HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-01-23, Page 4Page 4 -- Wingham Athanee-Times, Thursday, Jan, 23, 19134 features from The World of Women Home and The Housewife Mrs. Maclennan retires as U.C.W. Pres. Succeecec oy Mrs. Tiffin The tinned Church Won:eu held their installation 1 i.ytuh' in the Sundae Scha l; room 'last ; Wednesday evetring v tt3i agoad ' attendance. After the worship period which was conducted h unit 1, Mrs. G. W. Tiffin gave an inspiring message entitled, "Committnnent" , She left the ladies with much food for thought and the realiaation that since they profess to he Chris- tians they have niahn obliga- tions to fulfil. " Mrs. K. M. MacLennan conducted the business, when all reports were received. The exceeded the alloca- tion of 2:410. The in -conning; president made a very fitting speech and presented Mrs. MacLennan with a Life Membership and pin. j Re . , C. M. Jardine conduct -i ed a very impressive installa- tion service and the following officers were installed: Honorary pros, , Mrs. C. M. Jardine; past president, Mrs. K. M. MacLennan; president, Mrs. G. W. Tiffin; lst vice-pres., Mrs. J. Reavie; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. D. MacTaggart; recording Half Turkey Ideal For Small Family If your family is stnall, why not roast a half or quarter tur- key? Most butchers and meat counters will divide a bird for you; then you will have turkey for dinner and some for the freezer. To prepare for roasting, rub the cavity lightly with salt; fasten the skin with skewers to the meat along the cut edges. Truss the bird by tying the leg to the tail; lay wing flat over white meat and tie cord around breast to hold wing down, Place turkey skin side down on a rack in a shallow pan. Grease with fat and cover with aluminum foil. Roast in a pre- heated oven at 325 degrees F. until about three-quarters done. Arrange stuffing (about 2/3 cup per serving) on foil to fit area of body cavity. Place on roasting rack and turn partially cooked turkey skin side up over stuffing to let the juices blend with the dressing. Continue roasting until the thigh joint moves easily and the flesh feels soft, There is no need to add waa ter or cover the turkey; above all, do not sear it. Apple Meat Loaf Provides Variety al pounds lean ground beef 11 cups bread crumbs 2 cups finely chopped apples 3 eggs, slightly beaten 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons mustard 1 medium onion, chopped cup catsup cup evaporated milk Combine ingredients thor- oughly; pack into a greased loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 11 hours, or until nicely browned. Creamy mushroom sauce gives a special touch to this meat loaf. Add h cup of milk to a 10 ounce tin of condensed mushroom soup, heat in a double boiler and pour over loaf when serving. Garnish with sprigs of green parsley. TIP FOR HOUSEWIVES The greasy lint that collects at the hack of the cooking stove and behind the refrigerator is not only unsightly but hazard- ous, and should be removed periodically. The greasy lint is highly flammable and a spark from the stove coil or the refrigerator motor could ignite it. INTERESTING CAREERS We require young women, with or without experience, for interesting careers in our Head Office. Positions are available for —Business Machine Operators —Policy Contract Typist —Stenographers —Clerk -Typists If you are able to type, are alert and accurate and interested in permanent employment under excellent working conditions Write or apply in person to The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada — Waterloo, Ontario Interviews in your locality will be arranged. secretary, Mrs, R. Zurbrigg; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. Ileughan; Christian citizen- ship and social action, Mrs. W, B. Cruikshank; treasurer, Mrs. L. Ilingston; community friendship and visiting, Mrs. Ross Gordon and Mrs. S. Beat- tie; co-operation in Christian education and missionary edu- cation, Mrs. K. McLaughlin; finance, Mrs. T. Jardin; flower, Mrs. H. Schipper; literature and communications, Mrs. C. Hodgins; manse, Mrs. J, Hamil- ton and Mrs. A. Lunn; member- ship, Mrs. W. B. Conron; nominations, Mrs. D. Rosen- hagen; press and publicity, Mrs, E, Webster and Mrs. Wm. Mur- ray; program, Miss Elva Ilup- fer; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. D. Miller; supply and so- cial assistance, Mrs. J. Tiffin; social function, (to be chosen). Unit 3 served a very tasty lunch. Maitland Presbyterial WMS Addressed by Atwood Speaker The members of Maitland Presbyterial Society of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, held their annual meeting in St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, on January 14th with Mrs, W. L. Speir, president, in the chair. Mrs. J. Kuiper, Mrs. A. Gaunt and Mrs. D. Craig of Whitechurch gave devotions in the morning, using as text Isaiah 9, verse 6, "and His name shall be called Wonder- ful' showing how wonderful Christ was in His birth, life, death, resurrection and will be at His second coming. Encouraging reports were given by the secretaries on the Evening Guild Potluck Supper About 60 enjoyed a pot luck supper in St, Paul's parish hall on Tuesday evening when hus- bands of Evening Guild mem- bers and the A. Y. P. A, were guests. Mrs. Robert Vivian, the president, was in charge. Fol- lowing the dinner she made announcements about the pan- cake supper. Mr. Vivian conducted a contest and Mrs. Robert Ahara led a sing -song. Cards were played by the men while the ladies did the dishes. FRESH PORK HOCKS LB. 251 FRESH SLICED SIDE PORK LB, 49C IDEAL FOR STEWING BEEF SHANK 39LB. SCHNEIDERS MEATY Wide Ribs 55 a SCHNEIDERS SKINLESS y WIENERS (r 1 -LB. PKG. OR BULK LB. NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK YOUR HOME FREEZER AT THESE LOW PRICES! HIND QUARTER 55c lb. FRONT QUARTER 39c Ib. SIDE OF BEEF 46c lb. JAKE JUTZI PROPRIETOR PHONE 357-1570 SCHNEIDERS BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 49c 1 -LB. PKG. CHUCK OF BEEF 45c lb. HIP OF BEEF 59c lb. SIDE OF PORK , . , , .. ,41c lb, WINGHAM MEAT MARKET ACROSS FROM BENNETT'S Sc to $1.00 STORE different phases of the work for the year 1963, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Atwood, was introduced by Mrs. A. Mundell, Belmore, Using a poster she gave a most informa- tive talk on the growth of mis- sionary effort from 1864 until this, our Anniversary year. After the luncheon hour, Miss V. McLaughlin, president of the Wingham Afternoon Auxiliary welcomed all pre- sent. The devotions were led by Mrs. J. Little, Mrs. M. Hen- derson and Mrs. S. Stewart, all of Lucknow, with the text chosen from Proverbs 3, verse 1, "In all thy ways acknow- ledge Him", saying that in acknowledging Him aright, we must obey, honour and ex- alt Him. Rev, F. H. Cromey, Kincar- dine, in bringing greetings from Presbytery, emphasized, the fact that God's word should be studied more in all organiza- tions. Miss Clare Hanes, regional secretary, installed the officers for 1964 and Mrs. Speir was voted to be the delegate from Maitland Presbyterial to Mon- treal in May. Mrs. B. Thomas, Bluevale, introduced Miss Hanes as guest speaker. Miss Hanes explained the richness of the context of the W.M.S. purpose. The se- cret of life is not in the multi- plicity of things, but a know- ledge that the Kingdom of God is within each one, and each one should make approach to others in the pattern Christ used. Mrs. Speir, in her closing remarks, dealt with the bless- ing of fellowship in the W.M. S. work and if we put our hands in God's hands, He will surely lead us aright. Mrs, L. Fortune, Wingham, closed the meeting with prayer and a social time was spent. SLATE OF OFFICERS Honorary presidents, Miss M, Williamson, Wingham, Mrs, A. MacAulcy, Ripley; past president, Mrs. F. Moffat, Wingham; president, Mrs. W. L. Speir, Brussels; vice presi- dents, 1. Mrs. G. Sutherland, Ripley, 2, Mrs, A. Mundell, Wingham, :3. Mrs, T. English, Wingham, 4. Mrs, W. 13allagh, Teeswater, 5. Mrs, 13. Thomas, Wingham, Historian, Miss I, Carr, Dungannon, assistant historian, Mrs. M. Henderson, Lucknow. Secretaries, recording, Mrs. W. Ford, Wingliam; correspond- ing, Mrs. T. A. Currie; Wing - ham; Afternoon Auxiliaries, Mrs. F, F1. Cromey, Kincar- dine; Evening Auxiliaries, Mts. J. Day, Wingham; girls' groups. Mrs. H. MacKenzie, Ashfield; children's groups, Mrs. S. Fish- er, Brussels; Home Helpers, Mrs. W. Campbell, Molesworth; welcome and welfare, Mrs, T. Collyer, Lucknow; Glad Tidinga Mrs, Robt. McAllister, Dungan- non; press, Mrs. L. Fortune, Wingham; supply, Mrs. W. Mundell, Bluevale; Life Mem- bership, Mrs. H. McKinnon, Ripley; Literature and Library, Mrs. W. McDonald, Lucknow. Members without portfolio: Mrs. B. Steele, Teeswater; Mrs. J. Yuill, Brussels; Mrs. L. Knight, Cranbrook; Mrs. R. MacLeod, Lucknow; Mrs. V. Mowbray, Lucknow; Mrs. D. Craig, Whitechurch; Mrs. D. Neilson, Gorrie; Mrs. M. Rit- chie, Kincardine. Convener of nominating committee, Mrs. R. McAllis- ter, Dungannon; auditors, Mrs. M. Henderson, Lucknow; Mrs. D. Graham, Lucknow. EXECUTIVE NAMED—New officers of the executive of the Huron Presbyterial of the WMS met at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church here on Tuesday of last week. They are, from the left, front: Mrs. Alma Alley, honorary president, Ripley; Mrs. W. L. Spier, president, Brussels; Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie, treasurer, Ashfield; Mrs. William Ford, secretary, Wingham; standing: Mrs. T. A. Currie, •corresponding secretary, Wing - ham; Mrs, Ted English, third vice-president, Wingham; Mrs, Bernard Thomas, fourth vice-president, Bluevale; Mrs. Alvin Mundell, second vice-president, Belmore; Mrs. George Suth- erland, first vice-president, Ripley. —Advance -Times Photo. RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" SAUSAGE PEACHERINO Serves 5 Easy and Economical 1 lb. sausage meat 13 tablespoons minced onion 2 cups soft bread crumbs teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon poultry season- ing dash of pepper 1 egg, beaten 10 canned Canadian free- stone peach halves, drained Whole cloves 3/ cup peach syrup Combine sausage, onion, bread crumbs, egg and seasonings, Form into ten balls. Bake in shallow pan in moderate oven (350' F.) 25 minutes. Remove from oven. Drain off fat. Drain peach halves and stud with 4-6 cloves. Place a sausage ball on top of each peach half, Add syrup and return to oven for 20 minutes, basting with syrup. JANUARY CifARANCE zIfiIler: Continues with even MORE SAVINGS ! s. Dupont Gold Dollar SEAMLESS NYLONS, 81/2 to 11 Sale Price --69c Discontinued Lines of GIRDLES, val. to $9, clearing—$1.98 Discontinued Lines of BRASSIERES, broken sizes, clearing at -99c GLOVES—Angora or Wool, clearing at ---49c to 98c DRESSES—Double Knits, Wool Crepes, Silks, sizes up to 241/2-20% OFF COATS—Entire stock of fur trimmed Coats and Car Coats —20% OFF. SOME COATS REDUCED BY 50 PERCENT. HATS—ENTIRE STOCK of HATS SELLING at—HALF-PRICE See these and many more bargains at the ENTIRE STOCK SALE NOW ON AT .. , Idler; LADIES' WEAR