HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-04, Page 11A a • a • Your Savings Earn 5%% On 3, 4 or 5 Year GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS VU VICTORIA and GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND WHITECHURCH Mr, and Mrs, Charles Tif- fin, Mrs, Fred Tiffin, Mrs, Clark Johnston and Linda were in Kitchener on Monday. Miss Linda Johnston was successful in securing an office position with the Mutual Life Insurance Co, Mr. Dan MacKay of Guelph and Mr. Jack MacKay of Wa- wota, Sask,, were Saturday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Coulter and Mrs, Donald McDonald. Mrs. Marjory McGee of Wingham visited a few days with Mrs. James Laidlaw, Oldest in Ontario SECOND OLDEST IN CANADA HELPING ONTARIO'S r,I DAIRY INDUSTRY GROW TEESWATER CREAMERY TEESWATER MILDMAY libLogworei, roam, To -day's layers are bred for their egg quality, productivity, feed conversion, livability, and size of bird, Given the correct conditions, each bird will follow a definite growth and production pattern during its life cycle. yl.. CO-OP*FEED BRINGS OUT THE BEST OF THE BREED Each new poultry strain has been bred for just one purpose ... to be more profitable than its predecessor, The vast Co-operative feed research organization has developed special feeding programs that bring out this maximum profit performance. Your chicks get off to a good start with CO.OP Chick Booster Krums and Medicated Chick Starter Krums. Later, CO-OP Starter Feed takes over to provide all the nutrients required for optimum growth. After 8 weeks, CO-OP 15% Chick Grow Ration continues to develop the bird for most economical egg production. For com- plete information get your free copy of the CO-OP Poultry Feed Program. *REGISTERED TRADE MARK BELGRAVE CO-OP ASSOC. BELGRA VE WINGHAM BRUSSELS 357-2711 388-W-10 Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 4, 1994 - Page 3 her of the board of The Feder- ated Women's Institute of On- tario in Toronto, was one of the guest speakers and told the ladies about some of the work of the F, W. I. 0, Another speaker was Mrs, Donna Mae Holm, Bruce County home ec- onomist, who reported on the value of 4-11 clubs and rhe short courses conducted by the W, I, CENTENNIAL SERVICES at Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch, on Sunday attracted over 600 peo- ple, a few of whom are shown enjoying the social hour which followed the service.—Photo by Cantelon. Belmore Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dickson and family, formerly of the 10th Concession of Turnberry, moved last week to their new home on the B line of Howicl<. This is the former William Nickel residence. Mr. and Mrs. Albin Weiler and Wilfred of the 2nd of Cul- ross, last week attended gradu- ation exercises for nurses of St. Mary's Hospital in Kitchener, held at the Mutual Life Build- ing in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Weiler's daughter, Mrs, El- eanor Waines of Kitchener, was among the class of 37. Mrs. Waines was widowed early in 1963 when her husband lost his life in an automobile accident, and she is the mother of two young children. Earlier, Mr. and Mrs. Weiler and their daughter had attended a ban- quet held for the graduates and their parents. A number from this com- munity attended the farewell party and dance, held on Fri- day evening in Teeswater, to honor Mr. and Mrs. David Schumacher and Howard, who have recently moved to Tees - water from the 2nd Concession of Culross. Mr. and Mrs. John Kerwin and family spent the week -end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Perrie Holmes, Trudy and Daryl, of Wingham, visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Doug- las and Wayne. Mr. Fred Beck of Harriston was guest temperance speaker in the United Church on Sun- day. The regular minister, Rev. Howard Pace, was guest speaker at the North Huron District divine service of the Masonic Lodge, in Fordwich United Church. Rev. Pace is district chaplain of the lodge, LET'S TAKE the CAR OUT! IDEAL WEATHER FOR A SUNDAY DRIVE — AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU HAD THE CAR PUT IN TOP NOTCH RUNNING ORDER BY Wingham Motors PHONE 357-2720 Mrs. William Klein of Gowanstown is spending this week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Johann and sons,Gilbert and Steven. On Saturday the Johanns attended the gradua- tion exercises for nurses of Stratford General Hospital. Mrs, Johann's niece, Miss Elsie Emke of Elmwood, was one of those graduating with this year's class, Rev. G. Howard Pace and Mr. Thomas Abraham, dele- gate from this charge, are at- tending the 40th Session of the Hamilton Conference of the United Church, being held June 1-4 in St. Paul's College, University of Waterloo. WHITECHURCH On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mrs. Nora Cro nin and Mrs. Victor Emerson were in Ayton when the ladies attended the district annual meeting of Grey South Wo- men's Institute. There were 83 in attendance. Sympathy is extended to the teacher of S. S. No. 10, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, and herhus- band, in the loss of his father, Mr. G. H. Wheeler of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gros- korth visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Emma Bagg of Toronto. DONNYBROOK Mr. William Webster of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney, Joyce and Steven were at London Wednesday vi- siting Mrs, William Webster, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Charles Jefferson visi- ted her brother, Mr. Henry McClinchey of Auburn on Thursday. Other visitors there were Mrs. Charles Porter and Mrs. Joe Gooding of Parkhill. Miss Gladys Jefferson re- turned to Woodstock on Satur- day after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. James Leddy and Mr. Leddy, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Josling, Kenneth, Paul and Betty of Londesboro, visited Friday eve- ning with Ivlr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Jefferson and family. RECEIVE MONEY GIFT BLUEVALE-A party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Shaw (formerly Frances Caskanette) was held in the community hall on Friday evening. A presentation of a purse of money to the young couple was made by Alan Campbell and an address was read by Miss Brenda Breckenridge. Dancing was to Tiffin's Or- chestra. Mrs. David Eadie Holds Office BELMORE-Members of Bel - more Women's Institute last week attended the district an- nual for Bruce South, in Kin- cardine, The business part of the meeting was held in the Anglican Church hall and din- ner was served in the basement of the United Church. More than 150 ladies from Bruce at- tended. Mrs. I. B . Sharpe, a mem- Election of officers was con- ducted. Past president is Mrs. Clifford Hewitt, of 9. R. 2 Kincardine, Elected president was Mrs. Francis Gemmell of Ripley, and secretary -treasurer is Mrs. D. J. McKinnon of Luct<now, Mrs, David Eadie of Belmore, was named second ‘ice -president, During the morning special music was provided by the Holyrood W. 1.: in the after- noon, ladies from the Lisburn branch entertained. Assembly singing was conducted before both sessions by Mrs. Ken Mc- Donald of Teeswater. Mrs. James McEwen of the S i l v e r Lake branch was pianist. IT TAKES A NEWCOMER LIKE ME To APPRECIATE WHAT A SATISFACTION IT 15 TO FIND A PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT LIKE THE ONE AT VANCE'S DRUG STORE Notice re Kindergarten Registration Mothers will please bring their children to the Kinder- garten at the Public School for registration on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9th between 3:30 and 5:00 o'clock. Only children who are five years of age before January 1, 1965, are eligible to register in Kindergarten in September. If not convenient to come on the above date, contact the Kindergarten teacher, MRS. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, or the principal, MR. T. S. BEATTIE. WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD SEE OUR BOOTH AT THE WINGHAM TRADE FAIR DRAWS FOR MOLD AND DAD 3 Picnic Hampers loaded with Baked Goodies Given away FREE Every Night FIRST 50 PEOPLE at 8 o'clock every night receive a FREE loaf of Toastmaster Table Pride Bread TOASTMASTER BAKERY (CANADA BREAD COMPANY) Bakers of TOASTMASTER TABLE PRIDE & BAMBI BREAD