HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-01-23, Page 6Page 6 -- Wingham Advance -"Times, Thursday, Jan. 23, 1964 PHONE 357-2320 0 .0 0 FOR SALE TAXI SERVICE HAIR DRESSING SHOP BENNETT'S 5c to $1.001 FOR ALL OCCASIONS call STORE FIRST for Waterloo Lee's Taxi, for long or short Wellington Quality flannelette trips. Dial 3574521. rrb Blankets, 70x90, 5.49 pr. ltirrb COMING SOON - Semi-annual wallpaper sale. Watch for the date. The Wallpaper Shop. 23b PIANO and bench for sale. Ma- son & Rich upright, good con- dition, Contact Alva McDowell, phone Blyth 523-9427. 23-30b 1954 FORD TRACTOR for sale with Ford industrial loader. M. L. Hoffele, Harriston. 23* HELP WANTED j WANTED -Organist for Gorrie IPresbyterian Church. Organist and choir leader. One service 1 each Sunday. State salary ex- pected. Reply to Sam Robin- son, Fordwich 16-23* MALE HELP WANTED NEW TWO - PIECE two - tone, grey double knit jersey wool suit for sale, regular $34.50 for $10,00. Size 15. Phone 357-1663. 23* FREE PANT SUIT SALE For 355.00 with extra trousers Free, you can have your New Spring Suit tailored to your measure, at Armitages, during their an- nual spring Bond Clothes Sale. This is Iess than you will pay for a ready-made suit with one pair of trousers. You order your suit now and you can take delivery in April or May. As this sale is for a limited time only, you should not de- lay. and get your order in early. Remember Extra Trous- ers are FREE, during this sale at ARMITAGES, WINGHAM. 9rrb ONE FIREMAN wanted for Wingham Fire Brigade. Ap- plications to be in the hands of the secretary, Bob Hickey, by January 27th. 16-23b WANTED -A qualified upholst- er "foreman". Must be able to handle men and women. Phone Durham 369-2332. DURHAM CHAIR & STORE FIXTURES LTD. 9-16-23b FEMALE HELP WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN wanted for light housekeeping and com- panion for elderly lady. Good home for right person. Phone 357-1453 in evenings. 23* EMPLOYMENT WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 'DOATESTIC WORK Phone 357-2652. HOUSE FOR SALE -- 2 bed- rooms, modern kitchen and bathroom, heavy duty wiring for stove and dryer, oil heat. , Located on Carling Terrace.IFARM CMHC mortgage at 6s}r"r. Call acres 357-2881, 23rrb ings. WAN 1'ED, 23b WANTED TO RENT TRUCKS FOR SALE LARGE 5 -ton Mercury truck for sale, with new motor and good tires. Price $750.00. Phone 357- 3482, 16-23b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED Hereford bulls for sale, serviceable age. Wm. A ,Pardon, phone 357-2749. 23* 45 CHUNKS pigs for sale. James Darling, R. R. 1, Clifford, Phone 367-2181, Mildmay, 23* 42 CHUNKS for sale. Apply W. Uuldriks, R. R. 1, Wingham, phone Wroxeter 547,73. 23-30* 65 FEEDER PIGS for sale, 80 to 90 lbs. W. Marks, phone 451 W13, Brussels. 23* 9 YORK PIGS for sale 9 week WANTED to rent -100 and up. Usuable build - Phone Clinton 482-7352, Mark Ulch, R. R. 5. 16-23* MISCELLANEOUS COMING SOON - Semi-annual wallpaper sale, Watch for the date. The Wallpaper Shop. 23b ALTE_:ATIO.;S, repairs and in- terior painting. Contact Grant McLean, phone 357-1836. KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY Expert reupholstering, refinish- ing and repairing of furniture. Work guaranteed, Phone 357- 2002, Wingham. 24rrb SEED CLEANING Roy Cramm & Son, of Pinker- ton, are now operating their seed cleaning plant for the removal of buckhorn, bladder champion and other noxious weeds from clover seed. Please arrange your custom cleaning by appointment. ROY CRAM:VI & SON old; 1 Holstein cow. due in Pinkerton, Phone Cargill 366-2494 March. Edward David. R. R. 1, 23-30-6-13-20b Wroxeter, 23b FOR RENT NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. APARTMENTS for rent in Bel- Reuben Appleby, R. R. 2, Wing - grave. Apply C. W. Hanna, ham, phone 357-1679, rrb Phone 357-1299, 12rrb ROOMS AVAILABLE- Reason- able rates. Vendome Hotel, Teeswater, phoi'e 392-6947. 9-16-23b APARTMENT to rent, 1 bed- room, all services. Phone 357- 1572, 6-7 p.m. 23b APARTMENTS for rent, main floor, or suitable for office, 011 furnace. Reasonable. For de- tails write Box 495, Wingham. 16-23* APARTMENT for rent, for lady. Furnished and heated. Every- thing supplied. Reasonable. Phone 357-3323. 23b HEATED bed -sitting room and kitchen for rent. Suitable for one or two nurses or business girls. Phone 357-3520. 23* APARTMENT for rent on Jose- phine Street. Hot and cold water, 3 pce. bath, built-in cup- boards, Apply W. .1. Clark, 357-2920. 23* THREE - ROOM apartment for rent, electrically heated, self- contained, newly decorated, furnished with all conven- iences. Available February 1st. Phone 357-2084 23rrb SALES HELP WANTED -Male START your own business on credit, Your own boss, 1199 Dealers sold 35,000 to $25.000 in 1962. We supply stocks, equipment on credit. 200 Horne necessities. Saks experience unnecessary. Pleasant, profit- able business backed by world- wide Industry. Write Rawleigh, Dept. A-453-1:1, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal. 23b FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection - Call your Co.op Agent - LLOYD MONTGOMERY ii Ingham, R.R. 5, Dial 357-3739 LOST LARGE red and white tom cat. Very pretty, Phone 357-2713, D. Comber, 23-30-6* STRAYED 1•10.111111..1•111.1•101b 11•101••••411•1•3011•••1114011•1111•0 5 -MONTHS -OLD male German Shepherd -Collie pup. Answers to "Bo -bo." Brown coat, black muzzle, stands about 28" high. Anyone seeing him please phone 357-3522, 23* FOUND MAN'S wrist watch found in TGA parking lot. Owner please phone 548J2, Wroxeter. 23b William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt serviee in buying or selling all real estate properties FARMS - iitOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham! 357-2174 dy3lrrb ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham. Dial 357-2981, rrb MODERN HAIR STYLING Open Day or Evening By Appointment MRS. FLORENCE HENRY PHONE 392.6878, TEESWATER 9-16-23-30b CARDS OF THANKS 1 would like to express my sin- cere thanks to the nursing staff on first floor and Dr. W. A. Mc- Kibbon for their excellent care at the time of niy recent acci- dent -Fred Lee. 23* I would like to thank my friends for cards and flowers while a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon and the nursing staff. -Mrs, Keith John- ston. 23* I wish to express my sincere thanks for the flowers, cards and gifts while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, McKibbon and nurses on first floor, -- Richard Griffith. 23* I wish to sincerely thank my neighbours for looking after my farm, and all those who sent cards and gifts, and visited me while a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon and the nursing staff on third floor. -Jamieson Pettapiece, 23* iN MEMORIAM BROWNE-In fond and loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Janet Browne, who passed away January 26, 1963. We cannot bring the old days back, Your hands we cannot touch, ` But God has given us wonderful memories, Of one we loved so much, -Lovingly remembered by her husband, Harry, and daughter, Eleanor. 23b AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JAN. 25 1:30 p.m. sharp, at the ROYAL T AUCTION ROOM formerly Royal T dance pavillion WINGHAM This sale consists of consigned .household effects, including Miss C. McBurney's household furn- ishings: 1 automatic washer; 1 set bunk beds; 1 chrome kitchen set; knitting machine; 2 17" televisions; 1 21" television; 1 natural maple child's crib; wick- er bassinette on wheels; chrome bird cage and stand; 30" plate glass mirror, round; 9x12 Ax- minster rug; 1 dining room suite, buffet and five chairs; chester- field suites; 1 bed and dresser; 2 antique pine chest of drawers; 7 -pc. toilet set; 2 rocking chairs; bedding, dishes, other articles too numerous to mention. BOB HOPPER, Manager, Phone 357-3864 JACK ALEXANDER, Auct. 23b DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING Sr Company OF CANADA LDrEITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lic, No. 262-C-63 MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses LW - cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT I3RUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 951638 ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Wingham General Hospital As- sociation will be held on Friday, February 7th, 1954, at 8 p,m., in the Recreation Room of the Nurses' Residence at Wingham. All matters of business pertain- ing to the Wingham General Hospital Association will be transacted including the election of directors and other officers. In order to cast a ballot in the election of directors a person must be a member of the Associ- ation. One - year memberships may be obtained for the sum of five dollars from the Wingham General Hospital office, These memberships must be purchased at least fifteen days prior to the annual meeting. Everyone welcome. (T,his notice is being printed in this newspaper in accordance with the by-laws). R. B. Cousins, John Strong, President. Secretary. 16-23-30b BIRTHS KENNEDY -At Wingham and District Hospital, on Tuesday, January 14, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kennedy, R. R. 2, Teeswater, a daughter, (still- born). EADIE-At Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Wednesday, January 16, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eadie, R. R. 3, Holyrood, a son, HOWE-At Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Wednesday, January 15, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Howe, Teeswater, a dughter. ELPHICK - At Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, January 20, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elphick, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a daughter. SCHILL-At Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Monday, January 20, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. James Schill, R. R. 1, Tecswater, a son. DIED McBRIDE, Robert T.-61, of 311 Water St., Stratford, at home Wednesday, January 15. Native of Wingham, operated plumbing business in Stratford 30 years, Survivors: Wife, form- er Helen Prouse; sons, John and William, at home; brother, Wil- liam, Stratford; sisters, Mrs. Jas, Welsby, Halifax; Mrs. O. R. Hammer, Pefferlaw. Private ser- vice, Heinbuck funeral home, 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Hydro Operation Combines Safety With Economy In a large-scale operation combining economy with an at- tempt ttempt to prevent the spread of Dutch Elm disease adjacent to approximately 900 miles of power lines, Ontario Hydro's Georgian Bay Region forestry department is directing remov- al of nearly 1, 400 elm trees in the Walkerton area. Removal of the diseased trees, started by Duke's Tree Service, January 6, is essential to ensure maximum efficiency and continuity of hydro service. Once affected, trees rapidly deteriorate into a hazard to close -by power lines. The trees concerned were all marked with red paint by Hydro foresters who made a survey of Hydro property in the area last Fall, and it is hoped that with the completion of the removal operation, power lines and hydro service in the Walkerton area should remain free from this type of hazard for some time. Ontario Hydro's forestry div- ision considers early removal not only the best preventative measure, but the most econ- omical, as trees in advanced stages of disease become un- safe to climb, thereby requit- ing heavy expensive equipment in their ultimate disposal. When all is said and done, there's generally more said than done. M.O.H. Reports 74 Exposed to Rabies in Huron By W. E. Elliott GODERICH--There were 68 cases of rabies in Huron County last year, 74 exposed humans required the 14 -day vaccine treatment, and one patient de- veloped paralysis on comple- tion of his series. In his annual report to county council, at the January session, Dr. R. M. Al- dis, M. 0.H. , said that 11 veterinarian clinics had been held in the last five months of the year and 971 dogs and cats immunized. A man died of tetanus whose history of injury was that a plank fell on his foot about two weeks previously. Evidently there had been a minor break in the skin of the toe, but medi- cal attention had not been sought until lockjaw symptoms set in. Live births in the county numbered 1,130, stillbirths seven and there were 23 neon- atal and infant deaths. No ma- ternal deaths were reported. A slight increase was ob- served in venereal disease, which is occurring more fre- quently in the 15-20 age group. Attendance at chest clinics rose to 771, and three new cas- es of tuberculosis were reported. This year the county is schedul- ed to have a mass survey for tuberculosis. At the 1960 sur- vey, among 24, 148 persons tested, pulmonary tuberculosis was found in 17. Persons dis- covered with diseases other than TB numbered 515. "In the fight against tubercu- losis," Dr. Aldis said, " the greatest obstacle is the apathy of the people. It must be re- emphasized that this disease has no symptoms in its early stages." Infectious hepetitis has de- clined in incidence, but one death from this cause was noted Jar year. The medical officer shared in a project of research into deaths from cancer in the coun- ty. This study will continue for a three-year period and is intended to analyze differences in the histories and incidence of cancer (certain forms) occur ring here as against character- istics in other areas of the pro- vince. DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Josling and Lloyd of Londesboro visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and family. Mrs. Cecil Chamney of Wingham spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Sam Thomp- son and family. We are glad to report that Laurie and Brian Johnston re- turned home from Winghatn District Hospital on Monday. We are sorry to hear that little Doreen Jefferson was tak- en to Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday evening with a bad- ly burned left arm. Mr. and Mrs. William Web- ster of St, Helens visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and family. Mr. and Mrs: William Hardy of West Wawanosh visited Satur• day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family. At the Hospitai Patients admitted to the hospital during the week were; Brussels 3, Lucknow 4, Tees- water 4, Wingham 8, Ashfield Twp. 3, Carrick Twp. 1, Cul- ross Twp. 7, EIderslie Twp. 1, Grey Twp. 3, Huron Twp, 1, Kinloss Twp, 3, Morris Twp, 2, E. Wawanosh Twp. 1, W. Wawanosh Twp. 3, Total 44, doming Events W. INSTI:TGTE EUCHRE In the Council Chambers on Saturday, January 25, 8.15 p.m. Lunch served. Good prizes. Ev- eryone welcome. 23b EUCHRE PARTY Bluevale Community Hall, Thursday, January 23rd, Good prizes. Lunch served. Admission 50c. Sponsored by Bluevale Re- creation Association. 23* HOWICK LIONS Merchandise bingo in the Wroxeter Town Hall, Friday, January 24. Games 10c or 3 for 25c; 3 specials; share the wealth. Bingo starts at 8 30. 23b NOTICE The annual meeting of the Belgrave School Fair will be held in Beigrave Community Centre Friday, January 31st, at 2.30 p.m. 23b PANCAKE SUPPER At St. Paul's Church, February llth, from 5:30 to 7 p.m, Adults 75c, children 50e, Tickets are available from Evening Guild members. 16-23-30-6b EUCHRE PARTY Will be held in the Oddfellows Hall, on Friday, January 24th, at 8.30 p.m, under the auspices of the IOOF No. 184, Everybody welcome. Admission 50c, 16-23b BLUEVALE DANCE The Bluevale Recreation As- sociation will be holding dances on the last Friday of every month. The first dance to start on Friday, January 31st, with music by Garnet Farrier orch- estra, Dancing 10-1. Admission 75e, 16-23b Bible Society to Celebrate 60th Anniversary This Year The sixtieth anniversary of the Canadian Bible Society is being observed during 19i4. Formed in Toronto in March, 1904, when representatives of the various Bible Societies and Auxiliaries of The British and Foreign Bible Society across Canada came together, the Society has now grown to be- come the third largest of the 23 national Bible Societies of the world. A special sixtieth anniver- sary church se -vice will be held in Toronto on Tuesday, March 10, 1064. Representatives of the major Protestant and Angli- can Churches will participate. The preacher will be the Very Reverend Angus J. MacQueen, B.A., B.D., D.D., LLD., former Moderator of The Unit- ed Church of Canada, now min- ister of First St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church in London, Ontario. Special services will be held across Canada to commemor- ate this event. A colour and sound motion picture entitled "Cornerstone of a Nation" has been produced in connection with this anniversary. The Gospel of John with a commem- orative cover has been issued of which 100, 000 copies will be distributed in hospitals, jails, hostels and evangelistic ser- vices. A plan has been pub- lished to encourage people to Asks If Residents Remember Family It has been drawn to the at- tention of this paper that Miss M. A. Lowrie of 145 Winston Park BIvd. , Downsview, Ontar- io, would be pleased to hear from anyone in the llowiek dis- trict who remembers her family, either the Lowries or the Bar - tons. Miss Lowrie's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Lowrie, were pioneers of the Ilelmore- Gorrie area and she spent her girl -hood there. She was a missionary for 30 years in inland China. After a furlough in Canada she returned to her beloved people in China, with the intention of remaining there. A couple of years later, when Red China seized the reins of power, site was asked to leave the country and has for several years since worked in the Scandanavian countries and Africa.. She has recently returned from missionary work in Africa, at tlic age of 7n. Miss Lowrie has a desire to visit the llowiek-Turnbcrry dis- trict and wonders if there arc residents who recall her family. read the Bible through during the sixtieth anniversary year. In addition to these efforts the Canadian Bible Society has pledged to provide 3600, 000 as its contribution to translation, publication and distribution of the Holy Scriptures. This is an increase of 50°%a over any pre- cious year. S. J. PYMM SERVICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE WRITE P. O. BOX 74 OR PHONE 528-2390 LUCKNOW Public Accountant since 1947E Je20eowb II I I11111a11 IJ11l1218211✓el l 111l111iI1 Ui1111111I11iI11Ql FOR. SLE PAUL�s WINGIIaI OFFICE 327 JOSEPHINE ST. Phone 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER "We Sell Rural Ontario" $5,500---1'2 storey brick home and 312 acres of land. Home has conveniences such as built in cupboards, bathroom, etc. Low down payment and easy terms, $4,900-5 room bungalow with modern conveniences. Situated on a double landscaped lot in Wingham. $7,400--.1'; storey 8 room home, all modern conveniences, plus two 3 -piece baths. king sized lot one block from main street of Wingham. $5,000-1u2, storey home, 6 bright rooms, modern convenien. ces. Small barn, Situated in the village of Bluevale. $7,400 -full price, 1'�: storey completely modern 7 room home in Lucknow, Double lot, 2 car garage. $12,500-100 acre farm, stone free and level, 114: storey brick home with modern conveniences. Bank barn with hydro and water bowls Situated near shopping center. $21,500-. 200 acre farm with 185 acres gentle sloping acres of workable land, 11-: storey home with aluminum siding and mod- r ern conveniences. Large bank barn with hydro and water, plus 2 smaller barns. Terms cn be arranged. 32.500 -15 acre retreat property. Clear spring fed trout stream runs the full length of property, also access to Maitland River. MEMBER OF TFIE GREY- Y IIRUCE REAL ES'li'A'I E 13D. Ask one of our Agents how you can list your property as a Multiple Listing. 111IIINII11111,111w1111Ii 111181iIlir111011Ili11l