HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-18, Page 3r • 0 • • • • • 4' EMC Reports Free Service By Rescue Corps GODERICII-lluron is the only complete complement of police auxiliaries in process of training, EMO co-ordinator W. Stuart Forbes reported to county council. "I believe," he said, "you are going to have a municipal police force, and it will facili- tate a great many things, par- ticularly in planning. We have to supply uniforms when they are trained, I feel if we give these thorough training, the lo- cal force could be trained at the same time and brought up to date in police matters. Also, it is a great spot for picking new constables, whereas now you advertise all over the coun- try and sometimes they pan out and sometimes not, Also, they are available at any time the town requires. In Clinton I feel they are short one con - stable, and with the four auxil- iaries they would have under this plan they could alleviate any difficulty and give our auxiliaries training for emer- gency.,' Accepting a recommenda- tion of the emergency measures committee, council voted an increase of $4,125 in the EMO program for uniforms, subject to approval of provincial and Dominion authorities who pro- vide 90% of approved expendi- ture, Mr. Forbes told council that some of the things issued by the two governments have to do with cities, and the army finds Huron County unimpor- tant as far as early warning is concerned. "Last fall we were interested in flood control, We are setting aside the atomic bomb for some future date. We Wedding Ring $55,00 jj Engagement Ring $150.00 Then it is always Springtime and time to choose her BLUEBIRD Diamond Ring. See the new "Gisele Design". Engagement Ring $200.00 BLUEBIRD Diamond and Wedding Rings 1 AF ERM Er! US `\ (%.,lk % 1" WINGHAM EWELLERY PHONE 357-2670 are planning for it, but not in the same measure as flood dis- aster," said Mr. Forbes. The county government con- trols the whole county, but it is difficult at headquarters, with the present budget, tocov- er the whole county, so the towns are being made respon- sible for the area around them. "Eleven of our 14heads of departments have written their own plans, and this will be in- corporated in Volume II this fall. I asked each of the five towns to pass a bylaw similar to our Bylaw 55. We have a bylaw for Goderich and Wing - ham, and I am going to speak to Sea forth council tonight. I have not got to Clinton yet. "We have taken the 18 boys of the emergent rescue corps and obtained a lifeboat for them, and their services are free. They have needed a res- cue group in Goderich for some time. EMO thinks they are too young to be incorporated into its plan, but in the Alaska dis- aster those who did the best work were 16 to 19. These boys are painting the lifeboat at the harbor now. I hope eventually to incorporate them in a land rescue crew. We would like to have one in each town, but we have $12, 500 budget and one rescue truck costs $18,000, so it is not com- mon sense to feel we can af- ford to buy five or six." The equipment required is available right in the county now, and if more is received from Ontario or the federal government it will be used eve- ry day in the county for defi- nite county use, and when re- quired it will be ready. It would cost $10, 500 for a com- munications system and we haven't the money, b ut we have a plan written, and are hoping to put a two-way radio set in each clerk's office ex- cept Exeter. This will be used for county business. It is. go- ing to be in operation if we need it for an emergency, with a lot of people knowing how to use it. I hope to ask the coun- ty to give us the 10%. If we do have an emergency, I think we can cope with it satisfac- torily. FATAL ATTRACTION At the age of six, Percy Bysshe Shelley, the English poet, sailed his first boat on the mill- pond on his father's estate. Twenty-four years later the love of boats inspired by that child- hood experience had a final and fatal result for Shelley. While sailing off Leghorn, Italy, his boat went down and the poet, only thirty years old, was drowned. --amVACATIONSm-em ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER BE PREPARED FOR SEE THESE SPECIALS AT McDONALD'S BA THING SUITS for the ENTIRE FAMILY 1, 1 4^ ti FOR WARM AFTER SWIM COMFORT Squall & Kangaroo Jackets FOR MOM AND DAD, LASS AND LAD TERRYCLOTH CABANA Beach Coats Beach TOWELS AND Slipperettes Knee Knockers Surfers Deck Pants MIX 'N MATCH SPORTSWEAR BY TONI LYNN OR WHITE STAG SLIMS - KNEE PANTS - SHORTS and ASSORTED TOPS C onald's LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR Josephine Street - Phone 357-1044 10% DISCOUNT ON CHILDREN'S WEAR WHEN CASHING BABY BONUS CHEQUES DON'T FORGET TO SEE OUR FINE SELECTION OF FATHER'S DAY GIFTS During the sun drying 'process, which takes eight days, the bricks are turned on edge so that the sun can dry all sides of the brick, Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 18, 1964 - Page 3 The forms are removed just as soon as the mud has been patted Into place. The workman above is re- moving a mold. Of Bricks and Things By Ralph E. Johnson Throughout the ages Krick has played a major part in pro- viding shelter for the world's population. In North America today the economic factor, coupled with the availability of a mass of new building products. has limited the use of bricks in construction projects, particu- larly for private residences. However, south of the United States border the economic factor in regards to brick con- struction reverses, One of the most common construction materials in rural areas is the famed adobe brick. This item has been a mainstay in the Mexican construction in- dustry as far back as recorded history and is known to have been practically the only meth- od of building low cost struc- tures by the prehistoric Otomi Indians long before the Aztecs came to power. The demand for adobe in Mexico today still produces an active market. In traveling throughout the country you will see adobe buildings almost everywhere except in the centre of the largest cities, In most instances buildings con- structed of adobe are given a plaster finish with a mixture of sand and cement which gives further protection from the el- ements and produces a more pleasing appearance. The preparation and manu- facturing of adobe is a relative- ly simple project, and as with many trades in Mexico has been handed down from father to son. You will see many kilns throughout the country. Some are quite small and re- mind you of igloos or large bee- hives. These are operated most- ly by family groups to supply their own requirements and add a few pesos to the family purse. Others, on a more com- mercial scale, are a great deal larger and are situated near heavily populated areas. The basic ingredient of adobe is mud. It seems that the class of earth used makes little difference. A normal procedure is to use earth from diggings near the kiln site. The first step is to mix finely chop- ped particles of straw and ani- mal refuse with the earth and water. This process is mainly allocated to the women and children who, over a course of a few hundred years, have found it a much easier task to do the job with their feet which immediately reminds one of the method used in Italy to re- move grape juice for wine. This entire operation takes place at the site of the diggings and after being mixed is trans- ported by buckets to the men in charge of molding the mud. The mud mixture is then placed into molds which lay flat on the ground. The mold- ing area is covered with a cin- der mixture to prevent the bricks from adhering to the surface, The forms normally embrace six molds which in turn are approximately 11 by 5 3/4 by 2 3/4 inches. After the thick mixture is in place the forms are immediately re- moved and the new bricks stay in the sun for eight days during which time they are turned on edge allowing the sun to reach all areas. After this initial hardcaiing process they are placed in a kiln for a period of between 24 and 30 hours. The particular kiln featured in this articlee has two fire doors and no roof. It is about 24 feet The last kiln full is stacked and ready for shipment. As soon as the kiln is emptied a new batch of bricks is set in place. The women and ohildren have the job of mixing the mud and packing it into molds. This diggings was about 30 feet from the mold area. Note steps hewn out of the bank. Pile of mixed mud in the fore- ground is covered from the sun's rays so that it will not dry out. The great amount of heat generat- ed by the oven makes it necessary to continually replace the "roof" of the kiln, which starts to smould- er and slowly burn after a short period of time. 'Ilhis is one of the two fire doors through which the fuel is tossed. The fire is allowed to nearly burn out before new fuel is added. square and 14 feet high. The fresh sun dried bricks are car- ried up a ladder, over the wall and placed inside the kiln. They are piled in such a manner as to leave a fire area the length of the kiln and pyra- mided to form an arch over the oven area. Much time is de- voted to this phase as the bricks must he properly spaced to al- low heat circulation throughout the kiln. After the arch is completed over the fire area, the remaining area is filled with bricks to a level slightly higher than the kiln walls. These bricks must also he pro- perly spaced to allow good heat circulation. This is perhaps the most difficult part of the fabri- cation process. After the kiln is 'loaded' the entire tip area of the freshly placed bricks and the kiln walls are covered with a truck blan- ket of straw and animal refuse. This, in effect, is the roof of the kiln. The straw trust be continually replaced as it slow- ly burns and smoulders as a re- sult of the heat corning up through the bricks. So far, it is evident that animal refuse plays an important role in the manufacturing of adobe bricks, Further evidence of this is that dried refuse in an extremely powdered state is used for fuel in the fire boxes. A small shovel full of refuse scattered on red embers produces an al- most explosion -like effect. This creates such a tremendous heat that the bricks arched over the fire area and along the sides glow a bright cherry red. The amount of fuel varies as to the size of the kiln, but is is amaz• ing how little fuel it takes to maintain the proper heat, After the baking process is completed the bricks are al- lowed to cool. They are then removed from the kiln and stacked in piles and are ready to play their part in a future construction project. As it is with most everything in Mexico, the price of adobe varies from area to area, On the average, the current price for each brick is 35 centavos or about 2.8 cents in our currency. Rings Are Fitting Gift for Father Because rings have always been masculine symbols of au- thority, they are especially fit- ing for fathers. Of late, more and more men have been wear- ing various kinds of rings. Jewelry stores carry attrac- tive rings symbolizing schools, colleges or fraternal groups, as well as distinguished signet rings. Cameos and intaglios, as well as engraved tiger's eyes, are among the new rings that are extremely popular, says the Jewelry Industry Council. A birthstone ring, with the particular stone for the month of Dad's birth, can be a de- lightful and meaningful gift that he will wear with pride for many years. If golfing is popular with Pop, he'll appreciate new apparel styled es- pecially for the sport, such as this golf shirt. It's by Alligator. Dad's proud and happy to show off his Father's Day gift, a pair of Ber- muda shorts. The plaid is treated with "5cotcligard" stain repeller.