HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-03-12, Page 2Page 2 - Wingham Advance—Times, Phut'. , March 1: 19tt1. The firemen were Called to the home of Mrs. tali\t May, Gorrie, for a chimney rue which was out of control. No damage occurred. This was ten March btli during; those high winds and most of the firemen were waiting with fingers cross- ed. et --,i--0 On Saturday Dcput\ Fire Chief David t'rt\thcrs investi- gated a call to the home of Barry Turner on ,Josephine St. An overheated apart' heater was the const'. There w;is no dam- age, t-- i--tl The restgnations e°t tiarle\ Gaunt and 1\n Sallaws %seri• tendered at the List meeting of the Fire Department. 1)--et_-0 Jack Shaw of Winghain was accepted as a ttrctuan and has had a few gold un..•als since joining_ ll --ci- --' The firemen and their wives will hold a social c\cning; on Wcdncsda\ , Martie 18th. --.'--d Chi the evening Ot Monday, Marcel :lth, the L'ubs and their leaders, Constable Murray Fri- denburg and \ars, Din Lloyd, were guests of the firemen. Sc\- eral films were shown on causes of home fires and what the young people should i.now ill case of tire, The films were supplied by the Film Depart- ment of the Ontario Fire Mar- shall's Offiee. 1'he Cubs and Cst. Fridelthurg thanked Chic f Carr in an appropriate Cub manner. laver‘ Niondav evCliitlg the firemen are asked to be at the fire hall for instruction on fire fighting and use of equipment. This course covers pump engin- eer, ngin- eer, proper hose lays, use of 124.V.,:.it'S, Velltdatiorl, list t f self contained breathing appar- atus and ladders. around -- The Fire Hall Have you taken the time to post tht' file department num- ber near your telephone? Don't wait until you have to "find" the number. Have it plainly visible and hope you never need lt, Fire Dept. 36 i-2,131; 11--0--0 Meeting night, March :30, 1Nt� i. 0--0--0 There are openings for two firemen on the brigade. I\ lake application to the secretary, Robert Hickey, or ask any fire- man for information, J. W. Sanburn Lodge Member 50 Years J. Warren Sanburn, eldest son of the late Charles Sanburn and Bessie Jane Watcher, died at the Brookhaven Nursing Home at Wingharn on Sunday, March 1st, in his 82nd year. Deceased was a member of Canadian Order of Foresters Lodge for over 60 years, and al- so a atclilber of Wingham unit- ed Church. Surviving are one sister, Laurinda, of t3rookhaven Nurs- ing home and one brother, Mel- drum of Tumberry. The funeral was held on '1 ucsdav of last week from R. A, Currie y Sons funeral chapel with Rev. C. M. Jardine offic- iating. Pallbearers were Gordon . odkin, Alex Coulter, James Wilson, Ken Currie, JamesCur- rie, James Wright. Flower hearers were two nephews, Charles and Jack Sanburn. Interment followed in Wing - ham Cemetery. Institute Holds Family Night GORR,IE---The Women's In- stitute held their Family Night banquet at Danny's Restaurant, Wingham, last Tuesday, with 33 attending. Progressive euchre was played after the dinner. High ladies were Miss Olive Bell, Mrs. Cecil Wilson. High men were William Strong .and Raymond Gowdy. Chair prizes were won by John Baylor and Gladstone Edgar. Roll call was answered by the then by "What Makes a Good Wife." It was decided to have a supper to raise funds for paint to redecorate the Gorrie Community Hall, By MURRAY GAUNT, M.P.P. Report from Queen's Park With the estimates of 1:3 de- parunenrs vet to he presented to the 1 egislature for approval it looks as though the remain- ing 2± weeks before Faster will make for long days and short nights if the Prime Minister hopes to contplete this session before Faster. Last Monday the estimates t°i the Department of Trans- port began. In 1:163 for the first time, the number of reg- istered drlt ers exceeded million. Hon, Irwin tiaskett, ter of Transport said the De- partment has ruled out com- pulsory vehicle exam!" :tion, at least for the present. He indi- cated that such a s\ stem would cost approx vet\ dollars ro establish. `r a.,ould cost another 5 trillion dollars annually to operate it. In the estimates of the De- partment of Agriculture, Hon. W. A, Stewart stared that the total food needs in Canada are expected to rise by some 700i, in the next 20 vears. World needs are expected to increase by 50';:'. of all food sales m On - Experienced Carpenters Available for Contract Work All Types of Repairs and Renovations inside or Out Free Estimates F. CHRISTIANSEN ANDERS NOER Phone — Listowel 650 J 11 1_-19b-eow ratio is now controlled by large food chains arid another 20`"' is in the hands of stores engaging in group buying. In 10t32 the farm families of the province paid more than $50 million dollars in real estate taxes to their local mu- nicipalities and all together paid out more than $650 mil- lion for their operating goods and services and ocher expenses, thus ma,:ing then] one of the largest consumer groups in On- tario. I was honoured to be chosen by our party to lead off the De - hate in Agriculture. I pointed out that the lack of adequate income in rhe farming industry today was due to a large extent to the Government's lack of long-term planning and long range planning in the agricul- rural field. I expressed concern that rural people up until this point have not been involved in the plan- ning and execution of the.ARDA plan. The Minister pledged that this situation was going to be rectified. It is rather difficult to put into a few words what was said - one hour and ten m'.nutes - but I did express concern about rhe dairy industry and the Meat In- spection Act. In any meat in- spection Act the consumers must be protected. The other important aspect of the problem is that the small operator in some way must he able to stay in business if he produces ahigh quality product. GORRIE WINS 7-1 AGAINST BELMORE GORRIE--The Midgets de- feated Belmore 7-1 in the third game of the Tri -County league play-offs, The game was play- ed in Belmore on Friday eve- ning and Gorrie now heads the best of five series 2-1 with the fourth game in Gorrie on Tues- day, weather permitting. Scoring for Gorrie were Brian Elliott and Doug. Gibson with three goals each and Jim Sharpin with qne. R. Metcalfe scored the lode Belmore goal. Pocaluyko- Hamilton Vows GORRIE--The United Church here was the setting for the mar- riage on Saturday afternoon of Lynda Rae Michele Hamilton, Wroxeter, and Robert Andrew Pocaluyko of Elmira. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Willis Hamilton, R.R. 1, Wroxeter. The bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Pocaluyko. Wroxeter. Rev. Fred W. Taylor officiated for the double -ring ceremony and `Liss Carol Robinson pre- sided at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her father. wore a floor - length gown of white organza over tiers of nylon net. The fit-' ted bodice was encrusted with pearls and sequins. and had a sabrira neckline with long lily-. LADIES ! THIS BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC CAN OPENER CAN BE YOURS! With each purchase you make at the Bert Armstrong Garage. whether it s for gas oil parts or service you get a ticket for this quality Electric Can Open. er. It s an added premium for good service. FEEL FREE TO DROP IN and look over our beautiful models, TRY OUT OUR DEMONSTRATOR and find out for yourself the joys of driving a new STUDE- BAtfER. Several models to choose from. TRANSMISS!ON SPEC1ALISTS ALL MANES -AIL MODElS ENJOY TROUBLE-FREE DRIVING WITH OUR GOOD SERVICE. Put your car in good hands — our skilled mechanics will cure all your tar troubles— put it in top-notch running order. Bert Armstrong Garage "WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN" NEW SIIJOEIIAKERS AND QUALITY USED GARS JOSEPHINE STREET, WINGHAM PHONE 357-1450 point sleeves and bouffant skirt. A tiara of pearl and mother of pearl sequins held her finger-tip veil. Her bouquet was a cascade of pink roses and white carna- tions. Miss Virginia Hamilton, sister of the bride, was maid of honor wearing a blush pink crystalette street -length dress with scoop neckline, three-quarter length sleeves and bell skirt with a ro- sette at the waistline. Her bouquet was of blue and white baby mums. John McGee, Wroxeter, was groomsman and Randy Hamil- ton, R.i: 1, Wroxeter, brother of the bride and Murray Mc- Lean. \V:,.xeter, were the ushers. The rr•ct•.•tion was held at the Wroxeter community hall and was attended by 75 guests. The br!te^ donned a blue wool dress with which she wore white .i:-ssories and a corsage of white mums. for travelling. The ce;;..• will reside in Elmira. The br: to was honored at a s shower in the Ford\r'.ch hall and at a Jack and -Ae 7 at Hornby. Guests were tits..._ from Camp Bor- ::':. ..,t'.t. Brampton. t:.. .1e7r.:- gave:. Hornby. Pal - ern:? an: Wroxeter. EIGHTEEN QUILTS FOR OVERSEAS BALES The United Church q .:-' bets .. t `�eh `fir rocrns on T .i ay cos .. -;1: \Vroxtter 'United. !' ...- - the Presbyterian • an.tt• . Chur..hcs :.. O tr 45 ..a«:es . _. for :he qui... RED CROSS MONTH •t°:.....'C:L. oaa,aSSe7S .... `.... e `'... i C:oss. tit:aL'lc t C5 ,: ` ..L i STERISOL MOUTH WASH ir° PLUS 3.4Z. TRIAL SIZE FREE —*- BOTH FOR MILK OF MAGNESIA 16 -OZ., REG. 57c 43C GLEEM TOOTH PASTE $1.09 VALUE 794 PARAMETTES 100s, PLUS 25 EXTRA 6• a a $7.50 VALUE ALBERTO VOS HAIR SPRAY DERMA FRESH HAND LOTION 1.89 $2,30 VALUE KOTEX 1.77 48s $1.86 VALUE REVLON TOP BRASS HAIR DRESSING TWO 75c TUBES '1.00 $1,50 VALUE DU BARRY HUDNUT TABU PH. 357 - 2170 VANCE'S PR£SCI'YPTION DRUGGIST COMPLETE VETERINARY SUPPLIES Native of Gorrie Dies in Uxbridge A resident of Uxbridge for 25 years and since 1957 a guest at Fairview Lodge, Whit- by, Mrs. Mary Ellen Garbig died on February 29. Mrs. Gar - big was in her 79th year. A native of Gorrie, she was the daughter of the late Thorn - as and Phoebe Phair. In 1904 she married Charles H. Garbig and the couple lived in both Harriston and Toronto before going to Uxbridge in 1933. Mr. Garbig predeceased his wife in June, 1955. Surviving are four sons, John of Toronto, Thomas of Toron- to, Kenneth, Lindsay and Gor- don of Montreal; two brothers, Charles and William Phair, both of Toronto, a sister Charlotte Williams of Barrie and an aunt Matilda Mansen of Harriston. Guild Meets At Rectory GORRIE- -The March meet- ing of St. Stephen's Guild was held on Wednesday night at the rectory. The meeting open- ed with prayer and Scripture was read by Mrs, Olive May, The roll call was answered with a girl's name from the Bible. Mrs. Edward David read the minutes of the last meeting, in the absence of the secretary. Mrs. Harry King had the study book, "Mary and Martha at Horne." Mrs. Anderson gave a reading on Lent, Business was then discussed and the meeting closed with prayer by Rev. Anderson. A. rr"dint was given by Mrs, Verne Clark, "Old Age Is Golden." Mrs. Harry King conducted a contest and a de- licious lurch was served by Mrs. Wm. Bennett and Atrs. Verne Clarke assisted by Mrs, Anderson. Gorrie News Among those attending the funeral of Mrs. Samuel Graber on Friday were Mr, and Mrs. Christian Ncuenfchwander, Mr. and Mrs, Rueben Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber, Jonas and Jacoi', Mr. and Mrs. Sam - :rel C. Schwartz, Emma and ;:lin::\_ , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Hilt:. and Danny, \:r, andMrs. Jo.cp:: N. Scl:wart.: and Jonas, '.r. and::::s. John S. Hiltz, Mr. an‘:.' Mrs. John e'.: ca\, arts t, Kant. aii v t.•e,:c\a Ind: - • M:. J,zn t`' n woo:: and t/-, Joh 'cn., _ci1.::lee, ,and `.::s. Daniel ' ,.°t:. `.'.r, a:: \ • L.'. Mr. and " :,'.:, and Mrs. • Ce,, a.: �: `ei .sK v , %ta- ...C: .— anz' t. •�- # f ... Sa...;a, .sir t$`.c.e r at t. . eta cite .ate,. t s -r 4't: h_t wrA0ff0I'' use +he WANT ADS FOR LEASE JOSEPHINE AND VICTORIA STREETS WINGHAM, ONT. TWO BAY SERVICE STATION HAVING GOOD VOLUME POTENTIAL. SOME FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO RESPONSIBLE APPLICANT. --- APPLY — Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ltd. WINGHAM, ONTARIO BOX 189 OR J. G. ARMSTRONG • HANOVER - PHONE 364-2353 12-19b Always there with ready cash... For Bitty Consolidation or any good reason„ $5000 to $5,00000 'NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 240 Branches from Coast to Coast Hanover Branch — 307 10th Street, Phone 364.3760 Goderich Branch — 29 Kingston Street, Phone 524.8357 Stratford Branch -- 172 Ontario Street, Phone 271.9010 NF -64.61 • a 4, 4. 4. �t. �a1. au1' (Ijurrlj.1 'r 4. (ANGLICAN) 'L ;3, I. lilii ugh a in Z 1, ' 2 Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector 1 r I' Mrs. Gordon Davidson Organist FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT — MARCH 1S 12 8:312, a.m,—ilo y C"_ommunion. 1. 1. 9:45 a i .---e » .�y School. 1 i:C� a.rn.—•-fit.. M,,#,g Prayer. Z r �;. 'f'"�rs., March 12 _,A tar• 1 � i,e.�t•! Parish I<;>�1?a. 3 p.m. �, ti' a i�a"�k4 "_,-`.L'•••••tl lIt! Parish Rozrn., 815. t Ye p.t Ma .r`h 3 - l eaten x 5ery'rt;e Jll p.rll. -�• Yte:;., Ma"s:rt 1S-_--Eoy,•d ..F ,\A.....-,.......-. 8_ 15 _ ..4 .. _ .... _ . , p'x-'i*i-1--1-1t-i^i-'i^'#'-•i'"i-h--i 1�-'„-.'-`.e•y--ivy`,•y�"a°-9 y"1`' ,M`