HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-05-14, Page 2Page 2 -• Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, May 14, 1064 MEN'S BOWLING PLAYOFF CHAMPS, Lees team, left to right, standing: Cal Burke presents his trophy to Capt. Ron Lee, Mac Ritchie, Bill Johnston; seated are Murray Fridenburg, Ken Saxton and Duane Fen- wick; absent were Ted English and Jack Brophy. —Photo by Connell. REGULAR SEASON Men's Bowling League champs, CKNX team, left to right, stand- ing: Roy Bennett, Bill Stephenson, Wayne Brown; seated: co -captains, an MacLaurin and Harold "Hap" Swatridge; absent were Jack Caesar and Elmer Purdon.—Connell. Jr. Choir Occupies bit Christian Family Sunday WROXETBR-The congrega- tion and the Sunday school held a Family Day service in the United Church here on Sunday morning when special music was provided by Miss Gwendo- lyne Martin at the piano and Mrs, A. Edwin Martin at the organ. The Junior choir sang "O Happy Hours" by Lincoln and Miles in two-part harmony and a Mother's Pay anthem, „Dear Little Mother". The in- termediate choir was in the choir loft as well. Seven babies uere baptized by the minister, Rev. F. Tay- lor. They were Lode Ada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown; Donald Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- ery; Lynne Marie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Chambers; Kevin Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Copeland; Karen Elizabeith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Bradshaw; Sandra Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Templeman; and Tammy Lynne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Mrs. Fred Taylor gave the JUDGE CATTLE A class of cattle wasjudged and a few senior members gave reasons for their placing of the class when the Blyth-Belgrave Beef Calf Club met at the farm of Murray Scott. A quiz on forage crops was answered in writing and lunch was served by Mrs. Scott, New Members at Fordwich United FORDWICH--At a special Mother's Day service Sunday morning Rev. A. C. Colesbap- tized six infants in the United Church; Paul Glenn Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doug- las; David Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown; Bev- erlee Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred McCann; Lesa Char- lotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lambkin; Dale Webster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunt and Donna Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Harding. Three young people also joined the church by profession of faith, Misses Ruth Ann Tay- lor, Lynn Johnson and Shirley Ann Ettinger. Women Dramatize Scenes of Biblical and Modern Times FORDWICH- The spring Thankaffering sen ice Of the �'nrted Church Gti otne n was held in the Sunday school rooms. The program was ee•nvCncd by \:rs. Harold Polloc., assisted v members of the Evening i nit. Quiet music by Mrs. Royden Devitt opened the meeting and the worship service was led by \lrs. Harold Pollock with pas - ;ages of Scripture being read by `irs. Niel Allan, Mrs. Anson 2uttan, Mrs. Les Loughran and Mrs. Scott Clarkson. :••i ti-y'»:-•'?.•-:»:»'r'i»:•SS"s'--S-t"Y•-i i -ti»:• -:--:"i• i":":»i"ti":":":»:"yS"i»:r:'.':"'i"i"Y^:-.y', L 1#t. 11$rauL' 5 (Cljurc (ANGLICAN) ��4•-tr :••:-^i-fir'ri'•'r-:�=r:-'rr.--:»:-•:,•-'r°.*•4• :- :-•'.:-'i : "r•;-'r'r.-•:-•s:- ;-^'ri :»:--:�ti' ing#1am z. Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. • Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson • Organist ;t; 8:30 10:00 11:00 WHIT SUNDAY -- MAY 17th a.m.—Holy Communion. a.m.--Sunday School. a.m.--Morning Prayer. Tuesday, May 19—Evening Guild, Parish Room, 8:15. : o. A solo was given by Mrs. El- mer Miller. A short drama in two scenes, depicting sacri- fices made to God, was presen- ted, The first scene was a Bib- lical one played by Abraham's wife, Sara (Mrs. Ken Graham) and Nabor's wife, Miliah (Mrs. Mel Taylor) and Isaac (Mrs. Lorne Siefert Jr.) telling ,of Ab- raham being willing to sacri- fice his son, Isaac to God. The second scene was a modern one. Two women, Mrs, Ben Gibson, and Mrs, Fred McCann played the part of mothers of two young people who had married and gone as missionaries and of their sacrifice to God. Mrs. Wm. Wilson presided for the business. Correspon- dence was read by Nirs, Parker Eurig and included a thank you letter from Mrs. Wray Cooper, A ger well card was signed by all members for Mr. and Mrs. William Lloyd. A donation of $50.00 was voted to Westminster College and a petition was signed to be Words of Appreciation To the many folk within our community that have expressed their personal concern as to our church building and its structural problem; for the several offers made to us by neighbouring ministers and officials on behalf of our sisters congregations in the community -- our sincere thanks. Divine Service and Worship at 11:00 a.m. in the Wingham District High School until further notice. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. in the newer portion of St. Andrew's—entrance off Centre Street only, for kindergarten and primary, children up to 8 years of age. Junior to senior levels of Sunday School to meet in the Council room of the Town Hall at 9:30 a.m. Evening Worship at 7:00 p.m. in church parlour, entrance off Centre St, sent to the Board of Broadcast Governors deploring the use of beer and ale commercials on TV sports programs. The evening unit reported collecting old nylons to be sent to Huronview and Goderich On- tario Hospital, Mrs. George Ashton reported for the supply committee that a large bale is to he packed and sent by June 10. Nirs, William Wilson closed the meeting with prayer and the Evening Unit served a de- licious lunch. Hi -C Discuss Lord's Prayer BELGRAVE-The Hi -C Group of Knox united Church met in the basement on Sunday eve- ning. Bob Taylor led a sing- song accompanied by Lorne Campbell, Donna Grasby gave the treasurer's report. A thank you card was read from Mr, and Mrs. Ross Anderson for the gift they received for the baby. David Beecroft will be in charge of the next meeting. The group was invited to a dance in Blyth on May 15. The members were asked if they would like to help with the jun- ior congregation. Max Pletch was in charge of the worship service and opened with the call to worship and a hymn. He also read the Scrip- ture and the meditation, The offering was received by Luuk Meilwyke and Lloyd Michie. Prayer closed the worship. Linda Couites was in charge of the discussion on prayer. Prayer was discussed in general and the Lord's prayer was taken phrase by phrase and discussed. The meeting closed with recre- ation and taps, story, "Making Things Right", which signifies that if you have done wrong and truthfully con- fess you are forgiven, This was the first time in the 81 year's of Mr. Taylor's ministry that he and his wife had occupied the pulpit for the same occa- sion, Rev. Taylor's text was, 'That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, and among whom ye shine as lights of the world." Ile point- ed our that we are all born into the world as children of God, but to be children of God we must remember mare thanour Creator. We must accept the invitation and challenge of Je- sus, Sometimes we displease God and please the devil, Whatever we do with our lives shoud have something to do with God, the speaker said. Children of many races and col- ors are born, each belonging to a family unit, but they may be• come the family of God. Paul, in his writings, gave some of the marks of a child of God. They are to try to have the mind of Christ; not to be selfish or self-centred; not to be conceited; to be humble and obedient even unto dL'.th as Jesus was; to acknowledge Christ as our Lord; to work out our own salvation and not to grumble excessively. check these money sc v ing spec is is I.D.A. 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