HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-01-23, Page 10Page 2 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Jan, 23, 1964 Wroxeter Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Sage, Kenny and Eric of Listowel, spent Sunday with Ross Toman's. Mr, and Mrs. Allister Green, Linda and Janis of Goderich, were Sunday guests with Zvirs. W. Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ingram, Carol Ann, Roger and Sharon of Stratford. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walkom and Jeanie Marie, Mr. Cameron Walkom of Paris, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker and Donald of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller of Ayr, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and son, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Busby, Dorothy, Murray and Dean of Mildmay, Mr, and Mrs. Wil- fred Weppler of Chesley, Mr. Harry Walker of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wade of Wroxeter. The occasion was the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker's 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. Wm. Wade spent the week -end at his honk but re- turned to hospital in Toronto on Monday. Friends of Mr. Wm. A. Lathers will be happy to know Personals he has been able to leave Wingham District Hospital. We are sorry to report Mrs. Jas. Doig is hospitalized at present hut hope her stay is of short duration. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley New- ton Jr., of Wingham, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser !laugh. Mr. and Mrs. Newton were presented with an electric clock and fry -pan from Lloyd -Truax in honor of their marriage. W.I. Euchre WROXETER—Winners at the euchre, sponsored by the Wrox- eter W.I. and held in the Community Hall on Wednes- day evening, was well attend- ed and nine tables were in play. Prizewinners were are fol- lows: Ladies lst, Mrs. Gordon Loutit; 2nd, Mrs. Oscar Holme$ low, Miss Reita Cline; Gent's 1st, Wm. Taylor; 2nd, Ted Smith; low, Mrs. Clarke Sharpin (playing as a man); special bingo, Mrs. Retta New- ton. "I want a fidgety puppy. One that will make the wife sav, 'For goodness' sake, take that dog out for a walk.'" SHOE REPAIR in WINGHAM For prompt service and quality shoe repairing, leave your shoes at the W. A. HEUGHAN STORE on Josephine Street. RAY'S Shoe Repair CLINTON, ONTARIO. NEW NIL" 40% SILASUPPLEMENT 'A • • For increased daily gains from Corn Silage, feed SHUR-GAIN 40% Silasupple- ment "A". Developed at the SHUR-GAIN Research Farm, this new beef supplement is designed to supply the protein supple- mentation required when feeding a "modern" corn silage. That is, one high in energy or grain content. If you are a beef feeder using silage as your main ration you owe it to yourself to find out the full details of this new SHUR-GAIN 40% Sila- supplement "A". Wingham Feed Mill feed service DIAL 357-3060 WINGHAM, ONT. More Books Loaned This Year at Library BELGRAVE—The annual meeting of the Belgrave Library Board was held in the Com- munity Centre on Friday. Euchre preceded the meeting and prizes went to C. R. Coul- tes and Mrs, Earl Anderson, high scores; George Michie and Mrs. C. R. Coultes, low scores. The librarian, Mrs. L. Van- nan, reported an increase of 120 books over last year. The treasurer reported a balance on hand of $172.00. Members for the hoard for 1964 are: Alex McBurney, C. R. Coultes, Mrs. George Michie, Mrs. Gordon Bosman, Mrs. Harold Vincent, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs. Rich- ard Procter. Lunch of sandwiches, cook- ies and coffee was served. Weekly Euchre BELGRAVE—The weekly euchre was held in the Com- munity Centre last Wednesday, with 6 tables in play. Prize winners were: high lady, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler; high man, Earl Noble; novelty lady, Mrs. Robt, Higgins; novelty man, Jesse Wheeler; low lady, Mrs. Doro- thy Creighton; low man, Ber- son Irwin. MOTORISTS PRAYER "Grant us, 0 Lord, a divine courtesy to all. Awake in us an abiding care for the slowness of age and the rashness of youth. Let our vehicles become instru- ments of Thy purpose, bringing happiness to all who travel with' us, and leaving no man weep- ing at our passing." KNOX, BELMORE Missionary Livings Highest in History BELMORE—The annual meet- ing of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the church on Monday afternoon with a good attendance. Rev. T. E. Kennedy acted as chairman and Elmer Ballagh was appoint- ed secretary. All the reports showed 1963 to be a year of much activity. The treasurer, Alvin Mundell, reported that after all obliga- tions had been met there was a bank balance of $1,258. This is a remarkable showing in view of the fact the congrega- tion had increased the minis- ter's stipend for 1963 by $300. The missionary givings reached $1, 433, the highest since the congregregation was organized in 1925. Having a member- ship of 104, this makes Knox the highest contributor in the 26 congregations which com- prise the Presbytery of Huron - Maitland. The Sunday School is in a flourishing condition. The av- erage attendance for 1963 was 87, Fifty awards were made for regular attendance. Total enrolment of the Sunday School is 111. The W.M.S. had a wonderful year. They raised $347. Elected to the board of man- agers were Mrs. Robert Inglis, Carl Nichol and George Dick- son. After serving six years as United Church Church Officers Are Appointed WROXETER--The annual meeting of the United Church was held Friday evening, fol- lowing a pot -luck supper which was well attended. Rev. Fred W. Taylor acted as chairman. Officers for 1964 are: The Session: five year term, G. Howes and R. McMichael; four year term, Vernon Hupfer and Jack Clarke; three year term, S. N. Gallaher and Charles McCutcheon; two year term, Bruce Chambers and Ken Ben- nett; one year term, S. Hig- gins and Harvey Timm. The Committee of Stewards: three year term, John Gibson, Wm. Edgar, 0. Riley and Ev- erett Cathers; two year term, Crawford Gibson, Ken Mc- Michael, Geo. Adams, Ron Ir- win; one year term, Lyle Hart, Tom Newton, Allan Griffith, Rae Louttit and Mrs. Wm. Hart, U.C.W. rep. The Trustee Board: George 'Galbraith, J. H. Wylie, James Doig, Harvey McMichael, George Gibson, Leslie Douglas. Other Church Officials: or- ganist, Mrs. Ed Martin; audi- tors, Mrs. Ron McMichael, Ken Edgar; funeral flower com- mittee, Mrs. Stewart Higgins, Mrs. Ken Edgar, Mrs. R. New- ton; M & M committee, Mrs. Wm. Wright, Mrs. Ron Mc- Michael, Mrs. Don McLaugh- lin; usher committee, G. L. Dobson, Lloyd Townsend, Jack Clarke; congregational secre- tary, Mrs. George Gibson. treasurer, Alvin Mundell re- signed and Bruce Darling was elected in his place. There were no deaths in the congregation during the year. The session report stressed the splendid work done in the cong- regation in 1963 by the minis- ter, Rev. Kennedy. Knox cong- regation ongregation faces the future filled with faith and confidence. Farmers' Week Discussed by Morris Federation BELGRAVE—The directors of the Morris Township Federation of Agriculture met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harold John- ston on Thursday with 13 mem- bers present. Routine reports were read and adopted. A mo- tion was passed that the secre- tary pay all bills as they come in. President Ted Fear reported on the county meeting at Clin- ton and a panel discussion that was held on entrance examin- ations. He announced the Farm Management School to be held on CKNX television each Saturday at 1:30, from Febru- ary 8 till March 14, and also the Huron County Seed Fair to be held this year at Seaforth High School on March 14. Discussion was held on the hiring of a secretary -treasurer and a motion was passed that Mrs. Ted Fear remain in that office for the coming year and receive $60.00. "Farmers' Week 64" was dis- cussed and it was decided that the Federation sponsor car -loads to Guelph. Anyone wishing transportation should contact a director of the Morris Federa- tion of Agriculture and specify which day you would like to attend. Lunch was served by the hos- tess. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mathers. CIRCLE OF MAGIC In the days when sorcerers practised their dark arts, one of their principal duties was to call upon evil spirits. This raised the danger that the sor- cerer himself might become the object of those spirits' fury. To protect himself, he went out into a dark forest, a graveyard or other dismal spot and drew a Magic Circle. The circle was described on a piece of ground nine feet square and the sorcer- er sat in the middle while he sounded his incantations. With- out the protection of the Magic Circle, it was believed, the magician would be carried off by spirits. One business man to another:: "We're a non-profit organiza- tion. We don't mean to be — but we are';. IT 15 TRACTOR OVERHAUL TIME If your tractor or farm machinery needs overhauling, we suggest you have it done now. Don't wait until everyone else decides to have their farm machinery re- paired — or we may not be able to get to yours as soon as you want it. A delay in the field costs you money! * EXPERIENCED MECHANICS * UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT * MODERN FACILITIES * GENUINE MASSEY-FERGUSON PARTS * WORK GUARANTEED CHAS. HODGINS MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE WINGHAM - PHONE 357-1440 Special service bulletin for Mutual Life policyholders More good news for policyholders.. .your Mutual Life dividends are increased again! This year Mutual Life policyholders will again share in a substantial dividend increase — the ninth in the last eleven years. This means another reduction in the already low cost of Mutual Life insurance. In 1964, dividends paid to owners of individual policies will total $16.5 million — an increase of $1,350,000 over the amount paid in 1963! If you are leaving your dividends with the company to accumulate at interest, the rate paid in 1964 will be 4.9 per cent, increased from 4.75 per cent. Mutual Life of Canada policyholders are accus- tomed to big dividends. If you are not a policy- holder, there's a Mutual Life representative nearby who will gladly tell you about life insurance at low cost from the company with the outstanding divi- dend record. The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Stratford Branch Office: Bank of Montreal Building, Stratford. C. W. Leach, Branch Manager. W. Jack Salter, Leopold Street North, Wingham, Ontario, Phone: 357-2740, Wingham. Representative: Mr 6.1 2A