HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-05-21, Page 11SPECIAL, PRICES ON OREFN SLABS During May, dune, July Dry Hardwood $5.00 cord Dry Mixed Slabs $4.00 cord Truckload lots of green slabs, $1 cord less than above prices J. H. KEESO & Sons PHONE 580 - LISTOWEL 21.28-4.11b Whiiech urch Mr. and Mrs, Billie Caslick and fancily of Culross spent Sunday with A1r, and Mrs, Ron- ald Coultes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnes, Bobbie, Dale and Nancy of Holyrood were Sunday visitors with ,R1r, and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and family, P C SIS 1962 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR SEDAN 1) cylinder, Automatic 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, clean condition 1960 DODGE 2 -DOOR, Automatic 1959 DODGE 2-00OR HARDTOP 8 cylinders 1959 DODGE 4 -DOOR, 6 cylinders 1958 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR, standard shift 1958 PONTIAC 4 -DOOR, standard shift 1957 DODGE 1/2 -TON EXPRESS 1956 DODGE 2 -DOOR Radio, Automatic transmission 1956 FORD 4 -DOOR, 6 cylinder 1956 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR SEDAN 8 cylinders, stick 1956 DODGE 4 -DOOR C MOTORS Your Dodge , Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer WINGHAM PHONE 357-3862 appenings Miss Mary Lou Wall spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall and family. Mrs, John Itaggitt returned on Friday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, after spending two weeks with her sister, N1iss Lila Emerson of (.on. 1.1 West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Torc.)lito visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Aseott and the leen enjoyed a fishing trip in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Murray, Kathleen, Phyllis, Alex and Patricia of Sharon, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKay and Mr. and Mrs. Ripley of Chatham and Mr. and Mrs.Dan l\lacKay, Guelph, were visitors on Saturday with Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henderson Jr. , and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Tat- teray and fancily of Brantford were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mrs. Myrtle Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falcon- er, Kevin and Allan ofStreets- ville, were holiday visitors with Mrs. Cecil Falconver, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Solo- man, Ronnie and Brenda, spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McColl and Susan of Morris Twp. visit- ed on Sunday with Mrs. Maude Haggit at the home of her brother, Mr. Victor Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes and Debbie of Wallaceburg were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mac- Donald, Mrs. Frank Coulter TIME TO START GROWING WITH QUALITY PLANTS FROM IS FLOWS Choose from our extensive line of BOXED PLANTS —PETUNIAS— COMMANCHE IMP. - SUGAR PLUM - TANGO - PALEFACE - SATELLITE -ANNUALS— AGERATUM BLUE MINK — ROCKET SNAPDRAGON ALYSSUM CARPET OF SNOW — DWARF IMPATIENS SALVIA ST. JOHN'S FIRE — ZINNIA STATE FAIR BALL FLORISTS ASTER — MARIGOLD CRACKERJACK COLEUS BALL STRAIGHT COLOR TOMATOES - CABBAGE - SPANISH ONIONS, ETC. LIQUI•LIFE n.ruau. p ,-. M, -- ^'t LIQUIFIE FOR FOLIAGE AND ROOT FEEDING — 20-20-20 A Water Soluble Fertilizer in granular form. Stimulates growth and increases vigour. Use for growing carpet green lawns and for flowers, shrubs and orna- mental trees. Excellent for producing more bloom on house plants such as Afri- can Violets. Besides Nitrogen, Phos- phorus and Potash, Liqui-Life contains Trace Elements and Plant Hormones. '1 -LB. PKG. — $1.55 POMO-GREEN ROSE DUST OR SPRAY A rose dust specially combining both in- secticides and a fungicide for use as a dust or spray. Controls chewing and suck- ing insects ouch as Aphids, Japanese Beetle, Leaf Hopper, Rose Chafer, Loaf Roller, Rose Slug, Rose Curculio and Mites; also such fungus diseases as Pow - dory Mildew and Black Spot. Leaf -green in color. 1 -LB. CAN — $1.39 ANT, GRUB AND CUTWORM KILLER GRus AtiT A chemical "Dieldrin" with long residual action for controlling Ants and Roaches. Also controls other household and garden pests such as Earwigs, Snails, Slugs, Wireworms, Whit e g r u b s, Cutworms, Grasshoppers, etc. 1-1b. can 95c CLEAR -IT Removes weeds and grass in driveways, p a - tios, walks, etc. 32-oa. can $1.69 1,4x0 WEED fUUEA INSECTICIDES FUNGICIDES WEED KILLERS GARDENALL DUST OR SPRAY A combined insecticide and fungicide dtust or spray for flowers and vegetables, Controls fun- gus diseases and ,most chewing and sucking in- sects. 1 -LB. CAN — $1.39 DOG -GONE -IT Dog repellent in liquid and aerosol form to keep pets away from hedges, flowers, shrubs, garbage cans. On e application brings, results. Also effec- tive to repel cats and rabbits. 8 -OZ. CAN — 98c WEEDAWAY WEED KILLER To control dandelions, Creeping Charlie, plantain, 12 -oz. CAN — 55c LEI.1. -U• I I. i,. N<. FLOWERS 135 FRANCES STREET - 357-3880 YOUR ONE-STOP CENTER FOR— Fertilizers - Seeds - Insecticides Box Plants - Geraniums - Begonias Hrs.: 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Wed. -Sat.: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and Mrs. MaeDorlali1 .:sited on Sunday with Miss Nl,.l:t 1 ;,urduu at Ontario Hospital, laal,•rich, Mr. and Isirs, f';i:l ,;a. tcorrh of Toronto were lroLdis is of his parents, Mr, cal Elwood Groskorth anal .bind, his sister, Mrs, Jitn Moir:.t ead Mr. Moffat of Wingi, an. Mr, and Mrs. IL,.lr °.1iddle- ton, Oshawa, Mr. Jolui Swan, Bervie, 1. I,ii^ day visitors with Mr. ;oaf ".ars. harry Swan. Visitors on Sull&; .tilt;; 11r, and I'1rs, Bill Neal.le mba r+ I,er mother, Mrs, Grahal: "; Tees - water, Mr. and Mr, .:urdou Neahle, Sharon, 13r1,,i, and Dan of Brampton, :..r, .laid Mrs. Gene Tunney, Shirt Ann of Inglewe:.t;, miss f Ielen Neahle of 1r l ,it, '.1r. Murray Neablc of brau:pturland Mr. Graham Neahle a:i `•,er,rfug- ville. Mrs. Fred Youse ..,atlCarman and Mr. Jerry Tastori;,. ei Lyn- don visited on Mond:, s•itiiMr. arid Mrs. Gordon Mel;limey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ' 1cllrath spent a few days this week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cali erorr Simmons and Ronnie of London spent the holiday with her fa- ther, Mr. Charles Martin, and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz and fam- ily of Goderich. Misses Karen and Leasa Scholtz and their friend, Linda Scelly, returned home with them for a visit on Monday. Misses Barbara and Jean Campbell of London spent the week -end with Mrs. Robert Ross Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jamieson visited on Sunday with irlr. and Mrs. Earl Jamieson and family, West Wawanosh. Mrs. Don Gray, Bonnie, Tommie and Donald of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoffin. Mr. Ben McClenaghan who had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Harry Moss of Plattsville, became ill and was brought home to Wingham and District 1-Iospital where he underwent surgery on Friday. His many friends of this community wish him a very speedy recovery. On Saturday Mrs. Jim McIntyre and her daughter Heather of Ridgetown, visited him and spent the week -end with her mother and Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker, David, Jim and Beverley of Ex- eter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan and with her father in Wingham and District Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichtenberg and Lori Jayne of Port Elgin were Monday vis- itors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Coultes, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn Miss Elaine Conn and Mr.Doug- las Conley were at Niagara Falls on Sunday viewing the scenery there. TWO SOFTMLI. TEAMS ENTERED wtll'I'FCIItRCII-Jac• Tiffin attended the WOAA softball meeting in Wingham last Wed- nesday evening, Whitechurch has two teams entered, the junior. with Joe 'Tiffin as man- ager and the tllidpets,ivanaged h: (hinge s1<inn and Wayne klriel. Elie juniors will play with the intermediate group for their regular schedule as prac- tise but will 1'e entered against juniors in the play -orf games. Roy N. Hunter Dies in Goderich WIIITECHI'RCH--Roy N. Hudson, to;, who was favorably known aver a wide area of Western Ontario as a salesman, died Saturday in the Goderich Alexander General and Marine llospital. Ile was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Iludson who moved to the farm on Corr. 2, Kinloss Twp., across from Huntley Dawson, when the chil- dren were public school age and they attended S.S. No. 9. They were regular attenders of Tiffin's Methodist Church. Mr. Hudson leaves his wife, one son, John of Toronto; two daughters, Mrs. George (Grace) Jutzi of Brussels and Mrs. Ed- win (Florence) Nelson of Cran- brook; sisters Mrs. William (Stella) Irwin of Lucknow, and Mrs. Wesley (Gretta) Al- ton of London. A brother, John, was killed in action in World War I. The funeral was held on Monday from the Stiles funeral home in Goderich with inter- ment in Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow. YPS Plans Wiener Roast W HITECHURCH— The Y. P. S. met Tuesday evening in the Un- ited Church Sunday schoolroom. Miss Margaret Moore played music and a sing song washeld. Wayne Farrier and Billie Wall were in charge of the meeting, for which the theme was "Missions and World Out- reach". A hymn was sung and Billie Wall read the Scripture. Wayne Farrier gave the to- pic, "Cigarette Smoking and Cocktail Drinking". A discus- sion followed and questions were asked. Prayer was led by Mr. Wall. Miss Marlene Martin read the minutes and it was decided to hold a wiener roast the end of June at Boiler Beach. The group will also enter the soft - hall tournament on Labor Day. Whitechurch has won the tour- nament several times. There will he no more meet- ings until after examinations. Winghan, Advance -Times, Thursday, May i 1, P1f1,1 Page '3 Tour CKNX and Appear on Show 1Y1?I'11(:H1'kLflr'Iiic• "`c) - I11.11 Institute visited CKNX all Tuesday `day a, last week .arid ap- peared on IL( 110 i. illtc.r`,,rwed Ily Juliirnv Iirent were the pR. SJdt nit, :,?r`. (.Laude coffin; 1,trs, I'utnc.a (:tile sj te, tile caliJt t c darter Int 1I;i•er; (k u, Walker, -c;cuud vice-icrtsidelit; Mrs. Dau Tiffin, district director; Mrs, C;e rsladn Johnston, wtit) had the •.reatt•st ihiwbe'r c;f grandchildren and Mts. '1'o111 Metcalfe. Others whu Iliade rhe trip were Mrs, Wallace Conn, Mrs. Johnson Carni, Mrs. Toric Ja- rilie u)ti, airs. Tom :Matof f iii, Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, :.trs. fad 1 -liei<, ."airs. Crank Russ, :,trs, Robert Russ, Mrs. Kt ith Collyer and hose Nlary, Mrs. W, R. Farrier, :Miss Annie Kennedy and :.Irs. Georg Ross. Mrs, Whitney Grose, of the Blue Barn in Listowel, was the guest cook and made a pork chop casserole and rhuharl; cus- tard pie which were sampled by the ladies. They were also served a cup of coffee. Mrs. Coffin thanked the staff members at the station for the tour of the building and the ap- pearance on the show. Purse Presented To Mrs. Emerson WHITECIIURCII—On Thurs- day evening members of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Victor Emerson to plan the Topic program for the year. Before the task was com- pleted Mrs. Frank Ross read an address and Mrs, Garnet Farrier, on behalf of the members, pre- sented hers. Emerson with a beautiful black patent leather purse to be used on her trip to Wolfville, N.S. for the nation- al W.I. convention in June. Mrs. Emerson was complete• ly taken by surprise. The la- dies also served lunch which they had managed to take with- out the knowledge of Mrs. Em- erson, and a social time was spent. The remainder of the topic planning was left over un- til a later date. Mrs. Emerson is the dele- gate from Bruce South District to the national convention of the Women's Institute. ADVERTISING 1S AN INVESTMENT Advertising is an investment — something paid out today to assure more income tomorrow. Building demand for merchan- dise through advertising is just as important as buying goods. Advertising not only creates de- mand and builds good will; it makes money for the man who uses it. LAWN -BOY FINGER-TIP ART Makes Lawn -Boy's engine the world's easiestto start. VACUUM CLEANS AS YOU CUT Exclusive, clog -proof grasscatcher QUIETEST MOWER OFALL Lawn -Boy has the largest m ufflerof any power mower $9.50 STAIRIT{ 1 HARDWARE WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-2910 • rte-- ,m'"t&t�• work, Customers Please Note -- All of our electrical contracting work orders and service orders were destroyed in the fire. If you placed contracts or service orders with us prior to the fire, please call us at 3572 _•x rassy'Y Ih APPLIANCES 211 81186(IE fELC IAC1 8 ti Our electrical contracting stock is now complete. No stock involved in fire will be used for contract work. cm)a u 3113rl.r 1