HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-03-12, Page 7Full Entry at Ladies Bonspiel
A Chesley rink skipped by
Mary Thompson won the J. Ii.
Crawford Trophy at the annual
ladies' invitation bonspiel at
the Wingham Curling Club last
Wednesday. The rink was first
in the late draw and had three
wins plus 21, compared to three
wins plus 10 for Christen Van-
derplas' rink of Paisley, who
was first in the 9.00 o'clock
The other three on the win-
ning rink were Irene Brown,
Doreen McCarter (formerly of
Wingham) and Evah Clements.
Second in the first draw was
the Wyn McLean rink of Sea -
forth with two and seven, win-
ning out with an aggregate of
19 over Beth McClandless of
Sarnia, who also had two and
seven but an aggregate of 16.
Consolation went to Marg Mc-
Millan of Goderich.
A Wingham rink skipped by
Ethel Montgomery, along with
Elda Coultes, Marg Coultes and
Olive McBurney, took second
prize in the late draw with a
score of two and eleven.,Mai-
zie Trelford of Southampton
and her foursome were in the
third spot with two wins and
plus of nine. Consolation went
to Audrey Culbert's rink from
the Mildmay Curling Club.
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Credit Union Ltd.
Annual Meeting
The third annual meeting of
the Wingham Community Credit
Union Ltd. was held at Danny's
Drive -In on Thursday with 32
persons in attendance. A de-
licious turkey dinner was served
prior to the business session.
The members passed a mo-
tion that a dividend of 5010 be
paid to members' share accounts.
Ernie Long, of the Cuna Mu-
tual Insurance Society, conduct-
onducted the election of officers.
Four members were acclaimed
to the board of directors, Earl
Heywood, Jack Gorbutt, John
O'Neill and Wilfred Arthur.
Other directors still in office
are Harry Montgomery, Les
Reynolds and Borden Jenkins.
L. Casemore was elected to
the Credit Committee. Other
members on the Credit Com-
mittee are Ed Rich and Mrs. D.
David Burgess, Jim Warwick
and Father G. J. Frecker were
the acclamations to the Super-
visory Committee.
Ernie Long gave a very inter-
nteresting and informative talk on
the beginning, ideals and aims
of Credit Unions. A motion of
special thanks was given to Mrs.
D. Connell for the free use of
the office and to John 0' Neill
for an excellent job done as ,
The members were remind-
ed that the Credit Union office
is open on Friday evenings from
7 to 9 p.m. A question and an-
swer period ended the meeting.
Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., March 12, 1964 -- Page '1
MAITLAND OFFICERS—Several new officers were elected
to the executive of the Maitland Valley Conservation Auth-
ority at the annual meeting of the organization held in
Wingham last Thursday. Seated are: W. J. Kelterhorn,
Milverton, chairman of public relations; Alvin Smith, Blue -
vale, the new vice-chairman; Robert Wenger, Wingham,
who was named chairman; standing are: Harry F. Tebbutt,
Hullett Township, land use and farm ponds chairman;
Harold Cosens, Wallace Township, past chairman; John
Coghlin, Elma Township, newly -appointed chairman of the
flood control committee, and William Evans, Kinloss Town-
ship, who was named chairman of the reforestation com-
is pleased to announce the Appointment of
as authorized dealers for:
We suggest that you visit McClure Motors and let
them show you how they are set up to serve all your
present and future motoring needs. You can be sure
you'll receive a warm welcome in a friendly atmosphere.
The McClure Motors people who will look after you
are genuinely interested in making sure that you are
completely satisfied. They'll proudly tell you all about
the new cars and trucks they handle. And they
specialize in quality used cars too.
Or, if it's service you .need, be sure to make McClure
Motors your headquarters. They have the service
facilities and GM, parts to take care of all your work
promptly, efficiently and at reasonable cost.
So why not make this announcement your invitation to
drop in and see McClure Motors. They'll be looking
forward to your visit.
lst Belgrave Cub Pack met
on Tuesday for their regular
meeting in the Community
Centre with 17 Cubs and three
leaders present. Akela opened
with the Grand Howl, followed
by the Lord's prayer in unison.
A New Chum, Calvin Nixon,
was welcomed. Inspection was
won by the Grey Six, with Gor-
don Rinn as the sixer.
Games were led by Baloo
and Raksha. Ricky O'Neil and
Kon Hopper received their first
stars. Richard Anderson receiv-
ed his cyclist badge and also
his team players badge. Mrs.
Kenneth Wheeler told a story.
Instruction was in the form of
Taps closed the meeting.
Next meeting will be on March
17, St. Patrick's Day.
The regular Tuesday meet-
ing was held at the Scout House,
with 31 Cubs and four leaders
present. The meeting opened
with the Grand Howl and the
repeating of the Cub Promise.
Attendance was marked and
dues collected.
The Cubs then participated
in a vigorous game, after which
they were divided into study
groups. C.M. Fridenburg in-
structed several boys in sema-
phore. A.C.M. Lloyd passed
'boys on the safety rules for ped-
estrians. C. Kennedy passed
another group in skipping and
Don Rintoul instructed the re-
mainder on compass and mes-
sage, both 2nd star require-
The boys returned to their
Sixes. Jerry Marks was present-
ed with his 1st star. Gordon
Moore, a new Cub from Wrox-
eter, had completed his first
star work before moving to
Wingham. He was presented
with the lst Wingham Pack
neckerchief and his lst star.
Both boys were congratulated by
Akela and urged to work hard
towards their 2nd stars.
The meeting ended with the
Cub prayer and the singing of
the national anthem.
The regular weekly meet-
ing of "B" Pack Cuhs was held
at the Scout House last Thurs-
day evening with 32 Cubs pres-
ent. The Grand Howl was taken
by Adelaide Ahara, dues were
collected and attendance nark-
ed. Several boys were late and
the Cuhs were reminded that
this will lose points for their
In view of the large number
of boys another Six was formed,
which will be known as the
White Six and brings the num-
ber of sixes to 6, a complete
Pack, although there is still
room for one or two more boys.
Jim Brooks was promoted toSix-
er of the White Six and Philip
Beard to Seconder and they were
presented with their stripes.
Donnie Shropshall received his
first star and was promoted to
Seconder of the Yellow Six.
Jim Hastings passed story tell-
ing for his first star and several
other boys have now completed
this section and will be award-
ed their first stars at the next
Brian Pollock completed his
Tenderpad requirements and
will be officially invested this
Thursday. All Cubs are re-
minded that a full uniform in-
spection will be held at this
meeting, following the Investi-
ture. (That's tonight).
A game of "Storm; which
calls for alert attentionto the
leader and quick and quiet set-
tling down, was played with
points being awarded to win-
ning Sixes.
Jim Hastings and Tom Mc-
Laughlin passed 'growing things'
for their first stars by bringing
two very good examples of
growing plants and giving the
story of the growth. It is hoped
that several of these plants will
be available for exhibit at the
Father and Son banquet next
The invitations for the ban-
quet were given out and all
Cubs are asked to have these
signed, and return them at the
next meeting.
The meeting closed with the
Grand Howl and Cub prayer led
by the newly formed White Six.
All Cubs are asked to bring
along a piece of modelling
clay (plastacine) next meeting
to be used in making the table
centres for the banquet.
Don't forget - April 7th -
Father and Son banquet at the
Wingham District High School.
Be sure and bring in the slip
signed by your dad.
Brussels Teams
Trim Opponents
Saturday night's game was
the third and deciding match
for the P & W Transport Trophy
between the Wingham X and
Brussels teams in the Girls'
North Huron Broomhall League.
The ganie was scoreless, which
gave Brussels the trophy with a
5-u count in the playoff series.
The Brussels team has been
pleased with the sportsmanst,'.p
shown by the Wingham X rink
throughout the series.
In the semi-finals, best 2
of 3 series being played by the
men, Brussels defeated Belgrave
1-0 on Thursday night and 10th
Line won over Wingham by the
same score, 1-0.
On Monday night Brussels
'and Belgrave played a tie
game. It took 16 minutes for
Brussels to get the deciding
goal, which makes this team
the series winner.