HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-03-12, Page 84*. - limn Atl‘atice- num.. March i, 1!)(1 4' Belmore Personals ..011‘ to icisott mat da\ dinnet guests at the same. xi.1„ \\ ctitic IA tit ths,,,Istiat; !ionic \vet e mi. and mts, Row although his1 u s:s not ,-on land t. 11 and I a\ ounc. ,.;1,1„•tcd too cettiswt, \‘,• tot .11biti \\' k' ot Kit elienci spent the week end at his home. on the 1.‘aiel ot Culioss. Mt. and MIS, Ronald Ma- \slunnev and tamil\ ot Mild- niav isited 1 nd NI"s. :\1c\ Sangstei on Sunda\ e\ eii I1. NIt. and NI Adam Kcnne- ;Is ot the- noundat\ , \ isited on Satuida\ Nlt. and NIts.ltill Swath:is in the village,. A group ot male singers ttom the Itylniore. Maelurosh. and Ntildnia\ United Church oltarges !Inv a speed \ ieeo \cI \ Vt. auk! Vas.t tl1)ouglas ationd,',I -rosical ivo,tal • net ‘I etic' a I night. t , • % t S sal Otte % • . sl)101St at S. li1:u 1 othion. 1 Olt tort.11,7,00,t \coompatin My him ti:K141411:I SIM piton\ 4,1t,•hest;a and r, antst Vass \ da 1 ts\ ,-lose !t;cnd of uid VIS. 1' Vt, and Vis„ lan;es paItIt211),Ited 111Ci\N\ 011 , Ir was wee to sec their i3tillilar and they added pearl\ to In Inn, singing. Me ladies ot the met at Vrs. l'arrell's home on vs c,luesda\ ant-m.1,m and el.Nlepleted rheV hOt:.‘ed 1)M .0.1 el110\ ed file 3..te:th)011 1t: 110 N1 s: .j'. • 1,. \ 4,1,, ,/ 1 s 1 0;1 1 .11'. \ • s. .,•‘" NINE FAMILIES HAVE MEMBERSHIPS Wroxeter .111,1 \ \ 111/011 P/1‘.•11c., 1'd\ si1C111 ./•;•/1•.h.1.1‘ 1111 .111,1 V1V.. 10$••;, /g.. S. 011' .111. •St %•1 • .110. :rap. ,,. • ' , • • `,”.11. -• '.••‘ • \ \ \ Sillttg. $ has , ; • agtood .a. h ttlls :to • ' 4 PUPILS IN PRINCIPAL Kilpatrick's room are pictured dur- ing open house at the Turnberry Central School last Fri- day afternoon. The pupils had displays of their work out for the visitors to inspect. --A4 Photo. Parks Comm. Grant Approved For 1964 Season Announeement was made last week by the Department of Lands and Forests that a grant of $13,600 has been approved for the park project being car- ried out along the banks of the Maitland River in Wingham. phis amount is 50 per ee:nt of the local Parks Commission's estimated expenditures for the 1.90.1. season. It is hoped this year to erect washroom facilities at the camp - arca near the south end of the park property. Another pro- ject will be to deepen the swim- ming area 111 the river near the N. R.o\ crpass. A eoncrere aph,Nrilis already been, LI id in the pool at the place where the smaller children wade in. Au impoitant aspect of the %)11% this V Cat IS expeoted to be the draining and cleaning out ot the loser rown pond as soon as weather condaions per- mit. It is '.1orca tt:.it dr\ wca-- thNs•111 pc rurt tl'te use of lica caittimo\ nig equipment so itat \s INS and acoriimilated s .:t oleatco. awa\ • s' ‘, • • . , • .`• , • , • „sed • 7,, ,„ f'„ „•-, ,,e-:;srs‘• • • .. Mrs. Strome in $ London Hospital FIRST AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE POLICY . s, - ,• ; ri. • s • s. ••• •w ‘-'• , ,a‘• v:s • Having the car serviced regularly at Wingham Motors helps balance the budget COSTLY REPAIR BILLS DUE TO NEGLECTED CARE AND MAIN- TENANCE ARE AVOIDED. Driving is a pleasure too when the car is runnin9 smoothly STOP IN SOON. Wingham Motors ,POE 157-2720 Authority to Purchase Site At Maitland Beauty Spot The annual meeting of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority approved a recom- Mendation of the Conservation Areas Advisory Board to obtain a 220 -acre tract near the vil- lage of Benmiller in Colborne Township for a conservation area. The property has been un- der option for the past year while it has been under investi- gation. As a conservation site the area will, in the course of time he developed as a year-round, multiple -use area. This in- cludes such activities as camp- ing, picnicking, nature dis- plays, an archaeological dig, fishing, skiing and many other uses. It was explained at the an- nual meeting of the Authority that the area is contained by a bow of the river, which pro- vides nearly a mile of river shoreline and is adjacent to the beautiful falls near the north- west comer of the property. The area slopes in three levels from a high plateau to the river. The top level is good agricultural ground, which will likely be leased out. Revenue from this would be sufficient to pay the municipal taxes. SITES NEEDED A report on the area indicat- es that increasing pressure by the public for sites such as this, will mean increasing use as the scheme is developed. It is one area on the river large enough to warrant a development of the size and interest to charge adinission, and thus become self-sustaining financially. It was pointed out at the meeting that the area will re- quire intensive development, but this will he phased over a numbcr of years, so that the annual cost will not become ex horbitant. It is likely that the Conservation Advisory Board will call in experts to lay long- range development plans before anything more than the obvious is done. The Falls Reserve is, per- haps, one of the most beautiful reaches on the Maitland River, and the acquisition of the pro- perty by the Authority will guarantee its availability to the public. It has a history that reaches into antiquity, as there is an "Indian dig” in one section, near the river, that contains artifacts believed to be well over 3,000 years of age. This will be preserved, and in time, rio doubt a display of finds will be set up on the site. Early development will re- quire the opening of an access road to the area, which is now not much more than a lant.ThQ work will he done by Colborne Township, to be followed by a. road through Me property itself.. The property will be pur- chased for $33.00 per acre, with a provincial grant that will cut this to 50 per cent. All Author- ity municipalities will contri- bute the other 5U per cent. As a result of motions passed at the meeting, the minister of lands and forests will he peti- tioned for approval to proceed, and for the necessary grants. It was noted that immediate ac- tion had to be taken as the option expires on March 22nd. .A. Williams, 0.D OPTOMETRIST 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 4111111116, HERE IT IS! THE AMAZING NEW TWI-NIGHTER THE ONLY BLIND THAT MAKES ANY ROOM ye,. •••••-•••-•-•., 41;07,14.4r,".r." 41*, "44C.4'.1:71..1=011 xr.44,44.te.,44 - • -.-.-42,cptty-Yott... 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VENETIAN BLINDS INSTALLED WIDTH OF BLINDS AVAILABLE BY EACH INCH OF SIZE. WALKER HOME FURNISHINGS JOSEPHINE STREET. WINGHAM PHONE 357-1430 ....... • .• ....