HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-01-23, Page 1Single Copy Not Over Ten Cents. nce,Zieme. Wingham, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 23, 1964 FIRST SECTION Mrs. English Again President Hospital Auxiliary Hears Reports of Active Year The annual meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wing - ham and District Hospital was held in the Council Chambers on Monday afternoon with 22 present and Mrs. J. W. English, the president, in the chair. Mrs. W. J. Hamilton, act- ing recording secretary, read • the minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer reported that 50 blankets had been purchased for the Hospital at a cost of $484.10, and that $35,00 had been spent on Christmas tray treats and $25 on prizes for the window decorating contest. The corresponding secretary read a letter of thanks and good wishes from the administratrix in which Auxiliary members were invited to attend the an- nual meeting of the Hospital, February '7, in the recreation room of the nurses' residence. Letters of acknowledgement were read from Mrs. J. Field- ing, the trainees, the winners of the window contest, and the Scott Mission. • Items of interest from "The Volunteer", including statistics from The Hospital Auxiliaries Association annual meeting, were presented. Mrs. J. W. Detroit Players To Visit Wingham Minor hockey Week inCan- ada which commences Saturday, January 25, gets away to a fine start here when two games will be held in the arena. The first game starts at seven when the Wingham Midgets meet the Detroit Midgets. The Wingham Juveniles will tangle with their counterparts from Detroit in the second game. There will be an extra at- traction for the spectators on Saturday night for the Wingham Squirts are going to put on a short exhibition of hockey be- tween the games. Minor Hockey Week will actually start a few hours early in Wingham. The double- header in the Wingham arena Friday night, January 24th, will be a part of this special week. • Friday night's games feature the local Pee Wees and Ban- tams. w1r�RI►11- ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian Pedestrian SLIPPERY DRIVING - Mild weather which turned to rain at the week -end trans- ' formed roads in the country to icy slides made driving hazar- dous. No major accidents were reported however. Highways are mostly bare and dry. Tem- peratures at the first of the week rose to the balmy forties. 0--0--0 SESSION OPENS- Local reeves and deputy reeves are off to Goderich this week for the January session of Huron County Council. Reeve Alvin Smith of Turnberry drew to our attention last week that we had wrongly reported there would be four new faces at the council tables this year. In actual fact seven new council- lors will serve the county this year. Detailed reports of the session will appear next week. 0--0--0 RUSHING THE SEASON -- On Tuesday Mrs. Milford Foxton brought into the Ad- vance -Times office a bunch of pussy willows which she had ` picked near her home in Lower Town. The weather has been warm, but we Hardly expected such spring-like results in Janu- ary. English read further from the printed report of this meeting. During the general business session it was announced that the cup for the New Year's baby had been presented this year to the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Glousher of Blyth. The winners of the Christmas win- dow decorating contest were; 1. Mrs. Helen Poirier, 2, Mrs. Donna Hopper, 3. Miss Betty MacKenzie and 4. Miss Sharon Hodgins. Mrs. F. Madill and Mr. E. Stuckey acted as judges for this contest. It was reported that the train- ees have bought a Singer Slanto- matic sewing machine for the nurses' residence with the pro- ceeds from their Christmas bazaar. The meeting decided that the executive should make special plans for the June meet- ing and that a speaker should be sought for this program. It was also voted that the mem- bership fee in the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of On- tario be paid. This amounts to $30.00 on the basis of a 97 - bed hospital. Annual reports were then presented. The treasurer an- nounced that in 1963 the Aux- iliary took in $2475,58, and that the books had been audit- ed by Mr. H. Sherbondy. Re- ports were also received from the recording secretary, the corresponding secretary, the Hospital Bridge convener, the education committee convener and the convener of the nomin- ating committee. The slate of officers as presented by this committee was elected, and Rev. G. Fish conducted the installation and led in a prayer of dedication. It was moved and seconded that Mrs. H. Spry be asked if she would convene the education committee. Mrs. J. W. English reported to the meeting on her year as Auxiliary representative on the hospital board, and expressed her thanks to the members for their support. A delicious lunch was served by the social convener, Mrs. J. H. Crawford. The officers of the Hospital Auxiliary for 1964 are; Past president, Mrs. N. D. Cam- eron; president, Mrs. J. W. English; 1st vice-president, Mrs. J. H. Crawford; recording sec- retary, Mrs. W. B. Conron; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. B. Cruikshank; treasurer, Mrs. D. C. Nasmith; Cancer Clinic convener, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton; marathon bridge convener, Mrs. A. D. Mac - William; bridge scores conven- er, Mrs. W. A. McKibbon; bridge prizes, Mrs. R. E. Armi- tage, rmitage, Miss Anne Henry; social convener, Mrs. J. H. Crawford; Auxiliary representative to hos- pital board, Mrs. J. W. Eng- lish; committee convener for rummage sales, Mrs. J. P. Alexander; Tag Day Convener, Mrs. T. R. Mathers; nomin- ations conveners, Mrs. R. S. Hetherington, Mrs. T. A. Cur- rie; advisory committee, Mrs. A. Peebles, Mrs. N. Under- wood, Mrs. H. Edwards. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 27, 2.30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. KINETTES TO CAMPAIGN "March of Dimes" Aids 150 Disabled in Area Again this year the Wing - ham Kinettes will conduct the "March of Dimes' campaign. It will be held on Monday, January 27th, with a two-hour blitz between 7 and 9 p.m. The provincial goal for 1964 is $780,000.00 and in Wingham it is hoped to raise $800.00. Funds are very badly needed to carry on the vital work of re- habilitating the adult disabled of this district. Wingham is part of the South Western On- tario Branch and there are 250 disabled persons already known to the Ontario March of Dimes in this branch area. No doubt there are many more who have not yet come for help, not realizing that something might still be done for them in spite of long-standing disability. If our readers know of such persons, please suggest to them that they write to the District March of Dimes office at Lon- don and the caseworker will call on them. There are some people who cannot be rehabili- tated for various reasons but the March of Dimes is anxious to be sure no one is missed who can be helped. All family physicians are be- ing sent information about the services offered by the March of Dimes so that they can en- list help for their patients when needed. The Kinettes would appreci- ate it very much if you would .leave your porch light on and welcome them with your dona- tion next Monday night. CONSTRUCTON WORKERS are currently placing steel piling below the apron of the dam which supports the Howson bridge. When the work of pile driving is completed cement will be poured behind the piling and huge rocks will be dumped into the fifteen -foot hole on the down -stream side. The project became necessary when old piling was loosen- ed by water and started to move away from the dam. En- gineers stated that the structure would collapse in the spring run-off if repairs were not completely immediately. Estimated cost was set at $25,000.00. -A -T Photo. ANNUAL MEETING Rec. committee Suggests Council Hire Director The annual rneeting of the Wingham Recreation Commit- tee was held in the Wingham Council Chambers last Wednes- day evening. Bill Conron was chairman for the meeting in the absence of Jack Gorbutt. The minutes of the last annual meeting and the last regular meeting were adopted as read. The financial report for the year Jan. 1/63 to December 31/63 as printed below was adopted as correct. Mrs. II. Wild reported on the Lake Huron Zone Confer- ence held in Listowel on Dec- ember 7. At this meeting W. E. Thomas, supervisor of spec- ial services for the community programmes branch of the De- partment of Education, said it was the duty of the recreation committees in small communi- ties to "cajole, needle and stimulate" their municipal councils into action to over- come the lack of recreational Firemen Held Social Evening The Firemen entertained their wives at a social evening last Wednesday when seven tables of euchre were in play. The hosts and hostesses were Mr, and Mrs. Wes Simmons and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Welwood. Mrs. Dave Crothers won the prize for high lady, Dave Croth- ers was high man, Mrs. Elsie Gardner, low lady and Chief Jim Carr, low man. The lucky tally was drawn by Jim Carr and Robert Hickey was the winner. Workman Injured At Printing Plant Fred Lee, pressman employ- ed at The Wingham Advance - Times printing plant, suffered a painful injury last Thursday when his right index finger was caught in the mechanism of a litho press. He was removed at once to the Wingham and District Hospi- tal, ospital, where he underwent an operation for removal of the finger between the first and second joints. He was able to return home on Monday. NEW KINSMEN -Four new Kinsmen were initiated into the right are from the left: Jim Frazer, Vern Redman, Bill Han - local club on Monday evening. Seen with Membership Chair- ula and Ray Neil. mart Freddie Templeman, left, and President Murray Gerrie, -Advance-Times Photo. activities. He recommended that projects which would tend to raise the intellectual level of the community be encour- aged. A discussion of activities and conditions at the Wingham Arena followed. Bill Conron reported that seating was now available in the arena hall. The committee felt that ttie Arena Commission should be re -organized and appointed Bill Conron and the two coun- cil members, Jack Bateson and Mrs. Roy Bennett, to contact the mayor and have a meeting of the Arena Commission call- ed immediately. As the coun- cil has discussed hiring an arena manager, the committee recommended that a letter be written to council suggesting that now is the time for the town to hire a recreation direc- tor who could manage the arena as part of his duties. A delegation from the committee will visit council in this regard, if requested. It was also felt that the police should visit the arena periodically. During the election of offi- cers for 1964 the committee failed to elect a chairman and vice chairman. At the next meeting, to be held on Wed- nesday, February 12 at 8 p. m. , a chairman and vice-chairman will be elected. The secretary -treasurer, Charles Perrott, was re -appoint- ed with an increase in salary. Present at the meeting were representatives of Public School, Teen Town, Film Council, Figure Skating Club, Women's Institute, Firemen, Lions Club .and the Town Council. RECEIPT S Bank $973.88; Petty Cash $1.57; Grants -Provincial $2137.75, Municipal, $1700.00, total, $3837.75; Lights, $201.50; Figure Skating, $1062.00; Lions Club, $207.75; Kinsmen Club, $24'9.40; Firemen, $65.00; Legion $65.00; Hockey $24.81; Swimming, $188.00; Insurance etc., $324.50; Total Receipts; $'7201.16. Figure Skating, $662.00; Swimming and Summer, $1594.00; Hockey $60.Ol ; Salaries, $125.00; Audit, $30.00; Other, $14.50; lights, $207.27; I locket', $1011..49; Summer and Ball, $195.10; Figure Skating (Ice time) $400.00; Camp Fee, $:30.00; Workmen Compensation, $10.19; Lake Huron Zone Expense$5.00; O.R.A. expense, $75.00; Figure Skating (rebate) $141.66; Zone and O.R.A. membership, $20.00; Insurance, $146.00; Total Expenses; 4727.71; Bank $2411.88; On hand 560.00; Petty Cash $1.57; Total, $72o1. It;. CKNX Party At Blue Barn The CKNX annual staff party, which was postponed at Christ- mas because of inclement weather, was held at the Blue Barn in Listowel last Friday when 135 people sat down to a delicious turkey banquet. During the evening a num- ber of staff members entertain- ed and dancing was enjoyed with music supplied by Garnet Farrier's orchestra. Several spot dances and other prizes were won. Ross Hamilton introduced the people who had joined the staff during the year. They were Jim Foxton and Wayne Brown in radio continuity; Cliff Robb, farm editor; Cliff Cur- zon, assistant farm editor; an- nouncers Joel Thompson, Stewart Shaw and Jim Swann; Eunice Foreman and Angie Bak- ker, secretaries and Irene Walters and Dorothy Marks, switchboard operators. Bruce St. George received a screen for home movies from the staff as a farewell gift. Bruce leaves February 1st for Durham, New Hampshire, where he has accepted a posi- tion with a television station which promotes education. He also w.is presented with a gag "going to the 11.8.A." kit. Bill Harris trade the presentation. Bill, who makes all the ar- rangements for groups touring the station, was in turn present- ed with a gift, a "Chief Tour Master" cap.