HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-01-23, Page 16Page 8 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Jan, 23, 1964 First Meeting Of New Year WHITECHURCH—The Janu- ary meeting of Chalmers Pres- byterian W, M. S. was held last Wednesday at the manse, where Mrs. Jacob Kuiper was the hos- tess to an attendance of ten. The president, Mrs, Victor Emerson, opened the meeting with a warm welcome to all present, She read a poem, "A Summary for A Happy New Year", and then gave the call to worship. Mrs. Russel Ross gave the invocation. Mrs. Vic- tor Emerson gave the prayer and Mrs. Dawson Craig gave, the meditation. The minutes were read by the assistant secretary, Mrs. Russel Ross. Mrs. DawsonCraig gave the treasurer's report. Ar- rangements were made for the Day of Prayer to be held in the Presbyterian Church. The February meeting will be held February 19th at the home of Mrs. Victor Emerson. Thanks for cards sent was received from Mrs. W. R. Purdon, Mrs. James Mclnnes and Mrs. Frank Coul- • ter. The roll call was answered with a verse of Scripture con- taining the word "door". The offertory prayer was given by Mrs. Emerson. Mrs. David MacDonald gave a very interesting report of the Presbyterial held on Tuesday in Wingham and the Glad Tidings Prayer. The hymn "Standing at the Portal" was sung. Mrs. Emerson gave the mes- sage on "Thy Work Shall Be Rewarded". At the February meeting a five-minute discus- sion will be held on "Prejudice: The Ladies' Aid meeting was then held. The work commit- tee is Mrs. Frank Coulter, Mrs. Dawson Craig and Mrs. Earl Caslick. A discussion follow- ed on how to make money. The collection was received and Mrs. DeGroot thanked the hostess for the use of the warm home and her hospitality and Mrs. Emerson gave the closing prayer. Secretaries Give Reports at U.C.I. WHITECHURCH--The Cal- vin -Brick U.C.W. held their Meeting on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John 1, Currie. The call to worship and prayer were given by Mrs. Norman Coultes. The Scripture was read responsively. The mission study, "Wider Union of Churches in India, Church Life in Nepal, and Theological Education" was given by Mrs, Alex Robertson. Mrs. Arthur Jackson gave the Bible study, "What Is Inspir- ation?" The officers were installed by Rev. Arthur Jackson. Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft con- ducted the business session, The minutes were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. Sidney Thompson. Reports for the year were given by the secretaries, supply, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, finance, Mrs. Ronnie Coultes; Mrs. Nor- man Coultes and Mrs. John L. Currie for community friend- ship; membership, Mrs. Nor- man Coultes; Christian edu- cation, Mrs. George McGee; citizenship, Mrs. Gordon Me - Burney; financial church report, Mrs. Ken Mason; supply allo- cation, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Arrangements for the World Day of Prayer service were left to Mrs. Gordon McBurney and Mrs. George McGee. The ser- vice will be held in the church unless it is a very cold day, in which case it will be held in a home. Rev. Jackson closed the meeting with prayer. Whitechurch Happenings Mrs, Gershom Johnston is a patient in the Wingham District Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Murray Gaunt, M.L.A. for Huron -Bruce, left on Wed- nesday to attend Parliament in Toronto. He was accompanied to Toronto by Mts. Jacob Kulp- ' er, who will visit with Rev. and Mrs., John Hookstra of. Toronto and return on Friday with her husband, Mr. Kuiper, from Knox College. Miss Linda Johnston of Bel- grave spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin. Mr, and Mrs, Russel Gaunt spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillan of West Wawanosh. Friends of Mrs. Mary Jane Tiffin will be sorry to hear she had to be taken by ambulance to Wingham District Hospital an Saturday, We are pleased to report the other patients in the hospital from our area, Mr. Alex Leaver, Mrs. Earl Cas- lick and Mrs. Gershom John- ston, are on the road to re- covery. Mr. Alfred Buckton • has also improved. Mrs. Joe Tiffin and baby son returned from Wingham Dis- trict Hospital to their home on Tuesday. Mrs. S. C. Willis, Gowans - town, spent the week -end with Mrs. Doris Willis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith of Kitchener spent Saturday eve- ning with her mother, Mrs. Gershom Johnston in Wingham District Hospital. Mr. Jack Johnston, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston were also visitors, Mr. Eldon Emerson spent the week -end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Henderson Brantford, and Mr. Ford Hen- derson of Paris were visitors over the week -end with Mrs. Henderson of Wingham and on Friday evening all visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- FINAL 3JARDAYS!! ley Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs, JIM Henderson spent Sunday there. Mr,. and Mrs, Charles Wood of Seaforth spent Sunday after• noon with their mother, Mrs, Gershom Johnston, in the hospi- tal. Mr.. and Mrs. Relison Fal- coner, Paul and Brian of Sarnia brought his mother, Mrs. Cas. sie Falconer, back to her home here and remained for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, An- gus Falconer, Allan and Kevin of Streetsviile, also spent the week -end at the same home Win Groceries At Euchre Party WHITECHURCH—On Friday evening S. S. No. 10, Kinloss, held a progressive euchre party and dance in the Community Memorial Hall, under the sup- ervision of the teacher, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler. There were 11 tables in play for progres- sive euchre and two tables of crokinole was well patronized by the scholars. The prizes for euchre were won by high lady, Mrs. Doris Willis, winning a box of gro- ceries; low lady, Mrs. Hugh Simpson, two bottles of ket- chup; high gent, George Grigg, a box of groceries; low gent, Hugh Simpson, two bottles of ketchup. Mrs, Willis had her gift, the box of groceries, auctioned off by the promising young auction- eer, Brian Rintoul, who is a grade 8 pupil at the school. The purchaser of the groceries for the sum of $2.50 was Ken- neth Dowling. Music for the dance was supplied by Tiffin's orchestra with the calling off being done by Oscar Schefter. Throughout the evening the Whitechurch Women's Institute had charge of the lunch counter, which netted them $10,31. and were aecornpanied to Streetsviile by Mrs, Cassie Fal- coner. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mts. James McInnes on Sunday were Mr, John McInnes 10th Con. Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs, George McInnes and fam- ily, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Hastings and family. Mr, and Mrs, Ross McMich- ael of Seaforth, visited on Sun- day with her father, Mr. Ger- shom Johnston and called on her mother in the hospital. Mr. John McInnes of 10th Con. Kinloss visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon of Selgrave were Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Gor- don Rintoul. Mrs. Annie Lott returned to her home with Mrs. Willis on Sunday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lem- mex of Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc- Clenaghan spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Aitche- son of Bin, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bee- croft, East Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sinnamon and Mr. Hugh Sinnamon of Wingham, were in London on Sunday visit- ing their mother, Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon who is receiving therapy treatment in Victoria Hospital and their father, Mr. Hugh Sinnamon is a patient of Westminster Hospital. We are sorry to report Mr. Roy Irwin, West Wawanosh, suf- fered a heart attack during Sun- day night and was taken by ambulance to Wingham District Hospital. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Stewart was allowed to return on the week -end from Wingham Hospital to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Forster. It is when we forget ourselves that we do things that are re- membered. New President Conducts Meeting DONNYBROOK -'The January Meeting of the U.C.W. was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Sam Thompson with a good attendance. The Gall to worship, meditation and prayer were given by Mrs. Ed- ward Robinson, who had Charge Of the program, Mrs, John Hildebrand and Mrs. Charles Jefferson read Scripture passages. Mrs. Robin- son led in prayer followed by all repeating the Lord's prayer together. "Lead, Kindly Light" was sung a td Mrs, Tom Arm- strong read a poem "Recipe for the New Year", Neil Hanna re- ceived the offering. Mrs. Wil- liam Hardy gave a reading. Mrs. Stuart Chatnney read the minutes of the previous meeting and also gave the financial report, The new president, Mrs, Hilliard Jeffer son, took charge of the business, Ideas for raising money were discussed.. Mrs. Margaret Led- dy read two thank you letters from Mr. Smith of Bala, Ontar- io for the two bales of clothing and quilts which the Donny-, brook society had sent to him, Mrs. Charles Jefferson read the introduction of the study book on India. "Standing at the Portal" was sung and Mrs, Margaret Leddy closed the meet. ing with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Ed- ward Robinson and Mrs, Hil- liard Jefferson, The February Meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Jefferson. 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