HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-12-31, Page 5Warm andthearty New Year's greetings to our many
friends.You've made us happy by your patronage, and
our wish and pledge is that we will always try to make
you happy.
It's big news! It's good news! Have
a happy time greeting the New Year.
The Wallpaper Shop
Bluevale Personals
Rev, Wm, Blackmore, Mrs.
Blackmore and children, of
Port Credit, spent the Christ-
mas holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacEach-
ren and family spent Christmas
with Mac Scott and Mrs, R. F.
Garniss at Clinton.
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
R. J. McMurray on Christmas
Day were Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McMurray and children, of
Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs. Percy
Chapman, of Stratford, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Wells and Donna, of
Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. H. J.
Bowie and family, of Waterloo,
and Mr, and Mrs. Murray Chap-
man and family, of Bluevale.
Mr. George Greenaway and
Mr. Ross Smith spent Christ-
mas Day at Ripley, at the home
of Mrs. Robert Aitchison,
A family party was held at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, R. H.
McKinnon at Christmas includ-
ing Mrs. Alex Armstrong, of
Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. J. K
McTavish and family, of Lon-
don, and Mr and Mrs, Spence
McKinnon and family, of
Niagara, Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moffatt
BLUEVALE—The Christmas
church service was in an atmos-
phere of lighted candles, green-
ery and a decorated Christmas
tree, in the United Church,
Rev, G. C. Mitchell preached
from the text "Glory to God in
the Highest," showing the joy
which was brought into the
world by the birth of Christ
and this joy was expressed in
many beautiful hymns and
The choir sang the anthem
"The Birth of Our Saviour," and
a double trio sang "Behold Ye
Bethlehem" with Mrs. Carl
Johnston at the organ.
White Gifts
Are Presented
BLUEVALE—White Gift Sun-
day was observed in the
United Church Sunday School
on Christmas Sunday. Ross
Smith, superintendent, presided
and a program was carried out
with responses, prayers and
Christmas hymns.
Ruth Mathers read the Scrip-
ture from the second chapter
of Luke. The pupils, in pro-
cession, presented their gifts.
Mrs. Walter Willits gave a
very interesting story, "If He
Had Not Come," the story of a
little boy's dream of a life with-
out Christ, illustrated by
If you are a member of Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ-
ation, you are entitled to a voice in choosing directors who
will guide its 1964 operations, and to a full report of its
1963 year's business,
Better Livestock
Better Living
HURON—January 6th, 1964, 11:00 a.m., Dept. of Agriculture Bldg., CLINTON
BRUCE-GREY—January 7th, 1964, 11:00 a.m., PAISLEY TOWN HALL
WATERLOO-WELLINGTON-PERTH—January 10th, 1964, 10:15 a.m., Waterloo
Square Shopping Centre, King Street, WATERLOO
Visitors Welcome.
Lunch provided at all meetings.
Lots of luck
in the coming New
Year! We hope it
proves to
be the
and children, of Southampton,
joined the family party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
Moffatt for Christmas.
Mrs, Alex McCrackin and
Lorne spent Christmas Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Goll, . of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. George McCulla
and daughter, of Kitchener,
were with Mr and Mrs. A. D.
Smith for the Christmas holi-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosman
had as guests for Christmas
their sons and their wives and
children, Mr, and Mrs, Jack
Bosman, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin
Bosman, all of Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann,
Harvey and Connie spent
Christmas Day in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Calvert,
of Paris, and daughter, Joyce,
of Vancouver, spent Christmas
with Mr. and M:s Bert Garniss.
RevT, E. Kennedy and Mrs.
Kennedy visited relatives at
Listowel on Christmas Day,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orvis and
family of Sault Ste, Marie are
spending a week's holidays with
Christmas visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Hall were Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Hall and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orvis, Diane
and Sharon of Sault Ste. Marie,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and
family of Newton, Mr. and Mrs,
Bob Hall and family of Thorn -
dale and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hall and David of Brussels.
BLUE.VATJF—The Mission
Band of the United Church held
its final meeting of the year
on Friday afternoon with the
leaders, Mrs. George Fischer
and Mrs. Charles Campbell in
charge, Refreshments were
served at the close of the
Sharon Hubbard
Is AYPA Pres.
GORRIE--At a Sunday eve-
ning service in St. Stephen's
Church on December 22, the
rector, Rev. G. A. Anderson,
installed the following A. Y. P.
A. officers: Pres., Miss Sharon
Hubbard; sec., Ken Anderson;
treasurer, Brian Underwood.
Christmas carols were sung
and an address given by the rec-
tor. A social hour was spent
afterwards in the church hall.
The A, Y, P. A, held a skat-
ing party at the rink on Friday
evening, with refreshments
served at the church.
McBer Club
Elects Officers
LAKELET—The December
meeting of the McBel Friend-
ship Club took the form of a
turkey dinner in the Sunday
School room of McIntosh Unit-
ed Church.
A devotional service follow-
ed, which included carol sing-
ing and an appropriate address
by Rev. G. H. Pace.
The election of officers for
1964 resulted as follows: Presi-
dents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Newans; vice presidents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Haskins; sec. -
treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Holiday visitors at their res-
pective homes in the Lakelet
area included Mr. Ronald
Dickert of Hamilton, Miss San-
dra Wright of Toronto, Miss
June Wright of Kitchener, Mr.
James Inglis of Guelph, Mr.
Vernon Inglis of Ottawa, Mr.
Lynn Ferguson of Mitchell, Mr.
Jack Harkness of Guelph and
Mr. Carl Dennis of Beaverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Den-
nis and sons Eldon, Carl and
Douglas, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Burchill and family in
Goderich on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heim-
becker and family of Neustadt,
and Mrs. Clarke and Ronald of
Mitchell were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Greenley for
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Comb and family spent Christ-
mas Day at the home of Mr. A.
McComb of Palmerston.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Murawsky
and family of Toronto and Mrs.
C. Ellis of Clifford visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Douglas
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Doug-
las and family spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellis
of Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright
and family gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S.
Thompson of Wingham for
Guests It the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Inglis on Christ-
mas Day were Miss Anne Gold -
hawk of Ridgetown, Mr, and
Mrs. William Inglis and family
of Walkerton, Mr. James Inglis
of Guelph and Mr. Vernon In-
glis of Ottawa.
Wingham Advance -Times, Tuesday, Dec, 31, 1963 Page 3
S.S. Concert
LAKELET—The Christmas
program of the McIntosh Unit-
ed Church Sunday School fea-
tured an excellent Christmas
film entitled "The Prince of
Peace", carol singing, reci-
tations and musical numbers.
A. Williams, O.D
Phone 357-1282
YOUR prescription is our
First Order of Business!
—At your service—
We wish you a bright successful year!
The bells ring out a message of
gratitude to all our customers.
We look forward
to serving you again during
the new year.
Francis St.
WINGHAM Dial 357-1640
\A/' recti ngs
of the I®Iew Year
Flying high are our hopes that your
New Year will be a prosperous and happy one!
We heartily thank you for your patronage throughout
the past year. It was deeply appreciated and it is
our earnest wish to serve you well in the coming year.
Happy New Year!
RENUS BAILEY, Prop. PHONE -357-1260