HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-05-07, Page 11i Sheriff's Sale of Lands UNDER and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facies issued out of the County Court of the County of Huron, bearing date the 2nd day of January, 1963, to me directed, against the lands and tenements of Estate of Thomas Kearney and Mary Evelyn Kearney, Defendants, at the suit of Rouse Auto Electric Limited, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in ex- ecution all the right, title, interest and equity of redem- ption of the said Estate of Thomas Kearney and Mary Evelyn Kearney, in to and out of the following property: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of West Wananosh in the County of Huron and being com- posed of the South Half of Lot 24 in the Sixth (6th) Con- cession of the said Township of West Wawanosh, contain- ing 100 acres more or less, All of which said right, title, interest and equity of • redemption of the said Estate of Thomas Kearney and Mary Evelyn Kearney in the said lands and tenements, I shall offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 12th day of May, 1964, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. • 16-23-30-7 HARRY L. STURDY, SHERIFF, COUNTY OF HURON. Whitechurch News Mr, and Mrs. Bob Wood and family and Mr, and Mrs. Bev, Bosbell of London visited Sun- day with Mrs. Cecil Falconer and with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon of Sarnia, who spent the week -end here. Mrs. Wood is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon and Mrs. Bev. Bosbell is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hector Purdon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swan and family visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNall, who were cele- brating their 53rd wedding an- niversary on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neable, Murray, Judy, Kenneth and Howard spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nea- ble and family of Brampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tunney and family of Inglewood. Mrs. Tunney is the former Shirley Neable. Mr, and Mrs. James Mcln- ANOTHER LOST WEEKEND?! All because the old bus couldn't make the trip? Don't miss out on the spring and summer fun. BRING YOUR CAR TO READMAN'S FOR A FIRST-CLASS CHECK IN A FIRST- CLASS SERVICE CENTRE. RUDMAN'S TEXACO SERVICE MIRE Dial 357-3380 - Wingham nes and Mrs, Dorothy McKague of Teeswater visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Stanley and family of Lucknow, Mr. Nat Thompson and his niece, Hilda, of Lucknow, vis- ited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weher, Anne, Marlene and Clare visi- ted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers of I!arriston. Mr. John Fisher of Mitchell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt. Mr, Fisher was a patient in the next bed to Mr. Gaunt at Victoria Hospital when Russel was there with the chain saw injury to his leg. Mrs. John Gaunt returned home on the week -end after four weeks nursing her mother, Mrs. George Coultes, who has been taken to Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Collyer received word on Sunday of the sudden passing of his brother, Mr. Roy Collyer of Lucknow. This community extends sym- pathy. Calvin -Brick held a U.C. W. quilting bee last Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ronald Coultes. Miss Ruth Taylor of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Taylor. Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce and Mrs. Ethel Stewart of Wing - ham attended a trousseau tea on Saturday evening held at the home of Mrs. Don Robertson. in honour of her daughter, Carol. New Members at Chalmers' Church WHITECHURCH-At Chal- mers' Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening, a number of people joined the church at the preparatory service. They were were Harvey L. Craig, Douglas L. Conley, D. Mac Conley, Sandra J. Fisher, Lawrence F. Henderson, Joanne L. Laidlaw, Edith L. MacDonald, James B. Morrison, Wendy L. Rey- nolds, Sharon G. Rintoul, Ed- na M. Wall. On Sunday, Tom Morrison joined the church. BEAV CLEAN1UP • FLOOR TILE VINYL ASBESTOS SPECIAL BULK PURCHASE! Leading Canadian manufacturer's top quality lustrous vinyl tile, first quali- ty. All you need is scissors and brush to apply anywhere in your home. At- tractive colour selection — Venetian Beige, Milano Grey and Black Marble. LIMITED QUANTITY — ORDER NOW! 9 3/4C EACH R DAYS WALL PANELLING PREFINISHED WOODGRAIN FACTORY SECONDS ii Very slight defects. Special purchase of leading manufacturer's seconds of most popular woodgrain prefinished 4 wallboards. Shop early for best selec- tion. LIMITED QUANTITY — ORDER NOW! 1 39 wilao 4x7 SHEET 3.95 — 4x8 SHEET - CARLOAD SAVINGS! ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE Beaver "Velvet 1000" Two coat, velvet white 12"x12", micro perforated tile . . . tongue and grooved. Carton lots only — (64 sq. ft. coverage). 14/21 PER TILE DEPENDABLE QUALITY AND SERVICE • FREE 1 FINE BUILDING WEATHER AHEAD — PLAN NOW BE- FORE THE SPRING RUSH. THE BEAVER LUMBER "FARM REP" IS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH PLAN- NING HELP AND ESTI- MATES — PHONE NOW! ESTIMATES Beaver "Farm Rep" BOB SEARSON • BUDGET TERMS BEAVER LUMBER JOSEPHINE STREET WI NGHAM PHONE 357-2581 Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, May 7, 1914 --- Page 3 s:' • i:, • r GIRL GUIDES from tical demonstration Saturday when they small trees on the servation Authority Brussels had a prac- in conservation on planted nearly 1,500 Maitland Valley Con - property on the 6th Concession of Morris Township. Planting one of the small trees, are from the left: Joyce Kellington, Gerda Exel, Dorothy Elliott and Linda Lowe. —Advance -Times Photo. Whitechurch Happenings Mr. and Nirs. Ben McClena- ghan were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McClena- ghan of Waterloo. During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin McClenaghan took them to visit Mr. Robert McClenaghan at the Gowdy Nursing Home, Kitchener and to visit Mr.Harry McClenaghan at the United Church Home in Waterloo. Ro- bert and Harry are brothers of Mr. Ben McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Stewart of Preston. Mrs. Robert Purdon of Bel - grave spent a few days last week with Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and family, while Mr. Rintoul was hospitalized. Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mrs. Eunice Gillespie ac- companied Miss Winnifrdd Far- rier to Toronto Sunday evening and will spend this week with Mrs. Charles Gillespie of To- ronto. The Whitechurch Women's Institute is making arrange- ments to tour CKN.X on May 12 at 2 o'clock sharp and later, to complete the afternoon, lunch at Danny's Restaurant. The hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. Thos. Jamieson and Mrs., Claude Coffin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huffman at Teeswater. Mrs. Robert Ross, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. George Ross of Owen Sound, returned to her home here this week -end. Mr. Douglas Walker of Ka- puskasing spent the week -end with George Conn. On Sunday both accompanied Miss Elaine Conn to Toronto where they were met by four other Western University friends and all began a motor trip to New York City to attend the World's Fair. Birthday Party After School WHITECIIURCII-On Friday after four o'clock, Misses Bar- bara and Brenda Ritchie, Mar- lene Weber, Darlene Simpson, Donna Hand, Shirley Tiffin, Joyce Morrison and Cathy Solo- man accompanied Diane Swan to her home and celebrated with her, the occasion of her 12th birthday. They enjoyed taking turns riding the pony, dancing to the record player and for the birth- day supper were seated at a ta- ble centered with the birthday cake and candles. All the girls presented Diane with gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes and Debbie of Wallacehurg spent the week -end with Mr. and ,Airs. Albert Coultes. On Monday Jack went to Hanover for a course at Hanover Kit- chens Ltd., sponsored by Bea- ver Lumber Company. This course helps prepare nim for the position of manager. Mrs. Coultes and Debbie are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nlervyn Pipe of Brussels. Mr. Al Bourne of London, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Fisher, Lonnie and Lori of Guelph, were week -end guests of Alr. and Mrs. George Fisher. Mr. and Nirs. Peter Coffin and family of Galt spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Claude Coffin and on Saturday they all visited with Mrs. Cof- fin's sister-in-law at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith, Cathy and Bradley of West Hill, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Russel Chapman and his parents, Air. and Mrs. Smith of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eland and family of Orillia spent the week -end with his parents, Air. and Mrs. Hugh Eland. Mr. Torn Morrison returned home from Westminster Hospi- tal on Thursday but has to re- port hack this week. We are sorry to report Mrs. George Coultes was admitted to Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Kenneth Morrison had the misfortune on Tuesday to break his left arm while doing exercises in the gym at the ' Wingham District High School. lie was taken to the Wingham and District hospital and a cast put on the arm. Ile returned home that evening. Mr. Gordon Rintoul was ad - mitted to the Wingham and District hospital on Tuesday, suffering from a heart condition from which he is slowly recov- ering. BORN KCIPER- In Wingham and Dis- trict lluspital on Friday, May 1st, 1:)54, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kuiper, Whitechurch, a son, a brother for Raymond and Paul. new detrite col:. TRUE COLA PLEASU E BUT SOGAR FREE! Only one calorie per six ounce serving! "2x1 1,:"\ V'Great for you - and the family, too. Sugar free! 11, 4/Costs no more than other leading colas! GET DIET -RITE IN THE BEVERAGE SECTION OF YOUR FAVOURITE STORE