HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-03-19, Page 4Page 4 — Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., March 19, 1964 features from The World of Women Home and The Housewife Women of the Presbyterian Church To Cele rate Two Anniversaries One hundred years ago, in the city of Montreal, a small group of women came together to assist the Church of Scotland in its French mission work. This year, the women of the Presbyterian Church in Canada will gather in Montreal on May 8, 9, and 10, in the Church of St. Andrew and St, Paul, to commemorate a century of or- ganized Presbyterian women's Shower Held At Citadel A bridal shower was held in the basement of the Salvation Army Citadel Monday evening in honour of Miss Janette Hen- derson, whose marriage takes place this month. Miss Hender- son received many useful and beautiful gifts and graciously thanked everyone. Games, contests, and a sing -song were enjoyed with Mrs. Lloyd Hayden at the pi- ano. Mrs. S. Henry presented Miss Henderson with a recipe box containing recipes and household hints, etc., which had been contributed by the guests. The shower was attended by 83 friends and relatives. • A delicious buffet luncheon was enjoyed which had been prepared by the hostesses, the Home League ladies of the Sal- vation Army and friends. The chair was tastefully decorated with pink bows and a bell. work in Canada. Almost immediately after its formation this small group supported a missionary at Cote St. Paul and started a school on Dorechester Street. A few years later they secured the services of a French Bible woman, Ma- dame Cote, who ministered to the French poor for over 30 years. Working among the English-speaking poor at the same time was a deaconess, Miss McIntyre. As interest increased in the larger mission of the church, money and clothing were sent to India, and the salary of Dr. Lucinda Graham in Honan, China, was underwritten. A few years later, in 1900, Dr. Susan McCulla was sent to India and in 1901 Miss Agnes Dickson and Miss Isabella Little started work among the women and children in South China. In 1904 the name of this group became "The Woman's Missionary Society" . These were the beginnings in Mont- real. Early in 1876, the Toronto daily papers carried notices of a meeting to consider forming a Woman's Society for Foreign Missions, and on March 21st, 1876, the Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Society was organized. In 1885 this society adopted the motto "The World for Christ". This is still the motto of the society and will be the theme of the celebrations in Mon- treal, With the discovery of gold in the Klondyke and the subse- quent opening up of the Canad- ian West, a need arose for help SELLING OUT SALE STILL IN FULL SWING LARGE STOCK STILL AVAILABLE. STOREWIDE REDUCTIONS UP TO 50%. Every item in the store is a genuine buy. Top quality merchandise at drastically low prices. Stock must be cleared so hurry now while there is still a wide selec- tion of sizes and styles. MERKLEY'S CHILDREN'S SHOPPE at home. The Rev. John Prin- gle, ministering to 1200 miners in Atlin, B.C., asked the wo- men of the church to send out Christian nurses at once, as men were dying for lack of care, The Atlin Nurse Com- mittee was formed, and includ- ed representatives from nearly every Presbyterian congregation in Toronto. In July, 1899, Miss Elizabeth Mitchell and Miss Helen Bone arrived in Atlin. Their first hospital was a small cabin with a mud roof and sawdust floor, and held four cots. Then the cabin be- came crowded and a tent was put up beside it. The following spring everyone in camp gave free labour and St. Andrew's Hospital, the first Presbyterian hospital in Canada, was erect- ed. As the home mission work of the church grew, more hospi- tals were opened and schools and residences built and the Women's Home Missionary So- ciety was born in May, 1903. On May 15th, 1914, in Knox Church, Toronto, these three women's groups came together to form the Women's Mission- ary Society (W, D.) of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada. This, then, is a double cele- bration -- 100 years of organiz- ed Presbyterian women's work, and 50 years since the amalga- mation of the three groups. Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Dow WHITECHURCH—A recep- tion and dance were held in the Community Memorial Hall on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dow (Gloria Stobo). A large crowd gathered and enjoy- ed dancing to music by Tiffin's orchestra with the calling off being done by Fred Deacon of Gorrie. At lunch time Mr. and Mrs. Dow were called to the plat- form when George McGee read an address to the newlyweds and Lloyd Whytock presented them with a coffee table and a gift of money. Mr. Dow thank- ed those who had planned the evening's entertainment for them and to all folks in attend- ance. This community extends best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Dow. CORRECTION The recipe for Emerald Isle Salad in the Blue Barn recipe column last week called for two teaspoons of salt. This was an error and should have read teaspoon of salt. If you intend to try this recipe please make this correction in the list of in- gredients. WINGHAM MEAT MARKET GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS JAKE JUTZI, Proprietor PHONE 357-1570 WIENERS 43CLB. 6 POUND BOX — $2.34 KITCHENER PACKERS POLISH SAUSAGE 59C Le. LAIDLAW'S GRADE A ¥OUNGTURKEYS 4k,. CANADA PACKERS SLICEDD$ BACON 9LB. RIN LE 10 POUND BOX — $3.50 2 1 -LB. PKGS. 49 BIIII@tl!Illlu1 llllll!IIIIIUIIIIII!!If @ Il involtlll➢111111!II'IIIINIIIIUIII!I1f11111!IIIIIII11IiIPlI!11''w111'9'11'1!MIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIII!Illlllllllllltlllllllll uIUIlIIIHII1011 2 °` Homemaking 5. Y Clubs THE SEWETTES BELGRAVE--The fifth meet- ing was held at the Belgrave Library on Saturday. Lila Black read the minutes of the last meeting. The roll call was an- swered by reporting on the pro- gress of the chart. Achievement Day is to be held in Clinton on May 9. The next meeting will be held on March 30, when Miss Damude is to be present. Mrs. Black gave the subject matter on "Finishing the Blouse" and it was discussed, Mrs. Black passed out the patterns of facing and each member is to make a sample. 0--0--0 HARMONIZERS FORDWICH--The seventh meeting of "What Shall IWear?" was held Saturday at the home of Marion Harding. The roll call which was "A new garment or accessory 'will need and my plans for its colour, design and texture so that it will still fit into my wardrobe and suit me", was answered by three girls. The minutes of the last meet- ing eeting were read by Karen Cars- well. It was decided to hold a work meeting next Saturday at the home of Mrs. Clarkson at 2.00 p.m. and the eighth meeting on April 4, at Karen Carswell's. The discussion was any prob- lems the members had and a discussion was held on the cov- ers for the books. The girls made a curved re- inforced seam and a dainty lunch was served. 0--0--0 CUSTARD CUTIES WHITECHURCH--The Cus- tard Cuties held their meeting Tuesday evening at the home of their leader, Mrs. Dan Tif- fin. The president, Miss Diane Coultes, opened the meeting and the roll call was answered by six girls with a report on the soup or dessert they made with milk, and the recipe put in the file. The theme of this meeting was "Baking with milk". The girls were taught how to make a pour batter. To demonstrate this they were taught impor- tant points on making and cook- ing ooking pancakes. A discussion was held on "Milk in Review". Misses Beverley Soloman, Marlene Weber and Tereasa De - To Have Exhibit At Daffodil Tea Mrs, J. H. Crawford, chair- man of services for the local Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, has received an ex- hibit from Maurice Grimes, Ex- ecutive Director of the Ontario Cancer Society to be displayed at the Daffodil Tea which will be held this coming Saturday in the council chamber, 3 to 5 p.m. Ladies from the local churches have been invited to preside at the tea table and serve. There will be a guest book. During the past months sev- eral parcels of gifts have been received from church groups and members of the Women's Institutes at Belmore, Lakelet, Wroxeter, Bluevale, Belgrave and Wingham. Also cash dona- tions have made it possible to add needed equipment for the use of those who attend the Can- cer Clinic at the local hospital. These gifts not only encourage the people in charge of the work in the local branch, but make it possible to add cheer and a helping hand to those who are ill, without drawing on general funds which are needed for re- search and other projects of the Cancer Society. The daffodil tea is held to draw attention to the annual canvass which takes place in April. A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies in Wing - ham and district. Bruyn made the pancake bat- ter and Misses Diane Coultes, Janis Farrier and Sandra Fisher cooked and served the pan- cakes, which were enjoyed with maple syrup. 0--0--0 BONNIE LASSIES BLUEVALE--The sixth meet- ing on "What Shall I Wear" was held at Mrs. C. Brewer's on Monday Evening with Ann Mc- Kercher presiding. Eight members were present and answered the roll call by giving suggestions for Achieve- ment Day. Elaine Snell read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Brewer explained to the girls all about facings and un- derstitching. Mrs. Nicholson discussed plans for Achieve- ment Day. Rose Marie Bishop will be secretary for the next meeting, to be held at Mrs. Allan Nichol - son's on March 30. BIRTHS ANDERSON—Lloyd and Elean- or (Litt) are proud to an- nounce the arrival of a son, Andrew "Ian" on March 10, 1964, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. A brother for Chris. LORCH—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Friday, March 13, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lorah; R. R. 1, For- mosa, a daughter. FORAN—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Friday, March 13, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Foran, R. R. 2, Auburn, a daughter. BROWN—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hosptal, on Sunday, March 15, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Brown, R. R. 1, Port Albert, a daughter. SIERTSEMA--In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, March 15, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Hebo Siertsema, R. R. 3, Blyth, a son. CAMERON—In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, March 15, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cameron, Bel - more, a son, PENNINGTON — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, March 16, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pennington (Betty Alton), a daughter, Lois Marie. PERSONAL \OTES --Mr. and Mrs. Fred Temple- man and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Taylor attended the restaurant convention Monday and Tues- day, held in the Automotive Building at the C.N.E. grounds. —Mr. Wesley Haines spent last week with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie in Lucknow. --Mrs. R. McLean of Bran- don, Man., and Mrs. G. Fer- guson of Boissevain, Man, , are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Chappell and Tommy, --Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Cullough, Richard and Geof- frey of Mitchell, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. W. W. Currie. --Mrs. Kenneth Dunbar and Kathy of London returned home Saturday after spending a week Meeting Held by Registered Nurses Fifty-two membert of the Huron County Chapter, Regis- tered Nurses' Association at- tended a dinner meeting at Dan- ny's Restaurant last Thursday. The leaders of the five study groups reported and a dis- cussion followed. During the winter months these groups held 14 study meetings on nursing with 35 people participating. Those taking part represented various occupations in nursing. with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Allen. --Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Bruce and Debbie of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rin- toul. —Rev. Dr. L. W. and Mrs. Schnell of Saskatoon, Sask., Rev. J. C. and Mrs. Thompson of London and Mr. Alex Reid attended the funeral of the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Harry Morgan, in Ripley on Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sal- ter and Jane, and Mrs. Mabel Hare of Waterloo, called on friends in Wingham Sunday eve- ning. --Guests with Mr. add Mrs. Cy Robinson over the week- end were his sister, Mrs. N. J. O'Neill and Mr. O'Neill of De- troit, Mich. , and their broth- er, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robin- son of Toronto. They all re- turned to their homes on St. Patrick's Day. IN THE HOSPITAL Patients admitted to the hos- pital during the week were: Brussels 1, Lucknow 5, Mild- may 1, Teeswater 1, Water - down 1, Wingham 13, Ashfield Twp, 9, Carrick Twp. 2, Cul- ross Twp. 2, Howick Twp. 3, Kinloss Twp. 1, Morris Twp. 3, Turnberry Twp. 3, E. Waw- anosh Twp. 4, W. Wawanosh Twp. 2; Total 51. RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" FRUIT RELISH Serves 8-10. Crisp with cran- berry; pleasing with pear 1 large orange 1 cup canned Canadian pears, diced (choice or standard grade) 2 cups raw cranberries % cup sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 3 -ounce package lemon - flavoured gelatin Peel orange. Scrape off most of the white mem- brane. Put peel, pulp and cranberries through a food chopper using medium blade. Combine with pears and sugar. Prepare gelatin according to directions on package. Chill until thick as unbeaten egg white. Fold in cranberry and pear mixture. Pour into 11/2 quart mold. Chill until firm. FASHION '64 A at �ller; Fashions have been softened with feminine detailing. Chanel's influence is strong in Suits, Coats, Dresses, with an air of elegance every woman loves. WEAR THEM NOW! WEAR THEM LATER! DOUBLE KNITS that are leading the fashion scene. SERRANO LINENS BOUCLE LINENS 19.95 to 49.95 THE GOOD LOOK IN SPRING COATS in finest wool. See the newest and finest ever in Regular, Petite or half sizes in all the newest pastel shades. 29.98 - 39.98 - 49.98 ALL-WEATHER COATS The good-looking, inexpensive way to prepare for spring showers. Belted or straight styles. All water repellent. 15.95 to 39.95 NEW SPRING HATS—Worth a thousand looks. Try on as many as you like. TEXTURED STRAWS — Feminine flowers — $6.98 to $14.98 ACCESSORIES TO MATCH— GLOVES — Fabric dyed to match, $1.98 to Real Kid, $6.95 SCARVES — $1.19 to $2.00 iiiller� LADIES' WEAR