HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-02-27, Page 8Page 8 -- Winghati€ Advance-T'iuies, "Thursday, Feb. 27, 1964 y MURRAY GAUNT, M.P.P. eport from Queen's Park Monday, February 17th. opened with an address to the Assembly by Premier labrlrts in reference to the week beim; dedicated as Brotherhood Week. and suggested that we should try and praetiee this every wee,: of the t. -ear and not for wst eine ween out of a :coal. In his Budget Address, Mr. Ross Whieher, M.P.P. Bruce, the Liberal tinanetal erttie, said that he regretted that the Padget tails to exhibit that We' t:overnment is :-ware of the ae- ge•iit need to etlee'ntage, devel- op and o•\hand the foundations lot the economy e'i this province.' Ile further stated that the i : budget indicates that the gov- ernment is content with the makeshift policies of the past rather than to adopt a broad newt ILIl:igtnati4e outlook paralleled with measures which would iniinate• areas of poverty with -1 Ln the province; widely expand opportunities lot expansion of existing industries and promote 'the establishment ooh new in- dustries using our great natural resotuces; increase the real wealth of our people, and great lv increase our population. In - R A UTTER CROP PLANT i 0 0 cntario Ad€pted HighGerminathn True Variety Properly Cleaned easonab / y Price; AND PRE3CRIPTION N1< ING YOU WILL FIND CO-OP QUALITY PACKED IN CO-OP BAGS BELGRAVE CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION BELGRAVE, ONTARIO PHONE WINGHAM 357-2711 BRUSSELS 388W10 1 1959 DODGE 4 -DOOR stead of being offered an ener- getic and vigorous economic program for our great province, our citizens are merely being asked to bear increased taxation and they and their children to assume an even greater debt burden. 1'hte Prime Minister made a statement regarding the gov- ernment's position on the Can- ada Pension Plan. Ile suggested that he would like the Federal CioverllIPetlt to reconsider sone aspt•t'rs of the plats. The debate on the Throne Speech was ended by the Prime Minister and a vote was taken on the amendments to the Throne speech, first by the New Dt lioeratic Party ,tnd than on the amendment. by the Liberal Party and was lost to 73. Thier began the reading of the estimates of the various de-, irunaents. First, the Depart- ..,,. tit ct 1, hour, and this saw tut. tee gi.latur. start 'Tc night s:•ie}ns. The IL' d . was inses- 'aNi Until cot lt>e.; I'c f�o€i .issiug the est'tnates on labour. I'te continuation of the esti- mates o+t =hatrsdav, hei:.anwith tl;o Department of insurance . then tato the Departn1tnt o: Health. ti great deal of dis- cussion arose in regards to the p:ohlem of hospitals and nurses, especially with regard to the shortage in the province and particularly in the large cities. There were a number of sug- gestions put forward, specifical- ly the shift differential allowed to nurses. It was the thought that this would he of help in encouraging married women back to nursing. On Friday, the House was pleased to receive as a visitor the Premier of Quebec, Hon. Jean Lesage, P.C. and some of the members of his Cabinet, and the Leader of the Opposi- tion, Mr. Daniel Johnston, and the Press Gallery from the Legis- lature in Quebec City. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt and Donald were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. John L, Dir - stein of Hanover on Thursday, and later Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt accompanied there to Toronto to spend the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Dirstein, On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McInnes of 'Toronto visited at the same home. Mr. Wallace t-=onn was at Walkerton on Monday, having been called as a juror on the Grand Jury. Mr. Jack MacKay and his daughter, Mrs. ttenton lirehaut of Wawota, Sask., are visiting with Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Jane Tunney, Rickie and Shirt Ann of Ingle- wood, and Miss Helen Neable of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mss. Bill Neable and family. Mr. Graham N, able return - cd to his work at Sebringville on Tuesday after a week's holi- days at his home. BIF: rli HARVEY—In Wt Ilesley Hospi- tal, Toronto, co Wednesday, February .19t':., . tie, to Mr. and Mrs. Pete iarvey (Shir- ley Casemore), a daughter Lori Dianne, a sister for Peter Jr. Several Stitches To Close Wound WHITECHURCH--While Earl Jamieson was doing his chores on Thursday he removed a plank which propped the stable doors. As he bent to raise the over- head door the plank became dislodged and fell across his head, cutting a gash which necessitated his going to Wing - ham and District Hospital. An x-ray revealed there was no fracture. Several stitches were required to close the wound. Mr. Jamieson hopes to have the stitches removed this week. 1 Many activities are filling the days for our Cubs at pre- sent. With last week set aside as Baden-Powell remembrance, it was good to see so many of the boys wearing their uniforms to school and around town. 0--0--0 PACK "A" The regular meeting was held last Tuesday evening at the Scout House with twenty- eight Cubs and three leaders OP �. �.,taismo-., o,.e,.a.,,.ras„®...so.....mr,.. .o,.csa .o,,...011111.„s..®.,®.s . CRAWFORD MOTORS 1961 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR 8 CYLINDER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ICA lAVINgt,- iflL THIS WEEK'S FEATURE! 1960 DODGE 4 -DOOR A CLEAN ONE -OWNER CAR 6 CYL. TWO MODELS IN STOCK 1959 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR li WITH RADIO it 1957 CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR ONE -OWNER, IN GOOD CONDITION L E CRAWFORD M TORS Your Dodge - Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM Phone 357.3862 1958 CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR 6-CYL. AUTOMATIC TRANS A-1 CONDITION TRUCKS 1960 DODGE 3 -TON CHASSIS and CAB 1956 DODGE 1 -TON 1 i i- PACK The reg .:ar meeting of "B" Pack was t:e:d on Thursday eve - rim -s at ti.e ; cout House with Ci:bxiaster `.gin Zimmer in I charge, assisted by Jim Miller and Peg A`a:a. Following the Grand Haw:, attendance and SGS activities WOW: present. Attendance was marked and dues collected. The Grand Howl and the Cub promise fol- lowed. Akela inspected the Pack and the Red Six received the most points. Barry Gardner was selected as neaiest Cub. Since January, a contest for general neatness and attendance has been in progress. The Six receiving the greatest number of points over this period of time wins an award. It was an- nounced that the Brown Six had won the competition. A trip to Kitchens r to see a hockey game has been arranged. Akela also presented these boys with small medals to carry in their pockets. These medals are a reminder to each Cub that a good turn is to be done each day. Several announcements were made and then the Grand Howl was performed. The meeting. ended with Lod Save the Queen and the Cub prayer. Last Sunda: afternoon the Cubs from Pack 'A' were taken to a hockey game in Kitchener. This outing -esulted from a Pack competition which was won by the 1.: -awn six. Several fathers of t:.e boys took their cars for ti:.s trip. This gesture by the parents was greatly ap- preciated. The Kit,.i:a.ner Rangers play- ed to a - ; :,;tory over the After the game, the :Dees were treated to hot dogs arid `:ot chocolate. The :e:al manager of the Kitchener Auditorium, Mr. Crosby, e:us an hand to answer mann ei.e.st ns for the boys, leaders and 'athers. dues, the group was divided in order that study and instruction for the variouss stages of their programs could continue, Sev- eral boys are now working to- ward the second star, while others are continuing to work for first stars. Brian Pollock was welcomed into the Pack as a New Chum and is working for his Tender - pad, and the coveted tie and full uniform. We are very hap- py to have Brian with us, and wish him happy trails with the other Cubs. Instruction for the church parade to be held the following Sunday, "B. P. Sunday", fol- lowed with the color party be- ing chosen. The three Cubs to carry the Company colors for the Cubs were Paul Douglas, Jim Broolp and Jim Hastings. These boys have worked hard and earned the honour of carry- ing and guarding their colors. 0--0--0 An excellent attendance of Cubs turned out for the church parade on Sunday at St. An- drew's Church. One may well be very proud of the high stan- dard of appearance presented by our boys, Leaders and par,. ents joined in the service with the Cubs and Scouts and ex- press their united thanks to St. Andrew's Church and the minis- ter, Rev. Gordon Fish, for the welcome extended the boys and the inspiring message. 0--0--0 Thursday, Feb. 27, "B" Pack will hold a tobogganing party. All boys will meet at the Scout House at 6:15 p.m. If you have a toboggan, please bring it along. Parents are asked to please note: this meeting will not be over until 8.30 p.m., instead of the regular 8 o'clock. No uniforms for our party -- just come along, well wrapped up and with good, warm mitts. See you all at the Scout House Thursday night and don't forget the change of time. At- tendance will be marked be- fore the group leaves by car for the hills.-- Don't be late! BELGRAVE CLUBS 1st Belgrave Cub Pack met for their regular meeting in the Community Centre with is Cubs and four leaders present. The Grand lIowl opened the meeting fir^ followed by the Lord's prayer,. Black Six had most points during inspection and Ken flop- per placed the pennant on the totem pole. A relay game teaching the patron saints was enjoyed. Bag- herra and Baloo both led in other games. Bagherra instructed the New Chums and the rest of the Cubs learned knots. Kim's game was played. Akela spoke on Lord Baden- Powell Day and asked all Cubs to wear their uniforms to church. Bagherra finished the story of Rhama and the Crocodile. Next meeting on March 3. Personals --Mr. John MacKay and daughter Mrs. Benton Brehaut of Wawota, Sask., spent last week -end with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacKay and are also visiting other friends and relatives in the district. —Mr. and Mrs. Wally Hasel- grove and fancily of Seaforth visited on Saturday with his par - cuts, Mr. and tiers. Omar Has- elgrove. h`xAr a.� DISCONTINUED.1,044 WALL"`, APE 1500 ROLLS 60 DESIGNS NOW CLEARING AS LOW AS SINGLE ROLL COLOURS SUPER KEM-TONE LATEX WALL PAINT REG. $2.75 QT. .69 CEMENT FLOOR ENAMEL Tough Tile -like Plastic Finish Grey, Red, Green SpeCia' 245 t3,9 QT GAL. Reg. $9.25 Reg. $3.35 Reg. ,11.75