HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-04, Page 6Page 6. - Wingham Advallee-Tl:es, Thursday, June 4, 1964 1 W'ED IT THROUGH THE WANT AUS FOR SALE TAXI SERVICE 1vrITCHE'LL'S BUTCHERRHOP equipment for sale. Phone 357- 3872 after five. 28-4* MOBILE HOME for sale, 10 x 33. Bruce Montgomery, Wrox- eter 121J. 7rrb WATERLOO Z tractor for sale. Reasonable. Rae Louttit, 811 R22, Wroxeter. 4* RURAL MAIL BOXES for sale, large, $9.95. Alexander's Hard- ware, phone 357-3631. 14rrb 21" WESTINGHOUSE television for sale. Very reasonable Phone 357-2334 after 6. 4b TWO VIOLINS for sale. Apply William McNeil, Bluevale. 4-11* BARB WIRE for sale, extra heavy, 88 lb., 80 rods, $9.50 a roll: heavy, 76 lbs., 80 reds, $8,50 roll, Alexander's Hard - 357 -3631. 14rrb WEDDING GOWN for sale, silk organza over taffeta. size 10- 12. Phone 357-2455 after five on Saturday. 4b 2 -WHEEL TRAILER for sale, in good condition with rack. Charles Bosman, 2 miles south Bluevale, phone Wingham 357- 1787. 4b MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 614", 85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631, 14rrb NEW 1964 model Bell piano for sale. Well worth looking over. See this at Jne McGill's Radio & TV, Wingham. We irvite you to see this one. 4-11b GO CART for sale. Powered with the famous West Bend 700 motor. Racing slicks. Fast and well maintained. Will sacrifice, Phone Auburn 526- 7220. 4b MERCURY MARK TEN out- board motor. Only slightly used. Fast and dependable. Half nrice. Phone Auburn 526-7220 4b LLOYD BeBY CARRIAGE for sale, grey; high chair: elev.- pen: car bed; chrome kitchen table, grey arborite top and from matching chairs. Phone 357-1500, Mrs. George Guest. 4b BRING IN the new and nearly n ew furniture, glassware, clothes, etc. We will sell same for you and also might have something of interest to you. Singer Sewing Centre, Wing - ham, phone 357-2010. 4b COLONIAL R•F.•D MAPLE bed- room suite for sale. consisting of double bed, chest of draw- ers (4 drawers), dressing table (6 drawers), dressing table bench. bedside table. Apply Mrs. Alton Adams, phone 357- 2743. 4* FOR SALE -- 12 ft. wide floor covering, "Harding" Carpets; wide selection of pole lamps, occasional chairs and other "gift" items; splendid choice of bedroom, livingroom and kitchen suites at the Schuett's Furniture Showrooms at Mild- mev. Discount prices, Free delivery in S. Ontario, 4-11b CARS FOR SALE 1953 METEOR for sale. Good condition. Reasonably priced. Phone 357-1572 after 5 p.m. 4b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED Hereford bulls for sale. Serviceable age. Wm. A. Purdon, phone 357-2749. 28-4b 2 HEREFORD COWS for sale, four years old, due in August. One Holstein heifer due soon, E4 Smythe, Wingham, phone 357-2899. 4* 2 HOGS for ^:ale, of serviceable age, of registered stock. John Norman, Wingham, /'hone 357- 1119. 4* 5 YOUNG SOWS for sale, due to farrow in a week, Gordon Hig- gins. 3rd of Morris, phone 332J5, Brussels. 4* CREDIT UNION OFFICE in CONNELL BLOCK Office Hrs.: FRIDAY 7-9 p.m. 23rrb LEE'S T XI 24-1ROt'R SERVICE ineluding Sundays and Holidays LONG OR SHORT TRIPS Celebrating our Tenth Year of Service -- 19541964 DIAL 357-1521 We carry taxi insurance REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANT ADS eat ' t 'hone 357-2320 HAIR DRESSING ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham, Dial 357-2981, rrb FOR RENT APARTMENTS for rent in Bel - grave, Apply C. W. Hanna, Phone 357-1299, 12rrb APARTMENT for rent, four bright rooms, all conveniences, built-in cupboards. Separate entrance. Reasonable. Phone 357-3568 4-11b APARTMENT FOR RENT, one bedroom. Newly decorated, Available immediately. Joe Kerr. 4b AT PT. CLARKE—New 3 bed- room cottage for sale. Box 242, Oshawa, phone RA 8-5933. 21-28.4-11b DUPLEX FOR SALE -2 modern self - contained apartments, reasonably priced. Phone 357- 2653. 21rrb GOOD HOUSE for sale, in Brussels, reasonable. Phone 74 Brussels or apply P.O. Box 185, Brussels. 4b VLA APPROVED red rug brick ranch Wavle home for sale. Can be purchased with or without le acre land. Living room, dinette, four bedrooms, two baths and recreation room, Forced air oil furnace, Di- agonal Road, phone 357-2752. 4-18b PROPERTIES FOR SALE 7 room 114, storey house, well situated, two blocks from main street. Oil furnace, Close to schools. Owner very anxious to sell. Will accept low down pay- ment. 2 storey solid brick home, 7 rooms with bath and furnace, 2 blocks to main street close to public school. Priced for quick sale, mortgage available. Large brick .home centrally located, hot water heating, oil furnace, Could be used as fam- ily home or duplex. Other homes to choose from, reasonably priced with terms. Contact— WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial Wingham 357-2174 4b ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY CORDON B. ELLIOTT, Broker TED ELLIOTT, Salesman 1 ---Investment Hames: (a) Brick veneer duplex, lo- cated in Public School block, now fully rented and will re- turn 10% on your money. (b) Solid brick, three ply, du- plex, excellent residential location, near schools, one half rented, and available now. This home is hi Al con- dition with immaculate dec- orating, 2—Three bedroom, frame, with new furnace and bath, needs some decorating, priced very low, immediate possession. 3 --Three bedrooms, brick ven- eer, on Catherine Street, pos- session September 1st, priced to sell. 4—Nine room, brick veneer home, near hospital and' schools, excellent income home, priced very reasonable. 5—Three bedroom, frame, on Carling Terrace, very low down payment, possession July 1st, 1964. 6—Four bedroom, frame, on Alice Street. in very good condition, renovations just being completed, possession July 15, 1964. 4-11b POULTRY FOR SALE 20 YEAR-OLD HENS for sale, laying, 75c each. Percy Biggs, phone 357-3325. 4b When Offering Your Property For Sale You should expect and receive competent advice and planned advertising. THE SELLING RATE POR HOUSES IN WINGHAM IS 83'0. These services are available when you call and list with WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate & Business Broker Dial 357-2174, W11 GIIAIMY COTTAGE FOR RENT, at Lake Rosalind, Hanover, Month of August. Call H, Spry, 357-3676. 4b MODERN APARTMENT, one bedroom. Heated. Reasonable rent. Available June lst, Apply before 8 p.m., phone 357-3830. 21rrb FOR RENT — Two bedroom ultra -modern apartment, cen- trally located. Heated, Avail- able August 1st, Apply Box 32, Advance -Times. 21rrb SALES HELP WANTED—Mate MAN WANTED — Good nearby Rawleigh business now open. If willing to conduct Home Service business with good profit, write Rawleigh, Dept. F-453-45, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal, 4b FEMALE HELP WANTED CLERK -TYPIST for Wingham office. Full time employment. Apply to Box 33, Advance - Times. 4b TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS Will be received by the under- signed up to twelve o'clock noon Wednesday, June 10th, 1964, for the purchase and removal of the Gorrie public shed above the concrete wall, Any tender not necessarily accepted, W. E. Whitfield, Gorrie, clerk of the Township of Howiek, 4b TENDERS The Culross-Teeswater School Area Board wish to call for tenders for sanding and re- finishing of floors of four class- rooms, upstairs hall and two staircases in the Teeswater Pub- lic School. Work to be completed during July 1964. Tenders to be received by the secretary, Gerald Baptist, R, R. 1, Formosa, by June 15, 1984. Further information can be had by contacting any board member or the secretary. 28-4b EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED—Lawns to cut. Phone 357-3242, Paul Gardner. 4b TEEN-AGE GIRL wants baby- sitting and light housework. Phone 421J7, Brussels 4* T H E BLACKSMITH SHOP BLUEVALE, ONTARIO Welding and General Repair Wagon and Trailer Racks Built and Repaired. Lawn Mower and Small Motor Sales & Service—All Makes Free Pickup and Delivery PHONE 357-1099 28-4b NOTiCE FOR CUSTOM SPRAYING of any kind -- inetuding Scrub bing Barns, Disinfecting and Whitewashing, also Brush Spraying. All work to pass government inspection, -- PHONE', HAROLD DENNIS Evenings 857-2947 or LIONEL MAHOOD Anytime 357-1688 — or VICTOR KENNEDY Phone BLVTII 28rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF BEN- JAMIN JAMES MAGUIRE. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Miller, who died on the sixth day of April, 1964, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 13th day of June, 1964. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 22nd day of May, A,D. 1964. CRAWFORD & HETHERTNG- TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, 28-4-11b NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF VIOLET WIN- NIFRED GILLET, late of the Town of Wingham. in the Coun- ty of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Violet Winnifred Gillett, are required to send par- ticulars of their claims, ,duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate, on or before the 20th day of June, A.D. 1964, and that after such date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 26th day of May, A.D. 1964. J. T. GOODALL, WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 28-4-11b PERSONAL THE SALVATION ARMY will welcome your gifts of clean used clothing or articles of furniture. These will help us to help others. Call Wingham 357-1951 for pickup. 16rrb "PLAY GOLF"—No need to buy clubs, these can be rented for as little as 50c per game. FuII range of new and used equip- ment, "Campbells" - "Spald- ing" and others. Call L. Chap- pell, 357-2179, Wingharn Golf Club welcomes new members. Relax and enjoy this great game for young and old, 7-14-21-28-4-11* MISCELLANEOUS NOW IS THE TIME to get that sewing machine repaired, all makes. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Singer Sewing Centre, Wingham, phone 357-2010. 4b BRING YOUR SHOES to Heughan's for repairs—Pick- ed up Thursdays and Satur- days by "Rays" of Clinton. Excellent work. 6rrb TAINTING and DECORATING CHARLES RINTO'UL 379 Frances St„ Winghani, Ont, 4-11-18b PLUMBING, HEATING AND EAVESTROUGHING Phone Wingham 357-2218 and Blyth 523-9337. 28-4-11b FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rintoul & Sons, 4-11* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis BIake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. 015* NOTICE If you are thinking of financing a car be sure to contact your State Farm .Agent first, Reub- en Appleby, R. R. 2, Wingham, phone 357-1679. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Oali your Co-op Agent. -- LLOYD MONTGO1VilERY Wingham, R.R. 5, Dini 357-3739 I SWAPPED FOR IT THROUGH THE WANT ADS '1'111N1111111111E1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. FOR SALE OMR WINGHAM OFFICE 187 JOSEPHINE ST. Phone 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER "We Sell Rural Ontario" When offering your property for sale select a Broker who is not afraid to give you a real advertising via Daily News- papers, Weekly Newspapers and the best real estate picture catalogue in Canada, Only in this way can you obtain the best coverage in the business. The following list of sales made lately by THE WINGHAM 0.terICE ONLY, will prove that Mr, Gerald Walter who is our representative in Wingham can really produce, and after all that is what a vendor wants, RE- SULTS NOT PROMISES! Here is a list of some of our happy Vendors and Purchasers, If in doubt give some of them a call and get a pleasant surprise. Mrs. Josephine MacTavish•, R. R. 2, Wingham, sold her farm to Mr. and Mrs. EImer Joyce, of Lucan, Ontario. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cook. R. R. 1. Belgrave, sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Dir - stein, Kitchener, Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas O'Mal- ley, R. R. 3, Wingham, sold their farm to Mr, and Mrs, Peter Chandler, R. R. 4, St. Marys, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin, R. R. 4, Wingham, sold their farm to Mr, and Mrs, William Beyersberger, R. R. 4, Strat- ford, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Scott, Belgrave, sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. William Payne, R. R. 6, Parkhill, Ontario. Mrs. Mary Campbell, R. R. 4, Wingham, sold her house to Mr. and Mrs. Sperling Johnston, R. R. 2, Bluevale, Ontario. Mrs. Margaret Beer, London, Ontario, sold her Estate farm to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cleve- Iand, R, R. 3, Walkerton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, W. A, Cathers, Wroxeter, sold their farm to Mr, and Mrs. Johnson, R. R. 2, Clif- ford, Ontario. Mr, and Mrs, G. E. Walters, R. R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario, sold their farm to Mr John H. Plas- ter, Toronto, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Whytock, R, R. 3, Wingharn, sold their their property to Mr. Carmen Denton, Burgessville, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hodgins, R, R. 1. Holyrood, sold their 'farm to Mr, and Mrs. John Aitchison, Ringwood, Ontario. Mr. Adrian Eydt, Hanover, sold his farm to Mr. Charles Fletcher, Oakville, Ontario, Mr. -Stan Horsburgh, R. R. 1, Wingham, sold a home to Mr. James Shaughnessy, Downs- view, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs, Art Wilkinson, R. R. 4, Elmwood, sold their farm to Mr. Victor Lang and Mr. Maurice Graf, R. R. 4, Walk- erton, Ontario. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Swift, Ethel, sold their property to Mr. and Mrs. Lothar Weber, Toron- to, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Thomp- son, Teeswater, sold their farm to Messrs. Harvey and Ward Neeb, Dashwood, Ontario, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Coursey, R. R. 3, Chesley, sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Burton McCul- loch, R. It. 1, Ridgeway, Ont. Mr. Arthur F. Baker, Kitchen- er, sold his house to Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Turney, Stratford, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker, R. R. 5, Lucknow, sold their house to Mr. Walter Oster, R. R. 3, Blyth, Ontario, Mr. Harold ITowald, R. R. 5, Lucknow, sold his property to Mr. Laverne Warden, Fergus, Ontario, Mrs. Adaleen Dowling, Mount Forest, sold her house to Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Thomson, Luck- now, Ontario, MEIW3ER OF TUE GREY , BRUCE REAL ESTATE BD. Ask orle of our AgeXits clow you can list your property as a Multiple Listing. kmialmiimOmMAIMEMEMPAN CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late William A. Currie wish to thank their friends and neighbors for cards, notes of sympathy, floral tri- butes and other kindnesses shown at the time of their re- cent bereavement. Special thanks to Cant, Newman and the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home, 4h Mrs. Herb Wheeler and fam- ily wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of svmpathv and floral tributes received from their many friends, relatives and neighbors in their recent bereavement. A special thanks to the South Group of the United Church, Women. We would like to express our appreciation for the kindness and expressions of sympathy shown to us in the loss of a bus - band and father. For the beau- tiful floral tributes and do- nations to the Gideon Bibles. Special thanks to the nurses on first floor at the Wingham and District Hoenital, Dr. Crawford, Rev. Mr. Taylor and the Moir funeral home at Gorrie.—Mrs. Stewart Finlay and family. 4* —A. sincere thank you to my friends for cards, visits and treats while T we- a natient in Victoria. Hospital, London. -- La.nrv, Munro. 4* I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all my ne'ghborsMende and relatives who remembered and visited me while in Wingham District Hos- pital and Victoria, London, also Dr Mertibbon end the hospital staff. Your kindness will long be remembered. --Frank Thomp- son. 4b I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those who remembered me with treats, flowers, cards and visits during my stay in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Leahy and staff on third floor, the Rev. Mr, Kennedy and Belmore Women's Institute. — Mrs. Jim Struthers. 4* DIED VAN STONE, Grace—At Tot- tenham, on Wednesday, May 27, 1964, Grace Martin, widow of Charles Garfield Van Stone, dear sister of Mrs. Hubert Struthers, Tottenham. Rested at the An- derson funeral home, Totten- ham, Funeral service Friday at 2 p.m, Interment Mount Tegart Cemetery. She was a former resident of Wingham. BIRTHS Me?{'A'RlJAN—In Wingham and District Hospital, on Thurs• day, May 28, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, Elmer McFarlan, Wing - ham, a son. NEWTON—In Palmerston Hos, pita), on Thursday, May 28, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, William Wesley Newton, Wingham, a son. van VLIET---In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday, May 29, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Cornelis van Vliet, Blyth, a son, GRAHAM -- In Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, May 30, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Graham, Ripley, a son. MacKENZIE--In Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, June 1, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Jack MacKenzie, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a daughter. BISHOP -- In Clinton Hospital, on Monday, June 1, 1984, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bishop (Rose Marie Nicholson), R. R. 1, Ethel, a son. BROOKS — In Wingham and District Hospital, an Tuesday June 2, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks, R. R. 2, Wing., ham, twins, a daughter and a son. protect ow- children re! DRIVE CARE a1 sx 1 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lic. No. 262-0-63 Pro„* era y} for ale Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS WINGHAM OFFICE — 187 JOSEPHINE ST., DIAL 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER SENSATIONAL HOME BUY—Attractive rug brick three bed- • room ranch style bungalow with .attached garage, Located close to shopping facilities and is landscaped with lawns and trees. This ,new deluxe quality built home will appeal to the innermost wants of the careful home buyer, with its bright up-to-date kitchen, elaborate oversized livingroom, fine 4 piece bath and 3 family sized bedrooms. Full basement is airy and bright and lends itself well for a recreation room with its attractive fire place. This home is insulated to hydro specifications and is completely heated by electricity. There are many more costly extras to inspect in this home, so don't miss seeing it! A mod- est down payment and terms can be arranged. $8,900 for a bright 11/4 storey home with alI modern conveniences. Situated on a nicely landscaped lot near schools, churches, etc. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Easy terms can be arranged. Teeswater home, $5,500. 1%• storey 6 room home has many modern conveniences. Small shed 10' x 15' Located one block from main street, Terms can be arranged. Lucknow home, plus 5 acres of land and the Nine Mile River running across the back. This modern 11£4 storey home has the look of tomorrow and completely modern. Also on the property are a double garage and a small barn. Full price only $10,500 with easy terms. Small service station plus a 11/4 storey home and one acre of land, situated on the corner of a busy highway miles from com- petition. The full price for all this is only $6.900 with a low down payment and extra easy terms. The owner is anxious to sell, so see it! 150 acre farm just 4 miles from Wingham, approx. 90 workable acres, spring fed stream, 14 storey home, large L, shaped barn. Full price $6,500 with a down payment of $2,600 and easy terms. IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PRO- PERTY, CONTACT US FOR SPEEDY, COURTEOUS SERVICE. Paui S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE, FLESJIER.TON, OWEN' SOUND, HANOVER, BRAMPTON, GUELPH, PORT ELGIN, WINGHAM, CHESLEY MEMBERS OF THE Grey Bruce Real Estate Board - Orangeville Real Estate Board Brampton IL.E.I[i, - Owen Sound R.E.i3. - Guelph R,E,B. Ontario Association of R.E.B - Canadian Association of R.E.B. MULTI LISTING SYSTEM ASK ONE OF OUR AGENTS HOW TO GET MAXIMUM COVERAGE BY LISTING YOUR PROPERTY AS A MULTIPLE LISTING THRouGII PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD. "We Sell Rural Ontario” i a e s a s