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Fromager. A group of boys who saw the lad fall from the tug stopped a passing car and the driver noti- fied police and firemen. A skin-diver, Donald McCullen recovered the body after it was in the water about 20 minutes. The father of the boy is known to television viewers of CKNX. ATTEND. FARM CREDIT MEETING LAK1:l.ET--About fifteen from Howick Township attend- ed the meeting at the Formosa Community Centre an Thurs- day on "Farm Credit, Where to get it and how to use it", which was prepared by the De- partment of Agriculture and conducted by D. A. MoArthur and R. F, Heard, farm manage- ment specialists and A, C. Robertson of the economic branch, Department of Agricul- ture. A GOOD START SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed and Super Pig Starter gets pigs off to a good start. Introduce them to Creep Feed at 2-3 days of age and keep it fresh daily ... encourage them to eat it early. When 5 pounds per pig has been consumed switch to SHUR-GAIN Super Pig Starter. Feed Starter free choice to 10 weeks of age. Remember, giving your pigs a good start means faster gains and more grade A's. hog feeds Wingham Feed Mill DIAL 357-3060 WINGHAM, ONT. For Your FAMILY'S SAKE CHECK THE DATES OF HURON'S FREE TB Detection Clinics and plan to have ALL of your family attend one of them! 21 Free TB Clinics in Huron County Operating 2 to $ p.m. -- 7 to 10 p m., each day, except where noted Location BRCJSSELS--School ETHEL—Community FORDWICH— Community Hall GORRIE—Conununity Hall WINGHAJI--Armouries Centre FIRST RE - DAY VISIT June 29 July 2 June 30 July 3 July 2 July 7 July 3 July 8 July 6 July 9 July 7 July 10 July 8 July 13 July 9 July 14 July 10 July 15 DUNGANNON— Unitetl Church July 13 July 16 July 14 July 17 CLINTON—Town Hall July 15 July 20 July 16 July 21 July 17 July 22 BLYTH-- Conintunity Memorial Hall July 20 July 23 July 21 July 24 SEAFORTEC— Northside United Church June June June ZURICH --Community Hall June Juno 22 23 24 25 26 June 25 June 26 June 29 June 30 July 2 FIRST RE - Location DAX L ISIT DASI-iWOOD—Town Hall June 29 July 3 CENTRALIA (RCAF Station) Community Cent -re June 30 July 6 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; 7 p.m. 10 9 "1.CENTRALIA (ViWtge)�-- United Church JJuly 7 2 xnnuly- 2 to 5 p,m, HENSALI.— Community Arena CREDLTON— Conununity Hall July F.Lllli'II.LE=-Township Hall duly EXETFR--Community Arena July July July July 2 7 p.m, to July 3 GODERTCH— Victoria St, public School Jttly 13 July 16 July 14 July 17 July 15 July 20 July 16 JulyJy 17 July 22 21 BAVTTELD—Town Hall J fly 20 July 23 CLINTON RCAF STATION— Ritchie Building July 21 ,Yuly 24 6 7 8 9 10 July 7 10 p.m. July 8 July July July July July 9 10 13 14 15 c T>IIf1IS SCmEDtt7LE FOR FUTI7RE TtEFERENCE HURON COUNTY TURRRCULOSIS ASSOCIATION • e tt