The Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-05-14, Page 1041111111111115 POW Wingham Advance' -Tinges, Thursday, May 14, 1964 Purchase Land For Twp. Park East Wawanosh coun& it ap- proved the request of the Board of Trustees of Turnberry Township School Area for the issue of debentures in the amount of $155.000 by the muni- cipal corporation of the Town- ship of Turnberry, for the eon- structiotl and egr.tppir„ of an addition to Turnberry Ventral Sehool and the purchase of school buses at the May ses- sion last week. It was also passel to pur- chase part of 'tot 30, con o in East Wawanosh from Cyril Boyle for 370 per acre, to he used jointly by Fast an,1 West Wawanosh townships €'ir 1. park. Road Cheques: C. \t' H yoga s.a::try. $193.01. hills paid. 3'9.73. 32113 34. Alan 111'Bur:'• v traces 314, +:'x. tritek 35 00 .31.31 35. Go t T t urr4'. wit 'The PPt-Tar Peo- ple Ltd. steel culverts 3224 03: battery 8014 4e1: 1-3'v,,3 Murray. wehling. $1e11o: lie' rave t`o-op , sprayer Parts-. c„ Oi tile. 32 73 cc 70• Pureion Motors, gasoline. 32.00: Rost Aederson. sprayer parts. $7 77- Wing -ham Motors. mount- ing. motor 333 14• Canlnt'e'l's Garage. battery. 314 51: R. H. TAe„1,•'s0n. tr!i,'k license S2 on; \Ti'1 stool for roof 313. 91: Mee•l:ar'cai 4ay. rtising 1 t 1. metal s,gns 31915 33: The «-1 ::ham Aow.i• .,o -mimes advt., 33 94. r;•., Hee-„n T ep'sitnr. a.1vt. 3'4 ^, Tho Blv.h Stand- ard a!ivt Jne Korn part tender --0' •.as co -"v.' at 74c. 34'23e1 S'1• T -T' rry Wi'lionls. 100 ga?s 37,.53: Roc Gen. r3' : "1 ,'q 1: ,..gym., }qy S13 25. General Cheques: Frank Cooper. WF spraying. 137 hours. $212.20: Kenneth Scott. WF spraving. 157 hours. 32232.85: Edgar Wightman. \'F inspector. 151 hours. 3133.75: Reg.. G. ,•. of Canada. income tax. 323.30: Be'lgrave Co-op.. w•arbi- cide 3301.35: To cash. L'nem- pleymer.t Insur. stamps 35,84: Hersor. Irwin, hal. sal. as col- lector. 559.00 exchange and star:^s 31.15,0 35: Ontario Hydro. relief` acct.. current bill, 3.34.24: Mrs. Jean McKay. maint, patient at Brookhaven. $71.25: glltvth District Fire Area. call, 1352 00: 'Wins ham Rural Fire Committee. 1903 levy $518.70: ( knell's ('.rneery relief account. !398 10: Bolgrave Co-op.. fuel oil, relief aeoount, 337.40: Township of Kinloss char -re hank. relief account $24.00: City of London. ch•trms hark. relief account 32410• Huron County Municipal Officers' Assoc.. membership, $20 00. Calf Club Meets GORRIE--The Howick 4-H Calf Club held its meeting at the home of William Van Loo on Tuesday of last week with 13 members attending. President Norman Wilson opened with the pledge. minutes and roll call. The judging competition to be held May 23 in Seaforth was discussed during the business session. Harry Winkel showed the group the points to look for in judging cows. Four Holstein cows were judged. A ouizz on hay and Proper methods of handling it was held Harry W'e"keg thanked Mr. and Mrs Van Loo for their hos- pitality. The next mooting will he held at the hone of Barbara ,Doig on June 2. Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1. Weston. Ontario. Obtain sacks and twine without charge from – MORLEY McMICHAEL, R. R. No. 2 `TROXETER NORMA McDOWELL & SON — AUBURN Meeting Tonight on Rural Development There will be a Rural Devel- opment tneeting in the auditor- ium of the Central Huron Sec- ondary School in Clinton to- night, May 14th, at 8 o'clock. This will be an open meet- ing for everyone interested in the development of resources within Huron County. A panel will be made up of the newly formed County Coun- cil ARRA committee to discuss " ARDA”, what is is, and its possibilities in the development of resources. Questions and opinions on how to go about planning for the future of the County of Hu- ron will be welcome. or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE 'WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. we FAST TRIP The jet age, the theory of relativity and other modern developments of thought and science have conditioned us to many things which formerly were considered impossible, or ridiculous, or both. The En- cyclopedia Americana contains this limericg, which illus- trates the point: There was a oung woman named Bright, Whose speed was much faster than light; She set out one day, in a relative way, and retuined on the previous night. Cream, Eggs and Milk Pickup OR DELIVER TO BLUEVALE CREAMERY Phones: WINGHAM 357-1639: Wroxeter 15J1 D. A. ROBERTSON. rrb FOXTA1 L Weed of the Week series ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Asks for Tenders On Road Equipment The Howick Township tax rate for 1964 was set at 14 mills for farm and residential and 16.3 for commercial at last week's council meeting. A bid was accepted from G. A. Gibson & Sons for the Wrox- eter shed and a S50 grant was voted to the School for Retard- ed Children in Wingham. Council approved the request of the Turnberry Township School Area board of trustees to issue debentures for an addition and buses for Turnberry Central School. The road superintendent was instructed to advertise for Two Projects Are In Full Swing WHITECHURCH—Things are really booming around White- church as the Yundt company of Stratford, who have a gravel pit on the Joynt farm on the Division Line are busy crush- ing a fresh supply of gravel, washing and stock -piling it, ready for sale throughout the summer. Three of the workers are boarding with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison and two more at the home of Mrs. George Mc- Clenaghan. Down at Silver Creek, a little stream that flows from the former Pete Leaver farm at the corner near the 10th concession where it empties into the Mait- land River across the road is being dammed up and a flume has been built to take the cold water off the bottom of the pond. The water at the flume is 16 feet deep. A building some distance back from the pond is to be used for the raising of fish. Mr. Car- man Denton of Burgessville is the supervisor of the building of the dam and other arange- ments for the fish hatchery. FOR BETTER RESULTS STONGER Made from carefully selected blends of hard fiber ... uniform from end to end ....no bunches or thin spots. SMOOTHER Prevents delays by running through knotter without tangling or breaking. Protected against insects, rodents and rot. Top quality twine at a low Co-op price. BELGRAVE CO.OPERATIVE ASSOC BELGRAVE ■ DIAL WINGHAM 357-2711 PHONE BRUSSELS 388W10 tenders on a motor grader and equipment and on tenders to spray 25 or 30 percent of the township roads. The road super- intendent will apply calcium chloride to all new construction and on resurfaced roads. Accounts Paid: Howick Municipal Telephone System, service and tolls, $19.01; Federation of Agriculture, bal. of 1963 levy, 387.35; W, E. Whitfield, Fed. of Agriculture coll. fee, 838.00• part salary, S215.00, exchange, 53.10; H. G. Harris, part salary. 875.00; Dept. of Nat. Revenue, income tax, 340.00; R. H. Carson & Son, warbocide, 3123.75; Wingham Rural Fire Committee, account, S898.22; Village of Clifford, fire call re J. Inglis, 3100.00; Town of Harriston, fire call re Oldengarm, 3150.00; R. W. N. Wade. insurance. 5929.57; Lis- towel Banner, adv. warble fly, 53.36; relief accounts, $247,48; Wingham Advance -Times, print- ing financial statement, $175.70, notice re cemetery by-law, 321.06; R. Gibson, 2 hospital bd. meetings, 310.00; Engeland Pro- duce Co., on acct., warble fly spraying, 3700.00; I. Haskins, relief administrator, 320.80; road accounts, 36,196.39; Wingham Retarded Children's School, grant, 550.00; total—$10,103.79. Business Analysis Reports Available To Ont. Farmers The capital requirements per man in farming are among the highest of any industry in Canada. Farm account books indicate that the investment per man runs in the neighbor- hood of $30,000 for farms in Ontario. Today the farmer needs to know what this invest- ment is doing for him. Since 1950 the Department of Agricultural Economics at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege in Guelph in co-operation with the Farm Economics and Statistics Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, have published annually the Farm Business Analysis Report. The preliminary reports for this year have just been publish• ed for various farm enterprises which are classified according to their major source of income as; dairy special, dairy general, steer operations, beef cows milked, beef cows not milked, poultry general, large hog en- terprise and cash crop. They are also available in limited quantities for specialized fruit and specialized vegeta b l e farms. These reports are designed for use by farmers andextensiori personnel. They contain re- ceipts and expense figures in- cluding averages of livestock and crop production, labor use, overhead and machinery costs, average capital investment and Foxtail (Green and Yellow) This annual grass creates a serious weed problem in gar- dens, cultivated crops and oc- casionally in first year mea dows, according to the Soils and Crops Branch, Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. The stems may be single, or several, branching at the base. The leaves may be as much as inch wide, narrowing down to a fine point at the tip. The seed head is a bristly spike two to three inches long. In recent years foxtail has tended to build up in the rota- tion. This has mainly been due to the elimination of other weeds which usually compete; for example, 2, 4-D destroys broadleaf weeds leaving the grass weeds such as foxtail. Foxtail often shows up as a problem in the corn crop. Fox - tail seeds germinate mainly be- tween May 15 and June 15, so that early spring and late sum- mer cultivation has little ef- fect on control. Atrazine at the rate of 1z to 2 lbs (active) in 20-30 gallons of water per acre as an early post-emei gence overall spray is recom- mended. However, under dry conditions the atrazine may not penetrate down deeply enough into the soil to kill all germin- ate weeds. In this case shal- low cultivation may be re.. quired. Linuron and Amiben applied as a pre -emergence treatment for soybeans and Eptam as a pre -planting treatment for white beans are recommended practices. In direct seeded pure stands of alfalfa or birdsfoot trefoil, Dalapon at the rate of 4 lbs. (product) per acre applied in 10-20 gallons of water will con- trol foxtail. If forage grasses W.I. Euchre WROXETER–Nine tables were in play at the community hall on Wednesday when the Women's Institute sponsored a euchre. Mrs. Bob Brown and Mrs. Harvey Simmons won first and second prizes for the ladies and Ted Smith and Mrs. Wm. Wright won the prizes for men and Frank McCormick and Mrs. Wes Underwood held low scores. turn -over and average size of farm business for the province. By comparing his current op- erations with provincial aver- ages a farmer can see the strengths and weaknesses of his business and in so doing identi- fy potentially profitable changes for the coming season. These reports are sent to far- mers who use the Ontario Farm Account Book and Farm Business Analysis. Those not on this program may obtain the reports from county offices of the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture. such as timothy, orchard or brome are seeded do not use Dalapon. For further information see Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, Publication 75, available from your local agricultural representative. 'NOT A FISH The jellyfish, popular name for the medusae, bears no re- semblance to fish and is not re- lated to fish. It is, in fact, a swimming marine animal, which feeds on fish and other animals by first stupefying them with a poison contained in its tentacles. MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS SEE THE NEW MF 65 MASSEY-FERGUSON NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT DIONE HARVESTERS First fully automatic tractor. Shifts on the go at a flip of a switch. Precise, ef- fortless control of the tractor, its power and implements. CHAS. HODGINS MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE WINGHAM - PHONE 357-1440 Your neighbours profit from using ATRAZINE* Shouldn't You? "Control ' is excellent wouldn't be without it!" Says George F. Morris, Merlin, Ontario. "I used an over-all spray of Atrazine on 200 acres of picking corn and 50 acres of silage corn" says Mr. Morris. "Control of weeds and grasses has been excellent without any culti- vation. I would hate to have to go back to getting along without it." Atrazine treatment is normal routine with successful corn growers. Your neighbours, who have used Atrazine, will tell you they wouldn't grow corn without it. One application of Atrazine controls weeds all season long including those in the rows which can't be reached by cultiva- tion. Start using Atrazine this year . , . discover how profitable corn production can be. Ask your farm supply dealer for an instructional leaflet on the new, more concentrated formula, Atrazine 65W. Place your order now and get your sprayer ready on time. for good farming *trade mark registered In Canada for use by Fisons (Canada) Limited START REPLACEMENT CALVES RIGHT Compare the cost of 250 pounds of your milk with one bag of SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer and see how you can save with SHUR-GAIN. One 25 pound bag of SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer will replace 250 pounds of whole milk and will feed a calf for five weeks. Calf Scours are controlled with the special medication in SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer. For healthy, strong Replacement Calves be sure to feed SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer. SNUR•GAIN feed service milk replacer • SHUR•GAIN DIVISION WIN e WW1 Wingham Feed Mill DIAL 357-3060 WINGHAM, ONT.