HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-12-31, Page 16Page 6 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Tuesday, Deo. 31, 1963 HAPPY NEW YEAR A hearty "Hello" to the New Year. May it bring good luck good cheer and happiness to you. McINTYRE BAKERY VL ay you enjoy the best of everything in the coming New Year? PERCY W. CLARK PLUMBING & HEATING EDWARD STREET - PH. 357-3080 Mrs. Gladstone Edgar Is UCW President Gorrie -Mrs, Cloyne Michel read the story of the nativity from Luke and Matthew and Mrs. Norman Carson offered prayer at the U.C.W. meeting. Mrs, Fred W, Taylor and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy sang a duet. It was voted to give $600 to the Stewards of the church. Rev, Fred W. Taylor con- ducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: Presi- Anglicans Hold Christmas Party GORRIE—The Christmas par- ty for the children and young people of St, Stephen's Angli- can Church was held Friday eve- ning. In spite of the stormy weather there was a good at- tendance. Rev. George A. Anderson showed slides and movies. A short program was given by the children. Ronald and Roland Bennett gave violin selections. Members of the A, Y. P. A, pre- sented a mock wedding. Santa paid a visit, which was followed with a social time and lunch was served. Messengers Meet GORRIE--The United Church Messengers met in the Sunday school room for the December meeting. Susan and Colleen Carson read the Scripture and Marilyn Bell led in prayer. Mrs. Allan Hyndman gave the theme, "Doing the Will". The G. U. C. M. set sail on a voyage to India with eleven crew members. "This Is My Father's World" was sung. A card was sent to a sick member and the children re- ceived a treat. First Concert at Howick Central GORRIE--Howick Central School held its Christmas con- cert on Friday afternoon in the auditorium, Bruce Robertson, principal, welcomed all who attended in spite of the stormy weather. The junior choir of 260 voi- ces sang several songs, ac- companied by Mrs. Martin on the piano. The pageant, "The Nativity", was presented by Miss Jean Sparling's grades 7 and 8 pupils, with background scenes painted by pupils of several classrooms. The senior choir sang Christ- mas carols between acts. Rickey Clarke read "'Twas the Night before Christmas", with sound effects by class- mates. Howard Harris led the sing song for the parents, ac- companied by Mrs. Norman Carson on the piano. dent, Mrs, Gladstone Edgar; .tst vice president, Mrs. Russell Adams; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Earle King; recording secretary, Mrs. Helen Stephens; assistant secretary, Mrs, Robert Strong; corresponding and literature, Mrs. Thomas McInnes; treasurer, Mrs. Ewart Whitfield; Christian citizenship, Mrs. Gordon Ed- gar; community friendshipand membership, Mrs. Kenneth Hastie; co-operation in Christ- ian and missionary education, Mrs, Clifford Pyke; finance, Mrs. Lionel Johnston; flowers and cheer, Mrs, Wesley Trim- ble; manse, Mrs. Wellesley Strong, Mrs. Harry Hastie, Mrs. Raymond Gowdy, Mrs. Lorne Robinson; press, Mrs. George Brown; program, general execu- tive and Mrs, Fred Taylor; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. Lorne Robinson; pianist, Mrs. Norman Carson; supply and social assistance, Mrs. Welles- ley Strong, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Gordon Edgar; nominating com, , Mrs. Harold Robinson, Mrs. Harry Hastie, The Unit leaders are; Unit 1, Mrs. William Behrns; Unit 2, Mrs. Milton Luther; Unit 3, Mrs. Russell Powell; Unit 4, Mrs. Norman Carson; Official Board representative, Mrs. Glad- stone Edgar; alternate, Mrs. Earle King; representative to Stewards, Mrs. Ewart Whitfield. Caretakers Re-engaged For Turnberry Schools A delegation from No. 6 school attended the Turnberry Township School Area Board meeting at S.S. No. 11 on December 18, to discuss re- hiring of the teacher, discipline at the school, transportation and the completion of Central .School. The Imperial 011 Company's tender was accepted for oil. Caretakers re-engaged are Mrs. Beryl Kirton, No. 2; Mrs. Glenn Appleby, No. 3; Mrs. McCrack- en, cCracken, No. 4; Mrs. Gilmour, No. 5; Mr. Moir, No. 6; and Mrs. Biggs, No. 11. Teachers' and caretakers' salaries and transportation were paid as well as the following accounts. Eldon Kirton, salary and mileage, $225.00; West Haugh, salary and mileage, $200.00; John Norman, salary and mile- age, $200.00; Roy Wormington, salary and mileage, $200.00; MONROE BEACHY Young Man Dies, Long Illness GORRIE—Monroe Beachy died December 16 in Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton. He had been ill for some time. He was born May 12, 1945 in Dover, Delaware, U.S.A. , the son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses .1. Beachy of R. R. 1, Wroxeter, He was a member of the Old Order Amish Church. Surviving, in addition to his parents, are four brothers, John, Howick Twp., Daniel of Dover, Delaware, Benjamin of Listowel, and Raymond at home; two sis- ters, Mrs. Daniel (Barbara) Chupp, of Dover, Delaware and Rebecca at home. Funeral service was held at the Beachy residence on Thurs- day at 12 noon. Burial was in Lakelet cemetery. As we greet the coming of the New Year with every good wish to you and yours, tive loin in the !rope that this may he a year of growth and progress for all of us...in our lives, our community and our nation. WINGHAM MEAT MARKET wishes for your happiness, heahh and prosperity i,* iho New Year. W INGHSNAM BODY OP NORTH STREET - PHONE 3514102 Jas. Johnston, salary and mile- age, $200.00; Gordon Wray, truant officer, $75.00;Alexan- ders Hdwe., $30.00; Crawford Motors, $'14.66; Percy Clark, $51,00; Pattisons Electric, $38,88; Howard Fuller, $3.10; Imperial Oil, $239.00; London Free Press, $5.95; Advance - Times, $7.56; Fuller Brush, $5.84; Debenture, $7,777.50; Audit, $75.00; Central Christ- mas treats, $36.50; No. 6 School, $11.20; No. 2, $5.63; No. 3, $10.20; No. 4, $13.48; Ditto of Canada, $16.30; Alex Corrigan,salary, $600.00. Costly Underwear In a recent charge of impair- ed mpaired driving the driver told the magistrate that fallen under- wear caused him to stagger when he left his car. He went on to explain that a button in his two-piece underwear suit broke, causing the pants to slip below his waist, hampering his walking. After hearing police evi- dence that the driver staggered, smelt strongly of alcohol and was unable to complete some of the sobriety tests the Magis- trate fined him $100. Noah Webster began writing the dictionary in 1807 and fin- ished in 1828. foN, ov111 HAPPY NEW YEAR Keith 1. Johnston SUPERTEST STATION Business and Professional Directory AMBULANCE Service CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE Day - Night 357-1430 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 HARRISTON - ONTARIO BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE &STARKE Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 2nd Floor, PUC Building Cor. Josephine It John Ste. WINGHAM, Dial 357-1561 • A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater - Ontario Tel. 392-6873, Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment PHONE 524-9521 Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P. 0. Box 478 GODERICH, ONTAR O Pearson, Edwards &CO. Accountants & Auditors P, R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy S06 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 357-2891 Caviller, McIntosh & Ward Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 • Walkerton CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham - Dial 357-3930 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office—Meyer Blk., Wing'ha� DIAL 357-1990 • n ' Hi �pyNJ /Lea gp faiete May it bring us the power to scale new heights of achieve- ment and the wisdom to use that power wisely and well to open up a bright new era of better living for everyone. And to all our friends: best wishes for health and happiness! Public Utilities Commission •