HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-03-26, Page 8Page 8 - Wi11k;1'au' Advance,.Tltlht'S,. 1'hllrsd;v , \larch .t,, 1111:4 Community Mourns \\'F3Z'1'k;CIiL)RC'F3 Friends and neighbours in this com- munity were shocked• to learn of the sudden passing of Mrs. Walter Lott on Sunday morn- ing. It is estimated that death (lectured about an hour before her neighbour. 1\trs•. Weber 1'111 halt hitt 11.1.1k11/..11, lit' MOIL Ito llae •oar tt'lt'y; •lt •+'ilea am! enoel• �4t cell to . ;t Ili' .nh) :e 1 ltt•'=tow .. I:t:,-t 1t.t••ti,t t :.:i! of tee e otId Latit;I: wl'It, !`et it will he missed. lime 1 Attie thew wee' :tee 1 that it added notieuz t, tl:t Nikki.,. •Hti1 ,lilt) III :.tet, 4.t .+ 1101. ' 14. 4.t rute'rtailent', tau nix :Y \l .l• ,11\y.t\ • ti' i'v'y tile:' , i w itehens; t'tt tt't' et a:!th :Ia, doh' a 4.t': iitl , : •t'1:L1lit'. .111.1 y4.`•, d'4'1 ..,lye' that wl;t't: . ., 1,01,it` 't . .+ t.'tttu !I li;u t aLtiill1, '111.1:1y,!:, !k1:' : ea \ytit• tint' 1,li`t• 11,0 1.111 t'! Tin (Op...:rw - .'' I!.4.• .1" l••-• lilt' , .1.0 v.:ll', tin: tit 1111.c. t'ili\ :lit :4.•t t thins! Alt ' • :ttt't 1::''1'1s wa? the 141'1' ,t`tiliC 111'11 that :'rt':it:lll int .. • 't 4.'t 11a -n: 4.141 iIt11I, anti 111 t1::' dlak ,ti;t .lsa :1 Wit..It1t't' it' :'t 11104 1`141` ;l.hr '`i. tie+ t', tiitt'r't,i:n mem iii tee d't^,UiG\ . It ,11"4.4 14r.'I.k;Il2 +`lilt )`l'.,;;t;ii;i .taunt :14' :ole.-a•::,he .ail 4.!:t t.t:t'S1ted it•,`tsllsibit tet it. Its List shoe featured Bob Dylan, i eiNtep'set ane sin i.'r L': tyle songs, ill .. rhe runes. !lie% .\ie• .\ h1:an,'in' d toll:plea 1',.111-1;t'ut .. t hes music. I can't say it has thee le 't shoe, !'y ail' t:loins, but the yt'G[lg; (eel ti..'h''• n's talent is certainly no: t4.' :`t disputed. His songs ettitein tneely messages, it you tar. ;:l;dcrstanti h:s jarg;t ii \1111 e:hoi�.,;!l to leen; them. rico t': his songs w;u'h he did not sing;, and winch 1 think are his fittest, are ;low ill' to tilt \'mid' and "Don't Flunk Twice' \l::h :: !yeti; here re'cortied by Peter, Paul and Mary acid be- e,ttre good-s4.:ed hits. The former, you'll recall, told about racial prejudice in the south. the show's producer, 11.11\I Puke, Is flow In Holly - h4.'od doing; the Sane ehore5 tot the Steve A11an Show, s4.' that proves he has talent t, pre- sent the new and different. I, and many others, hype St+tni.•ont yy til taee the reins and begun a> tun with ideas like his. Too many tunes we disagreed only because we resented CUT t'wn we'llllllt' se beinghroi:k;ht t4. the pI1'ltt eye. Don't y'e'll thunk s4.\' St' now we know : �Ir l 11111^ Tit +looks wC're ',;Col's', and he's a g;enit;s 4.'t the theatre, se whl'.' .1:C we t4. say he's wroth;" 'TIS Show BIS G. A. WILLIAMS, 0,9. Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-12S2 IF -lou are using the mort- page plan of buying your haute, YOU should know about our special 1fORT- GA(iE': T TRANCE (insult - Frank. C. Hopper - REPRESENTATIVE - Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. PH(1N E: 2i ii.'24di: FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Leve leteeest Rates Be4d:yt "7a `e -e i Terms Eetete eece:3 "3$4. Se"ilee VICTORIA and GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND 11v Vonnl Lee "14. ,i:..e.it• tl;N Ltielt t 1tt \vlit'll ti::.. •ons' .!1.111.,1 .1141C" with li 1.'i;'.' t ;.,Nit 4.'u +sole +stye • :Let ,t ex'<.. . et sae wa talklue, ill .'•. !ill' .:r:, !'.., the 1., ...'1. t'4.'r.•-a't4.•1'. .I .'1.1: tt` •et ti'r {riot a. iltt L' tI:r k;euflc 1.111711!.1'1 :d 1h• •tit .'•t;:it:till 'ti tit• :lit lallthg', it :;Hake- ite.... ailel List year ..•tet -t'ttietl:lt '.i 1,it inI ".':I!t'a:',•l ", .iia! el his !tome 1...t Ns CC yislt tt`.'k I' l.tt•t', !a' ....- ia'a,','!t ..;h' hr - :Ilk:, 4.l ;til tl:l[Ik;s, .1 1:1111 t:1C- trhy, Weat is left t4.' •ay, C\- It•ept s ,;a10 c11 ,:s well a" 11Cis t' tt% Le. i'i:h'. " l' ye eir:ad': tyle w''.tt e playing at ''tot! 'td 1111 year and erg;ed 1,' ::et \tet 1,ceet••. At 1 tlele's theatre :Ii \litineal't\- 1' the list tits se'ast'll tileltides eleike speate's ' l leer\ V", - the Menagerie" by 1'ennesset \illi.tu , one Jt today's best p1a\ e 1:t;htn, ieed)rgc Bernard SItatt's "Saint loan", and "\bl- 1'one" , the l:th Century comedy y' !'1it'tl Jonson.rill !Netting that tie. Williams play will sell the most tickets. Why not try ' t >t e Oneor two of them and at the same tune catch a glimpse of Ills magnificent newW tilt: age? 1l --1l--11 I was about the only one who was N(�I' cheering and stomping: when 1'he Dave Clark Five mads' their debut on The 1:d Sullivan Show these last two \-t 'elts! Thee are Carbon Copies of The Beatles, so mach so that they aren't t'\ en entertain- ing;. Could they not think of a style of their own? It is disgust• lug t4.. set someone climbing on another's wagon and going along for the ride, when they have dime nothing to earn it, un1ees, of course, they are billed as impersonators, which these longhaired marchers are not! I prefer an act with origi- nality and freshness. The Beat- les had it, for they introduced the 'new look' and the new Mersey sound. These blokes hare nothing; even their name is the most unoriginal that one could imagine. As far as I'm concerned, they can leave Eng- land any tune (They'll probably need the Beatles t4.' buy tickets for theta:l and not return until they can sell records using a s;iEllmit k of their own : 4.t--el--4.l I was correct when I said that a certain well-known cou- ple would be wed within the week. And, 011 :utlday, tilt liththan. , thslipped away. quietly from their hotel shite i l Toron- • to and in an ceeli:sivc Suite In 'the Ritz -Carleton Hotel in Montreal, Elizabeth Taylor ;Hilton Wilding Todd Fisher ad - !Jed yet another name to her :'lic:t:en, and became Mrs. Richard button. rhe single: - reef tcrezi:ny was per 'rmfdi oy- a minister of a ; nitarian ,lilac!:. The bride wore yellow ee...ee a :'eugoct 0 d4. :1:w emer- !aid? ifwellcre. The follt'w:ng; day 't:ley :emceed to orl:ht., itl;'.f:f hi. •t .sand o:, stage. :n :E1af€ ihca were smiling; .: :ly arid. praising; their C ana- ,a, a:: ;needs :d'r keeping their ele:'efeent a steeet. \' 4..' :11, .ray's they're hapey, t a lot 1::f: : is art nee. New, :eel-. ::a e .11 have ^.a't:::Eli to r,: ss:: at':..t, i id'l.y wood well tee e ::::':ye:sat:e: , anal C. ;...1::.5t5 t, hoe 'se rs tele), ,:. act td 'c .::tent to N- eeleeey t drivel -lest Aea- ,. -:r. A .., i i�:o;'.c:s, . . -u: :l- :ice Zona: ...fey :rs, and the ecat:ts erelliee-de lar -a - .fa" g. cere-.. GORRIE a•: lees. Fe:II. : ca: seer .s.4.:vM-. et:,j?d:::.Don Reid of Wal.laee Township ten Sundae. .3 M:. Reel. '.:::se'r .iseted atiedas pv cc.d' , 3 ,- %1:e.Reit. Iwent into the apartment at tight o'clock to light a fire in 1 the kitchen ::tore. Mrs. Lott hail not been well on Saturday. :Linke. as she was familiarly t !known, was of a jovial dispos• - i Stanley Marks Died Suddenly A resident of Fast \ti'aw:utosh Township for the past .1 years, Stanit•\ Marks died suddenly on tdandav of this week, Ile was ill 1115 tt'th y eat. Born in elaryborough Town- ship, he was a son of the late Wilson Marks and Ins wife, Martha Rolls. The latter sur- vives. Coming to East Wawa - nosh snot' i t- years ago, 'Jelled tanned m that township. Ile was married to the for- mer Alice limaline Nicholson in Morris Township. In addi- tion to his wife he is survived be his mother, Mrs. Martha Lewis of Winghann; two daught- ers and one son, Mrs. Wade (Alice) Stapleton of Wingham, t:etty Ann and Jack, both at home. )'here are four brothers and one sister, Russel of Wal- ton; Clifford, Brussels; Roland, Morris Township; Wellington, Fast Wawanosh and Mrs. Kath- leen Ellaeott, Listowel, as well as one grandchild. Mr. Marks was a member of the Brussels Orange Lodge. Service will be held today at the Walker funeral home in Wingham at two o' clock, with Rev. Arthur Jackson of Calvin -Brick United Church officiating. Interment willbe in the Wingham cemetery with the following as pallbearers: Norman Coultes, Jim Coulees, Henry," Pattison, Alex Robertson, Fred Deacon and Jack McBurn- ey. Flower hearers will be Ken Scott, Gordon Iyl.cBurney, Ken Mason and Ed Smythe. Mrs. Walter Lott ition and was respt•t•ted by all in the village and district. She shared the joys and !:arrows of the people in the tttnlmunity and was always pilling to help in time of need. She will be grotltly missed by .t wide circle of friends. Annie Sophia McKay was born in Kintail, Ontario, 82 years ago, daughter of the late Charles and Sophia McKay. She married Walter Lott at i<intail September :'-. 111(111, and had lived in this district ever since. The couple farmed until Mr. Lott's death in 1tt54. Mrs, Lott had lived in 11'httee urrch since leaving the farm. She was a ramal'. r •)f Chal- mers Presbyterian Chureh, the \VMS and Ladies .11(1 groups of that church, au,i had been a member of the Women's In- stitute since its fire: year of organization, 1928. Mrs. Lott is sum ived by a daughter, Mrs. Orville (Nettie) Newby, of Chesney and three sons, Robert, of Calgary, Al- berta; Wesley, of London, and Carl, of Wingham and 11 grandchildren. She was pre- deceased by her husband, a son, Frederick, in 1945. and three half-brothers, The funeral was held yester- day (Wednesday) at the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home. Rev. Gordon L. Fish conducted the service. Pallbearers were Ira Wall. Carl Weber, Wesley Tiffin, Russell Chapman. Thomas - Morrison and Victor Emerson. Flower bearers were grandsons, Jing and Der:11s Newby, "Bud" and Bruce Lott, Interment was in Wingham Cemetery. Gorrie News Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy were dinner guests on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish. l\lr. and Mrs, Justin Will returned home Saturday from Kingsville, where they spent several weeks with relatives. Sgt. Glenn Austin, Michael and Christine of Oakville, Miss Marian Somers and elr. Jas. Austin of Elmira, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Austin. Chief J. Carr and D. Croth- ers are having some luck in locating a water tank for rural fires. Have made some good contacts and hope by the time spring arrives one will be available. 4.l--0--0 On 'Vednesady evening, March 1S. a social was held in the fire hall with about 40 people eni-tvi"g the activities. Ten tables of euchre were played and winners were: Ladv with high soore. Mrs. M. Willie: n -ten, H. Gaunt: low count for the (ladies. Mrs K. Foxton: man's low score, Ken Foston. Draw prize was won by Mrs. L. Gardner. 0--0--0 Highlight of the evening was when a plaque was presented to former ;'aptain Bill Bain. The plaque was presented by Chef Jim Carr. who praised the former fireman for his long ard faithful service to the town and many committees on the fire dep!trtmert His wit and humorous presence will he missed by all the brigade. He served as chairman on the bri- gade for many ve ars. also as .driver and instructor on No. 2 f're ergine. Bill is the third member of the brigade who has retired after twenty years and -now becomes s0 honorary member. Mrs Rain was presented with it bouquet of mums and earna- tions by Deputy Chief Dare - t'`ra the rs Mrs Rain also was a faithful worker it the socials and entertainment. Blessings to bona of you! A few r. -stere games of c We1:re were g.3ye3 by scene. r.:arne:y. Ken Ft'xto r: Mrs Dave hers Mr Kt'n Fi\ttn and Reb \'Center Pens :anyone knew c f .a g e3 etstreeter te tees gene- :f e':! r* " Nf;:. ray Fr.... -1'-• • has the .z• t'. .'.acv 3 ge :3 r etc oraelt?r Cert':"ip et teees around -- The Fire Hall of all shapes and sizes. even grandmothers look good when he sets them up -all smiles! n --o--0 Alvin Seli was seen last Saturday morning carrying an electric stove on his back tip the main street! Anyone want a piano moved? 0--0--0 Captain Norm Cronkwright answers fire phone, says "FIRE DEPT!" Voile on other end says, "Some joke!" The voice changed when Norm convinced hint it was the Fire Dept. --n--o Congratulations to the Norm Angers, who had a visitor ar- rive at their house --a bird with a bund:e! Father and son doing well! 0-0-0 :Eike Willie is able to be on the job again after injury to a finger. so if you see him with one glove en and the other off, he didn't lose the other one. He has t4.' keep the injury • warm. We are looking for applica- tions for anyone who can qualify as a fireman. You don't have to be good looking, run a ntl:c or be a Charles ecutive should establish a \ ear- ' Atlas A:: we request is the ly associate membership. fee. intertst.::ve et and work in DO NOT FAVOR CHAMBER town. answer the alarm at any . Ted .:oszkowsi:i asked why hour 4.'f t"e day or night. be :the association ares nut join ttht able to play a cr;ame of euchre,) climb at !east a step ladder. chamber of Commerce. Mr. and not to Ifraid of water. lietherrn'zton, Rcl'in Campbell, Bcat;e' ha:.- cuts are out. W. T. Cruiekshanii and G.W. : Larger:::s .a:, and 3 fire: •Creickshane pointed out that on -s'--o ',two crevices occasions the Pete ':.t t evert ',Monday CI:at<:• er had beer :et up ht tf t- I •raction Night at the f:re 1, �.s' and both times it had :alk di to fill the need and had died out. Fe„ :lir . . �'gly meeting cr ;; Before the meeting closed Mee a,y March SOth. Aft fire -'borne McDonald, the new pros- men are ask 3 to be present. :dent, e!trrrc sed ills `;,Iatlf:ca- t°-'�'l-'t' :Lon for being rig2 erir: strd witht5?:e^ y ;all the fire dept.. I the grfs:3en:cs• of the asset::at:oc n.: t =..81 a firers " anti a�'ealcd for f :11 t :p>':t. eel! :eke tee V'a.l The infer- ! ie ned, ^:.3:.- -.. ee.'.trd is whoo is caning i' it : that support, he saldithere `:`e. and if *�'gssitee. 'vd ld not be the slightest 131`:,:'1t 1 t.gve ` `g• barn. grass etc l of si3 s.:ccess. Funeral Tuesday For Thos. Gaunt Thomas George Gaunt, who had been in failing health for over two years, died on Sun- day, March 22 at the Brook- haven Nursing glome, where he had been a patient since last SUM n1at, 11e was born in Kinloss Township SO years ago and was a son of the late James Gaunt .ind Elizabeth Mirehouse. He was the last survivor of the family. A brother Edwin, of Whitechurch and a sister, Mrs. Albert (Jane) Green of Tees - water predeceased him. Mr. Gaunt married Eliza- beth McKenzie of Kinloss on January 29, 1902. His surviv- ors by this marriage are John James of Whitechurch, Earl Russel, Kinloss Twp., Mrs. Merle Casemore of London and a step -daughter, Mrs. Joseph Stephenson, London. A son, George Stanley died in 1907 and a daughter, Mrs. Norman (Evelyn May) Wilkins in 1932. There are ten grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt farmed on the 2nd of Kinloss. She pre- deceased him in July 1936. Ile married Nirs, Elizabeth Robb in December 1938, who passed away March 24, 1942. Mr. Gaunt retired to Wingham in 1944. In 1957 he married Rachel Patterson, who died lastJuly. Mr. Gaunt was active in community affairs while he farmed in Kinloss. He was secretary -treasurer of S.S. 9 Kinloss (Murray's School) for 25 years. He was also treas- urer of the township for many Businessmen Meet Continued from Page One "Wingham," he said, "can be one of the finest towns in the country. Two things are required: money and effort:' WEEKLY COLLECTION The chairman introduced the subject of a weekly collection from association members to finance the various promotions. Several of those present spoke on the proposal, some indicat- ing that if worthwhile results are to be obtained a highercon- tribution will be needed. The treasurer, Warren Callan reviewed the financial state- ment, which revealed a def- icit of $374.00, and explained that at least a portion of this amount had resulted from the unexpectedly large demand for draw tickets in the "Lucky Bucks" promotion before Christ- mas. He said that one dollara week from each member is a bare minimum if successful pro- motions are to be carried out and suggested two dollars would be more realistic. John Mckibbon expressed his belief that the association should provide some type of attraction such as band concerts or ball games for Friday night shoppers. Several others ag- reed. The chairman asked each man present to voice his opin- ion about a weekly collection and opinion appearedtobe 1005, in favor of a collection of at least $1.00 per week and many' said they would contribute more if necessary. A few said they would prefer to give post-dated cheques rather than weekly fees. Jack Walker moved that the weekly contribution be $2.00 except for such businesses as do not benefit directly from pro- motions; in which case the ex - years and will long be remem- bered as a good neighbor and friend. As a member of the Cana- dian Order of Foresters' for over 00 years, Mr. Gaunt re- ceived a 00 year pin a couple of years ago. Mr, Gaunt was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, but had been active in church work at Whitechurch in his earlier years. The funeral was on 'I'ttesday afternoon at the R. A. Currie Sons funeral home. Rev. G. Fish and Rev. D. Sinclair con- ducted the service and inter- ment was in the Wingham ce- metery. Pallbearers were three grandsons, James, Donald and Harold Gaunt, and Jack Lloyd, Wilfred henry and Mervyn Templeman. Marley and Beth Gaunt, Alex McKenzie and James Mc- Intosh were the flower bearers, Committee Asks Council to Pass New By -.law A meeting of the Wingham Recreation Committee was held in the Wingham Council Chambers on Sunday. Both men's and ladies' team have been entered in the Lake Huron Zone annual hroomball tournament and teams have al- so been entered in the Lake Huron Zone junior bowling tournament. The committee approved sending two delegates to the Ontario Recreation Association Conference to be held in Wind- sor, April 30, May 1 and 2.11 is hoped other members of the committee will be able to at- tend all or at least part of the conference, 'file committee also recom- mended that the town council pass the necessary' by-law at their next Meeting on the hir- ing of a full time recreation director. Present were representatives of the Figure Skating Club, Kinsmen, Lions, Catholic Wo- men's League, Public School, Firemen and the 'Town Council. AIMS HIGH IN STEERING Goor driving should always be non-competitive, but the Ontario Safety League recom- mends one ambitious -sounding practice to all drivers -- "Aim high in steering l" Beginning drivers, in particular, should member that to steer correct- ly you should aim at least leo feet ahead at the centre of your driving lane. BACKACHE? 0. riot me! For relief from backache or that tired -out feeling I depend on - 75 NOW Is the Time to Immunize Your Stock Prevent BLACKLEG Loss! Vaccinate with C BACTERIN Protects against Blackleg and Malignant Edema An extensive line of Livestock Vaccines and Supplies. We feature the FRANKLIN Line. Catalog Free. 5 -dose automatic syringe loaned to you for use with your Franklin purchases, COMPLETE LINE OF FRANKL VANCE' IN PRODUCTS S DRUG STORE Profit from Canada's Prosperity Through a single investment in INVESTORS MUTUAL, you can become part-owner of more than 100 wider' diversified "high-grade" securities. You'll get attractive dividends, income tax credit and a share in the growth of Canada. Free yourself from investment worries through INVESTORS MUTUAL - Canada's largest mutual fund. THOMAS JARDLL^t District Manager Dial 357-3661 - Box 394 WINGHAM, ONT. 4.,) Investors OF C A N A D A. LIMITED Palk ow, NOW YOU CAN FINISH THAT ROOM AT LITTLE COST! • L. 1. Tired of papering or painting those walls? Plaster cracked and un- sightly? Genuine wood wall panel- ling is your an- swer. And Genuine Phillipine Mahogany Wall Panelling costs less than you think! It's prefinished, ready to mount on your wall by you or your contractor. 4 x 8 SHEETS 4.79 EA. HODGINS-McDONALD LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES NORTH ST. WINGHAM PHONE 357-3650 ili