The Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-04-09, Page 16Page to - Wingt;arr Athane-TiRies, 1'i:;.rs%iir„ :April '1, 19),•1 }'l h,.:11A I HIRED IT • THROUGH THE WANT ADS l w'` !RENTED IT THROUGH THE WANT ADS , tr '' a A.ANCY % dt1 .> l as d WANT ADS PHONE 'Pkrtz 351-1320 FOR SALE TAXI SERVICE SHOP BENNETT'S fe t , :1 ! ' FOR ALL OCCASIONS call STORE FIRST.' ter M iyf:eee. `• Lees Taxi. for long or short rose bushes and ei:mb, re r.,e trips Dial 357-1521. rrb cosi' h11hh. - ar•i eiilnlh - flowerirg iteserte 1 shru: eh - FOR THE PEST tr. t.eeee• pn tat wee. ;.:, .. A:.th.:y ter. 277 2'-2-9'^: PHONE 357-1836 HAY--1a:,v' 'i:: -'tier .'o ba:, LOCAL AND OUT-OF-TOWN Phi.^ -r Jame.; H. Currie,. . F6rrb 3897. 9 . GRANT'S TAXI 40 er• i?I'SHI- I,S - .. ._ fer .ea:•.. Pito::. 3:5,-1 2e. 9h', GIRT.:: pink spring east for 5'e s: 5.1' Bey'ssize> oeneat.�,:: Pi: :e 230W. Wroxeter. 9b 7' ft SPRING TC OT -T f -'r sales „n rubber. in gno,9 wen, user:. Jim Cnultes,. ph. r l e 9b FIN:1i. SCF -r r S:i:-si-thr,n r„ _s „f v.i,'tlu,n ,:t'anors. ,are s, .win_ machin,'s at releetiens sr still rt .' ,..r Singer store. B,n ti: a :et.r'lc ere save, up to 25 -re. . \t' . Hr nisi, -risen pher. 7+7 -273!),S'b 7.50x1" TRT'CK TIRES fur sole. Reacnnabi . Appiy Relbert' Bridge. R. R. 1, Wroxeter, phone 47813, Fordwich. 9'r CERTIFIED Garry oats and Herta barley for sale. Harry^ Christie, phone 393-6556. Tees -I water. 9* HAIR DRESSING ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham. Dial 357-2981. rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 40 CHUNKS of pigs for sale, York and Landrace. Phone 806R2. Wroxeter, 9b PUREBRED Yorkshire boars for sale. serviceable age. Robt. Wood. Lakelet, phone Clifford 9b 122J1. FOR RENT APARTMENTS for rent in Bel - grave. Apply C. W. Hanna, Phone 357-1299, 12rrb APARTMENT FOR RENT—Off Diagonal Road. Apply Jack Reavie, phone 357-3563, at noon or after 6 p.m. 27rrb APA_ RTa ENT FOR RENT in SOLID WALNUT dining room! Whitechurch, 4 bright rooms, suite for sale, in good condi-i 2 bedrooms, kitchen has cup - bon. Phone Wingham 357-2213., 9bi SINGER SEWING CENTRE I See us re the New and Nearly'; New Shop where we will sell! your articles at your price. i Giver us a call at 357-2010 to-' day. New Simplicity Pattern: Service, fine fabrics and new Singer Sewing Machines. We have some exceptional buys right now. 9b. FERTILIZER For insurance on fertilizer re- quirements contact your Har- ristor. Fertilizer dealer or your local Bruce County Har- riston Fertilizer plant in Walkerton. We feel we can guarantee adequate stock on all analysis through the spring season as we did not accept any of the export orders ship- ped by other Ontario plants to (`nba. Contact Harriston Fertilizer Limited. Walkerton, Ont„ phone 881-236e. 2e -2-9b EVER(P,F,F,NF ehaele trees. fruit trr.... flowering shrubs. roses. ere•raniums. etc . 200 var- ieties ready to go. Near.' l.a r•rr•r riieplay building. Werirl' 1,Vrr:- r'•'r nee.. f',:• er'nwlrer shrine trees new f'e'-t ,-rrnw'rrr ,..- }'. *ow, e.l . ,,:h, tee. . type. of h('„:r. ton nil. r ,• , •- rr.. - f• -re r.. 'e`.:r, Stn!. •'. «-eArt's)•, r eteon.'eh?,. .1•.,-; • Went when* possibi,•. f;rimer•n Iarr•h, eisr spe•rialite Nfatt- hew: I•'vL• Wyl.l,. Tree Farm. 2 miles east of Clifford. phone 22311. 9-16" SEEDS A gond tienr.ral hay and pasture mixture consisting of 8 lbs. alfalfa. 3 lbs. red clever, 1 Ib. al.-ikr•. 4 lbs. tim- ot?;.' arc: 4 lhe brume grass total 20 lbs. per aerie, costs r,n'}' $7 5e per erre. Mixed free whr-r purr'hasr,d at R. r`rimm & Son at Pinkerton. For '.org term pasture. 8 !hs. trefoil end 5, ins. timothy will Post only $8 25 nr•r acre. All No. 1 high grrminetine sr•r'is. For a rem_ pleb. stork of r'rn'ers rird grasses eovieries all your hay and pasture rr•nuirements at reasonable priers see Rny r'ramm & seri et Pinkerton. phony Cargill 366-2494. 9h CARS and TRUCKS FOR SALE 1961 VOLKSWAGEN panel truck for sale. new condition. Phone 357-3694. 9b 1962 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe for sale, turquoise, fully equipped, pr'rfert condition, low mileage. Mrs. Alvin Robb, R. R. 3. Lucknow, telephone Ripley 105R19, 9* TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE Tenders will be received until 5:($) p m on April 30. Ifi64. for purchase and r'-movai of stork pens at Wroxeter. Stork pens to be removed and site dearer within 60 day:.;. The Railway Company reefrv,•s the right to rejrr-t any r,r ail hide. Tender forms niav he obtained from anri tenders should be submitted tr,: Mr. G. G. Sayer, Superintendent, r' P R. Station, London, Ontario. 9-16h boards. hot and cold water, 4 burner propane stove, conven- iences. L'se of garden if de- sired. Quite reasonable. Phone 357-3899. 2-9b COTTAGE for rent, good loca- tion, redecorated, immediate possession. Apply Box 21, Ad- vance -Times, 9* APARTMENT for rent. Pri- vate entrance. Central. Avail- able April 13. Apply 23 Di- agonal Road, phone 357-2365. 9b 150 ACRES grassland for rent in East Wawanosh. Apply Box 22, Advance -Times. 9b FOR RENT -150 acre farm, 32 acres in hay, 30 acres to be cropped, balance in pasture. gond grass and lots of water. Apply L. R, Greenaway, Blue- valr, 9b SALES HELP WANTED—Male IF YOU CAN'T get work be- cause of your age, we have something for you, a good Dis- trict to sell Rawleigh Pro- dnets. Nn capital or experience needed. Nett'!" good profit, in- ee pr•nrlenr•,• and security. Write promptly Rawleigh. Dept r,t T,-4=,.'-41. 40rr. Richelieu St., St. Henry. Montreal. 9b MALE HELP WANTED ASSISTANT TRUCK DRIVER wanted, with experience. Must know all the rules, and be a careful driver. Apply Bondi's Whole sale,, phone, 357-3482. 2-9b WANTED CLASS A MECHANIC GOOD WAGES A good job for a good man. BAKER & IRWIN PHONE 147 - KINCARDINE 9* TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER for S. S. No, 6, Hullett, Huron County. Rural school, 15 pupils, (oil furnace), Duties to commence Sept. 1964. Apply stating qualifications, last in- spector and salary expected, to John H. McEwing, Sec.- Treas., R. R, 1, Blyth, Ont, 2-9-16b WiIIi � S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service in buying or welling all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357-2174 Jy8lrrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOT FOR SALE, 70 ft. front, in Wingham residential sec- tion. Write P.O. Box 504, Wingham. 9* FOR SALE 3 bedroom house, living room. kitchen. bath- room, and recreation room. Two blocks from all three schools. 141 Catherine St., phone 357-3766, 9rrb FOR SALE \Vonded lot. 43'x 140', Point Clark. off lake front. Write Mrs. W. Rothen- berg. 212 Belmont Ave., Kit- chener. SH 4-2502. 2-9b HOUSE FOR SALE - 2 bed- rooms. modern kitchen and bathroom. heavy duty wiring for stove. Oil heat. Located on Carling Terrace. CMHC mort- gage at B''a f'r, Call 357-1990, 9-5; 357-2383 evenings. 23rrb 110 ACRE FARM for sale, lot 34. con. 2, Culross Township, 35 acres standing bush. 75 acres gond farm land. Will sell separately. Apply Box 1, Kin - tail, Ont, 9h PROPERTIES FOR SALE See this attractive 2 -bedroom cottage with lovely living room. bright kitchen with dining area, modern throughout with many appealing features. A fashion- able home in a splendid resi- dential area. Ideal for retired couple, Moderately priced. Well situated 1'2 storey home, kitchen with built-in cupboards. Large living room, 3 bedrooms. 3 -piece bath, oil furnace, close to public school. Full price 35.- 500.00 with terms, 1 storey cottage, nearly new, kitchen has built-in cupboards, large living room, 2 bedrooms, 4 -piece bath. oil furnace, large lot, Full price $5,000.00 with low down payment. 2 -storey brick family home, fully modern, oak floors throughout, hot water heating, choice location, 2 car garage. Excellent buy with terms. For all your Real Estate re- quirements contact— WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker Dial Wingham 357-2174 9b WILFRED McINTEE &; CO, LIMITED REALTOR, WALKERTON, Ont. • 1331 storey 6 room brick house with 3-pce, bath, 3 bedrooms, and plenty of closet space. Kit- chen cupboards and sink, good flooring, full basement, oil fired furnace, fairly new, and good asphalt roof. Also 4 room ad- dition attached, suitable for apartment. Car garage and spac- ious lot with shade trees. Cen- trally located 3 blocks off main street. Reasonably priced for quick sale. 13i storey 6 room clapboard sided home with 3 pce. bath, 3 bedrooms. kitchen with cup - hoards and sink, dining room and living room. Full basement, fairly new oil furnace, H.D. wir- ing. hot and cold water on pres- sure from drilled well. Asphalt shingled roof and large lot with small barn and good garden space. Good location in Bluevale. Priced at $4.600.00, with $3,000,00 down payment, 2 storey solid brick 11 room house with 2 pce. bath down and a 3 pce. upstairs. Kitchen, large dining room, 2 spacious living rooms and den or office. Re- mainder upstairs bedrooms with closed in sunporch at hack, also screened for summer. Ample closet space throughout. Hard- wood flooring, full basement, oil fired hot water furnace. Hot and cold water on pressure. Cedar shingled roof, spacious lot with shade trees and barn, size 45'x33' with part used as garage with cement floor and good asphalt roof. Centrally lo- cated ''_ block off main street in Wingham. Very suitable for a large family or could he con- verted into 2 or 3 apartments. Reasonably priced for cash sale. $3,500.00 down payment to purchase a 100 acre farm, 70 acres workable good clay loam soil and balance mixed bush. Good water supply on pressure throughout. Bank barn, all loose stabling. 1 le storey 8 room frame house with. partial base- ment. Lneated between Wing - ham and Lucknow, bordering Highway 86. Full price 87.500.00. More homes and good farms available. Also town and rnun- try lots for sale. a gond res- taurant. stock and equipment for sale. in a Bruce county tr,wn near Wingham. Contort -- FRANK J, ('ASKANETTE Dial 357-1702 - Box 167 Wingham, Ont. 91 WANTED WANTED .-- A 6 inch jointer, in good condition. Phone 137, Wroxeter. 9b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN WARREN SANBL'RN. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of East Wawanosh. County of Huron, farmer, who died 00 the first day of March, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the eighteenth day of April, 1964, After that date the Executrix will proceed to di'tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Winghsm. this 24th day of March. 1964. CRAWFORD & HETHERING- TON, Wingham. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 2-9-16b NOTICE TO CRF.e..11 TORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROB- ERT S. PURD01 ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Belgrave, in the County of Huron. farmer, who died on the 6th day of March. 1964, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the eighteenth day of April, 1964. After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 24th day of Mareh. 1964. CRAWFORD & HETHERIINTG- TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 2-9-16b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STANLEY MARKS, late of the Township of East Wawarosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the late Stanley Marks, are required to send particulars of their c-laims, duly verified, to J, T. (OCDAL-L, Solicitor for the Adnir,istratrix of the said Est:.fir•, on or before the 30th day ,f April, A.D. 1964. and that after spoil date the Admin- istratrix ill proceed to distri- bute the assts of the said Estate, having regard only to the claire of which she shall then hay., held notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 2nd riav of April. A.D. 1964. T. T (le'00ALL WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. 9-16-23b MISCELLANEOUS AVON CALLING Does an Avon Representative call on you? Penhaps yours is an open territory. If you wish to hear about being an Avon Representative write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, or phone collect 451- 0541 evenings, 9-16-23-30b BRING t OUR SHOES to Heughan's for repairs—Pick- ed up Thursdays and Satur- days by "Rays" of Clinton. Excellent work. 6rrb PLASTERING, patching, stucco, parging, Reasonable rates. By hour or contract. Contact Art Cooper, 357-2924, Wingham. 2-9-16-23* PIANO TUNING Regulating and Repairs. Ex- perienced. Contact Eric W. Rice, Lucknow, R. R. 2, phone 528-6695. 12-Ap16* KIT('HFNFR UP}IOi.STFRY Expert reupholstering, refinish- ing and repairing of furniture. Wnrir rnnranteed. Phone 357- 2002. Wingham. 24rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2. Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. M12-015* NOTICE If von are thinking of finan- cing n ear he nitre to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Annlehv, R R. 2, Wing- ham, phone 357-1679. rrb FOR YOUR Instirnner Needs in Automobile. Farm Linhility, Accident and Sickness Home Protection -. Coll your Co op Agents-- LLOYi) MONTGOMERY Wingham, R.R. 5, Dial 357.$739 CARDS OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our friends for the kind messages of sympathy and flowers during our recent bereavements, in the death of our two brothers, Jacic and Bill Young, — Mary and Hughie Smith, Toronto. 9b We would like to express our thanks to friends and neighbors for kindnesses, cards and letters received during our bereave- ment. A special thanks to Dr. M. H. Corrin, Dr, McKim. Rev. C. F. Johnson. Rev. George Mitchell and Capt. Newman, ---- Mrs. Emma Coffin and family. 9b My sincere thanks and ap- preciation go to the nursing staff of the Wingham and Dis- trict Hosnital and to Drs. Corrin and Klahsen and Rev. C. M. Jardine during the illness and time in hospital of my sister, Miss Florence Barber. and my- self. A special thank you to our mnnv friends and neighbours for their kindly thoughtfulness and sympathy before and during our bereavement; My sister, Mrs. M. Jane Mason, joins nee in these expressions of appreciation,— Minnie Barber. 9b We would like to sincerely thank our friends neighbors and relatives for the lovely gifts re- ceived on leaving the com- munity.—Walter and Doris Mc- Farlane and Jim. 9* I wish to express my thanks to the nurses and orderlies, also to Drs. Corrin and Klahsen and to the friends who visited or sent cards while I was a patient in the hospital.—Robert J. Laid- law. 9* We wish to express our sin- cere appreciation to our neigh - hours and friends of the Wrox- eter community for the gift pre- sented to us Friday evening. -- Elaine and Duncan Moffat. 913 I would like to say a most sin- cere thank you to my relatives, friends and neighbours who re- membered me with cards. treats, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and to those who help- ed in any way at home. They were all deeply appreciated.— Mrs. John Jamieson, 9b We wish to thank all our many friends and neighbors for helping with our sale and those who helped my family move to the village. Also a special thanks to Rev. Fred Taylor and all who visited me in hospitals and for the many cards and let- ters that mean so much,—Cecil Grainger. 91) AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE New and used farm machinery and household effects for Bridge Motors, Thomas Street, Brussels, on Tuesday, April 14th, at 2 p.m. New machines—International B414 diesel tractor with weather break; International B901 man- ure loader with snow bucket to fit B414; No. 46 International 3 point hitch plow with Super Chief bottoms, 4 furrow; No. 46 hay baler with power take -off. Used Machines—International B250 tractor; No. 9 Internation- al 10 -ft. heavy spring cultivator; hydraulic No. 45 International hay baler; Case 3 point hitch mower; Case power mower; Cockshutt power mower; Allis Chalmer forage harvester with pick up, cutting attachments and corn head; 2 wagons with forage boxes; Massey -Harris 6 - ft. combine, power take off with grain bin, pick up and cut- ting attachments. Household effects — 2 piece Kroehler chesterfield; Kroehler rocker; swivel chair; 9 piece mahogany dining room suite; china cabinet; piano and bench; chest of drawers; 10 -ft, refriger- ator; washing machine; electric 4 -burner stove; rangette; kitch- en table and chairs; odd tables; beds with springs; antique cup- board; other articles too num- erous to mention. Having sold the building and living quarters it is necessary to dispose of this equipment and furniture. Terms—Cash. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson; Clerk, George Powell. 9b DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING & Company OF CANADA LiI11IITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lia No. 262-C-63 IN MEMORIAM COWAN--- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Isaac Stewart Cowan. who passed away one year ago, April 13, 1963. You are always In our minds, No matter what we do, All the time within our hearts. There are loving thoughts of you. -.--Always remembered by wife and family. 9b KING In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Mae King, who passed away one year ago April 11. 1963. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. —Ever remembered by sons, Jim and Joe, 9* RITCH'IE—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, David A. Ritchie, who passed away April 12, 1963. This month comes back with deep regret, It brings back a day we will never forget. He fell asleep without good -lye, But our memories of him will never die, What we would give if we could say Hi clad. in the same old way: To hear your voice and see your smile, To sit with you and chat awhile. —Sadly missed and lnvieely remembered by his wife. Ena, and family. 9'° BIRTHS STE. MARIE • . In Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital on Monday, Mareh 30. 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ste. Marie (Shir- ley Vollmer), of New Ham- burg, a son. SOMERS - In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, April 5, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. ('Grose Somers, Brussels, a daughter. • iIIR1111111111111/ill11111111111RwIIR'IIR IIR IIR O%' ` ea.) ofeej>H Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Friday, April 24, 1964, for the paint- ing of the outside of Huron - view, Clinton, Ontario. Specifications and tender forms may be secured from the Superintendent of Huron- view. uron- view. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Secretary, Board of Management, Court House, Goderich, Ont. IIIR'IIR'llR IIR'liR'11R'IIR I!■ IIR.IlR iIR CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY LIMITED LISTOWEL ONTARIO HAVE OPENINGS FOR FEMALE PLANT WORKERS on day shift Good wages, security benefits and Cafeteria facilities are available. INTERESTED PERSONS SHOULD CONTACT THE PLANT PERSONNEL OFFICE 9-1rh Property for Sala Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS WINGHAM OFFICE — 187 JOSEPHINE ST., DIAL 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER Here is a farm priced for a quick sale. 200 acres of rich productive soil with good springs for an ample water supply. The farm home is a 1'2 storey brick hone with modern con- veniences such as built in cupboards, H.D. wiring, 4 -piece bath, furnace, etc. The king sized Karn is equipped with water and hydro. The full asking price for this extra good farm is only $18,500. Low down payment and easy terms can he arranged, so act now, inspect it today! Are you in the market for a reasonable priced 100 acre farm with a low down payment and easy terms? This 100 acre farm consists of 85 level tile drained workable acres and the remainder in bush. The 11e storey home has conveniences such as water under pressure, H.D. wiring, 3 piece bath, etc. The bank barn consists of loose housir, with hydro and water and measures 48x72 and 24x50. There 's also a drive•shed 22x35 with 3 large doors. The full price only $8,600 with very easy terms. Good sized level lot 74x66, situated only a few blocks from Wingham's main street. Access to water and sewers. Owner has instructed us to submit all offers, More than you would expect for your money. This is a bright 112 storey home situated on a beautiful lot bordered with tall maple trees. Equipped with all the modern conveniences plus many costly extras. Only a short walk from Wingham main street. The home truly has to be seen to be appreciated. Charming Lucknow home under giant maples, 5 acres of rich garden land, a dozen young fruit trees, beautiful lawns, and flower beds, and a small barn in excellent condition. The house and everything about this property is immaculate. 8 sunny rooms. The kitchen is modern in mahogany panelling, in fact the house itself is packed from cellar to roof with all the modern up-to-date conveniences plus many costly extras. The full price is $10,500. A low down payment and easy terms can be arranged. So inspect this property at your earliest con- venience. PROPERTIES SOLD Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers. of Wroxeter, have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson, of R. R. 2, Clifford, Ont, Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE, FLESITERTON, OWEN SOUND, HANOVER, BRAMPTON, GUELPii, i'ORT ELGIN, WINGHAM, ('HESLEY MEMBERS OF THE Grey Bruce Real Estate Board - Orangeville Real Estate Board Brampton R.E.B. - Owen Sound R.E.B. - Guelph R.E.B. Ontario Association of R,h,,B - Canadian Association of R,141.B. MULTI LISTING SYSTEM ASK ONE OF OUR AGENTS HOW TO GET MAXIMUM COVERAGE BY LISTING YOUR PROPERTY AS A MULTIPLE LISTING T"°"1"1 PAUL S. STARR & CO. LTD. "We SeII Rural Ontario"