HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-05-28, Page 12Page 4 - Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, May 28, 1964 ASSEMBLY Friday afternoon an assembly of the entire student body was held in the gymnasium. Mr. Madill, assisted by Mr. Wood, handed out Intermediate Cer- tificates to the successful Grade X pupils of last year. Drama bars were dispensed by Mr, Morrison and Mr. Anderson presented Jini Robinson and Pat King with a bronze medal and a geld pin. respectively, for their first and second finish in the recent Mathematical Association and Society of Actuaries of America mathe- matics contest. It was announced that Judy Forsyth and Glenn Madill would he Wingham's representa- tives at the Lake Couchiching Youth Camp next summer. Doreen Smythe and Murray Procter, last year's envoys. dis- tributed House League crests . 0--0--0 GRADUATION BANQUET The Graduation Banquet, an annual event at WDHS around this time of year, was held at the high school last Friday ev- ening. Present were the hopeful graduates -to -be who are in their last year of the five year academic stretch, the four year LAKELET Mrs. Robert McComb at- tended the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Tevi- otdale Women's Institute at a dinner at the Harmony Grill at Palmerston last Tuesday. Misses Louise, Marie and Janice McComb spent t h e week -end at the home of Nit. and Mrs. Stanley McTaggart in Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Z u r - brigg motored to Willowdale on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Zurbrigg, Mr. Elmer Greenly is a pa- tient at Walkerton Hczpital. We wish him improved health. Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg and Stanley Zurbrigg visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Campbell at Winthrop on Thursday. Dist. Annual Well Attended LAKELET-The Lakelet Wo- men's Institute was well repre- sented at the 62nd annual meet ing of the East Huron District held in the United Church at Ethel on Thursday. Miss Kidd from the Toronto office of the Department of Agriculture ad- dressed the meeting, a 1 s o Miss Damude, home economist for Huron County. Mrs. E. Smith of Atwood, who is an F. W. I. 0. board member conducted the elec- tion of officers which resulted as follows: Past president, Mrs. N. McMurchy, Listowel; president, Mrs, Frank Walters, Walton; 1st vice pres. , Mrs. Ross Knight, Brussels; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Harry Rhame, Cor- rie; sec. treas., Mrs. Harold Wallace, Clifford; auditors, Mrs, T. Burke and Mrs. W, Wright, Wroxeter. McBeI Club Goes Bowling LAKELET- .The Mc Bel Friendship Club gathered at the Wingham bowling lanes last Tuesday night and enjoyed an evening of bowling. They then went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson where a worship service was led by Mrs, Fred Doubledee on the theme, "The Church and This Day". Prize winners for BoHtling• were high lady, Mrs. AlanDar- ling; high gentleman, Mr. Ol- iver Dustow. Lunch was sery-. ed by the two couples in charge, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Doubledee and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fergus- on. HIGHLIGHTS busri.ess course. special com- mercial. Also attending were many of the teaching staff. Mr. lh.rdon Moir, ihairn,an of the Board, gave a brief speech in which he pointed out the rapid rate of progress in the world today. Numerous toasts were offered, with congratulatory words on all sides. After the banquet everyone went to the gymnasium to watch the colorful and attractive slides taken by the special guests, Mr, and Mrs. Heer, on their trip to Hawaii. After this Mrs. Heer demonstrated some Hawaiian dances and showed the students a number of native costumes, including a grass skirt, 0--0--0 LOCKER CHANGES Workmen are in the process of ohanging locker number plates in the high school. The new numbers are of the form N-35 and it is rumoured that the "N" stands for north. A large number of lockers have had the old plates taken off without the replacement of a new one. Fortunately, most students know their lockers by position now, 0--0--0 FIRE DRILL A fire drill was carried off fairly successfully last Thurs- day since the students had been forewarned, If there is no prior announcement most students tend to remain in the class- rooms and the teachers, of course, do not like to lose valuable instruction time. o --0--o STL'DENT COUNCIL MEETING What will probably be the final meeting for the year of the entire Student Council was held last week. Although not too much business for this year re- mains, several suggestions for next term's Student Council were recorded. One proposal was that in future the president he a boy from Grade XII since the Grade XIII workload leaves little time for presidential duties and vice versa. Another con- sideration was the replacement of fall Student Council execu- tive elections by spring votes. Year Book Editor Glenn Machan suggested that in future Year Book money and perhaps football admission be collected in a fee at the start of each year. This would help the Year Book Executive in their ordering of materials which must be done at the be- ginning of the year. Former District Resident Passes In London Hosp. W. Blair Gibbons of 134 Oak- land Avenue, London, died on Thursday, May 21, in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, fol- lowing a brief illness. Born in East Wawonosh Town- ship in 1912, he was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Gib- bons. Deeased was a graduate of the Wingham High School and Business College in Sr. Marys. Surviving are his wife, the former Helen Fallona of Lon- don; four sisters, Rev. Sister Irenita of St. Joseph's Order, Yellowknife, N. W. T. , Miss Mary Gibbons of London, Mrs. Joseph (Agnes) O'Hagan, and Mrs, Maurice (Angela) O'Ha- gan, both of Jamestown, N. Y. , three brothers, Rev. Fr, John Gibbons of Strathmore, Alta., Joseph of London and Jaynes of Wingham. A brother Frank and a sister Kathleen predeceased him. Requiem high mass was cele- brated in St. Patrick's Church, London, at 10, 00 a, m. on Saturday, by Rev. Fr. M.J. Donavan, C.ssR. Msgr. J. A, Seeney, Rev. Fr. O'Rourke and Seminarian Michael Fallona were present in the sanctuary. The pallbearers were William Phillipson, Jack Nolan, Sylves- ter O'Mara, Raoul Goneau, Dr. Richard Wilson, Jack O'Leary. Interment followed in St, Pe- ter's Cemetery, London. Rev. Fr, M. J. Donavan officiated. S PLYMOUTH 4' Radio - 6 cyl. - 4 -Door t ' MONARCH 4 -Door CHRYSLER 2 -poor DODGE 2-Tone 4-Door • ' PLYMOUTH 110 t AS IS CONDITION FIRST COME -- FIRST SERVED `64' COMET! WIDE SELECTION AS LOW AS $2450 LILLOW'S GARAGE LTD. HWY. 86 BLUEVALE Phone WINGHAM WINGHAM 351-3019 -. 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