HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-06-04, Page 3Indignant Woman; "Sir, you Money may not buy happi- will kindly address me as'Li- ness, but.ithelps you lack for it brarian', not 'bookie';' in more interesting places, MILDMAY ROTARY CLUB MONSTER CASH BINGO MILDMAY COMMUNITY CENTRE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 9 p.m. $1,300.00 IRIZES Proceeds in aid of Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton our Car Your THEN GIVE HER A LITTLE OF YOUR ATTENTION .. AN OCCASIONAL CARESS . . . SAY FOR INSTANCE: LUBRICATION ADJUST BRAKES - CHANGE THE OIL IL FILTER CHANGE YOUR CAR WILL LOVE OUR ATTENTION AND TAKE A NEW LEASE ON LIFE! EN MANS EXACO SRVICt. WARE Dial 357-3300 - Wingham BROADCLOTH BANDEAU $L98 BROADCLOTH LONG -LINE $2.98 HAYES FAMILY CLOTHING JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE 357-1700 "IT PAYS TO SHOP AT HAYES" Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 4, 1964 - Page 3 Minister 50 Years Ago, Attends 100th Anniversary WHITECHURCH-Chalmers Presbyterian Church celebrated its 100th anniversary with well attended services morning and evening. The guest speaker was Rev. Angus MacKay of Jhansi, India. Assisting was the student mini- ster, Jacob Kuiper. The choir anthems at the morning service were "Wonderful" and "He Is Knocking", Mrs, Philip Steer of R. R. 5 Lucknow, was the soloist and sang, "I Sing of Thee". The sermon title was "By Faith". Floral tributes placed in the church were from the Kennedy family in memory of their par- ents, the late Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy; the Craig fa- mily for their parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John S. Craig; and by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison in memory of her' mother, Mrs. Alfred Buckton. A number of gifts were de- dicated. A gift of $100 was made by the Kennedy family in memory of their parents; the doors purchased from a leg- acy in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paterson; a choir mir- ror by Mr. and Mrs. Cringle, Mr. and Mrs. Kruger and Mrs. Chas. Cook in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Gillies, and their brother, John. Other dedications were the panel around the Choir loft, a gift by Mr. and Mrs. James Mcllrath; pulpit fall and Bi- ble marker by Roy McGee in honor of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee and brother, Gordon. Mr. Kuiper read greetings from Rev. J. tire and Mrs. Stewart of Seaforth. Mr. Stew - f'. art was the minister at the timE of the 50th anniversary and was happy to have been spared to celebrate the church's 100 years with its congregation. Dr. J. R. Graham of Toron- to had happy memories of his ministry at Chalmers. Rev. R. D.A. and Mrs. Currie of Wal- laceburg sent congratulations from their congregation and personal greetings. Other messages were read from the Langside congcegation, Whitechurch United, Rev. S, J. Stewart of Molesworth, Rev. Graydon and Mrs. Cox of Dres- den, Rev. Norman and Mrs. Caswell and family of Meaford, Rev. R. T. A. Marshall and family of Strathroy, (which stated that Mrs, Marshall is visiting in Ireland), Rev. Neil and Mrs. McCombie of Ripley, Miss Edith Peddle of Edmonton, Misses Frances and Hannah Wil- son and Mrs, Scott of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Green of Burnaby, B. C. "Day Is Dying in the Wert" was the evening anthem and a duet was sung by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer, "The Garden of My heart". The men's choir sang, "Will Your Anchor Hold?" Rev. MacKay's sermon . as "Forward Bound". Former ministers at- tended the evening service were Rev, and Mrs, Stewart, Rev. R, D. A, and Mrs. Currie, Rev. R, T, A. Marshall and sons. Rev. T. E. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy of Bluevale and Rev, Gordon and Mrs. Fish of Wingham were also present, Visitors attended from To- ronto, London, Hamilton, Michigan, Owen Sound and Saskatchewan. CHURCH HISTORY History of the congregation reveals the first church was built on the present site on land given by Charles Hamilton, Planks and blocks were used for seats. In 1895 it was decided to build a new church and the old building was sold for :65. The present brick church was built at a cost of $3, 500 and was officially opened on Nov. 10, 1595, The church sheds were built originally in 1875 with the present one er- ected in 1914 at a cost of Si, 000. The first elders were Charles Hamilton, Adam MacKay, Thomas Wilson and John Daw- son, all ordained in lis6,5. First minister to be inducted into this charge was Rev. Robert Leask on Nov. :a, 1865. During the ministry of Rev, J. Ure Stewart the jubilee was celebrated in 1914. The name "Chalmers" was given to the congregation by the Kirk Ses- sion in 1924. The oldest active members are Peter Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulter, Mrs. Myr- tle Dawson; oldest former members, Mrs. W. J. Conn, McKenzie Patterson, Mrs. W. J. Coulter, Mrs. J. G. Gilles- pie and Alegi, Purdon. Gorrie Personais Rev. F. W. and Mrs. Tay- lor visited Sunday afternoon with Rev. W. J. V. and Mrs. Buchanan of Ayr. Mrs. G. A. Anderson and Mrs. Norman Wade were in London from Friday to Sunday attending the Diocesan Work- shop for Women at Huron Col- lege. Sympathy is extended to Mr. T. L. McInnes in the pass- ing of his sister, Mrs. Wm. McKee, Richmond, B.C. , and to Mr. Claus O'Krafka in the loss of his brother, Mr. Otto O'Krafka, Hespeler. Mrs. Melvin Finlay is apa- tient in Wingham Hospital. Mr. Alex. Matheson, At- wood, spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Has - tie and Mr. llastie. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spar - ling and Ian of St. Marys visit- ed Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham. Mrs. Jas. Stokes and Wanda of Belmore and Mrs. Webster Jacklin, Listowel, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Mrs. Frank Earls, London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie. Mr. Keith Finnigan, who is taking a two -weeks' course at the RCAF at Clinton spent Satur- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Hastie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Has - tie and family spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blythe of Milton. Mrs. Lulu Sanderson is a patient in Wingham Hospital. Mr. Ed Gilmar left by plane on a three weeks' trip with veterans on a chartered flight to London, England, France, Germany and other battlefields of Europe, Mrs. Charles Scott, Clifford, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. George Gal- braith, Wroxeter, Miss Ruth Grainger, Burlington, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Grainger. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Mc- Michael, Marjorie Ann and David of Wroxeter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doig, Molesworth, visited Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Edgar on Sun- day. Miss Audrey Scott, Clifford, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Doran Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Flgin Well - wood, Caledon, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mc- Innes. Mr. and Mrs. Miles McMillan, Teeswater, visited Monday at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hastie, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Hastie and Scott of Durham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Edgar. Mr. Jack Ford, IIarriston, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stokes visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Casemore, Wingham. Mrs. George Dane of Hythe, Alta., attended the funeral of her brother, Ralph Irwin of London and spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Taylor, The Gorrie-Wroxeter Cubs and Boy Scouts held a paper drive on Saturday when about 30 members collected 17, 463 pounds of paper. Proceeds were approximately $45. BIRTH NEWTON- In Palmerston Hospi- tal, Thursday, May 28, to Mr, and Mrs. Wesley New- ton, Jr. of Wingham, a son. Receives Degree hitech Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and Diane visited Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Kerry and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kerry of Paisley on Sun- day. Guests for the Church Cen- tennial at the home of Mrs. Cassie Falconer were Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer, Kevin and Allan of Streetsville, Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer, Paul and Brian of Sarnia, Rev. Angus and Mrs. MacKay of Jhansi, India, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon of Sarnia, Mrs. George Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wellwood and Mrs. Nora Cronin of Caledon, her mother, Mrs, A. E. Purdon of Lucknow, Charles MacKay, Dunnville, Belgrave Mr, Albert Bacon was guest at the M. P. dinner held at Clinton on Saturday and was the official Judge for the Swine Show. Mr. and Mrs. Les Shaw of London visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Armstrong. rd.) Happenings John MacKay of Wawota, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs, Dan MacKay, Guelph. Mrs, John Gray of Kincardine was a caller at the same hone on Monday to visit with her former teacher, Mr, John MacKay. During the lunch hour Mr. John MacKay of Wawota, Sask.,, gave a reading which he had given fifty years ago at the 50th celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ham- mond of Moorefield visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and key, J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart of Seaforth were guests at the Inane with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kuiper. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tif- fin accompanied Mr, and Mr:,. Gordon Jamieson of Goderich to Walkerton and visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Mcln- nes. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dick of Toronto were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Innes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilles- pie, Barry and Lorraine of Sar- nia, were Sunday visitors at- tending the Centennial and GORRIE--Cecil Bruce Grain- ger, son of Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Grainger, received his Bachelor of Arts degree and Honors his- tory on May 28 at Middlesex College, University of Western Ontario, London. WINGHAM REGULAR OPEN STOCK 1847 ROGERS LEILANI 42 PIECE SET OF 8 REFLECTION SPRING VALUE -- $98.80 FLAIR SALE PRICE SPRINGTIME $59.25 F{ EWELLERY PHONE 357-2670 ..Irs. Eunice Gillespie returned to Sarnia with them. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dirstein of Toronto attended the Cen- tennial and visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt. Miss Florence Moir of To- ronto spent the wee::-E-nd with Mr. and Mrs. Jas Richardson. Miss Margaret Moffat of Toronto spent the wee.: -end with Mr. Graham Moffat and Miss Emma Richardson. Mr, and Mrs. Scott Patter- son spent the weep: -end with Mr. Ken Patterson. On Thursday Mrs. Victor Emerson accompanied the secretary -treasurer of Bruce South District, Mrs. D. J. Mac Kinnon, Mrs. Frances Gem- mel, district president, and Mrs. Don McCosh, past Grey - Bruce area president to Bruce East district annual held at Cargill United Church. This was the last of the nine district annuals of the Grey -Bruce Ar- ea. They are happy to report eight districts have 100%stand- ing conveners' reports and the other district had a failure in One convenership. LIMITED TIME ONLY FANTASTIC PRICES ON SILVERWARE Exarrzple — TEASPOOI�I 4O% *.*ff Most Open Stockreg, $I.10 — NOW 66c COMMUNITY 40 PIECE SET OF 8 REGULAR OPEN STOCK VALUE — $81.20 SALE PRICE $48.75 AFFECTION SOUTH SEAS White ORCHID Morning ROSE Lady HAMILTON