HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-04, Page 7l• 4 • r • L.O.L. MEETING The last regular meeting of LOL No. 794 before the 12th of July will be held on Monday, June 8, at 8:30 p.m, The Blue Degree will be exemplified. Visiting Brethren welcome. 4b GARDEN PARTY To be held June 17 in Gorrie United Church. Supper served from 5 to 8, Adults $1.00, public schocl children 50c. Come and ,bring the family, 4-11b OUR BUSINESS INSUR- ANCE DEPT. has been or- ganized to give 'helpful speci- alized service for the protec- tion of PARTNERSHIPS - KEY MEN - SOLE OWNER- SHIPS—Be ASSURED Consult — Frank C. Hopper — REPRESENTATIVE — Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. PHONE 357-2452 TREAT PILES the MECCA way Relieve pile pain with antiseptic Mecca Pile Remedy No. 1 with ingredients containing herbs for shrinking and healing swollen piles. Sold at all druggists. 74 MECCA PILE REMEDIES No. 1 for INTERNAL PILES No. 2 for EXTERNAL PILES REGISTRATION For swimming and baseball at the Council Chambers Saturday morning, 9-12. 4b EMERGENT MEETING Wingham Lodge, A.F. & A.M. No. 286, Divine Service will be 'held on Sunday, June 7th, 1964, at 11 a.m. Service in the Wingham District High School' Auditorium. Rev. Gordon Fish, minister of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, will conduct the service. Brethren are re- quested to meet at the High School at 10:30 a,m. 28-4b INVITATION Friends and ,neighbours of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Henning please accept this invitation to call on them at their home on the 6th of Turnberry on Wed- nesday, June 10th, 2-4 p.m., 8-10 p.m., on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, (Gifts gratefully declined). 4* ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Arthur L. Stephens is pleased to announce the en- gagement of her younger daugh- ter, Evelyn Anne, to Mr. Wayne Douglas Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy D. Stevens, Port Elgin, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 20, 1964, at 3:00 p.m., in the Gorrie United Church. 4* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Edgar, Gorrie, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Sandra iAnne, to Mr. Ronald Edward Collyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Collyer, Lucknow. The marriage will take place in Gor- rie United Church on Saturday, July 4, ,at 2:30 p.m, 4* Jack Alexander AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Sales • Phone 357-3631 - Wingham ewstilL.sONu:uIM.n.1.1•.,®w,AIMMoINDus...10ue.1Mnsra 1 ENTRANCE CLASS OF 1915—A. L. Posliff teacher and principal. Back row: —, George Fryfogle, Reg. Smith, Cecil Angus, Leonard Jarvis, Charles Smith, Jack Nic- holls, Charles Isard, Harold Mann, —, Ted Murch. Second row: Charles Lloyd, Howard McDonald, Henry Aitcheson, Joe Saint, Harry Angus, Campbell Dow, Sam Lockridge, Will Dear, Percy Joynt, Fred Sturdy. Third row: Cora Baker, Florence Hinscliffe, Sarah MacLean, Winnie Walker, Loretta Sturdy, Vera Davidson, Anna Mae Davidson. Fourth row: Mary Coultes, Mae Allan, Alice Imlay, Edna Musgrove, Ruth Anderson, Jean Christie, Alice Hilbert, Lottie Zurbrigg. Front row: Thelma San- derson, Sarah Brown, Catherine Adams, Mae Passmore, Myrtle Bennett, 011ie Ham- ilton, Margaret Piper, Phyllis Johns. Reach Million Dollar Goal Through Easter Seal Campaign "The Million Dollar objec- tive of the 1964 Easter Seal Campaign has been reached," announced Conn Smythe, treasurer of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. Mr. Smythe stated thatcre- dit for the successful campaign results is due to the many thou- sands of volunteers in the com- munity service clubs such as Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Kins- men and others who joined to- gether to conduct the Easter Seal campaign in 230 centres in Ontario. On behalf of these volunteers, Mr. Smythe ex- pressed thanks to the people of Ontario for their confirmation of confidence in the work of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, by their generous and continued support. The expansion of responsi- bilities for physically handi- capped children includes a ser- vice program for the children who have cystic fibrosis; more At the Hospital Admitted to hospital during the week: Blyth 2, Brussels 7, Lucknow 5, Teeswater 1, Wing - ham 5, Ashfield Twp. 4, Cul- ross Twp, 1, Howick Twp. 5, Huntingdon Twp. 1, Huron Twp. 2, Kinloss Twp. 3, Morris Twp. 6, Turnberry Twp. 3, W. Wawanosh Twp. 2; total - 47 direct financial assistance to the 23 rehabilitation and treat- ment centres in Ontario; a stimulated program of research into the causes of crippling and methods of treatment, training and education of physically handicapped children; and ad- ded support for the training and professional development of re- habilitation workers to reduce the present shortage of quali- fied personnel. The achievement of the campaign objective has assured the continuance of the Soci- ety's services for the snore than 16, 000 crippled children in Ontario and guarantees the fulfilment of the recommend- ed development program in re- habilitation services. Quality Furniture un ate ut oor MATCHING PLASTIC ARM RESTS — FULLY ADJUSTABLE ROCKER HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM TUBING ONLY only $12.95 $12.50 CHAIR ONLY $7.95 CHAISSETTE CHAIR AND . CHAISETTE PADS FOAM Chair ea. $2.89 Chaisette ea. $5.29 QUILTED FELT Chair ea. $1.98 Chaisette ea. $3.69 FURNITURE 3571170 DAVID R. KENNEDY, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy, of Brussels, gradu- ated recently from the Uni- versity of Ottawa. David plans to attend the University of Toronto for post graduate work in the school of social work. He attended the WDHS and was president of the graduating class at the Uni- versity. ALIAS UNIONDALE The village of Uniondale, about 20 miles east of down- town New York City on Long Island, has, during its history, been variously known as Turtle Hook, Meadowbrook, East Hempstead and Hempstead Plains. In 1927, Charles A. Lindberg began his historic trans -atlantic flight from Roose- velt Field, which is in the Uniondale school district. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 4, 1964 - Page 7 W. J. C. Adair Buried Tuesday William John Caseniore Adair of Bluevale, died sudden- ly a t his home Saturday, Mr. Adair, a faun laborer, had been living retired at Bluevale since 1949, He was 60 years of age. A soil o f the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm, M. Adair, he was horn at Oxbow, Sask, He re- ceived his education in Wing - ham and was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Blue - vale, He is survived by two broth- ers, Bruce A. Adair, of To- ronto and Jae L. Adair of Huntsville. Service was conducted at the S. J. Walker funeral home on Tuesday at 2 o'clock by Rev. T. E. Kennedy of Bluevale and interment was in Wroxeter Ce- metery. Pallbearers were Har- old Elliott, George Fisher, Joe Walker, Clarence Ilenning, George Galloway and Raymond Haugh. William A. Currie Died at Clinton William Anderson Currie, a native of East Wawanosh and well known here, died at Hu- ronview, Clinton, on Friday of last week after an illness of one month. Mr. Currie, who was un- married, was a son of the late John T. Currie and his wife, Margaret J. Higgins. He was educated at S. S. 11, East Wawanosh and farmed in that township for many years. He was 81 years of age. He is survived by two broth- ers, J. Elgin Currie, Islington and James H. Currie, East Wawanosh; and five sisters, Mrs. John (Cora) Aitken, Moose Jaw, Sask.; Mrs. Nelson (Mina) MacRitchie, East Wa- wanosh; Miss Olive Currie, San Francisco; Mrs. M. (Mary) Galbraith, San Francis- co and Mrs. T. K. (Rea) Bibb, Harrow, Ontario. Funeral Service was con- ducted at the R. A. Currie and Sons funeral home on Monday by Captian G. S. Newman of the Salvation Army and inter- ment was in the Wingham ce- Foo® SERVICES SCHOOL CLINTON, HAS NEW O.C. Miss Jean Liberty has been promoted to rhe ran ofFlight Lieutenant and named as the successor to Squadron Leader F. E. Bell as OfficerCommand- ing, School of Food Services, RCAF Clinton. Jean is the youthful and pe- tite "boss" of an unique air force school. All coo:cs and food service attendants in the RCAF are trained at her school. In addition, university student% under RCAF auspices, spend the summer at SFS doing an in- terneship in their profession. COPPER KINGS Internal troubles in Iran are by no means a modern phen- omenon. A characteristic of the Arabs has always been a resentment of authority and dis- cipline, a fact which has led to countless small and large re- bellions over the centuries. One of these rebellions was that of the "Saffarids" about 860 A.D. This was a short-lived Mohammedan dynasty which took its name from its founder, who was apprenticed in his youth to a saffar, or copper- smith. The Saffarids were a military despotism which con- trolled a large part of Persia, but the dynasty lasted only about 40 years. metery. The pallbearers were James E. Currie, Kenneth Currie, J. A. W. Wilson, John L. Currie, Allan Pattison and George T. Currie. Business and Professional Directory AMBULANCE Service CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE Day - Night 357-1430 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 113 t HARRISTON - ONTARIO BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE &STARKE Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 2nd Floor, PUC Baiidtng Cor. Josephine & John Ste. WINGHAM, Dial 357-1561 A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater - Ontario Tel. 392.6873, Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment PHONE 524-9521 Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P. O. Box 478 GODERICH, ONTARIO A301b Pearson, Edwards & co. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 357-2891 Gaviller, McIntosh & Ward Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham - Dial 357-3630 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, R.C. J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office—Meyer Bik., Wingluem DIAL 357.1990 PHAIR AND ACr H ESON BOX 663 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS KINCARDINE PHONE 55