HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-03-05, Page 16Page 8 -- WinghamAdvance-Times, Thursday, March 5, 1964 l r , 5 CLIPPINGS BY I. M. FLATT Practice No. 8-64, Town Hall, Feb. 25th. Anyone within earshot of the town hall couldn't help hut fall m love with Barbershop Harmony dur- ing this sing -out. The boys were really ap for this one. And those basses -- They were the greatest I'VL ever heard (this side of Moscow). Thirty-two were present for this one, in- cluding three guests, Roy Cook of Toronto, Howard Pretty and Bill Bell of the Listow,l Chap- ter. Proceedings got under way and two new songs were started, Some. tint wet given to the shaky parts of the "Oldies". During the business, Ray Walker read the minutes of the last rt:ectinge These were ap- proved and carried. Twa Cos- tume vests were displayed and while they arc of good quality, the group thought we should have a much brighter outfit. We are still looking, and would like to hear from anyone wish- inE:, to take on a job ma:<ing about fort, tests (I'm serious). Tickets for the coming Ladies' Nite are now available and Paul Rintoul is waiting to take in the loot. Make up your minds and line up those baby sitters. Sincere congratulations are extended to our good neigh - bouts to Listowel, as they are "Chartering". Plans are for a Charter Fite on March 21, in the high school, Three top quartettes as well as two com- plete choruses will be there, so ,it should be a "really big spew". 3f you have never seen a Bar- bershop Parade you have no idea what four part male sing- ing can do for you. Tickets are $i. 2' each and Hap does not have too many, Don't wait too long. These Listowel boys have wonted Long and hard and deserve all the support we can give them. I know they will re- turn the favour when it is "our turn: When you read this, we will only have two practices left be- fore our big. broadcast and if you are normal, you should be sweating a little. I know that Hap and Bill are. It is really very simple; all you have to <<now is the music (one part) and the words. Let the direc- tors worry about everything else and you will lessen their bur- den considerably, Their big- gest worry is whether the sing- ers will remember all that they have painstakingly been taught and their only reward is a job well done. I'm just a wearyin' so I'll be sing you next week. W I F E COMPLAIN ViS110 matouT Then get a real comfort ride with our new BEAR balancing service. Your life can hang in the balance of your wheels. Bring your car in for a check today! And while it's here we'll look over the brakes, steering, shocks and springs for you too! KEN'S Alignment Service BRAKE DRUM TURNING SHOCK ABSORBERS SPRING REPLACEMENT Dial 357-1230 -- Diagonal Roal — WINGHAM sion of the Toronto radio sta- tion CJBC from English speak- ing to French, hoping to find out just who and what are the minorities who haven't been getting fair treatment in this area, My first radio report for 1964 will be in the form of an interview by one of Ottawa's newspaper reporters over CKNX on Sunday, March 8th, at 8;10 p. m. The Titanic disaster in 1912 --which is still remembered, spot<en about and written about after half a century --took 1, 517 lives, This is now much less than half the number of people who die voilently on Canadian roads every twelve months. THINKING ABOUT A NEW EASTER SUIT? THREE OF THE YOUNG members of the Belmore Figure Skating Club who perform- ed Saturday night at the Be(more Ice Car- By MARVIN HOWE, M.P. nival as "Mice" shown left to right: Nancy Ballagh, Glenda Ballagh and Twyla Dick- son.—Photo by Cantelon. Report from Parliament Hill By the time this report is made in your local paper the Debate on the Speech from the Throne of the second session of the Twenty Sixth Parliament of Canada will be completed. There are those who feel that this time-honored practice of setting aside a certain num- ber of days at the beginning of a Session of Parliament is a waste of time. However, it is the medium through which a Member can place emphasis on the progressive or backward na- ture of the economy of his area. There are three new propo- sals -- and three only -- in the Speech from the Throne. First, the loans for University students; second, an attempt will be made to limit election cam- paign spending; and third, there will be a retirement age for members of the Senate. The other items such as the Canada Pension Plan, railway moderni- zation and streamlining based on the MacPherson report are all hold -overs from the lastses- sion of Parliament -- from those momentous days of decision. The more important of these I will deal with in subsequent reports. The Progressive Con- servative amendment to have the sales tax on building ma- terials and production machin- ery repealed was defeated by a very close margin, The whole question of na- tional unity, separatism, etc. has been given special interest 1961 BUICK 4 -DOOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION RADIO 1961 CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR STANDARD SHIFT 1951 MERCURY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 4 -DOOR -- RADIO 1955 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE — STANDARD SHIFT SEE MAC FOR A HACK - IN WINGHAM MPHERSON'S GARAGE BUICK - PONTIAC - ACADIAN - VAUXHALL . GMC TRUCKS SUPERTEST PRODUCTS - Josephine & Victoria - Ph. 351.3510 • in the question period due to the shattering remarks of Dr. Chaput in Toronto and the theft of small arms and ammunition from Government armouries. We have sat on our philosophi- cal backsides watching emo- tional upsets of this kind hap- pening in other countries and thought that such things are riots and civil war could never happen here. Let us not be too sure, No doubt those of you who are having deductions made for income tax, weekly or monthly, will notice a new deduction be- ing made to finance the extra $10.00 per month which was added to the Old Age Pension last year. This is a further indication that we do not get additional Social Security measures without having to pay for them. Many of the Quebec Mem- bers, in speaking on the ques- tion of National unity, have intimated that French minor- ities in other provinces have so much trouble in getting fair treatment. I have placed a question on the Order Paper asking for copies of all tele- grams and other correspondence exchanged between the CBC, individuals and organizations, in connection with the conver- WE SUGGEST YOU ATTEND TO THIS MATTER AT ONCE. The Tip Top Made -to -Meas- ure selection is better than ever and new Spring samples are here awaiting your choice. There are Venetians, Irides- cent Herringbones, Worsteds, Sharkskins and many, many more in the season's newest shades. We're ready to meas- ure you now, for your new Fleet Street suit. AT ONE PRICE ONLY $80.00 This season's READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING is presented in a wide variety of colors and patterns. You'll be well pleased with our selection, 2 PANT SUITS AT $69.50 and $75.00 .17P ber'F er44 ////U///NIjji, EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Limited THE FRIENDLY STORE :-+++++::-.*e++' ta.. v > r vi< .r ti.__ e: ,at ...M ...ar s i,. .::.>.....,.,+.:.::p:::o;.....:T::;fi2...;dt:..o>:...,ngin:<a�:.C.:>3?N.}>:..;.fi::.:.::X::;>:X...iiata>,::::33;•:.,..`.•',.:n_":.::::: :;;:. Put our FOOD SAVINGS tho Picture OPEN FRIDAY EVENING • Fj )• ldr ,:.. .:'ter:?>r• Red ront Grocery Free Delivery LIMITED DIAL 357-1020 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 LB. BONUS PACK 85c McCORMICK'S Sodas or Saltines c LB. 33 BISSET'S ICE CREAM ALL FLAVOURS IA -GALLON 79c CLUB HOUSE PEANUT BUTTER 16 -OZ. 39c ;;w;; ;<•w>:,v r;,y.v...>.�.:Yi.::r.;<;�vtr.��:{;�:�{:rn�1:':f+fit: t::x'<; ...r::: SCHNEIDERS FRESH MEATY • fir»>:>a,: t . :... . SPARE RIBS 53t. BURNS FRESH LEAN PORK CHOPS LB. MAPLE LEAF FRESH PORK—I/2 or whole Picnic Shoulder 33B. FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER 39B. =Las 33' SCHNEIDERS FRESH Sauerkraut FANTA Orange Soft Drink PLUS DEPOSIT 10 -OZ. KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 12 -oz. 2/55c ROBIN HOOD RAISIN OATS, 14 -oz. 2/19c DOMESTIC SHORTENING (coupon val. 42c) , .2 lbs. 69c McCORMICK'S Mallow COOKIES, (6 'var.) ..2 pkgs. 59c MONARCH CARAMEL CAKE MIX, 9 -oz. pouch 2 /19c MONARCH PUDDING MIX, (5 flavors), 9 -oz. 2/55c INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD, 16 -oz. 57c INGERSOLL BABY ROLL CHEESE, 16 -oz. 57c JOY LIQUID DETERGENT, King 99c SUPREME DOUGHNUTS, sugared or plain, dozen 25c FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS -- BIRDS EYE FANCY PEAS -CARROTS 2 lbs. 37c ' BIRDS EYE POTATO PATTIES, 12 -oz. 2/25c RUPERTS OCEAN PERCH FILLET, lb. 39c PRODUCE SPECIALS PRINCE EDWARD TSL, No. 1 POTATOES ..10 lbs. 35e SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES, 180s 3 doz. 89c FANCY NORTHERN SPY APPLES .. 5 lbs. 45c ,,,,,M,n,M„.,MR,,bUMM,M,MM,,,,Nn,,,,v,M,,,M ,4 Mmb,,mom, tt tt nM,O,Qnnuu„nbm„bl„Ou,MMO,uI„.,,,bnMni,4ub,,,IbnY,,,U,,,,,,,,,,,,noq