HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-05-14, Page 6Page 6 - Winghaln Advance -Times, Thursday, May 14, 1964 FOR SALE. MOBV F, HOME for sale, 10 x 33. Bruce Montgomery, Wrox- eter 121J. Trrb RURAL MAIL BOXES for sale, large, $9.95. Alexander's Hard- ware, phone 357-3631. 14rrb SEBAGO table and seed pota- toes for sale. Anthony Schef- ter, phone 357-3465. 30.7-13* LADIES' left golf clubs for sale, 5 irons, 2 woods, bag and cart included. Like new. Betty Walling. phone 357-3522. 14* NEW AND USED maehines at reasonable prices, all guaran- teed to be satisfactory. Drop in and see them at Singer Sewing Centre. 14b 14' OUTBOARD BOAT for sale, 40 hp Scott, gcod trailer. Priced cheap. Phone 357-1203 14-21* FINE PAIR plain drapes, brand new, do not suit room. Sell reasonable. Phone 357-3050. 14* 3 -POINT HITCH circular saw for sale, Reasonable. Otto Hohnstein, Beimore, 14* 4 -BURNER heavy duty electric stave for sale. Coffield washer, in working order. Phone 731, Wroxeter. 14b MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6%.", 85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 14rrb VIKING CREAM SEPARATOR for sale. used only a few months. Like new, Phone 357- 1267. 14b MOBILE HOME for sale. 35' x 10'. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and living room, 4-pce bath. Call or write Lloyd Machan, Rip- ley, Ont. phone 21R10. 14b WHY DRIVE miles to have your sewing machine repaired? Singer Sewing Centre of Wineham will repair and guars"tee all work, nick up and delivery, Phone 357-2010. 14b 2 -PIECE, wine chesterfield suite foe sale. in good condition; table: bed -couch suitable for cottage; beds: linole1im; eon- gowail. Phone 357-1735. 14* FOR SALE — Party ice, 9 ib. bags, 50c; also blocks, 25-50- 100 lbs. For the convenience of campers and trailer people we wili carry blocks this sum- mer. Gay -Lea Cheese House. N28b(1em) BRONZETON dinette suite. like new, 4 chairs, extra heavy covering. Table with jackknife extension. Brown and white with finish Phone Geo. Wall- ing, 357-3522. 14* BARB WIRE for sale, extra heavy. 88 lb.. 80 rods, $9.50 a roll; heavy, 76 lbs.. 80 rods, $8.50 roll, Alexander's Hard - 357 -3631. 14rrb SEWING MACHINE SALE — Reconditioned and slightly marked electric portables from $29.00 We repair all makes. SMITTY'S SHOPPING CEN- TRE, HANOVER. 7-14-21-28b FOR SALE -2 odd tables, 2 liv- ing room chairs, toaster, steam dry iron, 4 large serving plat- ters. kitchen table for cottage, floor and table lamps, 3 and 4 drawer dressers, 2 pr. 84" barkeloth drapes, linoleum 9' x 18'. Phone Geo. Walling. 357- 3572. 7-14* FOR SALE --- 5 drawer chest, blond, modern; toaster; steam iron; round. drum top hall table; for cottage or rec, room chesterfield and chair; kitchen table. Geo. Walling, 357-3522. 14* SLAB WOOD for sale. We now have both hardwood and soft- wood slabs for sale at the yard or for delivery in truck- load lots. Craig Sawmill, Aub - burn, phone 526-7220. 14-21-28b DO YOU HAVE any good new or nearly new merchandise for this department? Why not bring it in to the Singer Sew- ing Centre and realize your price on same. Feel free to call us re this department. Phone 3572010. 14b FARMERS—Roy Cramm & Son at Pinkerton continue to carry a good stock of grass seeds for your convenience. For your long term pasture mixture -- Ontario grown Birdsfoot tre- foil and timothy at $$.40 per acre. Also in steel( are vernal and Ontario grown alfalfa, red clover, aisike clover. Ciimax timothy, common timothy, $tome grass, orchard grass, meadow fescue, innoeulants for all clovers. For your lawns -cin stock are Kentucky blue grass, Canada blue grass, creeping red fescue, red top, Medan blue grass and other varieties. For your seed grain and grass seed requirements TAXI SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS call bee's Taxi. for long or short trips. Dial 3574521. rrb fiRANT'S TAXI PHONE 357-1836 LOCAL AND OUT -QF -TOWN F6rrb see Roy Cramm 8; Son at Pinkerton, Phone Cargill 366- 2494. 14b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POOLROOM for sale, 6 tables. Apply George Cameron, Wing - ham. 14-21b CHOICE LOT for sale, in good location. Apply P.O, Box 209, Wingham. 14-21b HOUSE for sale, three bed- rooms, brick, oil heated, near main street. Phone 357.1735. 14* MODERN 1% storey house for sale, 4 bedrooms, 4 years old. 329 Carling Terrace, call 357- 3865. Trrb 2 -STOREY HOUSE with mod- ern conveniences, good lot, centrally located, well decora- ted, 4 pee. hath. hardwood floors. Apply to Box 30, Ad- vance -Times. 14b HOUSE for sale on Edward St. Brick veneer, 5 rooms and bath. basement apartment. bath and laundry. Mrs. Grace cteinmetz (Mitchinson). 382 Weber St. East, Kitchener. 14b CARS and TRUCKS FOR SALE 1956 FORD Fairlane for sale, 4 door, T -bird engine, power steering, like new. Phone 357- 1679. 14b 1960 WINDOW VAN Volks- wagen for sale; 12,000 miles on motor, In good condition. Price $700. Herb MacAdam, R. R 2, Gederich, 1 mile south on 4th concession. 14* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 01.0.11211.141 TWO-YEAR-OLD riding horse for sale. Phone 357-2587, 14b 2 REGISTERED Aberdeen An- gus cows for sale, with a pair of heifer calves. Rebred again. Phone 357-3048. 14b 16 YORK pigs for sale, 9-10 weeks old. Edgar Dane, Wrox- eter, phone 830R12, Wroxeter. 14b 30 PIGS for sale, ten weeks old. W. J. Warwick, phone 353313, Brussels. 14, FOR RENT APARTMENTS for rent in Bel - grave. Apply C. W. Hanna, Phone 357-1299, 12rrb 100 -ACRE grass farm for rent. Good fences and lots of water. Apply 86 John St., Wingham. 7-14* APARTMENT for rent, cheery, comfortable 4 rooms and bath, large living room, private front entrance, centrally lo- cated, close to shopping area. Available 1st July. Phone 357- 3580 or 357-1236. 14-21b SALES HELP WANTED—. Male and Female WANTED ,AT ONCE. Man or woman to supply consumers with Rawleigh Household ne- cessities in Huron County. Full or part time. A postal card will bring you full particulars without obligation, Write Raw- ieigh, Dept. E-453-271, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mon- treal. 14b DEALERS WANTED NATIONALLY _ KNOWN paint company has a few exclusive territories open for aggressive retail dealers, Apply Box 32, Advance -Times. 14b FEMALE HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER wanted by hour, day or week, Reply Box 28, Advance -Times. 14b WOMAN' WANTED to do house- work and live in with (family of two) in Stratford. Must be companionable to middle aged woman. A good .home for right party. Write stating particu- lars and when available to Post Office Box 202, Stratford, Ontario, 14.21b HAIR DRESSING ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham. Dial 357-2981. rrb MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Night constable for the Town of Wingham. Salary to be commensurate with ex- perience and ability, Appli- cants should state age, ex- perience, marital status and salary expected. William Ren- wick, Town Clerk, Wingham. 14b RETIRED MAN or man with spare time to represent in your district the oldest, and only Non -Profit Motor Club in On- tario. Write to Mr. Don Mc- Millan, Supervisor, Ontario Motor League, Blue Water Club, Box 518, Owen Sound, Ontario. 14b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon EDST Thursday, May 28th, 1964, for the spraying of weeds on 25% or 30% of the Township roads. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. E. Whitfield, Clerk, Town- ship of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. 14-21b Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the under- signed until 5:00 p.m. DST, May 28, 1964, for Huron County Jail Heating Alterations. Plans and specifications as prepared by Snider, Huget and Partners are available from the office of the Clerk -Treasurer. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. John G. Berry, Clerk -Treasur- er, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont. 14b WANTED 10-12 HEAD CATTLE wanted to grass, between 500-600 lbs. Contact Alex Leaver, phone 357-3507. 14b EMPLOYMENT WANTED ODD JOBS wanted, cutting lawns, etc. Jim Mitchell, phone 357-3872 after five. 14* HIGH 'SCHOOL GIRL would like summer employment, Linda Casemore, phone 357- 1267. 14b NIMINEFINIMMAIMIIMMIR NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of THOMAS GEORGE GAUNT, late of the Town of Wing.ham, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, De- ceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to bhe Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the late Thomas George Gaunt, are required to send par- ticulars of their claims. duly verfied, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 25th day of May, A.D. 1964, and that after such date the Execu- tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of Which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 1st day of May, A.D. 1964. J. T, GOODALL, WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 7-14-21b William S. Reed REAL. ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service in buying or selling .all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357-2174 Jy31rrb PERSONAL ANYONE INPEIRESTED in going to monthly meeting of Huron County Numismatic Club in Clinton tonight (Thursday) phone 357-3105 by 7 o'clock. 14* CEIARIS and BEAUTIFOR'M Foundation garments. New style books, Wingham and dis- trict. Mrs. Cecelia Kennedy, Phone 357-2115. 14_21_28b TO THE PERSON who borrow- ed our wheelbarrow last fall --You are welcome to the loan of it but please bring it back soon, we need it now: Elmer Wilkinson, 14b THE SALVATION ARMY will welcome your gifts of clean used clothing or articles of furniture. These will help us to help others, Call Wingham 357-1951 for pickup. 16rrb "PLAY GOLF" --No need to buy clubs, these can be rented for as Little as 50c per game. Full range of new and used equip- ment, "Campbells" - "Spald- ing" and others. Call L. Chap- pell, 357-2179, Wingham Golf Club welcomes new members. Relax and enjoy this great game for young and old. 744-21-28-441* LEGAL TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE THAT the Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Howick will take into consideration the passing and if approved, will pass at its meet- ing to be held on the 5th day of June, 1964, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Howick Township Office a By - Law for taking over certain cemeteries in the Township that have been unused for many years and are now in poor state of affairs or repair and can be considered abandoned. For proper maintenance of the ground, monuments, markers or other structures may be moved and re -erected in a central lo- cation. The cemeteries herein listed shall according to section 60 of the Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, chapter 47 be taken over by the Township of Howick. Sotheran Cemetery at lot 19, concession 6. Cemetery at lot 13, conces- sion 9. Redgrave Cemetery at lot 31, concession 9. Methodist Cemetery at lot 14, concession 2. Baptist Cemetery at lot 23, concession 3. Presbyterian Cemetery at lot 27, concession A (Wroxeter), Council will at that time and place hear in person, or his counsel, solicitor or agent any person offering suggestions of monument marker arrangement, fencing, etc„ donations or ob- jections. The proposed by-law may be seen in the Township Municipal Office in Gerrie. Dated this 24th day of April A.D., 1964. W. E. Whitfield, Clerk, Township of Howick. 30-7-14b AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing auction sale ,of Shorthorn cattle, swine, machin- ery, etc., for Lewis Frain, lot 8, con. 4, Grey Township, 3% miles north of Brussels, 2 miles east on Wednesday, May 27th, at 12.30 p,m. Reg, polled cow, red, 5 years, bred Sept. 16; Reg. cow, red, 6 years, ,milking, re -bred April 21; Reg. polled cow, red, 10 years, bred Oct. 23rd; 'Reg. cow, roan, 7 years, bred Sept. 30th; Reg. cow, roan, 12 years, bred Oct, 8th; Reg. cow, red, 3 yrs., milk- ing; Reg. polled cow, red, 4 yrs., bred Sept. 30th; Reg, polled cow, red, 5 years, bull calf at foot; Reg, polled cow, red, 7 yrs., bull calf at foot, re -bred May 3rd; Reg. polled cow, roan, 3 years, with bull calf at foot, re - bred May 5th; Reg, polled cow, red, 5 years, bred Oct. 27th; Reg, cow, roan, 13 years old, bred Oct. 27th; Reg. cow, roan, 5 yrs., bred Oct. 9th; Reg. Polled heifer, roan, 2 years, bred Oct, 25th; poIIed cow, roan. 6 years, with bull calf at foot; polled cow, red. 12 years, bred Sept. 20th; polled cow. red, 5 years, fresh; 2 'leg. heifers, rising 2 years; 9 Shorthorn steers, rising 1 yr.; 3 Shorthorn heifers. rising 1 yr:; 2 spring calves, Above cattle are mostly eired by good Unit Bulls anal re -bred to same. 2 choice young York sows, bred A,1, Feb. 24th: 1 York sow, bred Feb. 25th; 1 York sow and litter. W4 International tractor (in good repair); 3 -furrow Int. plow. are bottom; Ile -ft. Int. enrine tooth heavy cultivator (2 sof- feet): 6 ;'?clines harrows (like new): No. (16 New 'Rolland haler with motor: "Smoker" 24 - ft. elevator: 7 ft. Int. trailer Power mower; Int, 4 bar side rake: sulky rake: Case tractor spreader; rubber tired waeon and reek: Woods electric chop- per. 3 i -n motor; Vega cream separator' steel hog feeder; chicken fountain and feeders; 240 lb. scales: °ravel screen; woven wire stretcher; set "Bur- dizzo" pinchers; complete 201 cattle tattoo outfit; cattle trocar, 2 show halters, brushes and lin- ing combs; hypodermic needle oufit; 165 ft, good hay fork rope; hay fork and pulleys; 175 ft. % steel cable with steel blocks; 135 ft. 1% inch rope with blocks; 200 ft. t_• inch rope; pea har- vester; gravel box; power emery stone; power fanning mill; quan- tity 18 ft, hemlock barn siding; walking plow; land roller; anch, or posts; good line posts; brood- er house 6x10; quantity of barb wire; steel posts; 2 electric fenc- ers; set brass mounted team harness with breeching; set 22 inch high collar tops; pair lined' horse blankets; good piano box cutter; set driving harness; Stewart horse clippers; 40 ft. 6 inch drive belt; 18 ft. (new) 4 inch drive belt; 2 circular saw blades; Wood sawing outfit, 32 inch blade; 2 steel stone boats. 1 rocking chair; 1 arm chair; Raymond sewing machine: spin- ning wheel; churn (antique); kitchen table; bed (antique) ; ironing board. Farm sold. Terms --Cash, 3% sales tax where applicable. Lewis Frain, Prop., Harold Jackson, Auct., George Powell, Clerk. 14-21b CARDS OF THANKS We would like to thank our friends and neighbours for all their kindness extended to us at the time of our recent bereave- ment, — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, Bluevale. 14* I would like to thank all who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits while in hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Mc- Kibben and nursing staff on third floor. Your kindness was appreciated. —Mrs. Harry Mc- Guire. 14b I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who remembered me with gifts, flowers, visits and cards during my stay in Wing - ham and District Hospital. Also to Dr. Corrin and Klahsen, the nurses and staff on second floor and to Fr. G. Freker.— Mrs. Jim Steffler. 14* We would like to take this op- portunity to thank our friends, neighbours and relatives for the many acts of kindness shown to us during our preparations for moving, A special "thank you" to all who worked so well at the time of the moving. Thanks also for the good wishes extended to us and to the many friends who came personally to say farewell. These things we deeply appreci- ated. Sincerely, Laura and Wil- frid MeKague. 14* We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbours for the beautiful pair of end tables we received at the euchre held in our honour, also for the gifts the children received. A s'pec'ial thank you to those who arrang- ed the enjoyable evening. Your friendship and your generosity will long be remembered.—Jim and Delia Johnston and fam14y. BIRTHS CLARK In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Friday, May 8, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark, R. R. 5, Lucknow, a son, GAMBLE — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday, May 8, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. William Gamble, Teeswater, a dhughter, WARD—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Saturday, May 9, 1964, tie Mr. and Mrs Douglas Ward, Fordwich, a daughter. DURNIN — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tuesday, 1UIay 12, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, Ross Durnin, R, R. 2, Luck - now, a son. DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR MAULED ANIri1At.S CALL COLLECT DARLING & Company OP CANADA LLMTTED Wingham Dial 357.3106 lbead Animal Lic, No. 262-0-63 HOSPITAL AVNILIAR RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, May 23. Donations of saleable articles needed. Leave at Arena Friday, Mav 22, or for pick-up phone Miss Marguerite Johns. 357-1860. or Mrs. Harvey Aitchison, 357-2805. 14b HOWICK LIONS Merchandise bingo in the Wroxeter Town Hall, Friday, May 15th, Games 10c or 3 for 25c; 3 specials; share the wealth. Bingo starts at 8.30. BENEFIT BOWLING For retarded children at the Fordwich Bowling Lanes, May 19, 20 and 21, from 7:00 to 12:00 p.m. All proceeds to assist the Retarded Children's Association, Enjoy the fun and aid this worthy cause. 7-14* CREDIT UNION OFFICE in CONNELL BLOCK Office Hrs.: FRIDAY 7-9 p.m. 23rrb IN MEMORIAM HARRISON In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mabel Kathleen Harrison, who passed away May 16, 1963, We often think of bygone days When we were all together, The family chain is broken now, But memories will live forever. To me, mother has not gone far away, Nor has she travelled far, Just entered God's eternal home And left the gate ajar. —Ever remembered by hus- band, daughter Doreen, Elgin and grandsons, 14b PAaen RSON—In loving mem- ory of my dear husband, Her- bert H. Patterson, who passed away three years ago, May 16th, 1961. Each dawning days brings thoughts of you, Each eventide a prayer, And in the heart that loves you You always will be there, —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife, Pearl, 14b M1K DEI,WVFRY There will be no milk dellvery on the holiday, May 18th, Thank you for your co-operation. Bate son's Model Dairy and Foxton's Dairy, 14b BAKE SALE The North Huron Junior In- stitute bake sale at the Council Chambers Saturday, May 16, a 3 o'clock, 14b WAIT FOR Annual turkey supper and garden party Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, Wednesday, June 24th, 14b RETIRED DRUGGIST WILL CELEBRATE 90th BIRTHDAY MAY 1701 Mrs. Robert Montgomery will hold "Open House" at her Wrox- eter home in honour of the ninetieth birthday of her father- in-law, Mr. James N. Allen, Guests will be received Sunday afternoon and evening, May 17. 14b CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Bake sale. penny auction and tea will be held in the Council Chambers on Friday, May 15, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Ev- veryone welcome. 7-14b TROUSVEAV TEA Mrs, John Wheeler, R. R. 5, Brussels. is having a trousseau tra at her home in honour of her daughter. Audrey, on Satur- day, May 23, from 2.30-5 and 7-9 p.m. Friends and neighbours are cordially invited to attend, 14* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kloostra announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty, to Mr. John Huizinga, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Huizinga, R. R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. Weddine will take place at the Baptist Church, Wingham, May 22, 8 p.m. 14* THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Will meet Thursday, May 21, at 2.30 n,m, Conveners Mrs. C. Shiell, Mrs. H. Congram. Roll call, a local current event, Motto, If you read the news you know. Topic. a scrap book o.n current events. Hostesses. Mrs. L. Fortune. Mrs. G. Dan, Miss I. Fortune, Mrs. N. McLaughlin. The members are requested to bring articles for an auction sale. 14* Property for Sale Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS WiNGHAM OFFICE — 187 JOSEPHINE ST., DIAL 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER More than you would expect for your money. This bright 1% storey .home situated o.n a beautiful lot bordered with tall maple trees. Inside this home there is a look of tomorrow with all the modern conveniences. Every nook and corner of this home is sparkling clean. Only a short walk from the main street in Wingham. The price for this extra good home is only $8,900. Good terms can be arranged. Why not exchange your rent receipts for .money on your own home? This is a 1% storey good looking home packed from cellar to roof with all the modern conveniences, plus many cost- Iy extras such as two 3 piece baths, bright sunroom, king sized veranda, garage, etc. Situated on a nicely landscaped lot only one block from the main street of Wingham. The full price for this home is only $7,400 and terms can be arranged, so inspect It today, We have a good home in Teeswater for the low price of $5,500 with a modest down payment and easy terms. This is a 1% storey 6 room home with conveniences such as 3 piece bath, built in cupboards, oil furnace, etc, Situated one block from the main street. Charming Lucknow home plus 5 acres of land and a small barn in excellent condition. The house consists of 8 sunny rooms in all, plus a 4 piece bath. The kitchen is in rich mahogany panelling with more than enough cupboards. In fact this fine looking home is completely modern throughout with many costly extras. The full price for this home is $10,500 with a modest down payment and very easy terms. WE ARE STILL IN GREAT DEMAND FOR FARM LISTINGS from 100 to 300 acres. So if you have been thinking of selling, please call us at your earliest convenience. PROPERTY SOLD Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin, of R. R. 4, Wingham, Ontario, have sold their farm to Mr, William Beyersberger, of R. R. 4, Stratford, Ontario. Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE, FLESHERTON, OWEN SOUND, HANOVER, BRAMPTON, GUELPH, PORT ELGIN, WINGHAM, CHESLEY MEMBERS OF THE Grey Bruce Real Estate Board a Orangeville Real Estate Board Brampton R.E.B. - Owen Sound R.E,13, - Guelph, R.E,B. Ontario Association of R.E.B - Canadian Association of R,E.B. MULTI LISTING SYSTEM ASK ONE OF OUR AGENTS HOW TO GET MAXIMUM COVERAGE BY LISTING YOUR PROPERTY AS A MULTIPLE LISTING TI#ROVGIf PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD. "We Sell Rural Ontario"