HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-05-28, Page 15PRESENTATION FOR NEWLYWEDS RLUBVALE•-A party inhonor of Mr, and Mrs, Keith Nichol- son (formerly Carol Robertson) was held in the community hall on Friday evening, A presenta- tion of a purse ot money was made, an address being read by Mrs, Glen Johnston. A what not was presented from the Hu- ron Bridge Construction, the groom being an employee. Keith Johnston, Bill Wright, and Ross Peacock made presenta- tions, Music for dancing was supplied by Tiffin's Orchestra, The cannibals stoked up the fire under the pot in which an explorer was being cooked, The chief came up and ask- ed - ecl the vietirn, "PQ yQo have anything to say?" "Yes," the explorer said, "I am smoking more now, and enjoying it less," BelmorePerso nals Sympathy is t!xtc!nded to the family of the lath Stewart Fin- lay, in their rect bereave- ment, Misses Darlene, Beverley and Glenda Ballagii spent Sun- day evening at Wii gham with IMPROUE1VIEP.T „'•,.'/:l/Y�/. YID •' 14,011:31 Kum CARLOAD SALE Shingtes �,Sphalt 210 LB. WEIGHT a% 00 REGULAR PRICES ANY QUANTITY STANDARD 7.10 NOW Square SEAL -ON NOW .95 Square Aluminum Combination Doors 11/4" THICK SELF -STORING PRE -HUNG TOP QUALITY COMPLETELY WEATHERSTRIPPED INCLUDES CLOSER AND CHAIN STAY ONLY I•; • OUTSIDE White Paint 3.75 Gallon BRAND NAME PRODUCT roof 5/16" x 4 x 8 SHEATHING Waterp SHEATHING FIR 1/2 pfWOOP.... CHIP BOARD 4'x8'xl/2" $ 2 56 SHEET PRE -FINISHED Mahoganv Paneling 4'x8'x3/16" 479 PER SHEET • 4 x 8 ANY QUANTITY i 2.9* 4.99 UNDE LAY 4' x 8''x 3/8" $4.27 SHEET MASONITE UNDERLAY 4' x 3' x 1/4" PER SHEET SALE ENDS MAY 30th HODGINSMcDONALD LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES NORTH ST. WINGHAM PHONE 357-3650 FREE DELIVERY --TERMS CASH 95( J. M. McDONALD LUMBER LTD. PHONE 77 Brussels their grandfather, Mr. Fleming Ballagh, and Miss Myrtle Ball- agh, Mr. John Kerwin, of Toronto spent the week -end at his home here. Mrs, Kerwin recently spent almost a week in Ux- bridge, visiting with her moth- er, Mrs, Dingman. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ken- nedy and family of the Boun- dary, and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Steele of Guelph called on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Struthers. Mrs, Jack Holland of Paris spent the week -end with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Abraham and Mr. Abraham, and also called on Mr, and Mrs. Carl Douglas and Wayne in the village. Mr, and Mrs, ThomasJack- son of Guelph were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Ballagh, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and family of Lucknow spent Sunday with Mrs. Scott's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stru- thers, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Lout - tit and family of Gorrfe were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Doubledee, UCW Buys Vacuum For Church Use i3ELMORE-Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe was hostess for the May meeting of the l3elinore U. C.W. on Wednesday. Mrs. Earl Fitch opened the meeting with a service of worship. A reading, "A Tribute toMothea was given by Mrs. Bill Mulvey. Miss Lavonne Ballagh read and led discussion on a chapter from "The Word and the Way". The hook, "As Asia Goes", was read by Mrs, Fred Doubledee. The president, Mrs. W. Jo- hann, presided for the business. The minutes were read by Mrs, Joe Simmons and the roll call, which was to name a flower found in the Bible, was an- swered. Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe re- ported that a vacuum cleaner had been purchased for the church. BID FAREWELL TO RESIDENTS BELMORE-A pleasant eve- ning was spent on Friday of last week, when friends and neigh - hours of Mr. and Mrs. .Jack llaelzle of Carrick Township, gathered at their hemi: to hid them farewell prior to leaving for their new home in Mild- may. Mr, Bruce Darling read ;in address and presented them with an end table and other gifts, as retltetnbrance from the community, Presentation B13LAMORE-A large crowd at- tended the presentation and dance on Friday evening, held ;u honour of Mr. and Mrs. Dav- id ilarper(Sally Jeffray). Lambkin's Orchestra played tor dancing. Late in the ekenittg the young couple was escorted to the platform, where \tics Kay Harkness read an address and Jim Busby presented theft: with a purse of money. Both David and Sally made tittittf* replies of thanks. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, '• lay 28, 11304 - Page 7 W.I. Entertains At Huronview BLUIiVAI.F-Mernhers of the Bluevale Women's Institute made a birthday party for resi- dents of 1luronview, Clinton whose birthdays are in May. On May 20th they donated gifts, took refreshments and gave a program, all of which were much appreciated. Numbers on the program were: solo,Mrs, Walter Willits; vocal duets, Mrs, Charles Bus- man and Mrs. Glenn Sellers, Miss Betty Hetherington and Miss Margaret Craig; solos by festival winners John Turney, Ken Mathers and Bill Sellers; dancing by the McLennan sis- ters and community singing led by Mrs. George Hetherington. 8LUEVAL> Rev. G. C, Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell visited its Paisley last week. Attending the East Huron District Woint:n's Institute an- nual convention at Ethel on Thursday were Mrs. Milton Fra stir, Mrs, Spading Johnston. Mrs. Charles ;slathers and Mrs. George 1Ietheringgtun, Mrs. A. S. Morning of New- market is visiting her nephew, Mr, ?.k Carrigan and Mrs, Corrigan, ,Miss Dini 1lertog and 11r. Jack Detntar of 1Ianriltow, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Corrigan. Miss Janet Morlock, ufCred- itotl, visited at the home of Mr, and Stewart `.tcl.cu- ttan at the week -end. Wroxeter Personals \lisscs Helen Kennedy and Mary Murphy of Yellow:<nily, North \\'c•st Territoncs, were lunc•heot, guests with Misses Elsie and :.:ariot. Cason on saturday. !`,lis Elaine Sanderson, Wa Ierloo, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Russ Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. George. Gibson. Murray and Glenis, , isited c, itlt Mr. and Mrs.lidgar Dane of Ilowick, on Sunday, NIr. Jack Griffith, Mrs. Geo. Griffith and Miss 'Margaret Grif fith visited Mr. George Griffith in Sr, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, 00 Sunday, Mr. Jack Willitts returned home from Wingham and Dis- trict Flospital on Saturday. Mr. Kenneth Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. f3ilI Gipson, and Mr. Owen Jackson, all of Hamilton, spent Sunday with Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Gibson,, Dana and Duane of Monkton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Airs, Ira 'McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wellen and family moved on Saturday to Mr. Gordon Adams' farm, ,sown as the Sam Griffith place, Mrs, Don :,ic•Laughlin passed her examinations in a home course with honors and will gra- duate at the innersity ofWest- ern Ontario in London on Cr:day London Couple Wed 25 Years WRONETER- Mr. and Leslie McDonald of Loudon were guests of honour ata si;r- pris, wedding anniversar, dinner held at the home Oftl:t r daughter and sure -:n -law. `.":r, and Mrs, Ronald Dill. ci:,dsltill. Thirty-six relat A.es and Triends were present f.or the occas,on and the couple t. u1 'ed se . era I gifts. Mrs. McDonald. fern,, r1 ' Lye lvu holt of filuccale, and Leslie McDonald of Brussels, were Inarth U its W ro\ctcr on Mar ;ill, 1:1'!:1, ]"Itcv £.ince,! near Brussels :and tt:, tr inc.., to London eight .,.. .:;o, •I u.v have two cut:ldren; :,les. Ronald ( Ruth) gall, ,.ads hill, and Koss at honk. Mr. and \1rs, le I"onald plan further eclehr: it :+t 1r• ung; on a tog;r to Western da :old \anc,tuter later this month, W. Stewart Finlay Dies in Hospital 1311.MORI'-ltiilliatn Stewart Finlay, •1, 01 Belts ore, paned away on Sunday morning in W'ingltatn and District Ilospltal, following a stroi:c. tiir, Pima), was horn on the lith concession of 1Iowich Townsh,p and Lced most of his lite there, UAW Ing 10 Belmore in the forties, Ile is stir, iced I`t' 11,s w l le, the former Ado Boyd; three daughters, Mrs, Ernest (liliiia I I trris of 1k wiuts Township, Mrs, Alan (Inc•::) Mcc;ill, Turn - herr): township and Mrs. earl (Alta) Snelling; of l.istowc•l;.tnd, one stat, Harold, of 13cltiiote; also a sister, Mrs. Sandy (\iar- garet) Wright ot \vro\,•tur, .i broth, r Mel. in of c;orrie, and s:\ grandct:tidr, 11. The body r, sled at tit `.110h :Illleral 110111L ,n t;'rtI , wll, r, surd Mee was }geld on this wee::. ku‘. l r,d Tacitly of eiorrie 1 tilted''litti,•lt ,true late d, and interment too,: place in Wroxeter Cemeter\ . A green traffic light doesn't mean "Go". It means "Go with caution" says the Ontario Safety League. A traffic signal isn't a shield to guarantee safety. 13e extra alert when est• tering an intersection, espe- cially in the moments just after the light has changed from red. of this week at which time she will ruee•t e Iter B,A, degree, .::rs. W. A. Gibson of Oakville, were visirors s'ttit Mrs. 1, F. McLean ,:r the week. end, Miss Ina I3roadfuot of Winni- peg arri\ed on saturti:ty auu will ("ea guest of alisscs Hsu,: attd ,.,arson Gibson. `,Ass broad - foot has just returned iron; a two [months' v.sit in fiarceltnia, Spain, where she visited friend of the :asst's Mr. and Mrs. Elgin ! sof tr ;.its of Clinton visited the for:i,er's mother, Mrs, Fliria-err Hoff- man one day la's wee_., Mr. and `.urs. Harold 1l:tu'iil- ton, Port Burwell, cailcu on Miss Margaret Jardine recently. \lessers Jamie Sanderson of Toronto and David Sanderson of Somhra spent the week -end with their parents, :tiir. and Mrs, Jas. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs, Jeff Woollen and family, Toronto, spent the week -end at their suulnlerhorrie here, NIr. Bill Higgins, Brantford, was home for the weekend with his parents, lir, and \:rs. Stewart 1liccins, Mrs. Elliot Crancb of Ruch - ester, N.Y., :Iccoiripati ed }:y Mrs. ty', Weir and Miss Gertrude hush Visited \1r. and Mrs. Edgar Dane, Iluwick, :.rid Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, Orange Hill, one day last week. Frldav visitors „illi \}r. and Mrs. Richard Ingram were :'r. and N.rs. Boyd C.+it phell of1.is- taw el . Rev. W.R. Tristram Is Guest Speaker t�'til'I•l::' . t til- .', r ♦iiteit. 'I1td ! i.i, ::., •tild rt. rnottll 11: Il:: •t1-.1.4.1 'ev Mc. riled{ .1IL , „ . t t. .itch: ' i+:. u;, 1:,:. •t, s.d,d _.1,1tie e..1i acaa:;:i+, ., Mss i ..tl,'. sa•10; 1+rte-U,!It. t. Til, ..,:dr,-• . "hail, s r,, d Site ser.pt-.r, ..ries • is. . tT r SI( 1;-t.ttolti.. .. •.'1 ! �l•pt. r ,1I, Ildeitl, ,,. 11 . 1al:,vr" 10,'„ 2, .. I. :Ark.:, ' - ,1 •.. a •. to rr ; t\i' 1h, a 1,a•uiiti . i, - r, ad .: i+.', n L.. Ili ., ,'!t" o. ,leiid,• iii• !. ,, li • ..:,: .. 11:t. L, i+•, Iver..., 1` .:frit .:Ir,: <•1 I: c• i i+ ,•. id 1+r.:,t r ,+. � ,,.; I'll lido !!: 1,11 tr" : i+l ittt' • I, !is• '1f,, It solo. ss 17,,i!, •.t..1: ,•,:tic .i 1 lti 11.11 •' .'.lotliel•s o: ;tl, !'. c+a< sung. ars. ,tl, , .".:tet, 11 .iit;i• %%. 1:, I rutt.tit! o: �t, ? , 1. tis, whet sl;ow,ti slid,• of a corm:, ni.:n , ltitcltlt thanked lit '. , it arra i1 and pr, sertcd !.tt; c. c;eot.x \,itch, Itcies, et th, 11,,tinc w.tli piacii and �•� tiltoyed 113, soci..1 1 tri, and it:nch.