HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-05-21, Page 7Lancaster Bomber Will Be War Memorial Dr, Bill Clancy and his fel- low members of Legion Branch 109 Goderich are entllusiastie citizens. So enthusuastic that they bought one of the last three RCAF Lancasters from Crown assets, at Dunnville. They plan to have the RCAF fly the big four engine World War II Bomber to Goderich Sky Harbour Airport, where the war-. weary "bird" will spend its last days as a War Memorial. Delivery date is still un- known, but Bill Clancy hopes the big aircraft will arrive in mid-June. A large crowd is • expected to greet the proud old lady. It is hoped that Chip- munk aircraft from RCAF Cen- tralia will be present to fly an aerial salute. The Station Band and Guard of honour from RCAF Clinton will be there to pay their tributes. The original idea to buy the "Lane" was fathered by Keith "floppy" llopkinson, famous Goderich pilot, who was killed in a recent air crash. Bill Clancy and his Legion mates are carrying on "Happy's" idea. LANCASTER AIRCRAFT Developed by A.V. Roe and Company of England from its twin -engined Manchester bomber, the Lancaster first op- erated on the night of May 3, 1942. From then until the end ▪ of the Second World War they flew a total of 156, 000 sorties. With its crew of seven, the Lancaster carried much of the burden of bombing Germany by night, and later was used in daylight raids on the continent. • Its 33 foot bomb -bay, with some modifications, could car- ry the (then) world's largest bomb (22, 000 lbs). All told, 7, 374 were manu- factured, of which 430 were • made in Canada by the Victory Aircraft Company in Toronto. ,The Canadian built Lancasters were powered by four Packard Merlin engines and had a max- imum speed of over 200 mph. Wing span was 102 feet and length 68 feet 9 inches. The empty weight of the Lancaster was 37,000 pounds and it weighed more than 67, 000 pounds loaded. It's maximum range was 2, 600 miles. At the peak of its career there were 42 Lancastersquad- rons in Bomber Command flown by the aircraft of the Al- lied Air Forces. Altogether 59 Commonwealth squadrons flew Lancasters during the war. They dropped tons of bombs and innumerable incendiaries, clobbered the German Battle • - ship Tirpitz in a Norwegian fjord, attacked the V-2 rocket experimental stations atPeen- emunde and destroyed Hitler's aerie at Berchtsgaden. One of the most distinguish- ed periods in the history of Lan- caster service was during its bombing runs along the Ruhr when the storied "dambusters" were in operation. Handpicked crews, flying Lancasters, bomb- ed the Mohne, Ede and Sorpe dams from a height of 60 feet. Following the Second World War, the Lancaster was the air- craft used in the gigantic task of aerial surveying northern Canada. Employing Shoran equipment, which is a highly accurate electronic position and distance measuring device, the Lancaster aircraft of 408 Photo Reconnaissance Squadron flew hundreds of miles overdes- olate, isolated country before Business and . Professional Directory • (AMBULANCE v Service CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE Day - Night 357-1430 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H, Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 HARRISTOP - ONTARIO BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE &STARKE Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor , 2nd Floor, PUC Building Cor. Josephine & John Sty. WINGHAM, Dial 357-1561 PHONE 524-9521 Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P. 0. Box 478 GODERICH, ONTARIO A30Vb Pearson, Edwards & CO. Accountants & Auditors P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 357-2891 G aviller, McIntosh & Ward Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham - Dial 357-3930 J. It. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. IIETHERINGTON, Q.C. A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater - Ontario Tel. 392.6875, Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office—Meyer Mk., Winghumn DIAL 357-1990 PHAIR AND ACHESON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS BOX 663 KINCARDINE PHONE 55 s. the mapping of the Arctic was completed, The aerial survey program began in 1949 and was completed in 1957. Lancasters were also used extensively on maritime opera- tions following the Second World War. Before being equipped with modern Neptune and Argus aircraft, 404 and 405 Squadrons at RCAF Station Greenwood, N. S. , and later 407 Squadron at RCAF Station Comox, B. C. , used the aircraft on long range anti-suhniarine patrols. 0--0--0 In another major post-war operation, RCAF Lancaster air- craft were used, in co-peration with the Geographical Branch of the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, in an ice survey of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, The survey was con- ducted to observe and map the coverage and distribution of the various types of ice and to re- late ice conditions to climatic factors. 0--0--0 The last three of the Second World War Lancaster aircraft in service with the RCAF retired April 9 of this year. Three Graduate From UGIT Group FORDWICH- The C. G. I. T, Mother and Daughter banquet was held in Fordwich United Church with the U,C,W. ca- tering to the 74 present. Miss Trix Winkel was the toastmistress, Miss KarenCars- well proposed the toast to the church, the reply given by Mrs. A, C. Coles; Ruth Ann Taylor gave the toast to the mothers and Mrs. John Winkel replied; Mrs, Wallace Bilton toasted the daughters and Linda Reed replied. Miss Donna Norris gave a reading, "Occupation". Leslie Campbell and Marion Harding sang a duet, "Whispering Hope". Lorraine Gedcke and Joyce Bilton also sang a duet, and Shirley Ann Ettinger gave a piano solo, Mrs. Harold Pollock intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Norman Fairless, leader of the Gorric C. G. I. T. She told the girls to always remember their days in the C. G. I. T. and spoke on "Harmony in the Home", where mother is the most important key to happi- ness. She told the girls to al- ways live up to their purpose. The valedictory address was given by Miss Trix Winkel. The three members to graduate this year are Miss Winkel, Miss Joyce Belton and Miss Lorraine Gedcke. The service was con- ducted by Mrs. Pollock, Miss Pat Harris and Miss Nancy Neil. Miss Helen Johnston thanked the ladies for the lovely meal and Mrs. Fairless was presented with a gift by Miss Lynn John- ston. P SONAL -Mrs. Ray Bonner of Mon- treal spent the week -end with Mrs. D. B. Porter. - Miss Ruth Hodgins, who has been attending the Univer- sity of Western Ontario, left last Thursday for Banff where she is employed as waitress at the Banff Springs Hotel for rhe summer rnonths. -Miss Nancy Slosser, Reg. N., of Simcoe spent the holi- day week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slosser, -Mr. and Mrs. George For - ler, Mark and Julie of Barrie, were holiday week -end guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moffat at their cottage at Point Clark. -Mrs. Ethel Nicholson, Mrs. Stewart Mclennan, Bluevale, and Nirs, John Fraser, Wroxeter attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Cameron Stewart, Molesworth, last Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. L. McMinn and Leora motored to Hunting- ton, Que., and spent the holi- day week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert McInnes and fain- tly. -Mr. and Mrs, Sven Noren, Helen and Eric of 'Tiverton visited Suhday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Ternplemait, -Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ham- ilton, Port Burwell, visited over the week -end with Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton; Mrs. Vern Denny and daughter, Miss Thelma Denny of Preston, were \OT -S Monday visitors at the same home. Mr. and Airs. Reginald M. Smith of Toronto, and Mrs. Murray Diere, Debbie and Patricia of Byron, spent Sunday with Mr. and airs. Elmer Walk- er and family. Mr. and Mrs. Neil N, McLean of Toronto were week -end visitors and Corp. and Mrs. Roy Walker and Robert of Kitchener visited Suri - day evening. -Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Apps and Robert of Kenora spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. W. Currie :ind other rela- tives. -Miss Jane Hetherington is holidaying at her home here be• fore attending Western Ontario Summer School. -Mr. and airs. Ted Holmes and family of London were visi• tors at the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Deneau and family. -Mr. and Mrs. C, N. Wor- snop spent the holiday weetc- end in Ottawa. -Mr. and Mrs. "Slim" Bou- cher and family of Chatham visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Nethery, at the week -end, -Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Keith Montgom- ery and family were Mt. and Mrs, Stanley Elliott and Miss Isabel Elliott of St. Catharines and Mr, James Voison of Scar- borough. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Childs and their three sons spent the week -end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Vanstone and Joe, and their grandmother, Mrs. S. A. Murray. At rhe same home on Sunday were Mrs. Murray's daughter, Mrs. Oliver Donald of Mount Forest, and herbroth- er, Mr. harry Shelton of Fer- gus and his daughter, Mrs. Harold Arthurs of Drew. -Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Mac- Donald and family spent the week -end in Kingston with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bell and family. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reidt in Willowdale. - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Mitchell of Roth- say and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell and family of Snel- grove at the week -end. -Mr, and Mrs. E16.,, Coutts. Donald and Peter of Toronto visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Alex Coutts and Norma. Miss Marilyn Davis of London spent the weekend at the same home. Wingliam Advance -Times, 'Thursday, May 21, 1964 - Page 7 W.G,M. Visits Local Chapter Huron Chapter No, 89 i).1'. 5. met in the new chapter room in the .Masonic Hall on 'Tuesday evening, May 12, when the guest of honor was Mrs, Agnes 1f, Young of Toronto, Worthy Grand Matron of Ontario. 1%irs. Kathleen Forster, W, M. and George (iuect, W.P. of the Wiujliain chapter pres,ded, Other Grand Officers present were ".Jt :::;Try ..lorptty, Palin• er-tun, Grand Organist; Mrs. Eva Kelly u' Niagara fall:. Grand 1:•tiier; :,irs, Pegg; pliy, Toronto, Grand 1.1et:ta; .,irs, Gwen Clarke, liarriiltotr, Grand Warder, Past d.strier deputy grand matrons present were Mrs, El - ma Riddell and Mrs. Agnes -Mrs, Russel Needham of London visited over the week- end with her daughter, Mrs. Ross Hamilton and Mr, Hamil- ton. -Rev. A. 1:, C. Pentland and Mrs. Pentland of London spent rhe wee:: -end with Mrs. Pentland's sister, Mrs. W. 13. McCool and Mr. McCool. Rev Mr. Pentland was the guest speaker on Sunda' in Wingham United Church. -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson and family of Streetsville visit- ed on the wee.{ -end with her mother, Mrs. S. Cowan and other relatives, -Master Torniny Walker visited during the past wee with his grandmother, Mrs. E. E. Walker of Zetland. -Mr. and Mrs• John K. Mac• Tavish and family spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, R. if. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs, Spence McKinnon and family visited Monday at the same home, -Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Cullough, Richard and Geoff- rey of :Mitchell visited over the week -end with her mother, Mrs, W. W. Currie, -Mil. and Mrs, fames Hen- derson and James, Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. James Tatterie, Linda, Glen and Dale of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Tiffin and Mrs. Dawson of Whitechurch, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith and Robert Smith of Springfield Ohio, were weel•-end visitors with Mrs, C. R. Henderson. Forster, Palmerston; Mrs, Jean Campbell of Delaware; Mrs. Isla Wilson, Drayton; Mrs, Vi- ola Fox, ,Mrs, Christine Currie and Mrs. Florence Reavie, Winghain. Other tiisitors were present `:roto Willowdale, Chicago, 5trathroy, Delaware, Drayton, Arthur, Clifford, !,,outl;alnpton, Tiverton, r,ilit;ardine, Paltrier - stun, t.istowe1 atld Owen°hound and Don Mills. After rhe (lose of the meet- ing a rights%er iii 11i thin Chapter metnht.rs too;; part :n ai il:t r :•.:rllil‘ersllip r:haiii ceremony honit3.ririg rite W.G. Agnes wing. This was fol- lowed by the preseuration of a gift by Associate Matron Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mrs. e.eorge Guest sang, She was accompanied by ..;rs, W, W, Currie, Mrs. Cecil Forster of Palm- erston gave a humorous reading followed by a duet by Mrs, Wes- ley Joynt and Mrs. Harvey Web- ster. Mrs, Mary \lorphv play- ed instrumental numbers. Lunch was served by Mrs. Alex \lc - Nay, converser, and her com- mittee of Lucknow members. Previous to the meeting, a number of Huron Chapter mem- bers met with the Grand offic- ers for dinner at Danny's Res- taurant. ...AND ANOTHER , PLACE YOU GET MIGHTY FINE SERVICE l5 THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT AT Jack Al xander ,AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Sales Phone 357-3631 - Wingham HAYES FAMILY CLOTHING JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE 357-1700 JOUSES summer must ... OVERSIZE Plain White and Print $2.98 $3.98 COO O VER;$..,,ZZE UNDERWEAR' •'R and SLEEPWEAR LARGE �`' sELtactioN "IT PAYS TO SHOP'' AT HAYES" Attend the WING( -IAM FIREWORKS DISPLAY — MAY 22 CHINO COTTON CORD 4595 STRETCHIES 798 1