HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-11, Page 5• • e RECIPE OF THE MONTH' By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute „Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit„ BRIDGE CLUB PEACH TARTS Mates twelve 31/2 -in, tarts or twenty 2% -in. tarts 2 (15 -oz.) cans "Canada Ohoice" sliced Peaelies 1i cups peach syrup cup sugar 2 tablespoons corn starch A few grains salt 3,12, teaspoon almond flavouring 14 pint dairy sour cream Whit Peed cream (optional) Drain peaches. Stir 114; cups peach syrup into sugar, corn starch, salt combined in saucepan; thicken smoothly over medium heat stirring constantly, Cover and cook 5 minutes ever low heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and cool com- pletely. Stir in almond flav- ouring and sour cream; fold in peach slices. Spoon into prepared tart shells. Chili, Serve topped with whipped cream If desired. This recipe prepared especi- ally for this series by Dairy Foods Service Bureau. WRITING TO ANYONE? your envelope should show: The name of the person you are addressing. The street number, street name, or post office box number, apartment or business block, suite, if any. City, town or village, and postal zone, if in use, province, too. Your name and your complete address in the upper left corner. 1 2 3 4 IIMUISMINIMIIMMINEMOMMIIIMPOIS please don't make the postman guess - be sure to write the correct address. QOS rk• CANADA 'DO S' / , WTI 25WN INYMINKINMENBENNIVIE THE CHRISTIAfl SCI€��E fllOflITOR Accurate CamPletF, News Coverage printed ill BOSTON' LOS 'ANGELES ...LONDON 1 Year $24 6 Months $12 3 Months $6 Clip this advertisement and return it with your check or money order to: The Chri*tioh Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Mass. 02115 PB -I6 Mrs. G. Howson Shows Pictures The Afternoon Unit of the United Church Women met last Tuesday in the Sunday School room with 56 members and guests registering. Mrs. Roulston led in the devotion and was assisted by Mrs. Frank Ed- gar reading the Scripture and Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton offer- ed prayer. There was a special program planned for this meeting. Mrs, Walter VanWyck gave a read- ing, "The House by the Side of the Road",. A solo was sung by Miss Daphne Robb, accompanied by Mrs,. Cliff Robb. A poem, "The Self Serve Life" was read by Mrs. Frank Howson and a contest was conducted by Miss Elva Hupfer, Mrs. George Howson gave a very interesting talk on a trip last summer to Vancouver and down to California. She later showed movies of this trip. A lunch was served at the conclu- sion of the meeting, Mr, and Mrs. George Ernest Metcalfe, who are residbng in the Mowbray Apartments, were married in Forest Hill Uni- ted Church, Kitchener, at 5.30 Saturday afternoon, May 16. The double -ring ceremony ' was performed by Rev. Donald S. Henderson and the organist was Miss Lois McCabe. The church was decorated with white and pink mums. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Isaac E. Metcalfe of R. R. 2 Wingham. The bride is the former Georgina Edith Nies, Miss Ufland of Meaford Installs &PW Officers The Bus'ness and Profession- al Women's Club met in the Salvation Army hall last week when the speaker was Miss Vina Ufland, regional adviser, and Ontario representative on legis- lation. Miss Ufland has been in charge of the Meaford Pu- blic Library since 1957, and was the charter president of the Meaford B and PW club. She was formerly a newspaper wo- man with the Meaford Express and still contributes a column and a book review. Miss Ufland presided for the installation of officers for1964- 65 as follows: Past pres., Miss Yvonne McPherson; pres. , Mrs. Norma Ostrom; 1st vice pres., Mrs. Adelaide Ahara; 2nd vice-pres, , Mrs, Daisy Connell; recording sec, , Mrs. Vera Has - tie; corresponding sec. , Mrs. WI Will Visit Huronview Home GORRIE--Marcus Cloeteof the high school staff at Listo- wel was guest speaker at the June meeting of the Gorrie Women's Institute, held at the home of Mrs. Norman Wade. He was introduced by Mrs. G. A. Anderson, Education con- vener, who also presented him with a gift. Roll call was answered by narning a poem learned at school. Eighteen ladies were present. A visit to the Huronview Home at Clinton was planned for Wednesday afternoon, July 15. The Institute will not hold a meeting in July. A bus trip is being planned for August. A short course in needlecraft was chosen from the Home Ec- onomics Service program. Mr. Cleote held the lucky number in the Dutch auction. Mrs. Morley Johnston and Mrs. G.A. Anderson assisted the hostess in serving lunch. Evelyn Scott; treas., Miss Gre- ta Harris; membership corn. , Miss Phyllis Johns, Mrs. Velma Shera; program committee, Mrs. Kay Murray, Miss Frances Armstrong; entertainment and social, Mrs. Grace Webster; ways and means, Mrs. Lucille Alexander, Mrs. Ruth Hueston, Miss Agnes Williamson; public- ity , Mrs. Hazel Bateman, Miss Leah Currie, Mrs. Marion Scott; public affairs, Mrs.Ca- therine Crewson; emblems, Miss Isabel Fortune; employ- ment conditions, Mrs. Alberta Morgan, Miss Mildred McClen- aghan; United Nations chair- man, Miss Shirley Edgar; pen pal secretary, Miss Dorothe Comber. MISS SANDRA EDGAR IS SHOWER GUEST GORRIE-Mrs. Wilford King was hostess for a surprise mis- cellaneous shower Friday eve- ning in honour of Miss Sandra Edgar, Reg. N. , bride -elect. About 40 ladies attended. Con- tests and an amusing editorial reading was enjoyed. Little Diane Edgar and Kathy Irwin presented her with gifts while she was seated in a de- corated chair. She also re- ceived a collection of favourite recipes. Miss Edgar expressed her appreciation to the ladies for their gifts and the hostess and co -hostesses, Mrs. Robt. Edgar and Mrs. Alex Edgar, served lunch. Mary Mock Is Feted GORRIE-Over 20 ladies at- tended a shower for Miss Mary Mock on Saturday evening. Mrs, Archie Miller was the hostess, Contests were enjoyed and the bride -elect received many miscellaneous gifts, Friends at- tended from London, Elora and Brussels. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Nies of Kitchener. Mr. Nies gave his daughter in marriage, She chose a street -length white linenshan- tung A-line silhouette dress with chantilly lace bodice, scoop neckline and kimona sleeves. Her short tulle veil was held with shantung petals. She wore an heirloom pearl necklace and carried a hand bouquet of white feathered car- nations, pink Sweetheart roses and trailing ivy. Mrs. Brian Metcalfe, of R. R. 2 Wingham, was the matron of honor. Her aqua linen sheath dress was accented with tiny bows at the bodice and her ac- cessories were white. The junior bridesmaid, Mel- va Leigh Nies, sister of the bride. was attired in a pink lin- en A-line dress accented with bows at the bodice. Her acces- sories were white and both at- tendants carried a nosegay of white, blue and pink carnations, cornflowers and sweetpeas. Brian Metcalfe was the best man. Guests attended an evening dinner in the Oak Room at the Walper House, where yellow linen and mums graced the ta- bles. The three -tiered wed- ding cake was topped with a wine glass of tiny yellow mums. Out-of-town guests were Miss Verna Nies, aunt of the bride from Calgary, Alta. , and Art Jeffries and Jack Carpenter of Hamilton. The bride's mother wore a blue three-piece suit with white accessories and a corsage ofyel- low Sweetheart roses. The groom's mother chose an aqua and white three-piece suit with white accessories and her corsage was white Sweetheart roses. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe re- ceived a telegram from her grandmother in Calgary. They visited the. Finger Lakes in Northern New York on their honeymoon. The bride travel- led in a pale bine three-piece double-knit suit wah white flowered )rat and ri:atching ac- cessories. Her corsage was pink roses. Mrs. Metcalfe. i . a graduate: of St. Mary's General hospital, Kitchener. WED SATURDAY Mr. and Mm. James Hewitt announce the Mail -sage of their daughter, Anda). McKinnon of Glamis, to Neuman Bonnet of Westfield. 'the ee retnony was performed by Capt. G. S. New- man at the Wini;harn Salvation Army Citadel on `aturday, June 6. -Miss Mary I orgie has re- turned home a ftt.• r visiting for three weeks with her niece, Mrs. John Kelman and two daughters, Mary and Betty at Timmins, Ont, Neighbors Mark 25th Anniversary Or Saturday evening over 40 neighbors were guests to a sur- prise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Murray Jenkins and Mrs, E. Jenkins in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Henderson who are celebrating their 25th an- niversary this week, Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs, Clarkson Martin and Mrs. W. Sturdy, Jim and Susan of Galt, An enjoyable evening was spent playing cards. Prizes for high lady was won by Mrs. W. McKenzie; high gent, Ed Marsh; consolation prizes, Mrs. Martin and N, Kloostra, Mrs, J. Schneider read an address assisted by MurrayJen- kins who presented the gifts to Mr, and Mrs. Henderson, - an electric frying pan, a set of crystal salt and pepper shakers and an anniversary tea set. Mr. Henderson, on behalf of his wife and himself, thanked everyone for their kindness, the gifts and corsages. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. Cty. to Provide $100 BURSARIES To Six Students Beginning this fall, Huron County Council will provide $100 bursaries to six students from the county who are attend- ing or plan to attend the Uni- versity of Waterloo. The Bur- saries are for students with good academic records who are in need of financial assistance to enable them to continue their studies at theuniversity level. Applications for the new bursaries, which will be award- ed annually, are available at Huron County secondary schools, and from John G. Berry, county clerk -treasurer, Goderich; James Kinkead, inspector of public schools, Goderich and A, P. Gordon, registrar, Uni- versity of Waterloo, Waterloo. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 11, 1964 - page 5 features from ' The World of Women WI District ./annual Held in Belgrave BELGRAVE - The West Huron District W, 1, annual was held recently in Belgrave with over 100 delegates present from Goderich, Wingham, Clinton, Blyth, Tiger Dunlop, St. Helens, Kintail, Dungannon, Auburn and Belgrave and Bel - grave Junior Institute, A mem- orial service was conducted by Mrs. Dan Hallaban for departed members, Mrs. Ernest Epps, Mrs. Harriett Blanshard, Mrs. Harvey Well, Mrs. Harold Bur- rell, Mrs, John E. McLean, Sea - forth F. W. 1. O. Board direc- tor ratified the district direc- tors. They were Mrs, Ed. Dav- ies, Auburn; Mrs. Richard Proc- ter of Belgrave; Mrs. Luella McGowan of Blyth; Mrs. Chas. Nelson, Clinton; Mrs. tiugh McWhinney, Dungannon; Mrs, Andrew Straughtan of Goder- ich; Mrs. Edwin Woods of Londesboro; Mrs. Charles Mc- Donald, St. Helens; Mrs. Ter- rence Hunter, Tiger Dunlop; Mrs. George Monereif, Kintail; Mrs. W. E. Patterson, Wing - ham. Mrs. Tait Clark presented the auditors report. A short history of the Pennies for Friendship was given by the treasurers of the Institutes rep- resented. The president gave a short summary of her work and thanked the branches for their co-operation, Miss Patricia Damude,home economist for Huron, gave a detailed report of the 4-H work in the county. Reports were gi- ven by the conveners of the standing committees. The speaker at the morning session was Mrs. Lorne Daniels, London Area Chairman. Mrs. Seek Old History Books on Huron The Huron County Historical Society has embarked on a re- search program to find all the published histories of Huron County and its society. and J. H. Neill has started a revis- ion of his catalogue of the County Pioneer Museum, with the help of Stuart Forbes. At its first executi' session Monday, June 1, president Mrs. W. D. Mack of Crediton said the society should first find and bring together the research and writings on the county al- ready completed so that the so- ciety would know where it stands, She displayed some docu- ments from her own collection of church histories, family dia- ries and township histories. Al- though no plans were made, it would appear the society will establish an archive. CONNIE YOUNG and Marg Anstag, of Goderich, perform- ed a Scottish sword dance in the arena on Saturday even- ing to the music of the Goderich Pipe Band. The young lassies put on an excellent show which was appreciated by the crowd.—A-T Photo. Arthur Jackson welcomed the guests at the smorgasbord luncheon prepared by the Bel - grave W, I. Mrs, John McLean Federated Women's Institute representative for this district brought greetings. The speaker of the afternoon session was Miss Helen McKer- cher, director of Home Econo- mies Service of Toronto. Mrs. Dan Hallaban, Blyth, extended an invitation to hold the 1965 district annual in Blyth. Mrs. Cecil Blake, Dungan- non, convener of the nomina- ting committee presented the slate of officers for the coming year; Past president, Miss Jo- sephine Woodcock, Blyth; Pres- ident, Mrs. Donald Riehl of Goderich; 1st vice, Mrs, Toyn- bee Lamb, Goderich; 2nd vice - Mrs. Richard Procter, R. R, 5 Brussels; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Auburn; Federated representatives, Mrs. Wilbur Brown of Dungannon, al- ternate, Mrs. Thomas Allen, Londesboro. Conveners of standing com- mittees; Citizenship and edu- cation, Mrs. Charles Nelson, Clinton; Agriculture and Cana- dian industries, Mrs. Ed. Dav- ies, Auburn; historical re- search and current events, Mrs. Bert Alton, Lucknow; home economics and health, Mrs. C. McDonald, Lucknow; resolu- tions, Mrs. Norman Keating, Wingham; public relations, Mrs. Norman Clairmont, God- erich; junior activities, Mrs. Ken Johnston, Bluevale; dis- trict delegate, Mrs. Donald Riehl, Goderich; alternate Miss Josephine Woodcock, of Blyth; district curator, Mrs. Tait Clark, Goderich; repre- sentative to Huron County Safe- ty Council, Mrs. Charles Elliott of Clinton; auditors, Mrs. Gor- don Taylor, Auburn, Mrs. Wel- lington Good, Blyth. KITCHEN SHOWER GORRIE-Mrs. Duff Bell, Mrs. James Walker and Miss Ruth Ann Taylor were hostesses at a kitchen shower held in honor of Miss Phyllis Walden at the home of Mrs. Alex. Tay- lor. Over 40 ladies attended. Your Savings Ecirn 51/4% On 3, 4 or 5 Year GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS VICTORIA and GREY OWEN SOUND 1,11.0,11 Sour Cream par o 01 summer salad wi'm SOUR CREA